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Jo Cox: the UK parliament is being recalled


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Jo Cox: the UK parliament is being recalled

By Catherine Hardy


Parliament to be recalled

The leader of the opposition in the UK says Parliament will be recalled from recess on Monday to allow politicians to pay tribute to their slain colleague Jo Cox.

Jeremy Corbyn was speaking alongside Prime Minister David Cameron, near the place in the northern town of Birstall where the MP died after a shooting and knife attack on Thursday.

He called her killing “an attack on democracy”.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said JO Cox’s death showed how hatred and division need to be driven out of politics.

A joint visit

The two men travelled to lay flowers at a memorial near the site of the killing in Burstall, northern England.

They were joined by:

  • Commons speaker John Bercow
  • Leeds MP and shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn
  • Speaker’s Chaplain the Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin

What Jeremy Corbyn said

“She was a campaigner for human rights and justice all around the world. She was taken from us in an act of hatred in a vile act that has killed her.”

“It’s an attack on democracy – what happened yesterday. It is the well of hatred that killed her”.

  • “We need our whole society to be secure”
  • Jo Cox had worked for anti-slavery campaigns, for Oxfam, for human rights all around the world.
  • “What happened is an attack on democracy”
  • The statement from her husband, Brendan Cox, is “exceptional.”
  • Has asked for parliament to be recalled and this will happen on Monday.
  • “It is a tragedy beyond tragedy” what happened to her.
  • He is “deeply sorry and deeply sad” about what happened.

What Cameron said

“Today our nation is rightly shocked. And I think it is a moment to stand back and think about some of the things that are so important about our country.”

“The fact that we should treasure and value our democracy, where members of parliament are out in the public, accountable to the public, available to the public, and that’s how Jo died. She died doing her job.”

  • He first met Jo Cox in 2006 in Darfur
  • “Two children have lost their mother and parliament has lost one of its best MPs”
  • “It is a day to stand back and think about what we treasure”
  • One of those is having MPs available to the public.
  • “We should value and see as precious the democracy we have in these islands”.
  • Where we see intolerance, we should drive it out.

Why is parliament not sitting?

Parliament has not sat since Thursday, to allow members to campaign ahead of a referendum on EU membership on June 23.

Campaigning was halted in the immediate aftermath of the attack.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-18

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Sad as it is this is a mere distraction from the forthcoming referendum.

I wonder who the prime minister will be in a couple of months time.

My prediction :

The people will vote to leave the EU.

There will then be a vote of no confidence followed by a leadership challenge and then Cameron will be fired as Prime Minister to be replaced by Boris Johnson with a cabinet full of his cronies.

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I don't know where the UK is heading but I watch with keen interest, but what I do see is unhappy societies everywhere, people seem to be reaching the end of their tether and I had long thought there was going to be some political assinations, however I never thought the people targeted would be local MP's as in this case.

I can see we are entering times where Politicians and those people that protect the positions are really going to have to switch on or we will start seeing more incidents like this. There must be a lot of Politicians with young families having a bit of a rethink ATM. I can also see increased costs for tax payers if these sort of incidents start occurring more often. I guess we just need to wait and see what happens.

Anyway, sadly, as it would seem someone with a bit of decency and hard working effort has needlessly died, meanwhile various nut bag pollies roam the place spreading their disease.

Across the oceans Donny Trump must be wondering if he will Live to see his 71st birthday, let's face it, in a society where just about any weapon is available for purchase, who's going to stop a carefully placed shot from 1km away? He's got a fairly boof head, but I don't think it will stop a hollow point.

The world has gone mad.

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Sad as it is this is a mere distraction from the forthcoming referendum.

I wonder who the prime minister will be in a couple of months time.

My prediction :

The people will vote to leave the EU.

There will then be a vote of no confidence followed by a leadership challenge and then Cameron will be fired as Prime Minister to be replaced by Boris Johnson with a cabinet full of his cronies.

Changing of the guard in government is like a change in the leadership of a drug cartel. This gives "Dodgy Dave" even more ammunition for his argument and because at the moment he is loosing he may even try to postpone the vote to try and "convert" more of the sheeple that are mulling around undecided as to what to do. Sadly I think this madman may change history and add strength to the stay vote.

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It's always sad when anyone dies before their time. It's also interesting that when it's a politician they tend to be immortalized...by the other politicians, regardless of what they really thought of them. The masters of hypocrisy.

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I don't know where the UK is heading but I watch with keen interest, but what I do see is unhappy societies everywhere, people seem to be reaching the end of their tether and I had long thought there was going to be some political assinations, however I never thought the people targeted would be local MP's as in this case.

Last month in London, I was sitting in my 350,000gbp bedsit (20m), and watching Tv adverts for short term loans with an APR of 1,200% and Credit Cards with APR of 70%+.

The UK, as I knew it, has ceased to exist and the young are facing a hopeless future.

Where does the shop assistant in London live when small bedsits rent at 400gbp/week?

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While any person's untimely death at the hands of a mentally disturbed person is a tragedy, it's hardly an "attack on democracy." That's being a bit dramatic.

The perpetrator of this crime has been arrested and will be dealt with through the British judicial system. It's now time to get on with the debate on the momentous decision of Brexit.

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I don't know where the UK is heading but I watch with keen interest, but what I do see is unhappy societies everywhere, people seem to be reaching the end of their tether and I had long thought there was going to be some political assinations, however I never thought the people targeted would be local MP's as in this case.

Last month in London, I was sitting in my 350,000gbp bedsit (20m), and watching Tv adverts for short term loans with an APR of 1,200% and Credit Cards with APR of 70%+.

The UK, as I knew it, has ceased to exist and the young are facing a hopeless future.

Where does the shop assistant in London live when small bedsits rent at 400gbp/week?

It's an absolute mess. The Remainers say the UK "will be on its own", well it's already on its own. Remainers say the "UK will fail", well for the regular person it failed a long time ago.

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I don't know where the UK is heading but I watch with keen interest, but what I do see is unhappy societies everywhere, people seem to be reaching the end of their tether and I had long thought there was going to be some political assinations, however I never thought the people targeted would be local MP's as in this case.

Last month in London, I was sitting in my 350,000gbp bedsit (20m), and watching Tv adverts for short term loans with an APR of 1,200% and Credit Cards with APR of 70%+.

The UK, as I knew it, has ceased to exist and the young are facing a hopeless future.

Where does the shop assistant in London live when small bedsits rent at 400gbp/week?

Listen I understand, but some people seem to miss it.

I use to think London was expensive 20 years ago, now I see Sydney much worse than that. Let me tell you, you can pay a lot more than 400gbp for a place in Sydney, not big enough to swing a cat in and you're bare bottom workers only earn 400gbp per week and that's before tax. The cost of housing anywhere Sydney is out of control, as is the goats alleged inflation rate of less 2% gets bus fares, taxi rides, food and all the crap you just don't need (cough cough) has gone up well over 2% .

I wouldn't be young again for quids........as I said before, the world has gone mad.

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I don't know where the UK is heading but I watch with keen interest, but what I do see is unhappy societies everywhere, people seem to be reaching the end of their tether and I had long thought there was going to be some political assinations, however I never thought the people targeted would be local MP's as in this case.

Last month in London, I was sitting in my 350,000gbp bedsit (20m), and watching Tv adverts for short term loans with an APR of 1,200% and Credit Cards with APR of 70%+.

The UK, as I knew it, has ceased to exist and the young are facing a hopeless future.

Where does the shop assistant in London live when small bedsits rent at 400gbp/week?

It's an absolute mess. The Remainers say the UK "will be on its own", well it's already on its own. Remainers say the "UK will fail", well for the regular person it failed a long time ago.

Actually old mate, I vaguely recall sitting on either the phone or pm system with you many years ago, many years ago and we discussed some of these issues and most of it has gone down exactly as we said we thought it might go. Without a doubt the governments have failed the people and the people have allowed this to occur.

I won't offers prediction for the next decade though, as I think it's going to go well past our wildest dreams. It's going to g ugly, real ugly.

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There is an obvious parallel here with the 2003 Swedish referendum on joining the Euro.

A leading figure of the pro-EUR camp during the referendum campaign was Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, who was professionally and expeditiously knifed to death in a Stockholm department store, supposedly by a mentally unstable drug addict from Serbia with no knife history, angry over the bombing of that country. The CCTV was not working that day, said the Israeli company in charge of the store's security. They were both pro Palestine too.

Many speculated that the outpouring of sympathy for the well-liked FM would boost the pro-EUR side, which at the time was heading for defeat. In fact, it made no difference and the people of Sweden voted against joining the Eurozone anyway. That was the last time a government invited the people to vote on adopting the EUR.

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Sad as it is this is a mere distraction from the forthcoming referendum.

I wonder who the prime minister will be in a couple of months time.

My prediction :

The people will vote to leave the EU.

There will then be a vote of no confidence followed by a leadership challenge and then Cameron will be fired as Prime Minister to be replaced by Boris Johnson with a cabinet full of his cronies.

Not a distraction when neo-fascist organisations support BREXIT. Inconvenient maybe to some forum BREXIT supporters who like to wrap themselves in the flag and have contributed to a climate whereby REMAIN supporters (including Jo Cox) have been labelled unpatriotic and denounced as such. Better cover it up and move along eh? Some people...(need one say more?)

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While any person's untimely death at the hands of a mentally disturbed person is a tragedy, it's hardly an "attack on democracy." That's being a bit dramatic.

The perpetrator of this crime has been arrested and will be dealt with through the British judicial system. It's now time to get on with the debate on the momentous decision of Brexit.

The man who committed this murder is a right wing extremist, he has stated in court that his actions were 'political', the police have already turned up links between the murderer and right wing extremist groups, the police have said they have evidence that he obtained the weapon/instructions on making the weapon from a right wing extremist group. The police report his home was decked out with Nazi regalia.

At his court arraignment he gave his name as 'Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain'.

The murder of Jo Cox was politically motivated and committed by a man who is an right wing extremist, his actions driven by right wing extremist thinking.

At the time of her murder Jo Cox was working in the community that elected her, meeting with and hearing the concerns of the people she represented, she was the antithesis of the Brexit/UKIP/Extreme Right claim that politicians do not represent ordinary people.

Read here bio on Wikipedia, her mother a school secretary, her father a factory worker, she a grammar school girl who won her place at the UK's top university on merit, she was the antithesis of the Brexit/UKIP/Extreme Right claim that our politicians are all public school toffs looking after themselves.

As for mentally disturbed, let's allow the professionals who will examine him to come to that conclusion - for the meantime the right wing extremist hatred that drove his actions may be found bubbling under many posts here on TVF. He might be mentally ill, we'll find out, but he shares a right wing ideology with members of this forum. Hence a murder is an 'an untimely death', a murder of a politician is 'hardly and attack on democracy'. Play down what is actually extremely dramatic - as dramatic as the right wing extremist meant to to be.

Image for a moment if Jo Cox's murderer had been a Muslim, what would the comments read like?

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Sad as it is this is a mere distraction from the forthcoming referendum.

I wonder who the prime minister will be in a couple of months time.

My prediction :

The people will vote to leave the EU.

There will then be a vote of no confidence followed by a leadership challenge and then Cameron will be fired as Prime Minister to be replaced by Boris Johnson with a cabinet full of his cronies.

Not a distraction when neo-fascist organisations support BREXIT. Inconvenient maybe to some forum BREXIT supporters who like to wrap themselves in the flag and have contributed to a climate whereby REMAIN supporters (including Jo Cox) have been labelled unpatriotic and denounced as such. Better cover it up and move along eh? Some people...(need one say more?)

O.K. Let's stop thinking for ourselves and go along with your opion and vote to remain in.

Alternatively we could postpone the referendum, according to you we don't need democracy.


Edited by nontabury
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While any person's untimely death at the hands of a mentally disturbed person is a tragedy, it's hardly an "attack on democracy." That's being a bit dramatic.

The perpetrator of this crime has been arrested and will be dealt with through the British judicial system. It's now time to get on with the debate on the momentous decision of Brexit.

The man who committed this murder is a right wing extremist, he has stated in court that his actions were 'political', the police have already turned up links between the murderer and right wing extremist groups, the police have said they have evidence that he obtained the weapon/instructions on making the weapon from a right wing extremist group. The police report his home was decked out with Nazi regalia.

At his court arraignment he gave his name as 'Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain'.

The murder of Jo Cox was politically motivated and committed by a man who is an right wing extremist, his actions driven by right wing extremist thinking.

At the time of her murder Jo Cox was working in the community that elected her, meeting with and hearing the concerns of the people she represented, she was the antithesis of the Brexit/UKIP/Extreme Right claim that politicians do not represent ordinary people.

Read here bio on Wikipedia, her mother a school secretary, her father a factory worker, she a grammar school girl who won her place at the UK's top university on merit, she was the antithesis of the Brexit/UKIP/Extreme Right claim that our politicians are all public school toffs looking after themselves.

As for mentally disturbed, let's allow the professionals who will examine him to come to that conclusion - for the meantime the right wing extremist hatred that drove his actions may be found bubbling under many posts here on TVF. He might be mentally ill, we'll find out, but he shares a right wing ideology with members of this forum. Hence a murder is an 'an untimely death', a murder of a politician is 'hardly and attack on democracy'. Play down what is actually extremely dramatic - as dramatic as the right wing extremist meant to to be.

Image for a moment if Jo Cox's murderer had been a Muslim, what would the comments read like?

Great rant Guesthouse.

Now as someone who has played left wing, right wing and centre forward back in the day.

Can you define right wing for me ?

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Great rant Guesthouse.

Now as someone who has played left wing, right wing and centre forward back in the day.

Can you define right wing for me ?

I think you can work it out so I'll not join you in your eagerness to discuss the matter.

The murder of Jo Cox deserves better consideration than obfuscation cloaked as semantic pedantry.

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Great rant Guesthouse.

Now as someone who has played left wing, right wing and centre forward back in the day.

Can you define right wing for me ?

I think you can work it out so I'll not join you in your eagerness to discuss the matter.

The murder of Jo Cox deserves better consideration than obfuscation cloaked as semantic pedantry.

Great answer.

for the meantime the right wing extremist hatred that drove his actions may be found bubbling under many posts here on TVF.

Enlighten us all.

Opposing something does not make anyone right wing, racist, xenophobic or any other label that is constantly thrown about with abandon.

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While any person's untimely death at the hands of a mentally disturbed person is a tragedy, it's hardly an "attack on democracy." That's being a bit dramatic.

The perpetrator of this crime has been arrested and will be dealt with through the British judicial system. It's now time to get on with the debate on the momentous decision of Brexit.

The man who committed this murder is a right wing extremist, he has stated in court that his actions were 'political', the police have already turned up links between the murderer and right wing extremist groups, the police have said they have evidence that he obtained the weapon/instructions on making the weapon from a right wing extremist group. The police report his home was decked out with Nazi regalia.

At his court arraignment he gave his name as 'Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain'.

The murder of Jo Cox was politically motivated and committed by a man who is an right wing extremist, his actions driven by right wing extremist thinking.

At the time of her murder Jo Cox was working in the community that elected her, meeting with and hearing the concerns of the people she represented, she was the antithesis of the Brexit/UKIP/Extreme Right claim that politicians do not represent ordinary people.

Read here bio on Wikipedia, her mother a school secretary, her father a factory worker, she a grammar school girl who won her place at the UK's top university on merit, she was the antithesis of the Brexit/UKIP/Extreme Right claim that our politicians are all public school toffs looking after themselves.

As for mentally disturbed, let's allow the professionals who will examine him to come to that conclusion - for the meantime the right wing extremist hatred that drove his actions may be found bubbling under many posts here on TVF. He might be mentally ill, we'll find out, but he shares a right wing ideology with members of this forum. Hence a murder is an 'an untimely death', a murder of a politician is 'hardly and attack on democracy'. Play down what is actually extremely dramatic - as dramatic as the right wing extremist meant to to be.

Image for a moment if Jo Cox's murderer had been a Muslim, what would the comments read like?

Well said - completely agree

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Great rant Guesthouse.

Now as someone who has played left wing, right wing and centre forward back in the day.

Can you define right wing for me ?

I think you can work it out so I'll not join you in your eagerness to discuss the matter.

The murder of Jo Cox deserves better consideration than obfuscation cloaked as semantic pedantry.

Does this fit with your narrative of a right winger ?

"He was a quiet man who kept to himself but when I first moved back he did about two or three days teaching Muslims and Asians English as a second language.


No obfuscation on my part. I really want to know what your definition of a right winger is.

Just to add. I am not defending this individual. If he is actually sane I would hang him, but that's not allowed in the UK. I think that we will find out in the fullness of time that he has had mental issues for a very long time.

Edited by SgtRock
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Now as someone who has played left wing, right wing and centre forward back in the day.

Can you define right wing for me ?

I think you can work it out so I'll not join you in your eagerness to discuss the matter.

The murder of Jo Cox deserves better consideration than obfuscation cloaked as semantic pedantry.

Does this fit with your narrative of a right winger ?

"He was a quiet man who kept to himself but when I first moved back he did about two or three days teaching Muslims and Asians English as a second language.


No obfuscation on my part. I really want to know what your definition of a right winger is.

Just to add. I am not defending this individual. If he is actually sane I would hang him, but that's not allowed in the UK. I think that we will find out in the fullness of time that he has had mental issues for a very long time.

This is not about generic 'right-wing' as you well know and continued attempts to muddy the waters makes your contributions of some added interest where you actually stand. This is about extreme right-wing activists and if you need to have the politics of either the BNP or Britain First or any of the other neo-fascist UK organisations supporting BREXIT spelled out we will be happy to oblige if you are unable to research them yourself. What is interesting about some of these groups' history is that although they wrap themselves in the Union Jack, some of their antecedents supported the other side in WWII, so so much for the patriotic claim. The alleged killer of Jo Cox is clearly one of the neo-Nazi, neo-fascist nuts. What some of the forum BREXIT supporters are wanting to do is disentangle the killer and his fascist links from the BREXIT cause and hold fast to a purely mental illness issue. As more info emerges, their efforts increasingly exposed for what they are which is an attempt to kick the event into the long grass. As for a link between extreme right-wing nutters and mental illness, well fancy that!

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I don't know where the UK is heading but I watch with keen interest, but what I do see is unhappy societies everywhere, people seem to be reaching the end of their tether and I had long thought there was going to be some political assinations, however I never thought the people targeted would be local MP's as in this case.

Last month in London, I was sitting in my 350,000gbp bedsit (20m), and watching Tv adverts for short term loans with an APR of 1,200% and Credit Cards with APR of 70%+.

The UK, as I knew it, has ceased to exist and the young are facing a hopeless future.

Where does the shop assistant in London live when small bedsits rent at 400gbp/week?

Sorry pal but you have lost 3m already. That is 17m at best..... and with London prices falling and a 20% fall in GBP/THB predicted you could soon be looking at 12m and negative equity !!

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Does this fit with your narrative of a right winger ?

"He was a quiet man who kept to himself but when I first moved back he did about two or three days teaching Muslims and Asians English as a second language.


No obfuscation on my part. I really want to know what your definition of a right winger is.

Just to add. I am not defending this individual. If he is actually sane I would hang him, but that's not allowed in the UK. I think that we will find out in the fullness of time that he has had mental issues for a very long time.

This is not about generic 'right-wing' as you well know and continued attempts to muddy the waters makes your contributions of some added interest where you actually stand. This is about extreme right-wing activists and if you need to have the politics of either the BNP or Britain First or any of the other neo-fascist UK organisations supporting BREXIT spelled out we will be happy to oblige if you are unable to research them yourself. What is interesting about some of these groups' history is that although they wrap themselves in the Union Jack, some of their antecedents supported the other side in WWII, so so much for the patriotic claim. The alleged killer of Jo Cox is clearly one of the neo-Nazi, neo-fascist nuts. What some of the forum BREXIT supporters are wanting to do is disentangle the killer and his fascist links from the BREXIT cause and hold fast to a purely mental illness issue. As more info emerges, their efforts increasingly exposed for what they are which is an attempt to kick the event into the long grass. As for a link between extreme right-wing nutters and mental illness, well fancy that!

Your verbosity does nothing to answer my question. Which was define right wing.

As the poster alluded, he believes that there is, and I quote

for the meantime the right wing extremist hatred that drove his actions may be found bubbling under many posts here on TVF.

So let us see a definition and let us see those posts highlighted and the posters named and shamed.

How bizarre, that under any other circumstances, those that are labelled the liberal left are normally falling over themselves to provide reasons that lesson the impact of someones actions. Yet in this instance they are falling over themselves to assert that he was a right wing extremist, when, to date, it appears that he has a history of mental illness and if the reports are true that he assisted 3 days a week teaching '' Muslims and Asians English '' would indicate that he is not a right wing extremist.

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This was an attack by a violent lone nutter and not a systematic attack on British politics. RIP lady.

A question needs to be asked "where did he get the gun?"

Has the calibre of the gun been revealed?

It was handmade

A modified rifle in bbc news report, shot 3 times no caliber given.

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A few posters could do with reading this from today's Guardian.

There has been considerable speculation that the 52-year-old may have had links to far-right groups. Whatever the truth, there is no doubt that an extreme right-wing element has established a disturbing foothold in the post-industrial social landscape of West Yorkshire.


Paying particular attention to the timeline and asking themselves why this has been happening.

In the meantime, allow the relevant authorities to carry out their investigations into the killer, his motives and his mental state.

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The Remain campaign are going to milk this to the Nth degree. The guy was a raving nutter, a mental case, a wacko. To say he has links to far right Brexit groups is similar to saying the phsyco who killed all those in Florida is representative of all Muslims. If this tragic murder swings it for the Remain campaign then I fear for the future. The whole referendum has turned very toxic and the latest comments from the French minister just add to the toxicity. British politics is not coming out of this looking good. Both sides seem to be self-serving BS ITERS..... Maybe there should be a third option on the ballot paper "NONE OF THE ABOVE"

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