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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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18 hours ago, chiang mai said:


Perhaps you think it's nearly intelligent debate but I can guarantee you that very very  few others think likewise, as evidenced by the immaturity of bickering responses, poster labelling and personal vendetta's seen thus far. But hey ho, if you're bored and it turns you on, go for it, I'll go find some wet paint that needs watching, far more enlightening and mentally challenging!


Your comprehension issues are coming to the fore again Changers.


Nowhere did I say that I thought it was intelligent debate. I merely pointed out the irony of YOUR post, and will do so again at this post, I guess it is lost on you that you are doing the exact same thing that YOU are bitchin about.


While you are watching that paint dry, it will give you time to contemplate the current DB problem and the problem of the ineffective euro 1.9 Trillion ECB QE that I pointed you in the direction of 3 months ago on a different thread, and the effect that will have on the EZ and subsequent Brexit negotiations.


I posted this days ago. 


On 9/25/2016 at 2:23 PM, SgtRock said:

3 events that are going to cause massive problems in the EU in 2017.


1. The end of the ineffective euro 1.9 Trillion QE in March.


2. Hollande gets the boot


3. Merkel gets the boot.


How about quittin bitchin and give us all the benefit of your wisdom and experience on these 3 points that will massively influence Brexit negotiations and is why I think that the UK PM was absolutely correct in delaying A 50.

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The happy and harmonious EU will get another proverbial rocket up the backside on Monday morning after the Hungarian referendum.


70% or above will reject the forced quota's of Migrants.


The next problem for the EU.


Juncker will have a fit. How dare those upstarts of Countries disobey the EU

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Very late to the conversation, but one thing that has always amazed me, is when the government tries to convince everybody that immigrants are a net benefit to the economy.

This is just one big fat lie. From the report the govt uses to justify itself



We have no direct source of information on immigrants’ consumption patterns in the UK, and we thus cannot directly test the extent of immigrants’ under-consumption relative to natives. Therefore, we construct an alternative scenario, where we assume that the consumption of recent immigrants (those arrived since 2000) is only 80% that of natives with a similar income10. In practice, this assumption amounts to applying the effective tax rates to 80% of immigrants’ income.


They estimate immigrants spending "consumption rate" to be 80% of non migrant spending.


This is pure fantasy. If you look at the figures for remittances from UK, they are nearly £17 billion pounds. That money has never been factored into the calculations.


The whole thing is just one big con to stop us from getting too teed off

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3 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

Very late to the conversation, but one thing that has always amazed me, is when the government tries to convince everybody that immigrants are a net benefit to the economy.

This is just one big fat lie. From the report the govt uses to justify itself



They estimate immigrants spending "consumption rate" to be 80% of non migrant spending.


This is pure fantasy. If you look at the figures for remittances from UK, they are nearly £17 billion pounds. That money has never been factored into the calculations.


The whole thing is just one big con to stop us from getting too teed off


Earlier in the thread I linked an article that stated to be a net contributor to the UK would require a salary in excess of £28,000 PA.


No group, including born and bred Brits are net contributors to the UK.


Just one of the reasons that the UK has to borrow in the region of £ 8 Billion a month.

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The figures I quoted were for money sent electronically it takes no account of money taken home by immigrants as cash or other. Basically the UK is hemorrhaging money to the rest of the world. Best figures available show migrants take out between 25-37% of all money they earn. Good for them, but not good for UK economy.


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15 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

The figures I quoted were for money sent electronically it takes no account of money taken home by immigrants as cash or other. Basically the UK is hemorrhaging money to the rest of the world. Best figures available show migrants take out between 25-37% of all money they earn. Good for them, but not good for UK economy.



I believe this is what you are looking for


  • There is no official mechanism for recording remittances to and from the UK.
  • Estimated amounts of remittances sent from the UK in 2014 vary widely from £1.5 billion to £16.5 billion. However, all main data sources agree that the UK is one of the top-10 remittances sending countries in the world.




Western Union used to publish figures but have stopped doing so.


I think 2013  was the last time I saw them and it was £ 12 Billion sent worldwide from the UK.

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5 hours ago, AlexRich said:


Your 'perception' and 'reality' argument has yet to be tested ... as people in the UK don't know what 'Brexit' will be in reality.


As for the media ... are you referring to Daily Mail, The Sun, The Express and Telegraph? As previously stated, time will tell what the impact of this vote will be ... and my perception may be closer to reality than yours. 




I notice you have said this a number of times.


Brexit means the Exit and dissolution of EU institutions, laws, treaties and directive that govern the UK from Brussels.


Just in case you do not know what Brexit is or what the leave campaign want. The rest of the arguments like what we negotiate at the bargaining table is really window dressing. Brexit means we will leave the EU one way or another.  Alex you have had 100 days to get used to this, I know it has been difficult for you to come to terms with, but there you have it.

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5 hours ago, autanic said:


Alex, are we living in a Parallel Universe to each other. I like the other 17 Million other people do not care about the items on your list. We never believed them anyway. It was the media telling you, that we cared about them and you believed the media. Ordinary people could not have given less of a poop.  We just wanted an end to uncontrolled immigration.  Why would anyone care about Passport rights for financial institutions, unless you worked in one, which the 99% of people don't.


I think you need to have a lie down and think about the reality and your perception of reality Alex.


'We'? '99%'? Well thank you, spokesman of the 'people'. One wonders who here should lie down and think about 'reality' and 'perception'. The key truth here at least admitted is that a number of Brexiteers have neither a clue nor interest in economics and even where they profess they do, it is just a shroud for what really gets them off, namely immigration.

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3 hours ago, JB300 said:


Think I'm in a different parallel universe to both you & Alex as I (& a Damn sight more than 1% of people) do care what happens to the Financial services / UK economy

There are over 2Million people #directly# working in financial services in the UK & it #directly# accounts for approx 12% of the nations GDP.

Take this away & you will solve the Immigrant crisis overnight, the country will be so poor everybody will be trying to migrate to another country for a better standard of living.



I am sorry JB300 but the people that work in the financial services sector in the UK have a piss poor reputation. RBS only make a profit, when their either being naughty, mis-selling or blatantly ripping off their customers.  Barclays has more complaints that all the other banks put together. HSBC are about to be hit by the regulator for fining their customers for going overdrawn.


Pensions schemes barely making any money at all, while the workers collect their bonuses for screwing over the rest of us.


(wait . . . let me wipe away a tear)


Then you have taxpayer funded bailouts from 2008, which have caused the deepest cuts in living memory. NHS, Police, Social Service everything is being cut and these banks still keep accruing fines for misbehaviour.


(A tear rolls down my face)


Interest rates at an all time low, the economy stuggling to pick up from the mess left behind my people in financial services from 2008 and if that wasn't enough it seems that its all going to happen again with Deutsche Bank we already hearing terminology like liquidity and bailouts again.


The financial services industry is a joke, we should have zero state intervention to prevent this MORAL HAZARD !!!

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8 minutes ago, autanic said:


I am sorry JB300 but the people that work in the financial services sector in the UK have a piss poor reputation. RBS only make a profit, when their either being naughty, mis-selling or blatantly ripping off their customers.  Barclays has more complaints that all the other banks put together. HSBC are about to be hit by the regulator for fining their customers for going overdrawn.


Pensions schemes barely making any money at all, while the workers collect their bonuses for screwing over the rest of us.


(wait . . . let me wipe away a tear)


Then you have taxpayer funded bailouts from 2008, which have caused the deepest cuts in living memory. NHS, Police, Social Service everything is being cut and these banks still keep accruing fines for misbehaviour.


(A tear rolls down my face)


Interest rates at an all time low, the economy stuggling to pick up from the mess left behind my people in financial services from 2008 and if that wasn't enough it seems that its all going to happen again with Deutsche Bank we already hearing terminology like liquidity and bailouts again.


The financial services industry is a joke, we should have zero state intervention to prevent this MORAL HAZARD !!!


100% correct.


Let me join you in not shedding any tears for bankers ( Sp )


Whilst it may be true that nobody is completely aware of what Brexit means at this stage.


We are all aware of what remaining means, onwards to an EU Federal State of Europe, as per Junckers Address to the Union speech a week or so ago.


Never ceases to amaze me that people post on a Thai based Forum that are quite happy to see a Federal EU State come to fruition. They would be better served ceasing to post here and making plans to be fully integrated members of said federal State.

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54 minutes ago, SgtRock said:

The happy and harmonious EU will get another proverbial rocket up the backside on Monday morning after the Hungarian referendum.


70% or above will reject the forced quota's of Migrants.


The next problem for the EU.


Juncker will have a fit. How dare those upstarts of Countries disobey the EU


Britain is not part of Schengen agreement where border checks have largely been abolished. However millions of migrants traversed the Bosphorus and Adriatic Sea to get to Greece.  Under the Dublin Agreement, this was the first safe Country the Refugees arrived at and this is where they should have registered.

For whatever reason Chancellor Merkel  gave the impression that if the migrants could somehow get to Germany that there was a better life waiting for them.


Now Germany cannot cope with the consequences of their decision and now want the rest of the EU to take their "fair share".

This is how the EU operates, it makes agreements it does not stick to and then want to impose their shortcomings on to other Sovereign States and if they don't like it, then the EU will squeeze them.


Thousands of Migrants are encamped in Calais and the surrounding ports with the intention of reach the UK.  

How did they get there ?


They got there because the rest of the EU decieded in there infinite wisdom to relax border controls under the  Schengen agreement. They have amassed there at much inconvenience to the French and causing problems for cross channel trade.


Now the French want to dismantle the camps and are demanding Britain share in the burden.  Britain did not sign up to Schengen agreement. They are only in Calais because of agreements made by France and the rest of the EU.


Everyday migrants enter the UK illegally claiming asylum, the UK did not sign Schengen agreement and so when the British People in a Democratic Referendum say they want the UK to withdraw from Europe, we get the threats, the persuasions, we get the "Little Englander" jibes.


The apologists for the EU come on here and talk about reform, the rest of the EU (27 Countries), could not even decide how they were going to pressure the UK into trigger Article 50. Let alone negotiate the withdraw from the EU.


It has taken 12 years for the EU to form a trade deal with Canada and the its still unsigned because some Countries are not happy.


The UK is a very powerful Country, it is a consumer led Country, with a good export and import market.  


Since joining the EU, we have seen both of these effects directly because of the EU 


Fishing Industry  = Decimated

Car Industry  = Decimated



As a proud Englishman, I am happy to say, I think we can do a better deal.  


Will it take time yes, a lifetime probably, but each step away from the EU is a step in the right direction. There is nothing they have that we want.

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34 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


'We'? '99%'? Well thank you, spokesman of the 'people'. One wonders who here should lie down and think about 'reality' and 'perception'. The key truth here at least admitted is that a number of Brexiteers have neither a clue nor interest in economics and even where they profess they do, it is just a shroud for what really gets them off, namely immigration.


Just a veiled 'brexiters are ignorant racists' post. Where's chiang mai to put him straight in no uncertain terms on forum politeness?

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6 minutes ago, autanic said:

Britain is not part of Schengen agreement where border checks have largely been abolished. However millions of migrants traversed the Bosphorus and Adriatic Sea to get to Greece.  Under the Dublin Agreement, this was the first safe Country the Refugees arrived at and this is where they should have registered.

For whatever reason Chancellor Merkel  gave the impression that if the migrants could somehow get to Germany that there was a better life waiting for them.


Merkel, with Hollande took the decision to suspend the Dublin Agreement.




The UK not being in the Schengen Zone is a red herring that is used to try and confuse people. Schengen applies to EU Citizens, not Migrants or Asylum Seekers, whatever you want to call them. The fact that the Migrants are moving throughout Europe via Greece and now Italy is nothing more than another EU systematic failure and shows them up for exactly what they are.


A clunking, creaking dinosaur that is not fit for purpose.

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6 hours ago, NanLaew said:

DB is doing a horse trade with the US DoJ. DB's financial stresses are firmly grounded in its heavy involvement with the US sub-prime lending debacle that was enabled by the US DoJ's own lack of oversight. Thus the 'fine' will be reduced and it will be business as usual.


Now, let's get back to serious, Brexit-related issues instead of hijacking a German banks totally unrelated and momentary misfortune as part of the the UK's life after Brexit.


Yes, it looks like Deutsche Bank might have found a way out of it's financial problems for now, which can only be good for Germany and Europe as a whole.


But nobody on here was debating the ethics of their behaviour in the US, only it's impact on Germany and Europe. That's perfectly ontopic.


Remember Northern Rock? Their problems were caused in the USA (sub-prime mortgages). Look how that impacted the UK (and one or two other countries).

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25 minutes ago, autanic said:


Britain is not part of Schengen agreement where border checks have largely been abolished. However millions of migrants traversed the Bosphorus and Adriatic Sea to get to Greece.  Under the Dublin Agreement, this was the first safe Country the Refugees arrived at and this is where they should have registered.

For whatever reason Chancellor Merkel  gave the impression that if the migrants could somehow get to Germany that there was a better life waiting for them.


Now Germany cannot cope with the consequences of their decision and now want the rest of the EU to take their "fair share".

This is how the EU operates, it makes agreements it does not stick to and then want to impose their shortcomings on to other Sovereign States and if they don't like it, then the EU will squeeze them.


Thousands of Migrants are encamped in Calais and the surrounding ports with the intention of reach the UK.  

How did they get there ?


They got there because the rest of the EU decieded in there infinite wisdom to relax border controls under the  Schengen agreement. They have amassed there at much inconvenience to the French and causing problems for cross channel trade.


Now the French want to dismantle the camps and are demanding Britain share in the burden.  Britain did not sign up to Schengen agreement. They are only in Calais because of agreements made by France and the rest of the EU.


Everyday migrants enter the UK illegally claiming asylum, the UK did not sign Schengen agreement and so when the British People in a Democratic Referendum say they want the UK to withdraw from Europe, we get the threats, the persuasions, we get the "Little Englander" jibes.


The apologists for the EU come on here and talk about reform, the rest of the EU (27 Countries), could not even decide how they were going to pressure the UK into trigger Article 50. Let alone negotiate the withdraw from the EU.


It has taken 12 years for the EU to form a trade deal with Canada and the its still unsigned because some Countries are not happy.


The UK is a very powerful Country, it is a consumer led Country, with a good export and import market.  


Since joining the EU, we have seen both of these effects directly because of the EU 


Fishing Industry  = Decimated

Car Industry  = Decimated



As a proud Englishman, I am happy to say, I think we can do a better deal.  


Will it take time yes, a lifetime probably, but each step away from the EU is a step in the right direction. There is nothing they have that we want.


The British "car industry" is bigger now that it has ever been , but sadly once out of the EU - all manufacturers have supported remain - is very likely to shrink back to a vestigial state or move elsewhere.


and Fish?

A post-Brexit UK will still have to agree quotas with its neighbours. Can it prevent foreign boats from fishing in UK (including Scottish!) waters? Only with huge investment in monitoring and control public bodies  which are being cut at present. Whether the UK could take this sort of escalation is a different matter as it would also mean British boats could no longer fish in the waters of other European nations. This is a major concern in the fishing industry as 20% of the fish caught by the UK fleet is landed elsewhere in the EU.The reality is that a Brexit would require a complete re-negotiation of fishing rights, with uncertain outcomes.



"Britain is not part of Schengen agreement where border checks have largely been abolished. However millions of migrants traversed the Bosphorus and Adriatic Sea to get to Greece."


However all the countries claimed as "models" by Brexit are - Norway, Switzerland and Iceland are.

"As a proud Englishman, I am happy to say, I think we can do a better deal." - "proud" is not the word I'd use.  


Edited by cumgranosalum
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7 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Now, let's get back to serious, Brexit-related issues instead of hijacking a German banks totally unrelated and momentary misfortune as part of the the UK's life after Brexit.


You seriously think that if DB goes down the pan it will not be Brexit related ?


It will be saved one way or another for now, until it can be broken up into separate entities.


If it goes down the pan now so will the euro and the EZ.


Goodbye EU. At least it will save the hassle of Brexit negotiations.

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I am sorry JB300 but the people that work in the financial services sector in the UK have a piss poor reputation. RBS only make a profit, when their either being naughty, mis-selling or blatantly ripping off their customers.  Barclays has more complaints that all the other banks put together. HSBC are about to be hit by the regulator for fining their customers for going overdrawn.


Pensions schemes barely making any money at all, while the workers collect their bonuses for screwing over the rest of us.


(wait . . . let me wipe away a tear)


Then you have taxpayer funded bailouts from 2008, which have caused the deepest cuts in living memory. NHS, Police, Social Service everything is being cut and these banks still keep accruing fines for misbehaviour.


(A tear rolls down my face)


Interest rates at an all time low, the economy stuggling to pick up from the mess left behind my people in financial services from 2008 and if that wasn't enough it seems that its all going to happen again with Deutsche Bank we already hearing terminology like liquidity and bailouts again.


The financial services industry is a joke, we should have zero state intervention to prevent this MORAL HAZARD !!!

So you think that the UK, having transformed itself to be a "Service"(predominantly Financial) nation should bin-off the financial industry because a hand-full of Bankers (mainly in The US) were greedy barstewards? Talk about 1%!!! I guess when you walk into your local branch, you look at the cashier & think "Greedy Banking Barsteward"!!!

Would love to know where you guys get the money from to live in Thailand cos if it's from the UK & the financial industry goes belly-up (Deutsche is big enough to tip it over), you won't be getting the money for much longer.

Hey, at least the Germans won't have to worry about the £8Billion of BMW sales in the UK, Ford might find a buyer for a fiesta or 2 though.

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1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:

The figures I quoted were for money sent electronically it takes no account of money taken home by immigrants as cash or other. Basically the UK is hemorrhaging money to the rest of the world. Best figures available show migrants take out between 25-37% of all money they earn. Good for them, but not good for UK economy.


As do the British  Expats

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1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:

Very late to the conversation, but one thing that has always amazed me, is when the government tries to convince everybody that immigrants are a net benefit to the economy.

This is just one big fat lie. From the report the govt uses to justify itself



They estimate immigrants spending "consumption rate" to be 80% of non migrant spending.


This is pure fantasy. If you look at the figures for remittances from UK, they are nearly £17 billion pounds. That money has never been factored into the calculations.


The whole thing is just one big con to stop us from getting too teed off

In this paper, we investigate the fiscal impact of immigration on the UK economy, with a focus on the period since 1995. We provide estimates for the overall immigrant population for the period between 1995 and 2012, and for more recent immigrants who arrived since 2000, distinguishing between immigrants from European versus non-European countries. Overall, our findings indicate that EEA immigrants have made a positive fiscal contribution, even during periods when the UK was running budget deficits. This positive contribution is particularly noticeable for more recent immigrants that arrived since 2000 in particular from EEA countries





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47 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


You seriously think that if DB goes down the pan it will not be Brexit related ?


It will be saved one way or another for now, until it can be broken up into separate entities.


If it goes down the pan now so will the euro and the EZ.


Goodbye EU. At least it will save the hassle of Brexit negotiations.

You mean the same way the US exploded like a fragmentation grenade and the dollar plunged into the abyss on the back of the failure of Lehman Brothers and the bailouts of Merrill Lynch, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the shotgun wedding of the investment bank Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase?

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4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

You mean the same way the US exploded like a fragmentation grenade and the dollar plunged into the abyss on the back of the failure of Lehman Brothers and the bailouts of Merrill Lynch, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the shotgun wedding of the investment bank Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase?


And the USA's economy has been a basket case ever since. It makes the UK's debt problems look like a few flies spoiling a picnic in comparison.

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5 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Says the poster who, a few hours ago, 'liked' a short one-sentence post that labelled brexiters on this thread "ignoramuses". And then berated the poster it was directed at for being "aggressive" when he replied in kind :rolleyes: .


How about YOU start behaving yourself in these discussions first, and how about you start make a few posts berating the continued aggressive, condescending posts from your fellow remainers (instead of 'liking' their posts :sad:)? You never know, you might at least not show yourself up as a total hypocrite.


It's the fact that you and especially Rock, can't count, that's what gained that poster a like, not the name calling, your accountancy and economics skills are virtually zero..

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3 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Your comprehension issues are coming to the fore again Changers.


Nowhere did I say that I thought it was intelligent debate. I merely pointed out the irony of YOUR post, and will do so again at this post, I guess it is lost on you that you are doing the exact same thing that YOU are bitchin about.


While you are watching that paint dry, it will give you time to contemplate the current DB problem and the problem of the ineffective euro 1.9 Trillion ECB QE that I pointed you in the direction of 3 months ago on a different thread, and the effect that will have on the EZ and subsequent Brexit negotiations.


I posted this days ago. 



How about quittin bitchin and give us all the benefit of your wisdom and experience on these 3 points that will massively influence Brexit negotiations and is why I think that the UK PM was absolutely correct in delaying A 50.


I told you several times, back in the pre-referendum days, you and I will never debate any subject, we're both on totally different planets in that respect, when you learn how to, come see me again - I'll give you some clues: balanced arguments, respect, constructive vs destructive, acknowledgement of conceded points and so on and on and on!

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30 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

You mean the same way the US exploded like a fragmentation grenade and the dollar plunged into the abyss on the back of the failure of Lehman Brothers and the bailouts of Merrill Lynch, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the shotgun wedding of the investment bank Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase?


Not about US banks or the US. 


It is about DB and the end of the euro and EZ if it goes belly up.


And the implications that will have on possible Brexit negotiations.

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15 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


It's the fact that you and especially Rock, can't count, that's what gained that poster a like, not the name calling, your accountancy and economics skills are virtually zero..


Now you have joined the ranks of the totally absurd. I cannot count :cheesy::cheesy:


My counting skills are far superior to your English comprehension skills.


You are still doing exactly what you are bitchin about.


9 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

I'll give you some clues: balanced arguments, respect, constructive vs destructive, acknowledgement of conceded points and so on and on and on!


You talk about respect after that post above.


You have and will get zero respect from me.


But yet again, I give you 3 events for 2017 that will have an effect on Brexit.


3 hours ago, SgtRock said:

3 events that are going to cause massive problems in the EU in 2017.


1. The end of the ineffective euro 1.9 Trillion QE in March.


2. Hollande gets the boot


3. Merkel gets the boot.


Nothing, nada, zilch.


Time for you to get back under your bridge 


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