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Redshirts take grievance over voting watchdog campaign to UN


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Interesting that some plug the argument that the junta wants to cheat and others accept that suggestion and use it to 'demand' observers.

It's called diversity of opinion. Amazing, eh?
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The remark might be valid and true and all that high-sounding stuff, but it is completely irrelevant and at least 12 years old. It might be a boost if everyone tried to stick to stuff that is less than a decade old, and let go of the Thaksin obsession. After all, why just be an obsessive if you've got a good brain and can use it? Obsessions suck your mind out.


People with a reliable memory are far too inconvenient for Shinawatra apologists. All the corruption, the lies, the crooked deals, the incited violence, the electoral bribes, just keep coming back to haunt you. What's a sycophant to do?

Oh yeah, keep saying they're the ones that a stupid and have lost their marbles. That'll work. That and digression, diversion, obfuscation and denial, denial, denial. Good luck with that, you'll need it.

At some level even those with blinkered vision must understand that the widespread opposition to military rule is not limited to Shinawatra apologists.

It matters not what anyone thinks or who is a red or a yellow, they're all insignificant in the grand scheme of things, the few that actually own nearly all the wealth in the country control whoever is in power, no matter what color they wear, that's what the Army is for, to back up what the Elite want to happen, if some won't tow the line they are replaced or there is a Coup to oust them.

Prayut didn't just wake up one day and decide he was going to overthrow the Government and make himself PM, he was ordered to do it and he had no choice, he had too much to lose.

The vast majority of Thai people have absolutely no say at all in anything of any importance, this country isn't run that way, it's run almost like a Medieval European country, the poor majority bowing and grovelling to the ultra rich few or their armed men will pay you a visit citing laws that will get you years in prison. There is a reason Thai people are scared of the Army and Police, and there is a reason that certain people in the Army and Police openly flaunt their wealth gained by corrupt means, by serving their masters they are allowed to extort money and virtually do what they want, and unless they for some reason have upset one of the untouchables, it will never be questioned, and the vast majority of people pay up knowing they have little choice and nobody to turn to.

Brainwash the kids from Birth, teach them nothing of any importance in school, make them compliant and teach them not to question authority, teach them not to ask "why ?" !

It's not a very nice situation for the vast majority of Thai people, but it's a Fantastic situation for the few who have it all, and understandably, that's the way they want to keep it.

Edited by Broken Record
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Any idealists at the UN quickly learn you play along to get along. Its just as cozy as the 'game of thrones' set up in LOS. The red shirts and Thaksin got away with executing 2500 *Suspected* drug dealers. It's hard to find sympathy for any of them. The elites, that is, not the dead.

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Interesting ploy. Of course the Un won't actually do anything about it, though they (and the international community) will doubtless keep it in mind.

But actually, that isn';t the reason either. The reason can be found in SunTzu - The art of war: "If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant".

The objective is to get right up Prayuth's nose so he loses his wig and does something stupid.

Sorry, "Does something else stupid".

Seems to have worked pretty well so far.


"Does something else stupid" 5555 that line deserved a bump all of its own!
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Seem only the UDD taking a lead role in keeping the junta decent for the referendum. The junta should just allow the centers to function. They just there to help the junta to detect fraud. Why is the junta so afraid of transparency. They should thank the UDD for using their resources to help make the referendum credible and give the junta a better image after they staged an illegal coup and caused a global PR meltdown.

Just a couple of quick questions:

- Do you believe the UDD / red shirts have absolutely no ulterior motive in this matter?

- Do you believe the UDD / red shirts would agree to another organization joining their activity at each location to confirm that the UDD / Red

monitoring processes were legitimate and fully unbiased?

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Send in the CLOWNS !! "Oh" wait their on their way to the UN but BOZO is still in Dubai looking after the camels........

but but but... Thaksin.

Obsessives anonymous have arrived.



Do you honestly believe the paymaster is totally not involved?

And please give a focused answer instead of your recent tendency to just belittle other posters.

Edited by scorecard
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Send in the CLOWNS !! "Oh" wait their on their way to the UN but BOZO is still in Dubai looking after the camels........

but but but... Thaksin.

Obsessives anonymous have arrived.



Do you honestly believe the paymaster is totally not involved?

And please give a focused answer instead of your recent tendency to just belittle other posters.

It's not a word I would necessarily use.But it's a shame some people's hatred of Shinawatra blinds them to the broader issues.They tend to be oblivious to the shifting Tectonic plates in Thai society and forget Thaksin was just an opportunist and not a prime mover.

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It's not a word I would necessarily use.But it's a shame some people's hatred of Shinawatra blinds them to the broader issues.They tend to be oblivious to the shifting Tectonic plates in Thai society and forget Thaksin was just an opportunist and not a prime mover.

Tectonic plates are pretty much immune to human intervention. OTOH social change in northern Thailand could certainly be accelerated, and steered in the right direction, with the addition of a catalyst or two.

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Interesting ploy. Of course the Un won't actually do anything about it, though they (and the international community) will doubtless keep it in mind.

But actually, that isn';t the reason either. The reason can be found in SunTzu - The art of war: "If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant".

The objective is to get right up Prayuth's nose so he loses his wig and does something stupid.

Sorry, "Does something else stupid".

Seems to have worked pretty well so far.


Firstly , having a billionaire like Thaksin as an adversary in a country where money is god and transcends all, is a heavy cross to carry.

Then having tens of millions of reds who would cut out your eyes with a sharp stick and slice and dice you another.

Power is fleeting .

Two or three years of egocentric control comes at a price.

Usually a brick wall one.

But sure this interplay is misleading .

The perception is he can continue to inflict injury without consequences.

Something will give .

And deep down he knows it.

Paranoid mind set is one of survival.

And it's unlikely he can

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They just need to be patient....

And wait for that "mature democracy". whistling.gif

Sorry but:

- I don't believe the red leaders goal is mature democracy.

- I don't believe the red leaders understand the concept, the universally accepted processes of democracy or the pillars and check and balances.

- i don't believe they want to understand it - they have their own selfish goals and they don't accept anything else.

- I don't believe they would even accept nor respect real democracy if it did happen in Thailand, because it's not their ultimate goal.

- They mention and spruke about democracy continuously but their own organization is not based on democratic principles at all. They have no democratic credibility.

And you might be right. But you might be wrong. It wasn't the UDD who stole democracy from the people, so go talk to the thieves that did... See how much good that does you.


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Seem only the UDD taking a lead role in keeping the junta decent for the referendum. The junta should just allow the centers to function. They just there to help the junta to detect fraud. Why is the junta so afraid of transparency. They should thank the UDD for using their resources to help make the referendum credible and give the junta a better image after they staged an illegal coup and caused a global PR meltdown.

Just a couple of quick questions:

- Do you believe the UDD / red shirts have absolutely no ulterior motive in this matter?

- Do you believe the UDD / red shirts would agree to another organization joining their activity at each location to confirm that the UDD / Red

monitoring processes were legitimate and fully unbiased?

Just my educated guess: -

- this setting up monitoring centers is just a symbolic gesture of defiance. They can't do a PDRC and block voting centers. This is a trigger happy military junta and no one even paid will dare risk their lives. They can't set up monitoring at all voting centers especially junta supported South provinces and doubt UDD has deep pockets. And what they report at the centers are unofficial and can be refuted and question for credibility. The junta really shouldn't fear these centers and acted overboard with legal actions will not be the right strategy.

- can't answer this part as the junta nip them at the bud and we have no choice to hear their plans. They could have invite and sensible to invite academics and activists to join them I am sure many will respond positively to monitor the vote.

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Send in the CLOWNS !! "Oh" wait their on their way to the UN but BOZO is still in Dubai looking after the camels........

but but but... Thaksin.

Obsessives anonymous have arrived.



Do you honestly believe the paymaster is totally not involved?

And please give a focused answer instead of your recent tendency to just belittle other posters.

It's not a word I would necessarily use.But it's a shame some people's hatred of Shinawatra blinds them to the broader issues.They tend to be oblivious to the shifting Tectonic plates in Thai society and forget Thaksin was just an opportunist and not a prime mover.

"Lol" really ?? Camel humper ​WAS just an opportunist and not a prime mover WOW

Him and his sister took it to a whole new level and your trying to feed this line of BS to everyone PLEASE

Sure he wasn't the one who started it, but he sure as hell escalated it to a Whole New Level !!

Please put down your glass of Kool-Aid they're still hope you can come back from the Dark Side Luke .

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If he wasn't the one who started it, then how can he be a prime mover. Just asking. And how you know he was humping camel if you not there to see it. Just curious.

Edited by PoorSucker
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Send in the CLOWNS !! "Oh" wait their on their way to the UN but BOZO is still in Dubai looking after the camels........

but but but... Thaksin.

Obsessives anonymous have arrived.


well until the day that Thaksin is dead and he stops phoning UDD leaders, UDD will forever be linked to him no matter what

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Looks like Farangs fall for the Elites propaganda machine too, Thaksin this, Thaksin that, but amazingly it works, anything to deflect from the real issues will do.

Look at yourselves arguing over things you have absolutely no idea about, you only know what you read in controlled press releases and take it as factual or rubbish, depends whose propaganda you fell for long ago, it's all about controlling a population, whip up fear and hatred, lay the blame firmly on a certain section of people, look at history, it's full of examples of how the few can control the masses by careful manipulation and propaganda, creating fear and hatred.

Pit one side against the other, let them argue over things that don't really matter, it keeps them busy and deflects from the issues that really matter, keeping the rich and privileged in their place.

But in case they wake up one day and realize they're just being played, create draconian laws that forbid them to get down and dirty with the real issues.

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maybe while they are at it they could explain to the UN who they are - who voted them into office - who funds them and why, what gives them the right to act in any official manner or represt others and what they have done and are responsible for over the last decade

For one minute I thought you were talking about the junta, but alas, that can't be right, as the military has been repsonsible for a lot more over a much longer period of time. In any case, those questions should be asked about the junta, who voted them into office, what gives them the right to run Thailand, the question about funding has already been answered of course, they are funded by the very people they surpress...

The UDD doesn't need to be voted into any office, they are not running things, they have however every right to complain about what the Junta is doing in respect to the upcoming referendum.

Of course, nothing they said will come as a big surprise to the relevant people at the UN, they aren't stupid, and they have expressed similar concerns already.

It's telling that people like you are trying to shoot the messenger and fail to heed the message, as the message is factual and accurate.

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Send in the CLOWNS !! "Oh" wait their on their way to the UN but BOZO is still in Dubai looking after the camels........

but but but... Thaksin.

Obsessives anonymous have arrived.


well until the day that Thaksin is dead and he stops phoning UDD leaders, UDD will forever be linked to him no matter what

According to you. Thaksin is a Thai citizen. Is he not entitlesd to express a view about Thailand's development? Or to support causes as he sees fit?

At least he isn't demanding the US Ambassador be expelled. And to m knowledge he didn't try to extort money from businesses, that would be the mad monk. Uneducate people... ha!


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Send in the CLOWNS !! "Oh" wait their on their way to the UN but BOZO is still in Dubai looking after the camels........

but but but... Thaksin.

Obsessives anonymous have arrived.


well until the day that Thaksin is dead and he stops phoning UDD leaders, UDD will forever be linked to him no matter what

According to you. Thaksin is a Thai citizen. Is he not entitlesd to express a view about Thailand's development? Or to support causes as he sees fit?

At least he isn't demanding the US Ambassador be expelled. And to m knowledge he didn't try to extort money from businesses, that would be the mad monk. Uneducate people... ha!


Pay close attention at 2:36 also 9:59 is rather illuminating

(unless one has a full time occupation defending criminals)

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but but but... Thaksin.

Obsessives anonymous have arrived.


well until the day that Thaksin is dead and he stops phoning UDD leaders, UDD will forever be linked to him no matter what

According to you. Thaksin is a Thai citizen. Is he not entitlesd to express a view about Thailand's development? Or to support causes as he sees fit?

At least he isn't demanding the US Ambassador be expelled. And to m knowledge he didn't try to extort money from businesses, that would be the mad monk. Uneducate people... ha!


Pay close attention at 2:36 also 9:59 is rather illuminating

(unless one has a full time occupation defending criminals)

Both segments you complain about seem reasonable to me, given the history. A bit sad but how much sh|t are the redshirts expected to take?


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Seem only the UDD taking a lead role in keeping the junta decent for the referendum. The junta should just allow the centers to function. They just there to help the junta to detect fraud. Why is the junta so afraid of transparency. They should thank the UDD for using their resources to help make the referendum credible and give the junta a better image after they staged an illegal coup and caused a global PR meltdown.

They are just there to make sure the voters vote right.

It's like their brown shirt predecessors in 1930 Germany.

Armed red-shirt guards outside polling stations, that's transparency.

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Send in the CLOWNS !! "Oh" wait their on their way to the UN but BOZO is still in Dubai looking after the camels........

but but but... Thaksin.

Obsessives anonymous have arrived.


well until the day that Thaksin is dead and he stops phoning UDD leaders, UDD will forever be linked to him no matter what

According to you. Thaksin is a Thai citizen. Is he not entitlesd to express a view about Thailand's development? Or to support causes as he sees fit?

At least he isn't demanding the US Ambassador be expelled. And to m knowledge he didn't try to extort money from businesses, that would be the mad monk. Uneducate people... ha!


Its not according to me, its according to you and what you think about people who does not support the UDD. I never made that assumption or statement. Thaksin is free to say what ever he want, same goes for any thai or even non thai citizens about thailand.

I clearly state because UDD fought for Thaksins cause, they will be forever linked to Thaksin. Just like how when people refer to elites, they group the DEM along with it.

This was directed at your statement regarding to people keep on bring Thaksin up whenever UDD is in the news, I do agree that this incident has nothing to do with Thaksin.

UDD UN Thaksin, you just can't separate it. Just like if you talk about Suthep Coup UDD, you automatically think about Sutheps comment "protesters ran into bullets", they go hand in hand.


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Seem only the UDD taking a lead role in keeping the junta decent for the referendum. The junta should just allow the centers to function. They just there to help the junta to detect fraud. Why is the junta so afraid of transparency. They should thank the UDD for using their resources to help make the referendum credible and give the junta a better image after they staged an illegal coup and caused a global PR meltdown.

They are just there to make sure the voters vote right.

It's like their brown shirt predecessors in 1930 Germany.

Armed red-shirt guards outside polling stations, that's transparency.

The junta government already thought of that and have their Sturmabteilung in the form of the military cadets.

You mistaken the armed guards are in green not red. Armed red will be shoot on sight. You should know that by now. Has been that since 2010. They don't stand a chance.

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The junta government already thought of that and have their Sturmabteilung in the form of the military cadets.

You mistaken the armed guards are in green not red. Armed red will be shoot on sight. You should know that by now. Has been that since 2010. They don't stand a chance.

Correct again Eric, the military cadets will have 2 arms each. It is a mandatory requirement.

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The junta government already thought of that and have their Sturmabteilung in the form of the military cadets.

You mistaken the armed guards are in green not red. Armed red will be shoot on sight. You should know that by now. Has been that since 2010. They don't stand a chance.

Correct again Eric, the military cadets will have 2 arms each. It is a mandatory requirement.

Military cadets dont carry firearms or participate in conflict. They are....students.

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Interesting that some plug the argument that the junta wants to cheat and others accept that suggestion and use it to 'demand' observers.

It's called diversity of opinion. Amazing, eh?

Not amazing to have different opinions. I'm not one to condemn anyone for opinions even if I disagree. I condemn personal attacks only and have a dislike for those you have nothing to say or only barefaced lies.

Still what you seemed to have missed (or didn't like) is the combination of some pushing the conspiracy theories and others using those theories as 'fact' to conclude whatever they want to push.

Also amazing that within a short timespan some move from being against referendums to for referendums to not like this referendum and so on. Consistency is sadly lacking.

So, some against the UDD leaders, others for the UDD leaders. Reasoning varied and a lot nonsense. That's normal here, some consider any reason to be against what the current government does a good reason.

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Seem only the UDD taking a lead role in keeping the junta decent for the referendum. The junta should just allow the centers to function. They just there to help the junta to detect fraud. Why is the junta so afraid of transparency. They should thank the UDD for using their resources to help make the referendum credible and give the junta a better image after they staged an illegal coup and caused a global PR meltdown.

Seems like the UDD lead by Thaksin is not needed to keep the current government decent. Why is the UDD so anxious to be present? Fraud? More likely just trying to provoke. With them being against the draft charter, with Pheu Thai being against the draft charter and with Ms. Yingluck on political tourism campaign trail no need to have them around.

As for PR value, the UDD and their boss are busy with that for lack of better ideas.

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