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Boring!! Next.

thank god that's over , i waiting for him to say how good looking he is .....bet he is a selfi freak



You met the average chicks, pretty much boring for educated Westerners. Better educated and financially independent and sound gals are pretty hard to reach as a foreigner, unfortunately.

Real HiSo chicks.... no idea yet.



So he mentioned something once, and you keep bringing it up?

You don't think that seems a little creepy?

Are you still sore about me sitting at the table you left your umbrella on?

Some of you guys must make notes whilst you browse the site.

I guess everyone needs a hobby.


Sounds like you are meeting them in a bar.

If so what do you expect?

Meet them in a high end shopping mall wearing expensive clothes.

But, the downside they will expect future high end shopping at your expense.

The bar girls are looking better already!

Renting is better!

  • Like 2


So he mentioned something once, and you keep bringing it up?

You don't think that seems a little creepy?

Are you still sore about me sitting at the table you left your umbrella on?

Some of you guys must make notes whilst you browse the site.

I guess everyone needs a hobby.

The Vestibule of Hell:

Dante passes through the gate of Hell, which bears an inscription ending with the famous phrase "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate", most frequently translated as:

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."


Further to above, I'd be very wary of educated girls with a good command of the English language. Yeah they all learn a bit of basic English at Uni. Got a few mates who met uni / educated younger girls who's English was just a bit too good to have a clean past..and therein lies the problem. IMHO you really need to speak at least basic Thai to land a real top shelf girl here

^ Where do people come up with this stuff.

Why would you be wary? You believe ALL educated women with good to very good command of the English language are what?

What exactly is a "top shelf girl"?

I can't stop laughing.


Regarding the short leash, most of the women Ive dated seem like they could care less about my life unless Im sharing it with another girl. So I guess you pulled a short straw.

I have noticed that Thai girls don't seem to be able to deal with you having other female friends and whatever you do never let them know you are still friends with any ex girlfriends.

They are very insecure and hence prone to ridiculous levels of jealousy.

Given the amount of tail walking around this country and the level of infidelity among Thais and foreigners, I'd say it's more like being realistic.


Just so impressed how some people can work out a person from another culture with limited English in just 1 month. My gf reminds me of my dad. She left school at 13 and worked as a shoemaker. She has basically learnt English herself after I paid for initial lessons of about 6 months. She comprehends jokes and can make them. She is an awesome cook. Loves gardening and is amazingly practical so we work out all sorts of solutions. I am still getting to know and understand her after 5 years. Oh she loves thai soaps which is perfect because I enjoy computer games. If you want to stay with anyone it takes a couple of years to learn about them. I feel blessed with my beautiful thai girl


Marko PK

You sound ideal. She's lucky. It gave me a laugh.

However the person you described can be found anywhere in this world, not just in Thailand.

But I do agree with them not taught to think. It starts in the cradle. I have a friend, got married, so MIL, SIL and cousin in law came to live with them. The baby when he wasn't sleeping was always in the arms of one of the three women. He didn't have to think about anything. In our western society, the kiddie is put into a pen with it's toys (so that Mum can get on with what she has to do). If he wants something that is out of his reach, he has to think, start to crawl and so on.



I don't have to cough

up a monthly retainer,

nor do I have to buy

gold to keep my women

interested, mate.

Time and time again, you

go for the lowest common

denominator and you

wonder why you end up

trudging down the road

with your belongings in a

shopping cart.

You need to stop scraping

around for roadkill in the

boonies then you might get

one worth holding onto.

Time to stop losing, marko


No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.

How do you know he wears chinos?

Cos he posted about it before them and his chelsea boots,which must be nice in this climate.

Not everyone likes the bogan look


What exactly is a "top shelf girl"?

A girl that isn't desperate enough to date a ThaiVisa member.

That might be true but I still want to hear Kenny202's definition of a Top Shelf Girl.

The stuff I read on TVF is priceless. biggrin.png


Agree with the op,many are stuck at a mental age of 16,but shit what do you want,my gf lets me do what i want,shags me when i want it,cleans the house,cooks,sure we don't talk about the theorey of relativity,but she does like football,plus she can swim,so we frolick in the pool together,she is mostly happy,sometimes gets the shits with me,but i have been here long enough now to know just to leave it,not probe why she is not happy,it can be something minor like not going to her favorite noodle stall or crap like that,a few hours later or next day she is fine,all in all i much prefer her to some western woman who is always brooding on 'issues',overthinking everything and feeling she deserves the world on a plate. My girl is happy i support her ,buy her a bit of gold now and again and provide her and her 2 very polite and well behaved kids with security. As for class,yes she is higher class than my ex Thai wife,and has never worked in a bar,her family are comfortable,and educated. Luckily for me she has a sister in Australia and has worked over there in her sisters resturant ,so she is a lot more understanding of the rest of the world,than some one who has never left Thailand,all in all she is a great improvement on my ex wife.

how was she able to work in Oz.....what visa did she have ????...


How much were you paying them? Or did you just want free sex outside of marriage? Stick to the sex trade as it is cheaper, more honourable, more fun and less stress -. and yes a lot more fun. You don't seem to understand Thai sexual mores and values. Good (stable) girls do not sleep around least of all with a farang which is fairly shaming as is sex outside of marriage.


Agree with the op,many are stuck at a mental age of 16,but shit what do you want,my gf lets me do what i want,shags me when i want it,cleans the house,cooks,sure we don't talk about the theorey of relativity,but she does like football,plus she can swim,so we frolick in the pool together,she is mostly happy,sometimes gets the shits with me,but i have been here long enough now to know just to leave it,not probe why she is not happy,it can be something minor like not going to her favorite noodle stall or crap like that,a few hours later or next day she is fine,all in all i much prefer her to some western woman who is always brooding on 'issues',overthinking everything and feeling she deserves the world on a plate. My girl is happy i support her ,buy her a bit of gold now and again and provide her and her 2 very polite and well behaved kids with security. As for class,yes she is higher class than my ex Thai wife,and has never worked in a bar,her family are comfortable,and educated. Luckily for me she has a sister in Australia and has worked over there in her sisters resturant ,so she is a lot more understanding of the rest of the world,than some one who has never left Thailand,all in all she is a great improvement on my ex wife.

how was she able to work in Oz.....what visa did she have ????...

I dont know if this is the case here but I knew a Thai Chinese woman in Australia provided the girls with visas to come and work in her salon. Maybe a training visa or something. Old bitch probably paid them peanuts. She had a block of units she also rented out to them. I'm guessing their nett result for all their work was nothing. She got free labour

OP: »How do you guys experience the points i listed on a daily basis with your partner?«

"Thai Way of Thinking" – you better get used to it, or stay with girls from your home-country...biggrin.png

Even if you partner-up with a girl, speaking fair English (because you send her to school); interested in the World (because you showed her things outside Thailand; and made her interested in reading something about the World out there); and some few times herself begin speak about subjects not specifically related to Thailand; it's basically not so different from what you, OP, describe. Just like you and I, we cannot get completely rid og our Western-way-of-thinking, because we are brought up that way; your Thai friends will keep on with some (normally high) level of Thai-way-of-thinking, because they are brought up with "Thailand Number One", "Sakdina" (class system), and (what you call "bad") Thai soaps...smile.png



I don't have to cough

up a monthly retainer,

nor do I have to buy

gold to keep my women

interested, mate.

Time and time again, you

go for the lowest common

denominator and you

wonder why you end up

trudging down the road

with your belongings in a

shopping cart.

You need to stop scraping

around for roadkill in the

boonies then you might get

one worth holding onto.

Time to stop losing, marko


No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.

My women don't need

retainers, marko. I don't

roll with deadbeats with

Truevisions bills they

can't pay.

Yeah,she really loves my swimming pool,have a pool do you,old chap?

It really sounds as if the

new apple of your eye

sees a pool as some

form of luxury. Is that

really the grade of

woman you're scraping

around with out there in

the bush, marko?


Welcome to ThaiVisa Forum...

You are having your first lesson in why many people are reluctant to post here...the poster becomes the object of ridicule and gets bashed instead of posters either answering the question or just moving on if it does not interest them...

Do not be discourage...just pay no attention to the nasty responses...realize they seldom if ever post and spend their time being critical of other posters...

Enjoy your access to some world class poon-tang....don't worry about their lack of sophistication...or mental development...

After all...is that so important to you?

If so, maybe you could look for a Thai with a Phd...maybe she will have a broader world-view...

Good Luck!

Can I ask, do you actually live in Thailand?



I don't have to cough

up a monthly retainer,

nor do I have to buy

gold to keep my women

interested, mate.

Time and time again, you

go for the lowest common

denominator and you

wonder why you end up

trudging down the road

with your belongings in a

shopping cart.

You need to stop scraping

around for roadkill in the

boonies then you might get

one worth holding onto.

Time to stop losing, marko


No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.

How do you know he wears chinos?

Cos he posted about it before them and his chelsea boots,which must be nice in this climate.

Not everyone likes the bogan look

Also, not everyone is so out of shape that they can't wear trousers in the Thai climate without sweating through them.

  • Like 2

It really sounds as if the new apple of your eye sees a pool as some form of luxury. Is that really the grade of woman you're scraping around with out there in the bush, marko?

It would depend on the pool.

If a man had a pool like this, it would definitely add to my interest in him.


But if he only had this, forget it.


(I fixed your formatting problem for you)


Welcome to ThaiVisa Forum...

You are having your first lesson in why many people are reluctant to post here...the poster becomes the object of ridicule and gets bashed instead of posters either answering the question or just moving on if it does not interest them...

Do not be discourage...just pay no attention to the nasty responses...realize they seldom if ever post and spend their time being critical of other posters...

Enjoy your access to some world class poon-tang....don't worry about their lack of sophistication...or mental development...

After all...is that so important to you?

If so, maybe you could look for a Thai with a Phd...maybe she will have a broader world-view...

Good Luck!

Can I ask, do you actually live in Thailand?

Of course you may ask...ask any inane, silly, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, senseless, asinine, frivolous, vapid question you wish...no problem.


What exactly is a "top shelf girl"?

A girl that isn't desperate enough to date a ThaiVisa member.

Would you?

It would depend on his pool.

But more seriously, from what I read the posters here don't really have much in the way of assets, and appear in the main to be poorly educated. They all bleat about the quality of women they meet, but seriously, they don't appear to have much to offer an educated woman. Elderly, poor, overweight, reclusive, lacking in morals and uneducated, I'd rather live alone.

Naam appears to be the only ThaiVisa poster anywhere approaching the western concept of 'a catch'.

  • Like 1

Go to an airport today,any airport in the world and you will see so many women playing on their phones.Many men also.

People are being baby sat by their phones

A lot of that is just boredom waiting for the flight to board


Further to above, I'd be very wary of educated girls with a good command of the English language. Yeah they all learn a bit of basic English at Uni. Got a few mates who met uni / educated younger girls who's English was just a bit too good to have a clean past..and therein lies the problem. IMHO you really need to speak at least basic Thai to land a real top shelf girl here

load of B.S. huge generalisation.


In answer to the OP.....

Yes they are mainly like you said.

I don't mind it though, it grows on you.

The most important traits in women that i have found are consistency and reliability.

I like to know what to expect. I have found Thai women to be consistent and reliable even if they do sometimes seem a bit boring.

You get to appreciate that with age I think.

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