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Caught on tape - swords drawn in daylight road rage in Bangkok


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Caught on tape - swords drawn in daylight road rage in Bangkok

Image: Thairath

BANGKOK: -- A video of some serious road rage on the streets of Bangkok attracted a lot of online attention. The incident occurred around 9am on the Nawamin-Kaset road in northern Bangkok.

It was an altercation between the driver of a six wheel lorry and a pick-up delivery vehicle, reported Thairath. Apparently it came about after the pick up tried to pass the lorry.

At one point the lorry driver produces a large sword like weapon to threaten the other driver and there is a chase on foot.

Fortunately there were no injuries. The clip was taken on a phone by a man not involved who was driving a car.

The incident caused a lot of negative comment mainly centered around the danger of carrying weapons.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-06-22

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Seen all around the world now days, drivers feel the need for protections from lunatics and madmen, gone has the curtsey and kindness, in come the bullies and crazies... just make sure you don't bring a sward

to a gun fight.......

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What the actual <deleted>?? So many different offences for the cops to charge this guy with, and I bet it'll either fade into obscurity or will be settled by a fine not exceeding 1000 baht or so. Even for here this is crazy reckless

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Seen all around the world now days, drivers feel the need for protections from lunatics and madmen, gone has the curtsey and kindness, in come the bullies and crazies... just make sure you don't bring a sward

to a gun fight.......

Certainly not in the UK as you get up to 5 years for carrying a weapon, so the sweeping statement isn't true and not justification as you are attempting. Do not try and justify this savage and childish behavior.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Weapons everywhere !

Will there now be an investigation into who posted the clip and why, that seems to be the really important thing these days !

Since it tarnishes the image of Thais everywhere the poster will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.. meanwhile, the road rage perps will be forgotten and disregarded 555..

So seems the things that are considered more important here lately.

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Yesterday it was the brawl in Pattaya, today it's this and also footage of a foul mouthed bus driver.

With all this negativity about Thailand I wonder when the PM will invoke Art 44 to make it illegal to video or photograph anything other than cute selfies or shots of your food, drink and Starbuck's coffee etc.

I'm currently having a heck of a job convincing a friend that photos everyday of her breakfast, lunch and so on aren't the highlight of my day.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Weapons everywhere !

Will there now be an investigation into who posted the clip and why, that seems to be the really important thing these days !

Since it tarnishes the image of Thais everywhere the poster will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.. meanwhile, the road rage perps will be forgotten and disregarded 555..

So seems the things that are considered more important here lately.

Maybe some road check points for Songteaw ,taxi drivers, tuk tuk drivers and big truck drivers would help.

They all have a machete under their seats.

Last time i saw a taxi-driver taking a nap with his door open and i could even see a gun under his seat.

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Yesterday it was the brawl in Pattaya, today it's this and also footage of a foul mouthed bus driver.

With all this negativity about Thailand I wonder when the PM will invoke Art 44 to make it illegal to video or photograph anything other than cute selfies or shots of your food, drink and Starbuck's coffee etc.

I'm currently having a heck of a job convincing a friend that photos everyday of her breakfast, lunch and so on aren't the highlight of my day.

cheesy.gif My wife is the same takes pictures of every meal rolleyes.gifcheesy.gif

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I was reading a news report some time ago where the reporter was explaining his experiences as he traveled through Thailand.

His last comments were.

"Never before have I seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. There is a single redeeming feature, it has airports."

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Yeah, terrible Thais, not like us civilized Farangs, we just hit people on the back of the head with a tire iron. To be honest road rage is a world-wide phenomenon, and it doesn't take much imagination to have something innocent in the car you can use as a weapon. Primarily a male thing, some kind of connection between driving and perceived virility.

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A recent post I saw somewhere on the internet said, "If you carry a baseball bat in your car fro protection, make sure you carry a baseball glove too. Your lawyer will thank you." Maybe the machete crowd needs to carry a pirate's costume?

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Saw a similar thing on Bang Na Trat Road a couple of months back. Guy in a cement truck pulled a machete on a commuter van driver (van driver got back in the van and stayed there - no blood was shed).

I'd say a very high percentage of taxis, vans, pickups and trucks carry knives, swords, bats, guns etc. Welcome to the Land of Smiles smile.png

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I wear Medieval body armour during the day now....it's hot, especially with chain mail undergarments.

I am working with a blacksmith on making the sharpest sword in the world!!!! can cut through diamond....

i coat the blade with poison from the golden frog.....

yea, this is how i roll...

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Weapons everywhere !

Will there now be an investigation into who posted the clip and why, that seems to be the really important thing these days !

Just as well the other guy didn't have a gun which wouldn't be unusual here, he would have had every right to shoot the guy with the sword, what a crazy place, be careful out there

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What the actual <deleted>?? So many different offences for the cops to charge this guy with, and I bet it'll either fade into obscurity or will be settled by a fine not exceeding 1000 baht or so. Even for here this is crazy reckless

could very easily be attempted murder

in fact that is what it should be

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