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NCPO says closure of UDD's anti-corruption center is to maintain peace


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Talking to a Thai lawyer the other day who earned his qualifications in the UK but has be practising here for many years remarked

'After serving and trying to understand the average Thais logic Unfortunately the status quo is the only way to Govern / Rule Thai people at present due to uneducated masses and brainwashing tactics of the likes of the UDD.

He didn't condone present situation but Certainly understood a preferred it in his opinion.

Well, that's one Thai who supports the junta. Let me guess, your lawyer friend is in Bangkok and is a product of a system that maintains wealth and power in Bangkok at the expense of the rest of the country, isn't he?

Unelected governments in Thailand serve Bangkok and neglect the rest of the country. When the people are given a vote they elect governments that make some progress in changing that, before they are overthrown in a coup. Why do you think the masses are uneducated? What is the junta doing to change that?

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Prayut knows something about taking care of the public.

Recently he related when he was in charge of more than 200,000 soldiers that he used to help people. Same now with the whole Thai nation:

"Without soldiers, Thailand can go nowhere. Nowadays, we are using soldiers to steer the country."

(Prayut address to diplomats from the Group of the 77)

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No discussion, no criticism and no freedom of speech. The iron fist policy.

they have no authority or mandate to operate such a center, who or what "WAT" do they think they are, this is exactly what creates division in Thailand, Thailand needs to move on and away from these self appointed thug come terrorist groups, how about they all disclose their personal wealth and where it came from, that would be a good start

You have me confused smedly disclose their personal wealth etc. sounds more like soldiers and cops should be doing this. Creates division in Thailand hello its already there. Move on and away from self appointed thugs come terrorist groups well I think an election will solve this and we can put the good general out to pasture.

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Talking to a Thai lawyer the other day who earned his qualifications in the UK but has be practising here for many years remarked

'After serving and trying to understand the average Thais logic Unfortunately the status quo is the only way to Govern / Rule Thai people at present due to uneducated masses and brainwashing tactics of the likes of the UDD.

He didn't condone present situation but Certainly understood a preferred it in his opinion.

Well, that's one Thai who supports the junta. Let me guess, your lawyer friend is in Bangkok and is a product of a system that maintains wealth and power in Bangkok at the expense of the rest of the country, isn't he?

Unelected governments in Thailand serve Bangkok and neglect the rest of the country. When the people are given a vote they elect governments that make some progress in changing that, before they are overthrown in a coup. Why do you think the masses are uneducated? What is the junta doing to change that?

Funny I can't see where I said he was a 'friend' and secondly 'no' his practice is in the south... Personally do you think the UDD where doing a better job?

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Talking to a Thai lawyer the other day who earned his qualifications in the UK but has be practising here for many years remarked

'After serving and trying to understand the average Thais logic Unfortunately the status quo is the only way to Govern / Rule Thai people at present due to uneducated masses and brainwashing tactics of the likes of the UDD.

He didn't condone present situation but Certainly understood a preferred it in his opinion.

Well, that's one Thai who supports the junta. Let me guess, your lawyer friend is in Bangkok and is a product of a system that maintains wealth and power in Bangkok at the expense of the rest of the country, isn't he?

Unelected governments in Thailand serve Bangkok and neglect the rest of the country. When the people are given a vote they elect governments that make some progress in changing that, before they are overthrown in a coup. Why do you think the masses are uneducated? What is the junta doing to change that?

Funny I can't see where I said he was a 'friend' and secondly 'no' his practice is in the south... Personally do you think the UDD where doing a better job?

I assumed that since you were talking politics with a Thai he must have been a trusted friend. Otherwise both of you are going out on a limb. If he was not a trusted friend then he would be expected to play it safe and speak positively about the thin-skinned autocrat in charge of the country.

Perhaps he is not currently working in Bangkok, but if he went to university in the UK it is a safe bet he is from a wealthy family with Bangkok connections. So he is an aristocrat defending the aristocratic order. No surprise.

I don't recall the UDD every being in government. However I do think that at its worst elected government in Thailand is better than military rule.

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No discussion, no criticism and no freedom of speech. The iron fist policy.

they have no authority or mandate to operate such a center, who or what "WAT" do they think they are, this is exactly what creates division in Thailand, Thailand needs to move on and away from these self appointed thug come terrorist groups, how about they all disclose their personal wealth and where it came from, that would be a good start

Could swear you're talking about not the UDD, but the other side....."no authority or mandate", "self appointed thugs", " terrorist groups" and of course undisclosed "personal wealth".

Got a bit confused here when you mentioned about "undisclosed personal wealth" and "the other side"--------- thought they were all the same

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Talking to a Thai lawyer the other day who earned his qualifications in the UK but has be practising here for many years remarked

'After serving and trying to understand the average Thais logic Unfortunately the status quo is the only way to Govern / Rule Thai people at present due to uneducated masses and brainwashing tactics of the likes of the UDD.

He didn't condone present situation but Certainly understood a preferred it in his opinion.

Well, that's one Thai who supports the junta. Let me guess, your lawyer friend is in Bangkok and is a product of a system that maintains wealth and power in Bangkok at the expense of the rest of the country, isn't he?

Unelected governments in Thailand serve Bangkok and neglect the rest of the country. When the people are given a vote they elect governments that make some progress in changing that, before they are overthrown in a coup. Why do you think the masses are uneducated? What is the junta doing to change that?

Funny I can't see where I said he was a 'friend' and secondly 'no' his practice is in the south... Personally do you think the UDD where doing a better job?

I assumed that since you were talking politics with a Thai he must have been a trusted friend. Otherwise both of you are going out on a limb. If he was not a trusted friend then he would be expected to play it safe and speak positively about the thin-skinned autocrat in charge of the country.

Perhaps he is not currently working in Bangkok, but if he went to university in the UK it is a safe bet he is from a wealthy family with Bangkok connections. So he is an aristocrat defending the aristocratic order. No surprise.

I don't recall the UDD every being in government. However I do think that at its worst elected government in Thailand is better than military rule.

Ok PT but 'Assume' and 'perhaps' is all I needed to read!! How about absolutely, possibly, think that maybe...enough said i feel.. Bye)

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Talking to a Thai lawyer the other day who earned his qualifications in the UK but has be practising here for many years remarked

'After serving and trying to understand the average Thais logic Unfortunately the status quo is the only way to Govern / Rule Thai people at present due to uneducated masses and brainwashing tactics of the likes of the UDD.

He didn't condone present situation but Certainly understood a preferred it in his opinion.

Amazing. criticism of the UDD for brainwashing, yet no comment on the huge national propagandising campaign since the Yanks got their bums kicked out of Vietnam. Or the literally trillions of baht diverted out of the Thai economy into a very few pockets in the name of being a good Thai.

Thailand has been treated as a personal ATM machine for those at the very top of Thai society for decades. If Thailand wants to develop as a country and as a people, that must stop and the criminals responsible must be dealt with harshly.


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No discussion, no criticism and no freedom of speech. The iron fist policy.

they have no authority or mandate to operate such a center, who or what "WAT" do they think they are, this is exactly what creates division in Thailand, Thailand needs to move on and away from these self appointed thug come terrorist groups, how about they all disclose their personal wealth and where it came from, that would be a good start

Could swear you're talking about not the UDD, but the other side....."no authority or mandate", "self appointed thugs", " terrorist groups" and of course undisclosed "personal wealth".

Exactly right, other than the colour of the uniform and the green/yellow side having more guns, there is little visible difference in the moral authority of either side to run the country. Thailand has yet to see a clean alternative to the corrupt wealth and power politics of the last century. And it is hard to see where a Ghandi or Mandela figure is to come from. It would have to be someone educated abroad IMO, and therefore connected with, but rejecting the values of, the traditional elite.

It's normal for the 3rd-world. Dishonesty, ineffective law, corruption, a more-or-less stupid electorate who've been deliberately trained to be stupid. All is pretty normal. It's the same in Uganda, DRC and Nigeria. L00k again, and in 10 years, the way it's going, Thailand will be the Zimbabwe of SE Asia.

But it's becoming not the norm in ASEAN, many of whose members are improving their countries by contrast to Thailand. This is an immediate and serious problem for Thailand which has always considered itself a leader in SE Asia for various not-very-valid-reasons as well as punching above it's weight economically. Thailand's days as a tall poppy are numbered, and it's clowns like the current government that should be held responsible for holding the country back.

These are the major reasons why Grumpy's statement that under his stewardship, Thailand will be a developed nation in 10 years is ridiculous, even for him. The man's a muppet and so far, shows no sign of understanding anything at all. But look at who he's supported by. Prawit, Paochinda, Udomdej, Prem, Pridyathorn, Meechai, the grinning gargoyle from the EC, the hopeless Police Chief.

How bright could he ever shine? Seriously...


Edited by Winniedapu
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Talking to a Thai lawyer the other day who earned his qualifications in the UK but has be practising here for many years remarked

'After serving and trying to understand the average Thais logic Unfortunately the status quo is the only way to Govern / Rule Thai people at present due to uneducated masses and brainwashing tactics of the likes of the UDD.

He didn't condone present situation but Certainly understood a preferred it in his opinion.

Well, that's one Thai who supports the junta. Let me guess, your lawyer friend is in Bangkok and is a product of a system that maintains wealth and power in Bangkok at the expense of the rest of the country, isn't he?

Unelected governments in Thailand serve Bangkok and neglect the rest of the country. When the people are given a vote they elect governments that make some progress in changing that, before they are overthrown in a coup. Why do you think the masses are uneducated? What is the junta doing to change that?

Funny I can't see where I said he was a 'friend' and secondly 'no' his practice is in the south... Personally do you think the UDD where doing a better job?

I assumed that since you were talking politics with a Thai he must have been a trusted friend. Otherwise both of you are going out on a limb. If he was not a trusted friend then he would be expected to play it safe and speak positively about the thin-skinned autocrat in charge of the country.

Perhaps he is not currently working in Bangkok, but if he went to university in the UK it is a safe bet he is from a wealthy family with Bangkok connections. So he is an aristocrat defending the aristocratic order. No surprise.

I don't recall the UDD every being in government. However I do think that at its worst elected government in Thailand is better than military rule.

Ok PT but 'Assume' and 'perhaps' is all I needed to read!! How about absolutely, possibly, think that maybe...enough said i feel.. Bye)

"Perhaps he is not currently working in Bangkok..."

I only have your post as a source for where this lawyer, who is not your friend but discusses politics with you anyway, practices law. In fact I only have your post as "proof" of his existence and political views. I'll stick with "perhaps".

But if it makes you feel better I will be more definite on his background. If he went to university in the UK he is definitely from a wealthy family with Bangkok connections. He is definitely a member of the aristocracy defending the aristocratic order.

Is that better?

You skipped over my comments on why the masses are uneducated and my question asking what the junta is doing to correct the situation. If you like I can provide a link to a World Bank report detailing disparities in government investment, including education, between Bangkok and the rest of the country. It seems the aristocrats want to keep the masses uneducated. It also seems, based on the junta's education proposals, that it wants to implement large scale systemic brain washing. What does the lawyer who is not your friend think of that?

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No discussion, no criticism and no freedom of speech. The iron fist policy.

they have no authority or mandate to operate such a center, who or what "WAT" do they think they are, this is exactly what creates division in Thailand, Thailand needs to move on and away from these self appointed thug come terrorist groups, how about they all disclose their personal wealth and where it came from, that would be a good start

Could swear you're talking about not the UDD, but the other side....."no authority or mandate", "self appointed thugs", " terrorist groups" and of course undisclosed "personal wealth".

I have no idea why the Thais don't expect full disclosure on their leaders' part...probably because they expect corruption and think it's normal...still, they should expect far more from their leaders...

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In a civil society, not the ugly and unequal totalitarian one you are such an avid flag-waver for, such authority or mandate is not required, Citizens or groups of citizens can scrutinise their government's actions without sanction.

yes really ugly, compared to what, I have never witnessed Thailand so calm these last couple of years, could we rate it by deaths due to conflict, have there been any ? seems to me there a lot of people alive that would otherwise be long gone at the hands of terrorists ...............long may it continue - the killing/murder has stopped........waken up

Actually, the relatives of the people that died at the Erawan shrine would certainly be offended by your remarks.

People are still dying down south, and quite frankly, the number of people that actually died due to political conflict pales with this year's Songkran death toll, despits efforts from the current idiotic administration to minimize deaths during Songkran.

That's no excuse to have an illegal and incompetent administration suspensding basic human rights, they will find out how that peace is nothing but a placebo. One wonders if anyone in the NCPO is using their brains...

actually the relatives of those that died at the Erawan Shrine would be extremely offended at your attempt to use their deaths to make some sort of cheap political point......shame on you

as for songkran well nothing much changes there, road carnage in Thailand is nothing new

and the terrorist south ....really, are you using that to make some sort of depraved twisted argument

99.9% of people understood exactly what I was saying

you are one seriously challenged sick individual, go get help

I didn't understand exactly what you were saying. Complete drivel as usual.

Edited by jesimps
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No discussion, no criticism and no freedom of speech. The iron fist policy.

they have no authority or mandate to operate such a center, who or what "WAT" do they think they are, this is exactly what creates division in Thailand, Thailand needs to move on and away from these self appointed thug come terrorist groups, how about they all disclose their personal wealth and where it came from, that would be a good start

In a civil society, not the ugly and unequal totalitarian one you are such an avid flag-waver for, such authority or mandate is not required, Citizens or groups of citizens can scrutinise their government's actions without sanction.

yes really ugly, compared to what, I have never witnessed Thailand so calm these last couple of years, could we rate it by deaths due to conflict, have there been any ? seems to me there a lot of people alive that would otherwise be long gone at the hands of terrorists ...............long may it continue - the killing/murder has stopped........waken up

referencing a later reply, yes, we know what you are talking about and that you are basically clueless.

Murders and killing - the military has always been the leader in that department - you ignore or gloss over that fact, ... and it hasn't stopped ... with forced disappearances, accidents while in custody, and killings of locals who dare be "activists". Ooops.

There are still, amazingly, junta cheerleaders like yourself waving the banner of "it's cool for me, so it's cool for Thailand".... human rights and justice be dam,ed...

Seriously, ... wake up.

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No discussion, no criticism and no freedom of speech. The iron fist policy.

they have no authority or mandate to operate such a center, who or what "WAT" do they think they are, this is exactly what creates division in Thailand, Thailand needs to move on and away from these self appointed thug come terrorist groups, how about they all disclose their personal wealth and where it came from, that would be a good start

Could swear you're talking about not the UDD, but the other side....."no authority or mandate", "self appointed thugs", " terrorist groups" and of course undisclosed "personal wealth".

Exactly right, other than the colour of the uniform and the green/yellow side having more guns, there is little visible difference in the moral authority of either side to run the country. Thailand has yet to see a clean alternative to the corrupt wealth and power politics of the last century. And it is hard to see where a Ghandi or Mandela figure is to come from. It would have to be someone educated abroad IMO, and therefore connected with, but rejecting the values of, the traditional elite.

There is one tiny difference.....only one side has governed the country with a mandate from the electorate on every occasion that they have held office.

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