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ATTENTION Kamala Beach dog owners


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Please remember to keep your dogs on leash when you are walking them at the beach (or anywhere). It can be dangerous to others using the beach and even more so for the dog. Also, I am starting to see more and more dogs with collar’s running loose on the beach each morning. A few weeks ago it was 2 or 3. Last week it was 3 or 5, and today it was several more than that. sad.png

Please be a responsible dog owner.smile.png

Thank you

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The reason you are seeing colars is that there's a bunch of facebook group of people looking for funding for their rescue and veterinarian organization that they have to go trolling the beach, feeding feral dogs for likes and exposure

They prefer keeping that money for their own salary instead of renting a few rais for a few thousand baht per month in thalang to host those poor little feral cuties.

These people put collar on every dog they encounter to make sure people think they are safe to approach. Most are not though, they attack children and small dogs.

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you need to see the dogs which are dumped on the beach here in Rayong, people make the long journey from Bangkok or Chonburi just to dump their dogs. It's heart breaking to see these poor dogs wandering up and down the beach looking for their long departed ex owners and then getting attacked by the existing feral dogs who protect their territory. Thai's don't give a siht about dogs so why don't they put them down, if they can slaughter pigs & cattle for food surely they can sort out the dog problem.

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you need to see the dogs which are dumped on the beach here in Rayong, people make the long journey from Bangkok or Chonburi just to dump their dogs. It's heart breaking to see these poor dogs wandering up and down the beach looking for their long departed ex owners and then getting attacked by the existing feral dogs who protect their territory. Thai's don't give a siht about dogs so why don't they put them down, if they can slaughter pigs & cattle for food surely they can sort out the dog problem.

Thai vets will not put down a dog.

I would agree the soi dogs / the way people treat their dogs is disgraceful - my local Soi dogs have several people who feed them- but you so often see pups around .

As ever education is the way forward- a cute puppy turns into a house destroying monster- because many Thais seem to think it's ok to leave them alone all day.

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you need to see the dogs which are dumped on the beach here in Rayong, people make the long journey from Bangkok or Chonburi just to dump their dogs. It's heart breaking to see these poor dogs wandering up and down the beach looking for their long departed ex owners and then getting attacked by the existing feral dogs who protect their territory. Thai's don't give a siht about dogs so why don't they put them down, if they can slaughter pigs & cattle for food surely they can sort out the dog problem.

Thai vets will not put down a dog.

I would agree the soi dogs / the way people treat their dogs is disgraceful - my local Soi dogs have several people who feed them- but you so often see pups around .

As ever education is the way forward- a cute puppy turns into a house destroying monster- because many Thais seem to think it's ok to leave them alone all day.

Not true- I know of at least two occasions where Thai vets have put down animals that were suffering.

I wish the people who fed soi dogs and cats when on holiday realised the implications of their acts.

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Why is a dog with a collar a danger to users of a beach?

Because there are several of them and they are starting to run in a pack.

Edit: Just thinking some TV members from different countries may think a collard dog is a leashed or tied up dog. It is not. A collard dog is just that, a dog with material of some sort around the neck, which almost never in Thailand has the owners information.

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Why is a dog with a collar a danger to users of a beach?

Because it means the dog is owned and roaming around because hes friendly enough to be in public

when most of the time they are feral vicious wolf like creatures that were beaten a few years until they bit a member of the family of the tough dog beater and then they were let lose.

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you need to see the dogs which are dumped on the beach here in Rayong, people make the long journey from Bangkok or Chonburi just to dump their dogs. It's heart breaking to see these poor dogs wandering up and down the beach looking for their long departed ex owners and then getting attacked by the existing feral dogs who protect their territory. Thai's don't give a siht about dogs so why don't they put them down, if they can slaughter pigs & cattle for food surely they can sort out the dog problem.

We inherited a problem dog when we moved here. He was already on the property as a "guard dog" but has never been handled or disciplined, just fed 1x or 2x a day. He has started killing chickens in the neighbourhood and leading the other dogs on mischief trips. He stays away all night many nights, particularly if a bitch is in season anywhere nearby. We have discussed having him put down but everyone says that the law is harder on people killing dogs that killing people. No one wants to do it and get into trouble and vets are apparently hard enough to get to put down an elderly dog with kidney or liver failure or cancer, let alone just an unruly problem dog. We have 7 dogs on the farm and all the rest are controllable and good at their job. He is a useless lazy slug who is only here at dinner time. Tying him up for several days makes him howl constantly and then when eventually let off, he stays around for 2-3 days, then he returns to habit.

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you need to see the dogs which are dumped on the beach here in Rayong, people make the long journey from Bangkok or Chonburi just to dump their dogs. It's heart breaking to see these poor dogs wandering up and down the beach looking for their long departed ex owners and then getting attacked by the existing feral dogs who protect their territory. Thai's don't give a siht about dogs so why don't they put them down, if they can slaughter pigs & cattle for food surely they can sort out the dog problem.

We inherited a problem dog when we moved here. He was already on the property as a "guard dog" but has never been handled or disciplined, just fed 1x or 2x a day. He has started killing chickens in the neighbourhood and leading the other dogs on mischief trips. He stays away all night many nights, particularly if a bitch is in season anywhere nearby. We have discussed having him put down but everyone says that the law is harder on people killing dogs that killing people. No one wants to do it and get into trouble and vets are apparently hard enough to get to put down an elderly dog with kidney or liver failure or cancer, let alone just an unruly problem dog. We have 7 dogs on the farm and all the rest are controllable and good at their job. He is a useless lazy slug who is only here at dinner time. Tying him up for several days makes him howl constantly and then when eventually let off, he stays around for 2-3 days, then he returns to habit.
Have him neutered.
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you need to see the dogs which are dumped on the beach here in Rayong, people make the long journey from Bangkok or Chonburi just to dump their dogs. It's heart breaking to see these poor dogs wandering up and down the beach looking for their long departed ex owners and then getting attacked by the existing feral dogs who protect their territory. Thai's don't give a siht about dogs so why don't they put them down, if they can slaughter pigs & cattle for food surely they can sort out the dog problem.

We inherited a problem dog when we moved here. He was already on the property as a "guard dog" but has never been handled or disciplined, just fed 1x or 2x a day. He has started killing chickens in the neighbourhood and leading the other dogs on mischief trips. He stays away all night many nights, particularly if a bitch is in season anywhere nearby. We have discussed having him put down but everyone says that the law is harder on people killing dogs that killing people. No one wants to do it and get into trouble and vets are apparently hard enough to get to put down an elderly dog with kidney or liver failure or cancer, let alone just an unruly problem dog. We have 7 dogs on the farm and all the rest are controllable and good at their job. He is a useless lazy slug who is only here at dinner time. Tying him up for several days makes him howl constantly and then when eventually let off, he stays around for 2-3 days, then he returns to habit.

Take him far away, then shoot him.

Pitiless, but necessary.

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