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Looking for street food market with disgusting foods

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Hi, where is there a street food or night market with lots of cooked food of things that look horrible to westerners - chicken feet, pig tongues, frogs... that kind of thing.

I know there are lots of fried bugs and crickets on Khao San road but I'm looking for the meat. I've seen them here and there over the years but can't think where they are all in one place. Any ideas? Maybe it would be a night market.



I would say go to morning markets.They have them I believe any city in Thailand.Not sure where in Bangkok.Most of the stuff is uncooked.

If your looking for dog I can't help you on that


What's wrong with frogs? wink.png

(sorry, couldn't resist)

I've sometimes seen fieldmice (hope that's the correct word?) being sold, they really look like big rats but I've been told that they're clean because they live in the fields. Never tried eating them although some of my Thai friends have tried to convince me.


Are you planning to do another a U-tube clip on how horrible the Thai Taste is or is this for your own consumption?


Are you planning to do another a U-tube clip on how horrible the Thai Taste is or is this for your own consumption?

..he wants us to do all the frog 'leg work' for him.

here!...have some pig face..should keep you going for a while.



Are you planning to do another a U-tube clip on how horrible the Thai Taste is or is this for your own consumption?

..he wants us to do all the frog 'leg work' for him.

here!...have some pig face..should keep you going for a while.

attachicon.gifThai Pig Face-new strain.JPG

At least upcountry in my area - they do not eat the pig face but use it in ceremonies... they are not cheap and sometimes sell out quickly...


I don't think you will find it all in one place.

Intestines and lungs can be found in food courts.

Frogs, chicken feet are rarely found in night markets - only restaurants or fresh markets for people to cook with.

You may find some noodle stalls with chicken feet on the street, but many thai/chinese restaurants will have goose feet in a glass noodle dish.

Tongues - again not common dish for street food / night market or even thai food. You will find it at japanese bbq restaurants but its sliced.

If you want to gross out your friend with all these stuff, then head to the Klong Toey fresh market and walk around. You will find all these stuff and more!


My consumer behavior prof back at Uni said "All tastes are acquired". That stuck with me. To many Thais beef is disgusting. Cheese (rotten milk) is disgusting. Why should one part of animal, etc be any more disgusting or desirable than another? Depends on how your were raised....


Go to China to Dog meat festival in Guangxi province. Small yellow skin dogs are considered the most yummy. Some years ago chefs were beating alive dogs with sticks to death to make meat more juicy. I heard these dogs screaming while passing by dog meat restaurants in GZ but it was about 10 years ago maybe now the situation is better and they just quicky slit dogs throat but who knows. I heard a story about one British girl who went to the animal market in GZ to buy a puppet as a pet. After she made her choice the vendor thinking that she was buying a dog for food quickly chopped puppy in a few chunks, wrapped it and gave it to a speechless girl...


"Hi, where is there a street food or night market with lots of cooked food of things that look horrible to westerners - chicken feet, pig tongues, frogs... that kind of thing."

You must have had a very sheltered life if you seriously think that westerners are so unaccustomed to tongue and frog that they would think that those items look any more horrible here than they do in their own countries.


What's wrong with frogs? wink.png

(sorry, couldn't resist)

I've sometimes seen fieldmice (hope that's the correct word?) being sold, they really look like big rats but I've been told that they're clean because they live in the fields. Never tried eating them although some of my Thai friends have tried to convince me.

A friend grew up on a rice farm. He and other boys would be sent to the fields to hunt these mice, as they ate the rice. He said they were very clean because of the their diet and the boys would cook and eat them. Very tasty, he said.

I asked if he would eat them today and he said no...laugh.png


"Hi, where is there a street food or night market with lots of cooked food of things that look horrible to westerners - chicken feet, pig tongues, frogs... that kind of thing."

You must have had a very sheltered life if you seriously think that westerners are so unaccustomed to tongue and frog that they would think that those items look any more horrible here than they do in their own countries.

I guess it is when you go see them out in the heat with flies buzzing all over them and then the horrific stench wafts out at you become grossed out.


I lived on the King Kaeo Road between the Bang Na / Chonburi express way and the Airport.

This was full of disgusting things every evening from street vendors. Lots of factory around there, mostly Thai people piling out from them every evening buying all sorts of boiled intestines, chicken feet, duck feet, and other things that I can only imagine what they were.

Although I like Thai food, couldn't handle this side of it so ended up cooking at home most evenings.

Worst place I have seen since living here for sure.


What's wrong with frogs? wink.png

(sorry, couldn't resist)

I've sometimes seen fieldmice (hope that's the correct word?) being sold, they really look like big rats but I've been told that they're clean because they live in the fields. Never tried eating them although some of my Thai friends have tried to convince me.

You know that whole ''well it's a field rat so it's clean'' is B.S./ Rats eat everything ,anywhere. Feces ,(animal and human), other dead animals, rotted decaying meat, each other...etc.Not to mention the diseases they're infected with both city and ''field''.


What's wrong with frogs? wink.png

(sorry, couldn't resist)

I've sometimes seen fieldmice (hope that's the correct word?) being sold, they really look like big rats but I've been told that they're clean because they live in the fields. Never tried eating them although some of my Thai friends have tried to convince me.

You know that whole ''well it's a field rat so it's clean'' is B.S./ Rats eat everything ,anywhere. Feces ,(animal and human), other dead animals, rotted decaying meat, each other...etc.Not to mention the diseases they're infected with both city and ''field''.

Technically that's not a rat. The French word we use is "mulot" and Google Translate gave me "field mouse".

Thais call this "nou" juste like a mouse.

It's bigger than a mouse, though.


Are you planning to do another a U-tube clip on how horrible the Thai Taste is or is this for your own consumption?

What's it got to do with you if I am? And it's YouTube.

No, I just fancied eating some. I've seen loads scattered around over the years but never all under one roof.


"Hi, where is there a street food or night market with lots of cooked food of things that look horrible to westerners - chicken feet, pig tongues, frogs... that kind of thing."

You must have had a very sheltered life if you seriously think that westerners are so unaccustomed to tongue and frog that they would think that those items look any more horrible here than they do in their own countries.

Yes, so very sheltered.


Well I have a deep freeze that has quite a few pig's ears, cheeks, snouts and trotters in it. I can buy them in any of the 6 or so butcher shops in my town. I also buy sheep tongues. I also eat testicles from time to time. When I make chicken broth I usually put the feet in too.

As for recipes there are some excellent recipes on many English cooking sites - BBC Good Food, BBC Food, Great British Chefs etc. The latter are chefs with quite a few stars and serve up this "disgusting" food in many of the top restaurants in the UK.

As for frogs and snails, I like them too, but haven't eaten them for a while.

As for intestines, they are found in all those dry sausages that the Italians and French like so much. Don't let's talk about Haggis.

I wouldn't mind betting that those who find this disgusting are mostly Americans. They have a thing about offal.


Well I have a deep freeze that has quite a few pig's ears, cheeks, snouts and trotters in it. I can buy them in any of the 6 or so butcher shops in my town. I also buy sheep tongues. I also eat testicles from time to time. When I make chicken broth I usually put the feet in too.

"Pig ears""sheep tongues""chicken feet" yet the testicles species is conspicuously absent...hmmm


Are you planning to do another a U-tube clip on how horrible the Thai Taste is or is this for your own consumption?

What's it got to do with you if I am? And it's YouTube.

No, I just fancied eating some. I've seen loads scattered around over the years but never all under one roof.

Eat like a pig must be a p........


You can go to any neighbourhood in bkk to see a local wet market. In the weekends they are the largest. All you like to see is there, just go around 4-5 pm before things are sold out.

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