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I'm travelling to Mexico via USA and whilst I will probably use my American Express and Visa credit cards a lot of the time I'm also intending to withdraw about US$10,000 in cash out of my bank account here inThailand.

I'm expecting bureaucratic hurdles from my Thai bank regarding this so could anyone else please who has done something similar recently comment on the up-to-date procedures and requirements of withdrawing 350,000 to 400,000 baht and then converting it to US dollars in cash ready to take out to the country.


I have done this several times over the last few years. It's simple.

There's no problem withdrawing the baht amount in cash. The bank will not question this. But I suggest you do not ask the bank to change it into dollars; you'll get a better rate elsewhere if you can easily get to a SuperRich, or similar, who give a better rate than any bank.

If you want something like $10,000, you will have to order it if they don't have that amount at hand on the day. Sometimes they do have relatively large amounts instantly available but often, not.


Good advice from macahoom - SuperRich (or a similar exchange specialist) will give you much better rates for buying and selling banknotes than your bank. Their website is updated continuously throughout the day and the buy/sell spread on US dollars is tiny (35.15/35.20 as I write this). BBL is 34.79/35.46 - you could drive a truck through that gap. And the Head Office of SuperRich on Silom generally has large quantities of major currencies available on the premises.


Bear in mind if you have even $1 over $10,000 in any currency you are supposed to declare it to US customs. So say you have a few thousand baht and $10,000 technically you are supposed to declare it otherwise you are making a false declaration on customs form and they can pull you up in it.


Do yourself a favor and when you leave the US declare the money. Its just a simple form and really no hassle at all. Just make sure to leave yourself enough time to find the airport immigration office and fill out your form.

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