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British Labour MP Jo Cox dies after being shot and stabbed


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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

And how many guns deaths are there in the UK? Very few... how many in the US.... I rest my case.

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She campaigned for Britain to allow refugees to be allowed to come to Britain ,he was a mental patient who had just been let out , he shouted "put Britain first" this was reported by an immegrant , he was a loner, thats it .

He is a far-right terrorist, or is that tag only allowed for others?

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This young lady was killed doing her job as an MP. She was passionate about freedom of speech, democracy, human rights, the poor, the marginalised, the refugee, the migrant. She was prepared to stand up for what she believed in and work tirelessly for those beliefs as her work for Oxfam before she became an MP testifies. How many of us have done half as much as she did in her short life? She leaves behind two young children aged 5 and 3, and a husband who bravely made a moving statement. I urge all Thai Visa members, whatever your politics, to put aside your differences and treat the tragic death of a wonderful spirited Jo Cox MP with dignity and respect. Turn your thoughts and prayers, as I have, towards her family and friends. Pray also for the perpetrator. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"

I agree with what you say, except for the last 2 sentences.

I will not pray for her cowardly cold-blooded murderer.

Likewise, I did not pray for Pistorius nor any of the 9/11 terrorists.

You are much more PC than me, so perhaps you can pray for all of them for me too?

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

And how many guns deaths are there in the UK? Very few... how many in the US.... I rest my case.

What about the difference in the population?

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All my adult life I have hated the British Labour Party with a vengeance, "the party of the working classes"???? Aye right.

But this lady did not deserve this, and my condolenses go to her family. May she rest in peace.

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I have never been a labour supporter, never will be a labour supporter.

This lady was doing what she believed in.

Please people show some respect. Her husband has lost his wife, her children their mother.

May she rest in peace, her life cut short by a man who by all accounts had mental problems.

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She campaigned for Britain to allow refugees to be allowed to come to Britain ,he was a mental patient who had just been let out , he shouted "put Britain first" this was reported by an immegrant , he was a loner, thats it .

Not sure who this 'immegrant' you are referring to is but the guy the BBC have interviewed is clearly a yorkshireman.

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?


The regressive Left's ad-hominem attack strikes again. If you have a pertinent reply then state it...but name-calling is just juvenile.

FYI: Flaming other members or their post's is against Forum rules.

Just because you wn't read all the official studies and scientif reports, stats, facts:


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Here in the UK the shock of this assassination of such a bright, campaigning MP in a small Yorkshire town has stunned all. All EU referendum campaigning is on hold. Was the assassin an extreme nationalist we do not know yet. But we know that Joe was continuously campaigning for the international community for example the sad plight of those small kids caught up in the awful civil war in Syria. The grief has been very evident and we think of the saying of Jesus suffer the little children to come unto me.

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Now being reported the killer was shouting "Britain First", assume this refers to the political party of the same name who have some supporters on this forum. Long overdue for recognition that extreme political language needs to be toned down.

What is long overdue is the ability for humans to discuss issues like politics, religion, or even sports without wanting to do harm to each other.

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

Do you really think anyone argues that specific point? Technically, even that trite phrase is misstated; it isn't the gun, it's the bullet. Since you appear to be agreeing with the fact there are people who do not deserve gun access; do you also support gun control?.

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

Do you really think anyone argues that specific point? Technically, even that trite phrase is misstated; it isn't the gun, it's the bullet. Since you appear to be agreeing with the fact there are people who do not deserve gun access; do you also support gun control?.

nobody in a CIVILISED country needs a gun.

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She campaigned for Britain to allow refugees to be allowed to come to Britain ,he was a mental patient who had just been let out , he shouted "put Britain first" this was reported by an immegrant , he was a loner, thats it .

Why did you feel the need to point out that the person who said he shouted 'Put Britain First' was an immigrant? I don't see the relevance.

The report I saw on BBC, it was a white Yorkshire bloke who was the eyewitness

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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She campaigned for Britain to allow refugees to be allowed to come to Britain ,he was a mental patient who had just been let out , he shouted "put Britain first" this was reported by an immegrant , he was a loner, thats it .

He is a far-right terrorist, or is that tag only allowed for others?

He was a mental health patient.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Was this murder planned or intentional?

The report said Cox got in the middle of a fight between two men. Then she was "accidentally" shot? That makes sense. But after that the man decided to stab her multiple times and shoot her in the head?

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

I did not think it would take the the "anti gun control" lot that long to pop up.

Reports were it was a home made or antique gun, how he got I do not know but just think how many people he could have killed had we the same gun control as America???

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

And how many guns deaths are there in the UK? Very few... how many in the US.... I rest my case.

What about the difference in the population?
Murders per 100,000. USA 3.9. UK 1.0. Information is out there if you look.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

The regressive Left's ad-hominem attack strikes again. If you have a pertinent reply then state it...but name-calling is just juvenile.

FYI: Flaming other members or their post's is against Forum rules.

and of course you're not trying to bait people with your replies?

Typical regressive left form of argument...any statement to which they don't agree or find "offensive" to their tender sensibilities is deemed "baiting."

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

Unless, of course, they are Muslims, then they are terrorist. Make up your mind, are they mentally ill or are they terrorist?


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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

And how many guns deaths are there in the UK? Very few... how many in the US.... I rest my case.

What about the difference in the population?
Murders per 100,000. USA 3.9. UK 1.0. Information is out there if you look.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

So what's your point? I'll go out on a limb here and say that I think we all would agree that murder is wrong.

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She campaigned for Britain to allow refugees to be allowed to come to Britain ,he was a mental patient who had just been let out , he shouted "put Britain first" this was reported by an immegrant , he was a loner, thats it .

The supposed witness denied he ever heard "Britain first" but alas many rushed to make political capital out of this tragic murder before she is even put to rest. Quite disgusting and cynical behavior.


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She campaigned for Britain to allow refugees to be allowed to come to Britain ,he was a mental patient who had just been let out , he shouted "put Britain first" this was reported by an immegrant , he was a loner, thats it .

The supposed witness denied he ever heard "Britain first" but alas many rushed to make political capital out of this tragic murder before she is even put to rest. Quite disgusting and cynical behavior.


Well this was an eye witness and he said he heard just that here he is being interviewed by the BBC


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And how many guns deaths are there in the UK? Very few... how many in the US.... I rest my case.

What about the difference in the population?
Murders per 100,000. USA 3.9. UK 1.0. Information is out there if you look.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

So what's your point? I'll go out on a limb here and say that I think we all would agree that murder is wrong.

The point is that stricter gun control results in less murders.

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

Unless, of course, they are Muslims, then they are terrorist. Make up your mind, are they mentally ill or are they terrorist?


If someone is on psychotropic medication that would appear to be a subtle clue they did indeed have mental problems.
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A terrible tragedy. As a Left Winger Jo shared and advocated for the same values and principles I share. Although another Nation and many miles away we were kindred spirits. For her to be executed by a hate filled Right Wing extremist just leaves me in despair.

A wife and a Mother of two young daughters just adds to the utter tragedy.

A fallen Comrade, a day when the entire world became just a little less human and evil and hatred showed its true intent.

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This young lady was killed doing her job as an MP. She was passionate about freedom of speech, democracy, human rights, the poor, the marginalised, the refugee, the migrant. She was prepared to stand up for what she believed in and work tirelessly for those beliefs as her work for Oxfam before she became an MP testifies. How many of us have done half as much as she did in her short life? She leaves behind two young children aged 5 and 3, and a husband who bravely made a moving statement. I urge all Thai Visa members, whatever your politics, to put aside your differences and treat the tragic death of a wonderful spirited Jo Cox MP with dignity and respect. Turn your thoughts and prayers, as I have, towards her family and friends. Pray also for the perpetrator. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"

Nice post with the exception of the last sentence. Understand it's a religious statement but my bet is he knew exactly what he was doing.

Hopefully there's a special place in hell for him. Just another woman heating/killing thug.

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Now being reported the killer was shouting "Britain First", assume this refers to the political party of the same name who have some supporters on this forum. Long overdue for recognition that extreme political language needs to be toned down.

This has been refuted. Nobody shouted any slogan. She was not targeted. The remain campaign has made political capital of this tragedy and added to its many lies.
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A terrible tragedy. As a Left Winger Jo shared and advocated for the same values and principles I share. Although another Nation and many miles away we were kindred spirits. For her to be executed by a hate filled Right Wing extremist just leaves me in despair.

A wife and a Mother of two young daughters just adds to the utter tragedy.

A fallen Comrade, a day when the entire world became just a little less human and evil and hatred showed its true intent.

She was not killed by a right wing extremist. He was a mentally sick man with no known political affiliations. Get over yourself!
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Now being reported the killer was shouting "Britain First", assume this refers to the political party of the same name who have some supporters on this forum. Long overdue for recognition that extreme political language needs to be toned down.

This has been refuted. Nobody shouted any slogan. She was not targeted. The remain campaign has made political capital of this tragedy and added to its many lies.
So the eyewitness on BBC was being economical with the truth then?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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