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Mont Clair Red Wine 2L. Country of Origin Change ?


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Maybe 3 months ago, the bottles of wine where being imported, and now its being supplied in bulk and bottled in Thailand hence the change in labelling

A quick search suggests there is no Vineyard or wine producer in South Africa called Mont Clair, suggesting they import either the juice and ferment in Thailand, or they buy bulk wines from different vineyards and bottle it in Thailand ie its a "Thai" wine not a South African wine per se

Edited by Bunnychow
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i am not a prolific wine drinker,only when we have visitors and at christmas,but those who like a glass or two will find siam winery has a very impressive wine catalogue.world of wines.

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i am not a prolific wine drinker,only when we have visitors and at christmas,but those who like a glass or two will find siam winery has a very impressive wine catalogue.world of wines.

What ! Think you have been drinking to much Mont Clair lol Nothing impressive about Siam Winery.laugh.png

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mont clare has a thai partnership with s.africa.that is why its not a bad price.

As far as I know the relatively low price is because the alcohol is produced locally and not imported. Only the grape juice is imported for local fermentation, and so the tax applied is much lower.

Anyone who likes Mont Clair should buy the special 8lit packs only sold at Makro for 1200B as they are much cheaper.

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Maybe 3 months ago, the bottles of wine where being imported, and now its being supplied in bulk and bottled in Thailand hence the change in labelling

A quick search suggests there is no Vineyard or wine producer in South Africa called Mont Clair, suggesting they import either the juice and ferment in Thailand, or they buy bulk wines from different vineyards and bottle it in Thailand ie its a "Thai" wine not a South African wine per se


Yes a Chinese lady who runs Modern variety store in Pattaya said that the wine is imported in bulk and bottled in Thailand to avoid about a 300 baht/2L bottle.

This search item does give S.A. as Mont Clair winery location. I really dont like the idea that there are so many moving parts here.

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Maybe 3 months ago, the bottles of wine where being imported, and now its being supplied in bulk and bottled in Thailand hence the change in labelling

A quick search suggests there is no Vineyard or wine producer in South Africa called Mont Clair, suggesting they import either the juice and ferment in Thailand, or they buy bulk wines from different vineyards and bottle it in Thailand ie its a "Thai" wine not a South African wine per se


Yes a Chinese lady who runs Modern variety store in Pattaya said that the wine is imported in bulk and bottled in Thailand to avoid about a 300 baht/2L bottle.

This search item does give S.A. as Mont Clair winery location. I really dont like the idea that there are so many moving parts here.

The wine has always been imported from SA, then mixed in Thailand with grape and other fruit juices, so apart from the print on the label nothing has changed.

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I have a feeling Mont Clair is made of powder or chemicals, some color agents are added or maybe just wine for this price should be like this? Chinese are making not so bad wines: Chagyu, Dynasty, Great Wall at the price of MC but tasting much better.

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I have a feeling Mont Clair is made of powder or chemicals, some color agents are added or maybe just wine for this price should be like this? Chinese are making not so bad wines: Chagyu, Dynasty, Great Wall at the price of MC but tasting much better.

The Chinese wines you mention come in many different types for each brand and the drinkable stuff used to start around 350/400 baht equivalent - but that is in China. At similar prices in China I could buy reasonable Australian, South American or Italian wines which is not the case here.

I guess if someone imported the Chinese wines they would still end up with the same import duties so be equally overpriced as all the other countries?

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I am not a wine snob but regardless of any gold medal on the box, since when has Mont Clair been a wine?

Not a wine snob - Could have fooled me. If ya all are going to compare Mont Clair wine 2L it should be a like/like comparison.

Ie to the other 2L reds from Italy and some Spain.

Sure I most prefer the Australian 750 cc red wines in the 200 - 400 baht range. But im not going to pay 600 - 800 baht for a good red wine ( from Sonoma , Mendacino , Napa , Russian river areas that I used to get in CA at Trader Joes for less than 200 baht. equivalent. The Mont Clair red and the other 2L's from Italy are ok for me

And ok for a couple of my 'girlfriends' who like red wine.

Edited by morrobay
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Unfortunately I generally end up with the 2 litre bottles of Mont Clair when we're in Thailand, as red wine is my normal evening tipple here in Greece, and although I enjoy a beer, I'm really a red wine man.

I'll never understand why wine is taxed so outrageously in Thailand. It just makes no sense.

My daily drinker here is a Merlot / Syrah blend from Nemea, near Patras, 13% ABV and with the vintage marked (usually from two years ago) which I buy in a 10 litre box for €20. It's an excellent table wine (I'm not pretending it's anything special, but it is eminently drinkable and has never given me a headache). I seem to recollect that 2 litres of the alleged wine Mont Clair runs in at about 600 Baht in Big C, or did last time I was there, which translates to about €75 for 10 litres. That's massively more expensive (nearly four times the price) than my local wine, which is, I have to say, vastly superior to Mont Clair.

The in-laws live in Ubon, and if we nip over to Pakse, I usually bring a couple of boxes of Aussie or Chilean red back with me (I haven't had a problem so far), which is not bad wine, but with the cost of the visa, it's not viable to do trips to Lao just to get some wine! :)

Is Mont Clair the only option still? Without breaking the bank, that is. We'll be over again next Feb, and I'd love to think there would be some other alternatives available.

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