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Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU


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Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU

LONDON: -- Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union.

Mr Cameron made the announcement in a statement outside Downing Street after the final result was announced.

He said he would attempt to "steady the ship" over the coming weeks and months but that "fresh leadership" was needed.

The PM had urged the country to vote Remain, warning of economic and security consequences of an exit, but the UK voted to Leave by 52% to 48%.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-36615028

-- BBC 2016-06-24

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UK leader David Cameron to resign after Brexit humiliation
JILL LAWLESS, Associated Press
RAPHAEL SATTER, Associated Press

LONDON (AP) — It's often said that David Cameron is a lucky politician who has seemed to coast through politics on instinct and charm during a career that has culminated in six years as British prime minister. On Thursday, his luck ran out.

In calling a referendum on Britain's membership in the European Union, Cameron made a gamble that sank his career — and set his country on a course to leave an international alliance it joined more than 40 years ago. Speaking to assembled reporters outside his Downing Street office Friday, he said he would stay on for as long as was necessary for stability's sake, but that he could not be the one to lead Britain out of Europe.

"I will do everything I can as prime minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months," he said, "but I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers the country to its next destination."

Brexit was a rare but fateful miscalculation for a politician who has a reputation for thriving under pressure and astutely judging political risks.

"I think he's actually been pretty stunned by the strength of the 'leave' cause," Cameron biographer James Hanning told The Associated Press several days ahead of the referendum. "The golden rule is, never hold a referendum unless you're confident of winning it, and I think he thought that the moderate voices would prevail by some distance."

The referendum campaign was unexpectedly bitter and divisive, and was brought to a shocked halt when Labour lawmaker Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death in the street last week. The news appeared to dampen the momentum of the "leave" movement, but in the end the Brexit vote prevailed.

"The British people have made a decision to take a separate path," Cameron said Friday morning.

That decision was bitter news for Cameron, who called the referendum to puncture growing support for the anti-EU UK Independence Party and placate the strongly euroskeptic right wing of the Conservatives.

Victoria Honeyman, a lecturer in British politics at the University of Leeds, said Cameron had seen EU battles poison the leaderships of former Tory leaders John Major and William Hague and "feared a civil war in the Conservative Party."

She said the referendum was about "defusing that time bomb" — but Cameron has "moved from having one ticking time bomb to having another ticking time bomb."

When he promised the referendum, in 2013, Cameron said it would "settle this European question in British politics" once and for all.

He told voters he would forge a new deal between Britain and the EU that would make remaining an attractive prospect. At a Brussels summit in February, he won changes to welfare benefits that he said would reduce immigration and an exemption for Britain from the EU's commitment to "ever-closer union" — a phrase that stirs images of a European super-state in some patriotic British hearts.

But many voters proved resistant to Cameron's message that Britain is stronger, safer and more economically secure within the EU than it would be outside it.

The concessions he gained were dismissed as paltry by "leave" campaigners, who said they would do little to limit immigration from other EU nations because the bloc guarantees free movement among member states. It's a subject that resonated with many voters, who have seen hundreds of thousands of people come to Britain over the past decade from new EU members in eastern Europe. (Hundreds of thousands of Britons also live in other EU countries, a less remarked-upon fact).

"I think he has underestimated the enduring nature and the strength of the euroskeptic support in the country and also the extent of the bitterness inside his own party," Hanning said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-24

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As an American, I doubted the Brits would have the BA__LS to actually do a BREXIT.

Not only a BREXIT but to get rid of Cameron at the same time....what a wonderful gift.

Death to all Capitalists.

So you think we're a bunch of wimps is that what you're saying? Have a delve through English/British history over the last thousand years or so - forget what you were taught at school. Don't forget, there's only one country that stood up against the might of Mr H while others languished including your neck of the woods.

As for getting rid of Cameron, the Brits did no such thing. He resigned, which is actually quite admirable.

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As an American, I doubted the Brits would have the BA__LS to actually do a BREXIT.

Not only a BREXIT but to get rid of Cameron at the same time....what a wonderful gift.

Death to all Capitalists.

So you think we're a bunch of wimps is that what you're saying? Have a delve through English/British history over the last thousand years or so - forget what you were taught at school. Don't forget, there's only one country that stood up against the might of Mr H while others languished including your neck of the woods.

As for getting rid of Cameron, the Brits did no such thing. He resigned, which is actually quite admirable.

The UK took back their country today...while over the pond they are still arguing over which toilet to use

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Why do people keep talking about donny trump, he's basically irrelevant to the United Kingdom and you may as well talk about Elvis.

See ya later Cameron, don't let the door hit u in the backside on the way out.

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Well this all came as a surprise, didn't thinks the Britts were up for it, there will be some initial problems to sort out but it should prove to be the right choice for the UK.

See Scottish leader Sturgeon says she intends to explore all means possible of maintaining Scotland’s place in the EU. Sturgeon also says she has talked to London Mayor Sadiq Khan who shares her views about London’s place in the EU. What is he planning an Islamic Caliphate in London to stay in the EU?

So the public has voted but already some pollies wont accept the verdict and are looking for an out. Personally I would think Scotland would be better off with the UK than being an EU vassal state.

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Well this all came as a surprise, didn't thinks the Britts were up for it, there will be some initial problems to sort out but it should prove to be the right choice for the UK.

See Scottish leader Sturgeon says she intends to explore all means possible of maintaining Scotlands place in the EU. Sturgeon also says she has talked to London Mayor Sadiq Khan who shares her views about Londons place in the EU. What is he planning an Islamic Caliphate in London to stay in the EU?

So the public has voted but already some pollies wont accept the verdict and are looking for an out. Personally I would think Scotland would be better off with the UK than being an EU vassal state.

Scotland nneds to hurry up and bugger off as well if thats what they wish..

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So Cameron goes on the ash heap of history and Trump is still left standing. Who has their finger on the pulse of the voters now, Cameron?

Donald Trump'et whilst making a speech about the UK Brexit vote result from a golf course in Scotland made a reference to being in Florida. How stupid is this man when he isn't aware of what country or continent he's currently in.

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Theresa May & George Osborne need to step down next as them two have also destroyed the country ... Also news are saying put Theresa May forward to be the next pm of the Uk ..

Edited by Nicolas32
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UK leaving the EU ?? Not according to Fox News. biggrin.png

Ah Fox news and the 'mericans...bless em...clueless LOL
Oh and according to Trump Brexit is a great thing while he was at his golf course in Scotland.
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I think many of us are shocked that he was so quick to make the announcement, I am not a Tory ...far from it, and personally think he was more of a wet blanket than John Major, had he stood up more forcefully to Europe the result may have been different.

But driving to work this morning I happened to catch the PM's live statement from Downing St, only a sentence or two into the broadcast he said something like " I have been proud to have been Prime Minister...", the hairs stood up on the back of my neck, even though it took a few more sentences, I knew what was coming.

Edited by Basil B
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Theresa May & George Osborne need to step down next as them two have also destroyed the country ... Also news are saying put Theresa May forward to be the next pm of the Uk ..

I am totally opposed to any blonds as PM (male or female).

I expect that Theresa May will be Cameron's choice, How that incompetent woman lasted so long I can only think ...another "Edwina Gate"

Edited by Basil B
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Theresa May & George Osborne need to step down next as them two have also destroyed the country ... Also news are saying put Theresa May forward to be the next pm of the Uk ..

I am totally opposed to any blonds as PM (male or female).

I expect that Theresa May will be Cameron's choice, How that incompetent woman lasted so long I can only think ...another "Edwina Gate"

David Davis, please.

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Theresa May & George Osborne need to step down next as them two have also destroyed the country ... Also news are saying put Theresa May forward to be the next pm of the Uk ..

Theresa May? She must be the official "oh my God, anyone but Boris" candidate!
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Well this all came as a surprise, didn't thinks the Britts were up for it, there will be some initial problems to sort out but it should prove to be the right choice for the UK.

See Scottish leader Sturgeon says she intends to explore all means possible of maintaining Scotland’s place in the EU. Sturgeon also says she has talked to London Mayor Sadiq Khan who shares her views about London’s place in the EU. What is he planning an Islamic Caliphate in London to stay in the EU?

So the public has voted but already some pollies wont accept the verdict and are looking for an out. Personally I would think Scotland would be better off with the UK than being an EU vassal state.

Mayor of London is a jolly important job with lots of responsibilities.

Running National foreign policy is not one of them.

Of course if you point that out to him then it will be a racist islamaphobic smear.

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He won't have to explain his offshore accounts now. Someone here said he did the decent thing!!!!! The decent thing would have been to stand down before the last election for keeping the honest working person on a <deleted> wage whilst him and his cronies gave themselfs a 11%rise. Good rriddance to bad rubish you won't be missed. I expect you will get a knighthood not deserved.

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He won't have to explain his offshore accounts now. Someone here said he did the decent thing!!!!! The decent thing would have been to stand down before the last election for keeping the honest working person on a <deleted> wage whilst him and his cronies gave themselfs a 11%rise. Good rriddance to bad rubish you won't be missed. I expect you will get a knighthood not deserved.

Maybe they will make him the Baron of Bedwetty

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I don't think Cameron will last until October, it's not up to him.

I have no idea why he called this referendum so early when it was announced earler in the year, as that point I was pretty sure he would lose but he did a good job only losing by about 4%.

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I don't think Cameron will last until October, it's not up to him.

I have no idea why he called this referendum so early when it was announced earler in the year, as that point I was pretty sure he would lose but he did a good job only losing by about 4%.

4% with the amount of voters voting is a massive loss. He will hang on till oct so he gets this year's pay rise and extra pension

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I don't think Cameron will last until October, it's not up to him.

I have no idea why he called this referendum so early when it was announced earler in the year, as that point I was pretty sure he would lose but he did a good job only losing by about 4%.

4% with the amount of voters voting is a massive loss. He will hang on till oct so he gets this year's pay rise and extra pension

If you look at the regional voting, almost all of England voted to leave (blue).

With only Scotland and NI wanting to remain (yellow).


No party can expect to win any of the blue constituencies in the next election if they try to wiggle out of it.

It would be political suicide. We know most of them would like to reject the will of the people.

But they also want to be elected and keep their heads in the trough.

Edited by MissAndry
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I don't think Cameron will last until October, it's not up to him.

I have no idea why he called this referendum so early when it was announced earler in the year, as that point I was pretty sure he would lose but he did a good job only losing by about 4%.

4% with the amount of voters voting is a massive loss. He will hang on till oct so he gets this year's pay rise and extra pension

52% X 72% of those entitled to vote = 37%!

Against 48% X 72% = 34% wanting to remain

Should have been an overall majority for such a big deal IMHO.

Scotland voted by huge margin to remain

Actually, Cameron (who I blame for this unnecessary farago) acted very honourably I thought

Corbyn should also fall on his sword

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I don't think Cameron will last until October, it's not up to him.

I have no idea why he called this referendum so early when it was announced earler in the year, as that point I was pretty sure he would lose but he did a good job only losing by about 4%.

4% with the amount of voters voting is a massive loss. He will hang on till oct so he gets this year's pay rise and extra pension

If you look at the regional voting, almost all of England voted to leave (blue).


No party can expect to win any of the blue constituencies in the next election if they try to wiggle out of it.

It would be political suicide. We know most of them would like to reject the will of the people.

But they also want to be elected and keeps their heads in the trough.

No one said they would try to overturn the result it is a democratic vote and as such they would not dare all I said was the cretin would hang on till OCT.

here's another prediction Corbyn will go as well before he is pushed. The next election which I belive will be a week after the final cords are cut with the EU so about 2 and a half years from now. Will be between the PM who will be Borris Johnson after Oct and Hillary Ben who will be the next labour leader

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I don't think Cameron will last until October, it's not up to him.

I have no idea why he called this referendum so early when it was announced earler in the year, as that point I was pretty sure he would lose but he did a good job only losing by about 4%.

4% with the amount of voters voting is a massive loss. He will hang on till oct so he gets this year's pay rise and extra pension

52% X 72% of those entitled to vote = 37%!

Against 48% X 72% = 34% wanting to remain

Should have been an overall majority for such a big deal IMHO.

Scotland voted by huge margin to remain

Actually, Cameron (who I blame for this unnecessary farago) acted very honourably I thought

Corbyn should also fall on his sword[/quote

] which in real figures is well over a million votes I belive and as for Scotland they are part of the UK not independent so will do as the UK does and if you look at the Scots vote figures most only had a 2% diffrence between stay and leave so not as clear cut as you may think. Cammoron (spelt as I belive it should be) is about as honorable as a bald headed pig. IMHO

Edited by jeab1980
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As an American, I doubted the Brits would have the BA__LS to actually do a BREXIT.

Not only a BREXIT but to get rid of Cameron at the same time....what a wonderful gift.

Death to all Capitalists.

So you think we're a bunch of wimps is that what you're saying? Have a delve through English/British history over the last thousand years or so - forget what you were taught at school. Don't forget, there's only one country that stood up against the might of Mr H while others languished including your neck of the woods.

As for getting rid of Cameron, the Brits did no such thing. He resigned, which is actually quite admirable.

The UK took back their country today...while over the pond they are still arguing over which toilet to use

I reckon most people know what toilet to use. It's just the President that's confused

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