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Scottish dad fears ex-soldier son is murder victim after he goes missing during trip to Thailand


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Excellent post.

It sums-up this topic very well indeed.

Any farang who would marry a bargirl needs a check-up from the neck up.

My arse. It may sum up the general tone of the thread but the subject matter was summarily ignored somewhere on the first page.

Here's a reminder: A man is missing, possibly in unfortunate circumstances.

A father is missing a son.

A daughter is missing a father.

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Bad marriages between Farung and Thais wouldn't happen if the men were able to leave their egos out of their thinking.

How many Western men have you met (or know) who have married attractive women years younger than them?

Personally, I can say dozens.

It staggers me that old, overweight farung can believe that beautiful young girls could fall in love with them.

If they were able to look at the reality of the situation, they would know it's an impossibility.

Fall in love with their money... yes!

As long as the money continues to flow, they'll stick around, but often they have a lover on the side.

The most successful marriages I know are between couples of similar age and having met while both young.

Not always a recipe for success, but at least the odds are better.

Bearing in mind that more than 50% of marriages in the west end in divorce anyway.

My Thai wife and I have been married for 39 years, but it's not easy, but then I guess that's the way it goes with most marriages.

At least she's not after my money and there is genuine love there.

I would suggest that most guys who come to Thailand to find a partner, stay out of the bars, and look for someone close to their age.

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Anyway, if the father of this chap can't get any assistance from the Scottishi embassy, he should be down at his local Police Station making a song and dance about this and also at his local politicians office doing the same.

More noise he can make the better.

Perhaps some of the bar stool heroes down in Pattaya could get out and do some footwork, work off a few of those largers, take a photo of the lad and See if they can find where he got to, somebody will recognise him, as the photo of him shows, he's not your usual Pattaya sloth, he appears fit, trim, good looking, so he should stand out from all those beer chang wife beater wearing fat slobs wearing flip flops.

Again, I wonder what makes his father think that he's met with foul play, besides the fact he hasn't called in.

I do hope the lad turns up and makes this up to his old man, it's a terrible situation for his father to be in.

Scottish embassy???

My bad, I should be flogged. ;)

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Great two bitter ones on the way out.

I wonder if you'd be miserable in any land. Are you over 50 by any chance?

What's wrong with being over 50?

Are you jealous or just complaining? gigglem.gif

Neither. I'm asking a question.

Were you asking me?

Being over 50 sucks. I am, just. Health issues happen more regularly. Women don't find you attractive. Most become grumpy. many employers don't want you. One can't play football anymore etc. Anyone over 50 would rather be 25.

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Being a former bar owner and I can say now I have seen this Nan. A IBAR Pattaya worker. IBAR is the disco parlour no licence require girls are free to extort and do as they wish.

This man has met with foul play and Pattaya police will try to avoid it coz there useless

What about the 'big American' that was described to knock him out? Know of him? Is there a chance there's a man mountain American involved down there?

Must be a lump of a man because the Scott looked a reasonable size himself.

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Anyway, if the father of this chap can't get any assistance from the British embassy, he should be down at his local Police Station making a song and dance about this and also at his local politicians office doing the same.

More noise he can make the better.

Perhaps some of the bar stool heroes down in Pattaya could get out and do some footwork, work off a few of those largers, take a photo of the lad and See if they can find where he got to, somebody will recognise him, as the photo of him shows, he's not your usual Pattaya sloth, he appears fit, trim, good looking, so he should stand out from all those beer chang wife beater wearing fat slobs wearing flip flops.

Again, I wonder what makes his father think that he's met with foul play, besides the fact he hasn't called in.

I do hope the lad turns up and makes this up to his old man, it's a terrible situation for his father to be in.

Good post. We know now that the man is a monger. You can take the man out the monger town but not the monger out the man.

He's probably having a whale of a time somewhere, the amount of money made in Iraq goes a long way in Pattaya.

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The large American cold cocking him seems a bit farfetched comment, But the missing part and BIB saying they can't check his banking account hell they drained that weeks ago. They will find body sorry to say with 2 bullet holes in head hands tied behind back ruled suicide cased closed. Has his ex been even talked too? That would be first suspect in my books. Now on a brighter side I live here got enough street smarts to avoid the wrong type of people and places Pattaya being on top of list with Koh Tao. Respect the culture and customs Don't try to stand out in the crowd. I do just fine for the most part meet lots of good people mainly cause I don't drink or Bar hop. I avoid the <deleted> and those with anger issues.

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Loads of Thai women have tattoos, from superstars to university students, to those rebelling against a conservative society to women who are fans of rock/metal bands or who just like tattoos. Perhaps the Pattaya thing is the greater indicator. To be honest though, I'm not here to judge anyone's appearance, I'm more concerned about where he is and the child involved.

WRONG, only hookers have them, a good Thai woman would never get one.


Certainly not rubbish, another Pattaya-dweller in denial.

I have never once seen a tattoo on a woman at the Polo Club in Bangkok, where I've been a member for 25 years or indeed any other similar institutions.

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Bad marriages between Farung and Thais wouldn't happen if the men were able to leave their egos out of their thinking.

How many Western men have you met (or know) who have married attractive women years younger than them?

Personally, I can say dozens.

It staggers me that old, overweight farung can believe that beautiful young girls could fall in love with them.

If they were able to look at the reality of the situation, they would know it's an impossibility.

Fall in love with their money... yes!

As long as the money continues to flow, they'll stick around, but often they have a lover on the side.

The most successful marriages I know are between couples of similar age and having met while both young.

Not always a recipe for success, but at least the odds are better.

Bearing in mind that more than 50% of marriages in the west end in divorce anyway.

My Thai wife and I have been married for 39 years, but it's not easy, but then I guess that's the way it goes with most marriages.

At least she's not after my money and there is genuine love there.

I would suggest that most guys who come to Thailand to find a partner, stay out of the bars, and look for someone close to their age.

Looks age appropriate to me... But still, Russian roulette... Albeit with a very attractive pistol.


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The large American cold cocking him seems a bit farfetched comment, But the missing part and BIB saying they can't check his banking account hell they drained that weeks ago. They will find body sorry to say with 2 bullet holes in head hands tied behind back ruled suicide cased closed. Has his ex been even talked too? That would be first suspect in my books. Now on a brighter side I live here got enough street smarts to avoid the wrong type of people and places Pattaya being on top of list with Koh Tao. Respect the culture and customs Don't try to stand out in the crowd. I do just fine for the most part meet lots of good people mainly cause I don't drink or Bar hop. I avoid the <deleted> and those with anger issues.

Well that's what happens, there's two types, people like yourself and others that don't understand that.

What this case needs is a Thai speaker on the ground in that hell Pattaya asking the right questions to the right people.

Already there's one ex bar owner here stating he knows the woman in the picture. Someone needs to follow the trail and the fact no officials has checked his banking records or his phone records is incomprehensible.


Edited by neverdie
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Jeez....what century are you from!?!

''The most successful marriages I know are between couples of similar age and having met while both young...'' You forgot to add - ''they grew up in the same village and worked on the Earl's farm together as the maid and stable boy''.

Age is no guarantee to a happy and successful marriage and certainly when the couple are very young! Indeed, I would strongly argue that most couples that marry young end up getting divorced very soon after. (whilst on holiday once in in the USA I met a girl who had been married and divorced THREE times and she was still only 21!) In fact, America has long held the record for the highest percentage (over 60%) of divorces per capita in the world. It's perhaps no coincidence that most of these were marriages between young couples. As Norman Mailer once famously wrote - 'A man doesn't know what he wants until he is at least 30''.

Older, more 'mature' men (and women) have generally accepted their place in life, have 'sown their wild oats' and are more interested in finding a real ''life partner''. It doesn't necessarily have to be someone of the same age or even generation - it is much more to do with attitude and intellectual maturity.

I am a farang and my wife is 20 years younger than me and Asian - although not Thai. I am not fat and I am certainly not rich - yet we have been extremely happily married for over 8 years. We have a lot of fun together and have supported each other through many bad times and the occasional good time.

I can honestly say that I know of nobody else amongst my family, friends, ex-colleagues etc of the same age as myself that is still married to the same person today. Coincidence?

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

Well said. Ditto plans.

Great two bitter ones on the way out.

I wonder if you'd be miserable in any land. Are you over 50 by any chance?

Edited by Global Guy
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Are you jealous or just complaining? gigglem.gif

Neither. I'm asking a question.

Were you asking me?

Being over 50 sucks. I am, just. Health issues happen more regularly. Women don't find you attractive. Most become grumpy. many employers don't want you. One can't play football anymore etc. Anyone over 50 would rather be 25.

I'm over 50 and just accept it, live my life and live it well.

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Anyway, if the father of this chap can't get any assistance from the Scottishi embassy, he should be down at his local Police Station making a song and dance about this and also at his local politicians office doing the same.

More noise he can make the better.

Perhaps some of the bar stool heroes down in Pattaya could get out and do some footwork, work off a few of those largers, take a photo of the lad and See if they can find where he got to, somebody will recognise him, as the photo of him shows, he's not your usual Pattaya sloth, he appears fit, trim, good looking, so he should stand out from all those beer chang wife beater wearing fat slobs wearing flip flops.

Again, I wonder what makes his father think that he's met with foul play, besides the fact he hasn't called in.

I do hope the lad turns up and makes this up to his old man, it's a terrible situation for his father to be in.

Scottish embassy???

My bad, I should be flogged. wink.png

Tie the scurvy dog to the mast.blink.png

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Anyway, if the father of this chap can't get any assistance from the Scottishi embassy, he should be down at his local Police Station making a song and dance about this and also at his local politicians office doing the same.

More noise he can make the better.

Perhaps some of the bar stool heroes down in Pattaya could get out and do some footwork, work off a few of those largers, take a photo of the lad and See if they can find where he got to, somebody will recognise him, as the photo of him shows, he's not your usual Pattaya sloth, he appears fit, trim, good looking, so he should stand out from all those beer chang wife beater wearing fat slobs wearing flip flops.

Again, I wonder what makes his father think that he's met with foul play, besides the fact he hasn't called in.

I do hope the lad turns up and makes this up to his old man, it's a terrible situation for his father to be in.

Scottish embassy???

My bad, I should be flogged. wink.png

Tie the scurvy dog to the mast.blink.png


Yes do it, long overdue

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How is it that the topic is about a father who has gone missing and presumed murdered and all you children on TV can do is bicker with each other.

Grow up already.

Well done Rayk, Steve is a close mate, a great lad who absolutely adores his daughter, he is dependable, organised he does not just dissapear... he like millions of people married and divorced, he actually lasted a lot longer married than i am sure half of the absolute nuggets posting on this forum.. he married because he loved, his daughter was the result of love and he was sure not going to let her suffer because that marriage failed. he spoke to her twice a day, made sure money was there for the daughter, he is a great dad and probably a better ex husband than most of us are husbands. ,

He is loyal, honest and possibly a better man than me, he has not been seen, everyone is worried,his parents must be beside themselves as you would if your child went missing, no matter how old, your still a parent and they are still a child. Yet all the majority of you lot can do is make assumptions, slag each other off, with the odd concerned person, the odd bit of humanity towards Stevens plight and that of his friends and family, Be a forum, be a group of people, dont bombard this forum with trash, use it to pass on your thoughts to parents desperate, to a daughter that just wants her dad, post photos, keep your eyes and ears open and if murder has been committed, help bring the guilty to bear.

Before you go posting on sights like this, just stop. think. and at least be respectful of the topic.. if you lot want to bash expats abroad, or oldies, or thai working girts etc then i am sure there are forum topics to do so... not on the topic of someone missing presumed murdered.

You are right in a way but what makes this news is that he didn't may like millions of other people, he married a Pattaya woman,with tattoos.We all know what that means although many who also have done it are in denial.

I hope your friend turns up alive.

She had tattoo's, so please expand your childish and stupid statement of "that means"-- what does it mean exactly?
Not childish. As other's here will testify, it means she is or was a prostitute.

So therefore, using your extensive research capabilities, every female who has a tat. is or was a prostitute.

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

Well said. Ditto plans.

Great two bitter ones on the way out.

I wonder if you'd be miserable in any land. Are you over 50 by any chance?

And you, another one who stays and defends the treatment of foreigners in Thailand. Thais must love you. Defend the double pricing, the laws against foreigners employment opportunities, the constant fraud businesses commit against foreigners, the slanted/corrupt judicial, political, and business landscapes, etc. Of course none of this happened to you here or in your home country. You call them bitter, maybe they don't like being treated unfairly. Maybe you are okay with it.

Just as bad as a bitter person is a Thai apologist who thinks that because they breath for a number of years in a certain country, that they are now an expert and others are bitter.

You are and always will be considered beneath the Thais. If you believe otherwise, then you have used your years in Thailand poorly for you have not immersed as much as you think you have. Bitter might also be intolerance of improper treatment. You go where you are treated fairly and well. That is not so prevalent in Thailand as you might think.

You bitter man. You came here nobody twisted your arms and said you will live on Thailand. If you really see it that bad why stay so long!!! All the 8 proper treatment you have had. I suspect you will not be missed from Thailand and those who know you in your mother country will probably be hoping you live a long way away from them.

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The over 50 comments crack me up. Age is something that happens to all living beings, although some never see 50.

And the anti-age people think what, the 50 plus guys were never 25? Come on, wise up.

What the young bucks don't realise is that we were all young once & we probably have been doing for a long time what you've only just discovered.....only we do it better.

As I say, It takes me all night long to do what I used to do all night long.

Anyway, get back to me when you're 50 plus, if you make it.

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WRONG, only hookers have them, a good Thai woman would never get one.


Certainly not rubbish, another Pattaya-dweller in denial.

I have never once seen a tattoo on a woman at the Polo Club in Bangkok, where I've been a member for 25 years or indeed any other similar institutions.

Don't allow your prejudices to judge others.

Tattoos are a choice many make.

They are not an indication of morality and only those overburdened with snobbery would think they are.

Equally just because someone has a view that is alien to your 'thinking' it does not mean they live in Pattaya. I would prefer you do not make such ridiculous assumptions about myself in future.

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Make a comment that is reality and you get called names....like bitter.

I notice you didn't argue anything that I wrote. Because that is reality. Nothing bitter about an observation. Is there double pricing? Yes. Are there laws against foreigners holding certain jobs? Yes, an entire list of them. Is there rampant fraud against foreigners? Yes. Is the judicial/political/business landscape corrupt? Yes. So, what is bitter about that? It's just an observation.

Sounds like you are an angry one.....and an apologist. Good luck with that.

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Make a comment that is reality and you get called names....like bitter.

I notice you didn't argue anything that I wrote. Because that is reality. Nothing bitter about an observation. Is there double pricing? Yes. Are there laws against foreigners holding certain jobs? Yes, an entire list of them. Is there rampant fraud against foreigners? Yes. Is the judicial/political/business landscape corrupt? Yes. So, what is bitter about that? It's just an observation.

Sounds like you are an angry one.....and an apologist. Good luck with that.

Why as a thai would I be bitter or an apologist! !! When you come thailand you will or should have known about jobs you can not do. Dual pricing exist in lots of countries.

"Rampant fraud" exists in lots of other countries. We are who we are not what you want us to be for your sake.

I stand by my observations in your posts

But this is about a man going missing not a platform for thai bashers or reasons why you dislike thailand. But you go soon so no problem

good luck with that

Edited by jeab1980
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Make a comment that is reality and you get called names....like bitter.

I notice you didn't argue anything that I wrote. Because that is reality. Nothing bitter about an observation. Is there double pricing? Yes. Are there laws against foreigners holding certain jobs? Yes, an entire list of them. Is there rampant fraud against foreigners? Yes. Is the judicial/political/business landscape corrupt? Yes. So, what is bitter about that? It's just an observation.

Sounds like you are an angry one.....and an apologist. Good luck with that.

Maybe it's just me but for a 'Global Guy', you don't sound very worldly.

Handy with the labeling though, I'll grant you that.

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wonder of the guy he got in a fight with was his girls new man. bar girls are amazing at manipulating their customers. you never know what a thai is thinking behind their smile. i know a couple guys who thought they had great relationships who got dumped and told their girl always hated them. i have 2 kids with a thai girl and we get along ok. i pay her a monthly salary. i am worth more to her alive so hopefully it will stay that way.

Superb grounds for a relationship, even if they are the most likely to keep peace.

You can never believe a bar girl, they tell you anything to get your money.... ANYTHING !! I have seen and heard a girl say a guy looks 45 (when he looks more like 65) and say how handsome he is ( when he no way is, at all ) and then turn around where the guy can't see them, and make a vomiting motion to her friends,, hahaha but would still go and screw him, if he pays well..

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Make a comment that is reality and you get called names....like bitter.

I notice you didn't argue anything that I wrote. Because that is reality. Nothing bitter about an observation. Is there double pricing? Yes. Are there laws against foreigners holding certain jobs? Yes, an entire list of them. Is there rampant fraud against foreigners? Yes. Is the judicial/political/business landscape corrupt? Yes. So, what is bitter about that? It's just an observation.

Sounds like you are an angry one.....and an apologist. Good luck with that.

Why as a thai would I be bitter or an apologist! !! When you come thailand you will or should have known about jobs you can not do. Dual pricing exist in lots of countries.

"Rampant fraud" exists in lots of other countries. We are who we are not what you want us to be for your sake.

I stand by my observations in your posts

But this is about a man going missing not a platform for thai bashers or reasons why you dislike thailand. But you go soon so no problem

good luck with that

Lol @ global guy
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Make a comment that is reality and you get called names....like bitter.

I notice you didn't argue anything that I wrote. Because that is reality. Nothing bitter about an observation. Is there double pricing? Yes. Are there laws against foreigners holding certain jobs? Yes, an entire list of them. Is there rampant fraud against foreigners? Yes. Is the judicial/political/business landscape corrupt? Yes. So, what is bitter about that? It's just an observation.

Sounds like you are an angry one.....and an apologist. Good luck with that.

Why as a thai would I be bitter or an apologist! !! When you come thailand you will or should have known about jobs you can not do. Dual pricing exist in lots of countries.

"Rampant fraud" exists in lots of other countries. We are who we are not what you want us to be for your sake.

I stand by my observations in your posts

But this is about a man going missing not a platform for thai bashers or reasons why you dislike thailand. But you go soon so no problem

good luck with that

Yes if you don't like it here then go go go,, just remember you didn't like your own country before, that is why you came here and you'll probably find it worse when you get back, than it was when you left.. As for double pricing, it happens every where. in New Zealand if your older you get cheap pricing, I lived in Auckland and could go free to some things if I could prove I lived there,, everybody else paid,, and even the Farang price here, is probably a lot less than you would pay to go to a similer thing back at where ever you are from.... and remember Thais earn in a 12 hour day, what you would earn in an hour back home..... so go figure why they pay less ??????

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With a delay of more than a month before ringing the bell, I fear he's a goner! Most likely the fight was about his daughter who most certainly has been parked with grandma or some "uncle" somewhere in Issaan until she's old enough to bcome a valuable "asset". The photo, the eyes and the staged "smile" of Nan tell me more than I even want to know... sad.png

His wife posted a few weeks back on FB asking whether friends etc had seen him.

Known them both 10+ years.

Interesting. I recall you saying you married a woman in Pattaya with tattoos.

Was he giving the woman money regularly?

Was he planning to take the daughter out of Pattaya, like any good father would?

Do you think the ex wife is capable of murder?

Had she found another client yet?

Yes I did and almost 15 years later still very happy thanks.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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Some rather strange comments made here.

If I had had 2 children with a Thai wife, & we had split & she had the kids I would send her money for the kids every month.

Any guy who would not is a bit strange, don"t you think?

Yes, and look where it got him. He could have sent this vermin a 100k a month and he still would have suffered the same fate.


1st. mistake-getting married

2nd mistake-hanging around after the divorce.

Its a sad thing about the kid, but more likely the kids ears had been poisoned for years about what a bad man her father is/was.

Sounds like he knew what she was capable of, and i reckon theres a huge percentage like her.

Cut and run and dont come back is the trick. Not seeing your kid us an unfortunate price you pay for poor decisions.

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