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Video: Youths in punch up in ER room


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At our local beer shop the other night i was sitting with the Mrs, two 70 year thai men( we know them well and no one else was there) were discussing an upcoming imminent event and army s reason to be in power, more or less in the open.

First i ever heard such things in 16 years apart from behind closed doors

Pleased to hear it. The initiation into the mysteries of the real world politik will be hard for some Thais, but this is an essential growing pain.


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Thai society is breaking down, as predicted variously since the illegal coup.


The principle event is not the Coup, but the advent of Digital CCTV, Video Cameras on mobile phones and social media.

These technology changes have enabled the violence that has always been endemic in Thai society to be captured on video and broadcast to the world.

Your Hogwash is Rubbish - it's all about the 'event' as mentioned.

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The nurses stepped in to deal with them but the police officer present stayed in the background and only managed to close the door behind them ( probably wise from a personal safety perspective but a bit odd given his job).

Only a 'bit odd' by your interpretation of his job. I'm sure his police

duty is a bit different than you'd assume; anyway I think their job is way different than a general western description of such. It is just the Thai way.

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It is true that Thailand has been a violent country for a long time and that the presence of CCTV and mobile phones with cameras have exposed it more. To add to that the fact that everything now gets films means that the brain dead Thai youth see it as their fifteen minutes of fame and play to the audience. Not just in Thailand but also in many other countries.

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10 against 1. Tough guys.

If it was only one-on-one, there would probably not have been any trouble. Thais generally prefer 10 to one. One Thai is a limp-dick. Ten Thais are suddenly all King Naruesans who can attack a single person, especially if they are disabled, a Laos girl or tourist pensioners from Europe.

Thai society is breaking down, as predicted variously since the illegal coup. This is just one more example. Far from 'returning happiness to the people' many Thais are now extremely unhappy, the economy is collapsing and Thailand is fast becoming a pariah nation. Many Thais now understand that the army only wants (and only ever wanted) to be in power when a certain event takes place, so they can influence the outcome in favour of the so-called 'amaat' - the hyper-wealthy ruling class and their supporters. Many Thais are very unhappy about this political meddling, largely thanks to the incompetence of the dynamic duo, Dumpy and Grumpy.

In my view, social cohesion in Thailand will continue to fragment until open conflict between political camps breaks out and the matter is resolved once and for all - violently.

I believe this is now less than a year away according to the 'road-map' It will happen shortly before or shortly after the time promised for elections to take place (which I do not believe will ever take place under the current management).

Interesting times for Thailand. Nobody else in the world cares - Thailand is already an almost-pariah-nation.


"Thai society is breaking down, as predicted variously since the illegal coup. " WOW!!!! Do you seriously suggest that this change in the previous Thai Character can be blamed on the coup? How long have you lived here for, in order to make such observations? Such statements about the army and the Amart as contained in that whole paragraph of your posting are as silly as the people who used to blame Thaksin for even the weather. This youth gang rivalry in Thailand obviously did NOT start just since and because of this coup, as you state!

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The nurses stepped in to deal with them but the police officer present stayed in the background and only managed to close the door behind them ( probably wise from a personal safety perspective but a bit odd given his job).

..hearts the size of peas.

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It is true that Thailand has been a violent country for a long time and that the presence of CCTV and mobile phones with cameras have exposed it more. To add to that the fact that everything now gets films means that the brain dead Thai youth see it as their fifteen minutes of fame and play to the audience. Not just in Thailand but also in many other countries.

CCTV and YouTwitFaceTube has replaced the traditional tattoo.

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It is true that Thailand has been a violent country for a long time and that the presence of CCTV and mobile phones with cameras have exposed it more. To add to that the fact that everything now gets films means that the brain dead Thai youth see it as their fifteen minutes of fame and play to the audience. Not just in Thailand but also in many other countries.

CCTV and YouTwitFaceTube has replaced the traditional tattoo.

Got to agree. In Oz, even the "nice" girls are getting a tramp stamp.

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10 against 1. Tough guys.

If it was only one-on-one, there would probably not have been any trouble. Thais generally prefer 10 to one. One Thai is a limp-dick. Ten Thais are suddenly all King Naruesans who can attack a single person, especially if they are disabled, a Laos girl or tourist pensioners from Europe.

Thai society is breaking down, as predicted variously since the illegal coup. This is just one more example. Far from 'returning happiness to the people' many Thais are now extremely unhappy, the economy is collapsing and Thailand is fast becoming a pariah nation. Many Thais now understand that the army only wants (and only ever wanted) to be in power when a certain event takes place, so they can influence the outcome in favour of the so-called 'amaat' - the hyper-wealthy ruling class and their supporters. Many Thais are very unhappy about this political meddling, largely thanks to the incompetence of the dynamic duo, Dumpy and Grumpy.

In my view, social cohesion in Thailand will continue to fragment until open conflict between political camps breaks out and the matter is resolved once and for all - violently.

I believe this is now less than a year away according to the 'road-map' It will happen shortly before or shortly after the time promised for elections to take place (which I do not believe will ever take place under the current management).

Interesting times for Thailand. Nobody else in the world cares - Thailand is already an almost-pariah-nation.


"Thai society is breaking down, as predicted variously since the illegal coup. " WOW!!!! Do you seriously suggest that this change in the previous Thai Character can be blamed on the coup? How long have you lived here for, in order to make such observations? Such statements about the army and the Amart as contained in that whole paragraph of your posting are as silly as the people who used to blame Thaksin for even the weather. This youth gang rivalry in Thailand obviously did NOT start just since and because of this coup, as you state!

What I said was right in front of you when you wrote putting words in my mouth. Please concentrate on what I actually wrote and not what you wish I'd written.

It's a well-known fact that in times of financial hardship, the crime rate increase, particularly theft and assaults. Theft to assist with financial hardhip and assaults to release anger and emotional pressure. If you don't agree, then you aren't arguing with me, you're arguing with accepted fact and history. Financial hardship is increasing in Thailand, and has been since the illegal coup d'etat. If you disagree then you haven't been listening to anyone because most newspapers and news TV stations have been saying this for nearly 2 years, when the wheels first began to fall off and the solution of Mr Grumpy to the Thai economy going down the pan, was to offer free haircuts. Great.

The Thai character, being more lawless, more uncontrolled and less modified by law enforcement than in any other country I've ever lived in, is more subject to these increases in violence and larceny than most.

What I said, which you largely ignored, is in the text you quoted. What I meant is explained above. Please do not attribute things to me or imply I am suggesting things which I have not said, it's not mature behaviour.


Edited by Winniedapu
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The nurses stepped in to deal with them but the police officer present stayed in the background and only managed to close the door behind them ( probably wise from a personal safety perspective but a bit odd given his job).

..hearts the size of peas.

with brains to match in most cases.

If a police officer fails to deal with a crime taking place under his nose, despite the fact than most wear side-arms (for show? the John Wayne syndrome?), then he should be dismissed. Ignoring a crime for fear of personal risk is as much corruption as ignoring a crime for money.

But he won't be disciplined because he knows where the money goes...

The institutionalisation of incompetence and corruption in Thailand continues apace.


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Thai society is breaking down, as predicted variously since the illegal coup.


The principle event is not the Coup, but the advent of Digital CCTV, Video Cameras on mobile phones and social media.

These technology changes have enabled the violence that has always been endemic in Thai society to be captured on video and broadcast to the world.


OK it's hogwash... if you insist and if you know better...

"The principle event is not the Coup, but the advent of Digital CCTV, Video Cameras on mobile phones and social media. "

I don't agree. As I see it, the principle event is more primitive and uncivilised behaviour by Thais.

"These technology changes have enabled the violence that has always been endemic in Thai society to be captured on video and broadcast to the world."

That is certainly true, What was hidden once is not always hidden now. But the problem is not bad publicity, the problem is bad behaviour. Of course you do not think that's relevant and that it's 'hogwash' and that there is no increase in the incidence of bad behaviour and if there is, then it does not necessarily mean that society is disintegrating.

I don't agree with you.



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Very interesting points above. Cryptic but true. After the SADNESS there comes a phase of ANGER. the big bosses know and are getting prepared... Of course they weren't thinking ahead when they brainwashed the serfs...

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Thai society is breaking down, as predicted variously since the illegal coup.


The principle event is not the Coup, but the advent of Digital CCTV, Video Cameras on mobile phones and social media.

These technology changes have enabled the violence that has always been endemic in Thai society to be captured on video and broadcast to the world.


OK it's hogwash... if you insist and if you know better...

"The principle event is not the Coup, but the advent of Digital CCTV, Video Cameras on mobile phones and social media. "

I don't agree. As I see it, the principle event is more primitive and uncivilised behaviour by Thais.

"These technology changes have enabled the violence that has always been endemic in Thai society to be captured on video and broadcast to the world."

That is certainly true, What was hidden once is not always hidden now. But the problem is not bad publicity, the problem is bad behaviour. Of course you do not think that's relevant and that it's 'hogwash' and that there is no increase in the incidence of bad behaviour and if there is, then it does not necessarily mean that society is disintegrating.

I don't agree with you.


You state that Thai society is breaking down.

You agree with me that technological changes are making what was once hidden visible

You surmise that because I observe that technology is giving publicity to violent behaviour that I somehow don't regard the behaviour itself as relevant.

You don't agree with me.

That's fine, but you have no evidence that there is an increase in violent behaviour, and hence no evidence that society is breaking down.

Without evidence to support your claim I don't think it matters that you don't agree with me.

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Very interesting points above. Cryptic but true. After the SADNESS there comes a phase of ANGER. the big bosses know and are getting prepared... Of course they weren't thinking ahead when they brainwashed the serfs...

They havent brainwashed all the serfs. Particularly those who were latterly gathered unto Siam. They rather openly say what they are forbidden. And they listen to Thai language internet shows from overseas that dish the dirt in no uncertain terms. Statements that would make a UK republican blanche.

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