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anyone developed kidney stones on samui relating to local water

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The water will not affect farangs any differently than locals in terms of stone formation. Much more likley culprit is dehydration, which farangs are much more subject to.

Staying well hydrated is the best prevention.

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Yes, and no. I had on 2 occasions an extremely painful passing of stones in the first few years that I lived here. Medical advise from several sources was that I wasn't drinking enough water, and that if I didn't change that, serious kidney damage was the inevitable outcome.

Coming from a cooler climate, you will loose more water, and salts, through sweating than at home.

BTW we use the 20 litre bottles of Reverse Osmosis treated water. Cheap at B15 home delivered and the water quality is fine.

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BTW we use the 20 litre bottles of Reverse Osmosis treated water. Cheap at B15 home delivered and the water quality is fine.

If you only drink reverse osmosis, you should take mineral tablets, you need magnesium, potassium etc...

I buy mineral water, gets cheaper in the long run.

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BTW we use the 20 litre bottles of Reverse Osmosis treated water. Cheap at B15 home delivered and the water quality is fine.

If you only drink reverse osmosis, you should take mineral tablets, you need magnesium, potassium etc...

I buy mineral water, gets cheaper in the long run.

The salt content is reduced, but its not like you are drinking pure water which will drain electrolytes from the body. The amount of salt is actually determined by the pore size in the filters. The g/f is a great cook and insists that we eat at home, so I have a very healthy Thai style diet, without the palm oil. There should be sufficient minerals in the vegetables which make up the bulk of it.

OTOH during hotter months, we keep chilled bottles of rehydration mix in the fridge, and drink a glass or two each day to avoid night cramps. They are quite tasty and around B4-5 per packet when you buy them by the box.

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