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Agree with the op,many are stuck at a mental age of 16,but shit what do you want,my gf lets me do what i want,shags me when i want it,cleans the house,cooks,sure we don't talk about the theorey of relativity,but she does like football,plus she can swim,so we frolick in the pool together,she is mostly happy,sometimes gets the shits with me,but i have been here long enough now to know just to leave it,not probe why she is not happy,it can be something minor like not going to her favorite noodle stall or crap like that,a few hours later or next day she is fine,all in all i much prefer her to some western woman who is always brooding on 'issues',overthinking everything and feeling she deserves the world on a plate. My girl is happy i support her ,buy her a bit of gold now and again and provide her and her 2 very polite and well behaved kids with security. As for class,yes she is higher class than my ex Thai wife,and has never worked in a bar,her family are comfortable,and educated. Luckily for me she has a sister in Australia and has worked over there in her sisters resturant ,so she is a lot more understanding of the rest of the world,than some one who has never left Thailand,all in all she is a great improvement on my ex wife.

Still picking the keepers,

eh, Marko? 555

well at least i am not stalking the back streets,in my skin tight chinos and chelsea boots you sad,little man. Have you actually ever been with a woman,or is that her on your avatar?


They're getting worse at this, aren't they?

The 'ol hot topic about girlfriends and stuff and then never reappear in the thread again leaving everyone to bicker amongst themselves. Need a new tactic, I think

  • Like 2


What's the point of your reply? Except maybe to show us that (some) thai girls are not the only ones who lack the ability to use their brain.

I initiated this topic with a bunch of questions and got some interesting replies and some less interesting (from probably the same old bored dudes). So now, as my experience in this field is limited (and as i don't like to speak to say nothing) i'll let the more experienced of you speak and will read the interesting replies with pleasure (and those who nothing to say, please do me a favour: save my time by keeping your mouth shot).


  • Like 1


I don't have to cough

up a monthly retainer,

nor do I have to buy

gold to keep my women

interested, mate.

Time and time again, you

go for the lowest common

denominator and you

wonder why you end up

trudging down the road

with your belongings in a

shopping cart.

You need to stop scraping

around for roadkill in the

boonies then you might get

one worth holding onto.

Time to stop losing, marko


No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.


I will put my 2 cents worth in....ive had 4 TGS, there not stupid, i could actually have serious conversations with the last one i would say its there idea of sabi sabi "no rocking the boat".

Lets face it most guys want a TGF because they are gorgeous now these pretty creatures are still somewhat traditional and submissive in many cases regardless of there education level, now if thats what you like there is a cost to it, they leave everything in your hands because your the man, yes some and a couple did with me voiced there displeasure on a serious matter yet eventually would give in rather than go seperate ways.

I think we westerners do not really understand Thai's and fair enough, in my case i still haven't adapted and I'm asking myself do i want to because its like I'm selling out to my values.

My TGFs have been clingy and what i would consider little interest in whats going on around them, a couple materialistic, one was a study nerd another a doer and planer 3 steps ahead driving pushing all the time another just coasting along collecting hand bags and eating, another you couldn't walk past a clothes shop...

I think if you want to understand your woman just look at how Thai business operate, as we look at them there still stuck in the 60's ask your self what do you want? what will you accept? might be an idea not to invest heavily in a woman unless you feel it will work.

Again in my experience every one of these girls lied about something, to them it would have been a white lie in some case i thought them deal breakers yet they dont see it that way, its back to sabi sabi dont rock the boat keep it sweet.

If you dont like dont date a Thai....

  • Like 2

Further to above, I'd be very wary of educated girls with a good command of the English language. Yeah they all learn a bit of basic English at Uni. Got a few mates who met uni / educated younger girls who's English was just a bit too good to have a clean past..and therein lies the problem. IMHO you really need to speak at least basic Thai to land a real top shelf girl here

What a load of merda....educated girls can pick up english just as well as bar girls servicing the likes of you, you know....they have a brain and went to university.

3 of my 4 TGF's worked in an industry were they had to liaise with english speaking clients, bet that stumps you, there all type cast, why dont you stick to what the OP was on about?


I'm sure there's exceptions but I live up country and I'd say no more than a few percent of uni educated girls here are exposed to foreigners on a regular basis. Yep they learn the basics from a native Thai English teacher (how are u, I fine thank you), but bares no resemblance to a girls English dealing with foreigners every day. Why don't you pull your head in? Would you talk like that to someone face to face?


I'm sure there's exceptions but I live up country and I'd say no more than a few percent of uni educated girls here are exposed to foreigners on a regular basis. Yep they learn the basics from a native Thai English teacher (how are u, I fine thank you), but bares no resemblance to a girls English dealing with foreigners every day. Why don't you pull your head in? Would you talk like that to someone face to face?

To many guys in here take a cheap shot at the women, they might be well not western like but they are what they are, my last TGF was a manger at a western owned hospital in BKK, she spoke english very well...forget the slang everything else was fine....she often went to the American embassy or places like that....all about marketing her hospital she on a regular basis spoke to english speaking people.

You Kenny wanna get your brain out of upcountry...i hang around areas like BKK so its no excuse to talk demeaning of Thai women in general and yes i would talk like that face to face with you or anyone else but the chance of us actually meeting would be very slim...you see i have standards even I'm not a high flyer i just dont do bars or hang with so so's i choose my friends carefully but hey I'm not that good as after 4 THG's you can criticise me, you seem too have got it right my karma is....well I'm paying for it now....


You're too much. You state all of your gf were liars? Not stupid but u could actually have a "serious" conversation with the last one? Clingy? You seem to be more demeaning and generallistic than me. I happen to agree with most of what you say...they are what they are....like em or leave em.

It's the cheap shots about bargirl etc pss me off. We don't have bars in the country, and I certainly don't frequent them. I actually advised against a relationship with a loso or BG. Of course a girl in a Bangkok private hospital dealing with English speakers every day can talk the talk.


Kenny the cheap shots are not aimed at you its really easy in here to get peed off with bar stool critics who never go beyond nana, excuse me if your not one of them, i certainly no expert but I've had my experiences with decent Thai women, each will see it there way s for the op i get what he's seen in and i struggle too....in the end they are like they are and we are like we are it takes 2 to tango dance in rhythm....


Kenny the cheap shots are not aimed at you its really easy in here to get peed off with bar stool critics who never go beyond nana, excuse me if your not one of them, i certainly no expert but I've had my experiences with decent Thai women, each will see it there way s for the op i get what he's seen in and i struggle too....in the end they are like they are and we are like we are it takes 2 to tango dance in rhythm....

I did mention there are some great women here if you read my post. Problem is it takes some time living here to gain that knowledge


I don't have to cough

up a monthly retainer,

nor do I have to buy

gold to keep my women

interested, mate.

Time and time again, you

go for the lowest common

denominator and you

wonder why you end up

trudging down the road

with your belongings in a

shopping cart.

You need to stop scraping

around for roadkill in the

boonies then you might get

one worth holding onto.

Time to stop losing, marko


No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.

How do you know he wears chinos?

  • Like 1

Op you are probably boring if the girls are spending all their time on their Cellphone or watching soaps.

Or maybe you've lowered your expectation of what it means to connect with someone.

  • Like 1


I don't have to cough

up a monthly retainer,

nor do I have to buy

gold to keep my women

interested, mate.

Time and time again, you

go for the lowest common

denominator and you

wonder why you end up

trudging down the road

with your belongings in a

shopping cart.

You need to stop scraping

around for roadkill in the

boonies then you might get

one worth holding onto.

Time to stop losing, marko


No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.

How do you know he wears chinos?

Cos he posted about it before them and his chelsea boots,which must be nice in this climate.


They are what they are and u take the good with the bad.

Strange, all the OPs gfs were "good girls" with supposedly real jobs, but yet all of them slept with him, presumably, on 1st or 2nd date?

Anyway, as for the real jobs..society will find whoever it will to fill those roles, doesnt make them any smarter or more mature.

You will get flamed for saying it but both sides of the fence think pretty much the same, only they arent so vocal and go about it in a different way.

Thank heavens i say lol....these girls,

supposedly with the mentality of 16 year olds, have little problem smamming free houses, life savings etc from supposedly wise well travelled farangs

imagine the damage they could do if they were all Oxford scholars LOL

May surprise you but some of us have a criteria on the type of woman we look for, really comes down to where you meet them right?

I have met every TGF on a website, i pay and set things like education standard to Bachelor Degree or above, more settings of course like location there i concentrate pretty much on BKK Chaing Mai and Chon Bury, sure a few slip through but I'm cleaver enough to work it out long before i get involved and they get chopped quickly.

Letting your big head do the thinking saves a lot of trouble, i dont allow myself to get seduced by looks, youth anything now after all of that you narrow down the field considerably, the girls i dated i was pretty much happy with but....to go that next step no i couldn't.

I wouldn't date an unemployed woman, a cleaner a prostitute a slezy bar worker in my country why would i do that in another?



What's the point of your reply? Except maybe to show us that (some) thai girls are not the only ones who lack the ability to use their brain.

I initiated this topic with a bunch of questions and got some interesting replies and some less interesting (from probably the same old bored dudes). So now, as my experience in this field is limited (and as i don't like to speak to say nothing) i'll let the more experienced of you speak and will read the interesting replies with pleasure (and those who nothing to say, please do me a favour: save my time by keeping your mouth shot).


Yeah, I'll just start this and sit back and read the replies ... I'm really looking for information, honest

That's exactly what happened, isn't it. It's certainly not just posting a popular topic and leave everyone to bicker and never re-enter the thread, like, you know, about 3 times a day ... except I called you on it so you felt the need to reply

What have you learned from these replies? I am sure they will be very useful in this very real situation you came across!!

See you in the next thread beatdeadhorse.gif


They are what they are and u take the good with the bad.

Strange, all the OPs gfs were "good girls" with supposedly real jobs, but yet all of them slept with him, presumably, on 1st or 2nd date?

Anyway, as for the real jobs..society will find whoever it will to fill those roles, doesnt make them any smarter or more mature.

You will get flamed for saying it but both sides of the fence think pretty much the same, only they arent so vocal and go about it in a different way.

Thank heavens i say lol....these girls,

supposedly with the mentality of 16 year olds, have little problem smamming free houses, life savings etc from supposedly wise well travelled farangs

imagine the damage they could do if they were all Oxford scholars LOL

May surprise you but some of us have a criteria on the type of woman we look for, really comes down to where you meet them right?

I have met every TGF on a website, i pay and set things like education standard to Bachelor Degree or above, more settings of course like location there i concentrate pretty much on BKK Chaing Mai and Chon Bury, sure a few slip through but I'm cleaver enough to work it out long before i get involved and they get chopped quickly.

Letting your big head do the thinking saves a lot of trouble, i dont allow myself to get seduced by looks, youth anything now after all of that you narrow down the field considerably, the girls i dated i was pretty much happy with but....to go that next step no i couldn't.

I wouldn't date an unemployed woman, a cleaner a prostitute a slezy bar worker in my country why would i do that in another?[/quo

Iv dated lots of prostitutes in the uk. Ruff as f##k let me tell you. That's why I moved here. Oh and my wife is thick as 2 short planks, uni educated in everything but common sense. And yeh I f####d up the quote system yet a bloody gain.



You should be more concerned to get a HIV test than the airheads you meet.

Surely you must of clocked I was joking about my wife being stupid. So please less of the airhead comments but prostitutes, bring em on I say.


Further to above, I'd be very wary of educated girls with a good command of the English language. Yeah they all learn a bit of basic English at Uni. Got a few mates who met uni / educated younger girls who's English was just a bit too good to have a clean past..and therein lies the problem. IMHO you really need to speak at least basic Thai to land a real top shelf girl here

I'd be more concerned about uneducated ones that speak English well (and can't read or write it).
very true

Come on guys, just shows they've been using their mouths... a lot.

  • Like 1

Agree with the op,many are stuck at a mental age of 16,but shit what do you want,my gf lets me do what i want,shags me when i want it,cleans the house,cooks,sure we don't talk about the theorey of relativity,but she does like football,plus she can swim,so we frolick in the pool together,she is mostly happy,sometimes gets the shits with me,but i have been here long enough now to know just to leave it,not probe why she is not happy,it can be something minor like not going to her favorite noodle stall or crap like that,a few hours later or next day she is fine,all in all i much prefer her to some western woman who is always brooding on 'issues',overthinking everything and feeling she deserves the world on a plate. My girl is happy i support her ,buy her a bit of gold now and again and provide her and her 2 very polite and well behaved kids with security. As for class,yes she is higher class than my ex Thai wife,and has never worked in a bar,her family are comfortable,and educated. Luckily for me she has a sister in Australia and has worked over there in her sisters resturant ,so she is a lot more understanding of the rest of the world,than some one who has never left Thailand,all in all she is a great improvement on my ex wife.

You sound like a lucky man. Can I have her sister's telephone number?



I don't have to cough

up a monthly retainer,

nor do I have to buy

gold to keep my women

interested, mate.

Time and time again, you

go for the lowest common

denominator and you

wonder why you end up

trudging down the road

with your belongings in a

shopping cart.

You need to stop scraping

around for roadkill in the

boonies then you might get

one worth holding onto.

Time to stop losing, marko


No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.

How do you know he wears chinos?

Cos he posted about it before them and his chelsea boots,which must be nice in this climate.

So he mentioned something once, and you keep bringing it up?

You don't think that seems a little creepy?



So he mentioned something once, and you keep bringing it up?

You don't think that seems a little creepy?

Are you still sore about me sitting at the table you left your umbrella on?

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