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DSI suspends search of Wat Dhammakaya after encountering resistance from followers


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As is so often the case the authorities telegraph their intentions and then wonder why plans don't work out, conveniently so at times.

If proper action had been taken from the outset this particular situation would not be in the mess it is but everyone pussyfooted around because of who they are dealing with.

Everyone just close your eyes and it might go away which is probably the desired aim.

Leadership and direction from the top isn't just sadly lacking, it's non existent.

All that's needed now is for some students to protest and the APCs can roll as the junta springs into action to prove how on top of things they are.

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"Trust me, we are Thai"

Yes sir. You certainly are and the world finds you and your country of laws and BS a laughing stock.

When you graduate from Grade 3 please ask for our serious attention.

It is unfortunate for the budding potential of younger Thai generations to have to crawl their way to the top of the dung-pile that their rulers and forefathers have thrown on top of them!

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Long may this farce continue, i am getting more than my fair share of daily laughs.

I recall the words of Winston Churchill, never has so much been owed by so many to so few.

This is the complete opposite, never has 1 man owed so much to so manygigglem.gifgigglem.gif

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It is somewhat amazing how many people are jumping to negative conclusions when just the first chapter has been written. If the police had proceeded as these posters seem to yelling for, and violence had occurred, these same individuals would be the first to call for heads of the police. While I don't support the government in many of their actions. in this scenario I think they acted admirably by showing caution. Violence was avoided, the abbot isn't going anywhere, and the police n doubt are considering many options, and time is on their side.

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What's strange is that according to Thai law a monk cannot be arrested until after he has been defrocked.

There's also convenient laws / protocols about arresting MPs, when there are any that is, and military personnel in uniform !

So there's lawbreakers and then there's lawbreakers. facepalm.gifcrazy.gif

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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

I agree with what you say about "advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect" and "shoot first, ask questions later "

There are so many people e.g Taksin and Co supporters that are constantly barking on how bad the junta is, comparing it to the Nazis and Hitler etc..

Imagine what these anti Junta mouth pieces, would say and do if the army went in guns blazing to extract that stooge of a monk and his trouble making followers. It would be the exact excuse that they would need.

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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

I agree with what you say about "advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect" and "shoot first, ask questions later "

There are so many people e.g Taksin and Co supporters that are constantly barking on how bad the junta is, comparing it to the Nazis and Hitler etc..

Imagine what these anti Junta mouth pieces, would say and do if the army went in guns blazing to extract that stooge of a monk and his trouble making followers. It would be the exact excuse that they would need.

There is a huge gap between a Waco situation and "would you please stand aside so we can enter" situation. If the DSI does not have the muscle to move these obstructors aside without lethal force then they are indeed pussies.

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The last poster saying no one in Thailand will remember this case in 2 months is dead wrong. Wat Thammakai has many supporters, especially among he red shirts. an all out assault on the temple resulting in violence, injuries and death would play right into the hands of Tammachayo and Thaksin who would run crying crocodile tears to the world about the slaughter of peaceful Buddhist pilgrims.

The DSI and the government are doing it all right so far, showing the public they are giving the extremely rich abbot every opportunity to defend himself against the very serious charges, now he's played his final card, there is no justice under a junta. Nice try but unfortunately the money transfers tell a similar story regardless of who is in power.

This case is not going away..

I do agree, but only up to a point. The law enforcers should 'draw the line' somewhere. There has to be a time where any police force would have to say enough is enough. The police could storm the place but themselves not carry more than 'rubber bullet' technology. It would seem that 'peaceful' negotiations have been unsuccessful and are literally getting nowhere. If the police were to go in forcibly they should announce a warning first. It does seem to me that the police have allowed it to go on for too long and no matter what they do now they will be 'in the wrong'. A truly shameful affair.

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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

Did you ask the pensioners playing bridge who were stormed by 30 or so armed officials

and who were locked up and forces to pay bail

how that felt and turned out?

Or how a few students who went to HuaHin by train got treated?

So the question is: In your books its okay for some but not for others?

This is nothing more than a massive fail on a massive scale, that undermines any steps forward that this country sorely needs.

I believe you have helped to emphasize my point. When it's the Thai army versus 5-30 citizens taken by surprise, the expected level of casualties should be low. But when it's the Thai army versus another army of prepared defenders (e.g. The blockades are what we can see, who knows if there are hidden arms inside the compound?) the level of casualties can be expected to be high with fatalities not unusual.

This is not a question of "okay for some and not others" but more like "why use a hammer to drive in a screw"?

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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

I agree with what you say about "advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect" and "shoot first, ask questions later "

There are so many people e.g Taksin and Co supporters that are constantly barking on how bad the junta is, comparing it to the Nazis and Hitler etc..

Imagine what these anti Junta mouth pieces, would say and do if the army went in guns blazing to extract that stooge of a monk and his trouble making followers. It would be the exact excuse that they would need.

There is a huge gap between a Waco situation and "would you please stand aside so we can enter" situation. If the DSI does not have the muscle to move these obstructors aside without lethal force then they are indeed pussies.

So you would use "lethal force" to move people aside who have not attacked you? I believe that's called murder.

I'm not saying it shouldn't ultimately come down to canisters of tear gas and smoke grenades preceding a quick extraction of the leader (and admittedly it will probably get to that point) but it should come after all other avenues have been exhausted.

Edit: quoted the wrong post.

Edited by CanInBKK
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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

I agree with what you say about "advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect" and "shoot first, ask questions later "

There are so many people e.g Taksin and Co supporters that are constantly barking on how bad the junta is, comparing it to the Nazis and Hitler etc..

Imagine what these anti Junta mouth pieces, would say and do if the army went in guns blazing to extract that stooge of a monk and his trouble making followers. It would be the exact excuse that they would need.

The army had no hesitation going in guns blazing in 1976 student massacre and 2010 killing. The junta care less for an excuse and give shit to world opinions. The only reason I see that the Prayuth and Prawit are staying clear of this situation is that their positions are not threatened. The protest is peaceful and localized unlike Rajaprasong and Bangkok shutdown which are public places and threatened security. But I will be very careful of 3rd party temple enemies that can instigate the situation that give the excuse for the army to move in forcefully.

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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

"shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

when did this start????

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I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

I agree with what you say about "advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect" and "shoot first, ask questions later "

There are so many people e.g Taksin and Co supporters that are constantly barking on how bad the junta is, comparing it to the Nazis and Hitler etc..

Imagine what these anti Junta mouth pieces, would say and do if the army went in guns blazing to extract that stooge of a monk and his trouble making followers. It would be the exact excuse that they would need.

There is a huge gap between a Waco situation and "would you please stand aside so we can enter" situation. If the DSI does not have the muscle to move these obstructors aside without lethal force then they are indeed pussies.

So you would use "lethal force" to move people aside who have not attacked you? I believe that's called murder.

I'm not saying it shouldn't ultimately come down to canisters of tear gas and smoke grenades preceding a quick extraction of the leader (and admittedly it will probably get to that point) but it should come after all other avenues have been exhausted.

Edit: quoted the wrong post.

if this involved any un-connected persons this would be done and dusted by now because there would be no media coverage to appease

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Just curious.

Wonder how many of those advocating use of force to resolve the impasse at Wat Dammakaya are from the USA?

Might also be worth checking the definition of : Hypermasculinity.

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Just curious.

Wonder how many of those advocating use of force to resolve the impasse at Wat Dammakaya are from the USA?

Might also be worth checking the definition of : Hypermasculinity.

That's strange, was thinking exactly the same thing- must be rays from the flying saucer thingy at the temple.

Would be interesting to find out.

There is an impasse , eventually will be sorted out, but not by murdering many of the supporters.

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This is a complete farce.I have now trained my dog to pee or take a dump on the monk's face every time the crooked monk appears in the newspaper.

My dog is happy to do his bit and I feel some sort of gratification when I see the monk's face covered in poo and pee. This is our small effort to bring happiness to the people.

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The last poster saying no one in Thailand will remember this case in 2 months is dead wrong. Wat Thammakai has many supporters, especially among he red shirts. an all out assault on the temple resulting in violence, injuries and death would play right into the hands of Tammachayo and Thaksin who would run crying crocodile tears to the world about the slaughter of peaceful Buddhist pilgrims.

The DSI and the government are doing it all right so far, showing the public they are giving the extremely rich abbot every opportunity to defend himself against the very serious charges, now he's played his final card, there is no justice under a junta. Nice try but unfortunately the money transfers tell a similar story regardless of who is in power.

This case is not going away..

It will likely go away quicker than who did what and why in Dallas on November 22 1963. For the time being it can probably be expected the Abbot's aware that even though the main suspect in that scam did all he could to tell the world he had no intention of resisting arrest and they had the wrong person, it was a foregone conclusion that once in custody his release had to be posthumous in order to hide the truth. That's of course unless we believe in the greater competence, honesty and integrity of investigations here, magic bullets and the tutth fairy.

Edited by silent
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