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Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?


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What happens next???

I suspect it is going to a long weekend for ministers as they burn the candle at both ends ...thing is I think many will be busy with other things like drumming up support for their leadership/PM campaign.

Of course many Labour shadow ministers will be doing the same thing once the get Corbyn to jump, which I predict is only hours away.

And The SNP are plying the same old broken record ..."give us another referendum".

My thoughts are we will hold talks with the EU and other European countries and see what can be negotiated, we will not invoke Article 50 the 2 year divorce petition until April/May next year so we leave when the term of office for our own MEP's ends in 2019.

In the mean time, other countries may well be forced into holding referendums, the EU may well soon be left with only negative contributors holding on to Anglia petty coat.

But there are many things to be sorted:

  • Ireland if Ireland remains in then without a trade treaty with the EU we will need a controlled border, we may well need a controlled boarder to prevent mass influx of migrants via Ireland.
  • We will need to help Gibraltar fend off Spanish aggression.
  • Will Europeans need visas to come to the UK? will Brits need Visas to holiday in Europe?
  • How to prevent European fishing boats from over fishing our waters in the run up to exit?
  • A lot of legislation need to cover loop holes in UK law that will open up with the withdrawal of EU laws.
  • ID cards issued and to carried at all times in order to weed out the many EU over stayers.
  • Harmonisation of standards with the EU, as many British Standards have been harmonised with EU ones reverting back to our own will be a long process as most will be out dated.

The list is endless and it is going to take more than 2 years to sort things out.

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What happens next?

Besides the 2 years to negotiate the exit. the following should be looked at now.

Firstly the whole way the reporting of the referendum should be looked at.

The mainstream TV stations were diabolical and biased. The way they conduct debates should be urgently reviewed from the audiences to the constant barrage and shouting over the respondent. Give them a designated time to respond.

The TV stations should also be held accountable for playing the sympathy card for political gain on the terrible murder of Jo Cox.

The government should never have been allowed to use tax payers money to print leaflets in support of remain.

The general public should accept the democratic decision on the people and move on. Signing for another referendum is immature and undemocratic

The Scots need to reflect and think did we vote to stay in the EU or to get another vote of independence. I just can't see the EU allowing them membership and also the financial break with the UK would be catastrophic.

People shouting obscenities at politicians and people should be arrested. The way people screamed at Boris Johnson was despicable and if that was at the Mayor of London for example, it would have been racist and people arrested. Double standards.

Families, friends, colleagues need to build rifts as this has clearly caused huge difficulties as people feel disfranchised and caused bitter divides.

A political decision has been made and the people of the UK should now start the leave process with confidence and not refereeing to the doom and gloom of the remain campaign if leave won. The markets today is a clear example that the doom forecast was way over estimated.

The UK should go back to normality as best possible even though a new Prime Minister is needed and possibly a Labour leader. The politicians can deal with that, After all it is their job. Hopefully they will keep the people in mind as they are supposedly there to represent them.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Well said. And it is just the beginning.

And next will be the USA - Trump will take back what the Bushes and Clintons and Obama have sold out or given away - the US people will again become first.

Come 2017 there will be a wave of anti-elitist sentiment sweeping across Europe,

By 2020 I doubt the EU will exist - maybe as a 'trading block' which is all it was supposed to be!!!

Exactly the opposite, comrade.
The EU Far away from the British bal and chainl will finally be able to act in the sovereign areas such as defense, fiscal and social harmonization as well as the release of US tutelage to get closer the Russians.
Read about the view of Nicole Fontaine (in French unfortunately, but Google translate is your friend), former president of the European parliament and therefore perfectly legitimate to give an opinion.
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From OP: "Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?"

Maybe we can talk about immigration without being called "racist"?

I've been buying European stocks and the British Pound "while there is blood in the street". This is my sentinel event that will allow me to shout "bullshit" the next time someone tells me what the oddsmakers' lines are.

Maybe fewer people will make fun of Nigel Farage and certain other prominent nationalists?

This is the beginning of a real Great Britain comeback if it starts making decisions that benefit its people instead of the elite.

People are tired of being oppressed by globalists and they want their countries back. This is just the beginning.

Congratulations Great Britain #Brexit. Everything will be not only OK but better.


Well said. And it is just the beginning.

And next will be the USA - Trump will take back what the Bushes and Clintons and Obama have sold out or given away - the US people will again become first.

Come 2017 there will be a wave of anti-elitist sentiment sweeping across Europe,

By 2020 I doubt the EU will exist - maybe as a 'trading block' which is all it was supposed to be!!!

My heart goes out to David's family at this time. Words cannot express how sad we were that he lost his ego today. May he rekindle that over a kebab. Heres hoping his dads off shore account is not affected by todays announcement. Be brave David.

He lost his ego today but bet he still has his pigs head to try and screw..he attempted to screw the people of the UK and they responded..no means no
I'm reminded of this...

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this…

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing

The fifth would pay $1

The sixth would pay $3

The seventh would pay $7

The eighth would pay $12

The ninth would pay $18

The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59

So, that’s what they decided to do.

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve ball.

“Since you are all such good customers,” he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20″. Drinks for the ten men would now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men ? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share?

The bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by a higher percentage the poorer he was, to follow the principle of the tax system they had been using, and he proceeded to work out the amounts he suggested that each should now pay.

And so the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% saving).

The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% saving).

The seventh now paid $5 instead of $7 (28% saving).

The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% saving).

The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% saving).

The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% saving).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But, once outside the bar, the men began to compare their savings.

“I only got a dollar out of the $20 saving,” declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man,”but he got $10!”

“Yeah, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man. “I only saved a dollar too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more benefit than me!”

“That’s true!” shouted the seventh man. “Why should he get $10 back, when I got only $2? The wealthy get all the breaks!”

“Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison, “we didn’t get anything at all. This new tax system exploits the poor!”

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks so the nine sat down and had their beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

I worry a lot of "10th Men" will be relocating to sunny times (I would, if I hadn't done so already).

Edited by JB300
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The Remains were willing to throw away 800 years of British political sovereignty for some perceived benefit that never existed.

Now let Merkel pay the bills.

That's the second time in two generations that Germany has tried to capture Europe.


Edited by NeverSure
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What comes next?

That empty promise Obama made to refuse bilateral trade agreements.

Greed will win out.

Excellent on the Notherners who rejected the London 'luvvies' and their elitist 'Globalization' crap! clap2.gif

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Cameron took a stupidly huge gamble and lost but the EU must share some of the blame as Britain's were fed up being dictated to by Brussels bureaucrats but before too many Yanks start telling us how 'stupid' we are I don't think the US would ever contemplate joining such a union themselves.

In my opinion most Americans applaud the Leave victory. We prize independence and Free Speech. It is my own personal hope that as part of the Leave movement Britain regains real Free Speech as a Right. The severe shackles of political correctness in place in the U.K. restricts the resolution of problems because one cannot even properly define a problem in public speech without being labeled a racist or even risk being prosecuted for speaking out. Much of this outrageous PC bleeds over from the EU. It will take years to throw of the PC shackles but when gone Britain will be the better for it. There is no freedom without free speech... even and especially that speech which may offend.

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Cameron took a stupidly huge gamble and lost but the EU must share some of the blame as Britain's were fed up being dictated to by Brussels bureaucrats but before too many Yanks start telling us how 'stupid' we are I don't think the US would ever contemplate joining such a union themselves.

In my opinion most Americans applaud the Leave victory. We prize independence and Free Speech. It is my own personal hope that as part of the Leave movement Britain regains real Free Speech as a Right. The severe shackles of political correctness in place in the U.K. restricts the resolution of problems because one cannot even properly define a problem in public speech without being labeled a racist or even risk being prosecuted for speaking out. Much of this outrageous PC bleeds over from the EU. It will take years to throw of the PC shackles but when gone Britain will be the better for it. There is no freedom without free speech... even and especially that speech which may offend.

Whilst that is true (I loathe the PC culture) most of that nonsense comes from the US not the EU! in fact 'free speech' is pretty much guaranteed in Britain and we can have radical islamists standing in the street applauding attacks on coalition forces and coming out of EU won't stop that. There are pluses and minuses and we have to work through it.

Cameron was an arrogant fool and will go down in history marked by this great failure - good riddance!

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From OP: "Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?"

Maybe we can talk about immigration without being called "racist"?

I've been buying European stocks and the British Pound "while there is blood in the street". This is my sentinel event that will allow me to shout "bullshit" the next time someone tells me what the oddsmakers' lines are.

Maybe fewer people will make fun of Nigel Farage and certain other prominent nationalists?

This is the beginning of a real Great Britain comeback if it starts making decisions that benefit its people instead of the elite.

People are tired of being oppressed by globalists and they want their countries back. This is just the beginning.

Congratulations Great Britain #Brexit. Everything will be not only OK but better.


People cheering on nationalists such as Farage are making, IMO, a profound error of judgement. Within hours of the leave campaign 'success' Farage has backed off on a number of claims he had made. Living in a dream world supporting the likes of Farage who in essence has blinded the working class to reality.


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People cheering on nationalists such as Farage are making, IMO, a profound error of judgement. Within hours of the leave campaign 'success' Farage has backed off on a number of claims he had made. Living in a dream world supporting the likes of Farage who in essence has blinded the working class to reality.


What Farage does is irrelevant, he isn't an MP, and is unlikely to ever be elected to the British government.

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Cameron took a stupidly huge gamble and lost but the EU must share some of the blame as Britain's were fed up being dictated to by Brussels bureaucrats but before too many Yanks start telling us how 'stupid' we are I don't think the US would ever contemplate joining such a union themselves.

In my opinion most Americans applaud the Leave victory. We prize independence and Free Speech. It is my own personal hope that as part of the Leave movement Britain regains real Free Speech as a Right. The severe shackles of political correctness in place in the U.K. restricts the resolution of problems because one cannot even properly define a problem in public speech without being labeled a racist or even risk being prosecuted for speaking out. Much of this outrageous PC bleeds over from the EU. It will take years to throw of the PC shackles but when gone Britain will be the better for it. There is no freedom without free speech... even and especially that speech which may offend.

Whilst that is true (I loathe the PC culture) most of that nonsense comes from the US not the EU! in fact 'free speech' is pretty much guaranteed in Britain and we can have radical islamists standing in the street applauding attacks on coalition forces and coming out of EU won't stop that. There are pluses and minuses and we have to work through it.

Cameron was an arrogant fool and will go down in history marked by this great failure - good riddance!

Surely you cannot believe what you wrote. Political Correctness on steroids can easily be seen by just scanning a few pages of The Guardian - especially their Forums. PC is at a degree in the Guardian as to be beyond belief. Yes - some of the PC movement was born in the U.S. but the Leftists of the U.K. and the EU put PC into a magical garden and it has sprouted like Jack and the Bean Stalk. I hope your statement about free speech for Islamist was a tongue in cheek joke. Because regular Brits cannot speak openly about the negative effects of the Muslim invasion without risk from both the people they speak against and from the PC police that is alive and well in the U.K. Political Correctness as practiced today in the U.K., EU and the U.S. is nothing less than censorship stiffing the understanding of Democracy . Casting PC off - and stopping sociatial censorship is mandatory for regaining lost freedoms.

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I worry a lot of "10th Men" will be relocating to sunny times (I would, if I hadn't done so already).

In the UK and the EU, the rich don't pay any taxes, it's all paid by the middle class.

It's actually the middle classes I'm referring to as the "10th Man".

The rich are in the wine bar around the corner...

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Well done Britain...never felt so proud of my country.

We held our nerve and took a bold step.

But we have to be very wary of attempts to derail the 'divorce' proceedings in order to setup another referendum.

I agree with Junker - let's get out as soon as we can.

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Amidst the disgusting triumphalism of Farange and suspicions that Boris used this to further his own ambitions one small thing caught my eye.

If this is all about the future what about the youngest group of eligible voters, who are the future , and who reportedly voted overwhelmingly to Remain and now have had their future put into question ?

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From OP: "Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?"

Maybe we can talk about immigration without being called "racist"?

I've been buying European stocks and the British Pound "while there is blood in the street". This is my sentinel event that will allow me to shout "bullshit" the next time someone tells me what the oddsmakers' lines are.

Maybe fewer people will make fun of Nigel Farage and certain other prominent nationalists?

This is the beginning of a real Great Britain comeback if it starts making decisions that benefit its people instead of the elite.

People are tired of being oppressed by globalists and they want their countries back. This is just the beginning.

Congratulations Great Britain #Brexit. Everything will be not only OK but better.


People cheering on nationalists such as Farage are making, IMO, a profound error of judgement. Within hours of the leave campaign 'success' Farage has backed off on a number of claims he had made. Living in a dream world supporting the likes of Farage who in essence has blinded the working class to reality.


The Guardian has become a very left wing paper and once the champion of the working class has little in common with the working class. The result of the referendum clearly showed this. The reporting is bias, and whilst I know other papers also do this, Once I considered it to be levelled and reported fairly. But that has changed over the last few years. This article is an example of that. Do the research.

People forget, it was Nigel Farage who instigated this referendum. David (liar) Cameron promised a referendum in 2009 which never materialised. Due to the rise of UKIP Cameron then promised a referendum. Nigel Farage whether you like him or not has supported and campaigned for the UK out of the EU for over a decade. His speeches in the European Parliament have been patriotic and made perfect sense. He Championed the British cause and questioned the democratic reliability of the EU Commission and the corrupt deals that they do. Any leave voter who does not know that this man, Nigel Farage, is the reason the referendum happened and should be thanking him.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Best Tweet seen so far on the historic action taken yesterday for the UK to leave the EU:

"Populist anger" is elites' shorthand for rejection of elites' right to rule. Distant and unresponsive bureaucrats lost yesterday. Big time"


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Its not often that Donald Trump makes me laugh but on a visit to Scotland he tweeted, "Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!"

Someone has tweeted back, "Scotland voted IN you moron"

Edited by pitrevie
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Amidst the disgusting triumphalism of Farange and suspicions that Boris used this to further his own ambitions one small thing caught my eye.

If this is all about the future what about the youngest group of eligible voters, who are the future , and who reportedly voted overwhelmingly to Remain and now have had their future put into question ?

So what do we do? Weight votes according to age?

It is the older generations who, in my view, will be looked back on in years to come as the ones who saved the UK from EU anti-democracy.

With age comes wisdom. If I had been 18, idealistic and naive, at the time of this referendum I would almost certainly have voted Remain. But now being a bit older and having had a lot more life experience I voted unhesitatingly to leave.

I have seen with my own eyes the creeping, insidious centralisation of power and the stripping away of democratic rights under the EU, something which the younger generation have not experienced.

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The Remains were willing to throw away 800 years of British political sovereignty for some perceived benefit that never existed.

Now let Merkel pay the bills.

That's the second time in two generations that Germany has tried to capture Europe.



Tend to agree with you. The EU is Germanys third attempt in the last hundred years at ruling Europe.

Let them have the other basket case countries.

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"The United Kingdom is a country that includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its official name is “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.” England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are often mistaken as names of countries, but they are only a part of the United Kingdom."

That's from infoplease website. It's interesting because I thought England, Scotland and Wales were countries. That's the past and there are only UKers now. Calling someone English is like calling someone Texan? All confusing to me.

Edited by Alive
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From OP: "Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?"

Maybe we can talk about immigration without being called "racist"?

I've been buying European stocks and the British Pound "while there is blood in the street". This is my sentinel event that will allow me to shout "bullshit" the next time someone tells me what the oddsmakers' lines are.

Maybe fewer people will make fun of Nigel Farage and certain other prominent nationalists?

This is the beginning of a real Great Britain comeback if it starts making decisions that benefit its people instead of the elite.

People are tired of being oppressed by globalists and they want their countries back. This is just the beginning.

Congratulations Great Britain #Brexit. Everything will be not only OK but better.


People cheering on nationalists such as Farage are making, IMO, a profound error of judgement. Within hours of the leave campaign 'success' Farage has backed off on a number of claims he had made. Living in a dream world supporting the likes of Farage who in essence has blinded the working class to reality.


The Guardian has become a very left wing paper and once the champion of the working class has little in common with the working class. The result of the referendum clearly showed this. The reporting is bias, and whilst I know other papers also do this, Once I considered it to be levelled and reported fairly. But that has changed over the last few years. This article is an example of that. Do the research.

People forget, it was Nigel Farage who instigated this referendum. David (liar) Cameron promised a referendum in 2009 which never materialised. Due to the rise of UKIP Cameron then promised a referendum. Nigel Farage whether you like him or not has supported and campaigned for the UK out of the EU for over a decade. His speeches in the European Parliament have been patriotic and made perfect sense. He Championed the British cause and questioned the democratic reliability of the EU Commission and the corrupt deals that they do. Any leave voter who does not know that this man, Nigel Farage, is the reason the referendum happened and should be thanking him.

Believe what you will, but IMO there was & is a great deal of BS baffles brains of deliberate misrepresentation of intent by those at the forefront of the leave campaign. Taking on the globalists - what nonsense! e.g. from the article to which I linked...

Many leading Brexiters are on record as wanting to privatise the NHS. They reveled in the destruction of the working-class communities and cultures capable of staging real revolt. Sir James Dyson moved his factory to Malaysia, so much did he love the British workforce. They talk about defying the “elite”. But they are the elite.

Edited by simple1
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on the macroeconomic stage, does it mean great uncle phil can sell and grow vegies and fowl without fear of EU naming issues?

naming issues come up in trade agreements as well (example CETA).

thanks for the relaxing saturday arvo reading, the wife is at work, so it is crank up the fire, some red and the niceities of ceta.

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