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Juncker – “No renegotiation”


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You don't seem to get it. The longer it drags on, the longer the uncertainty continues. And uncertainty is going to keep businesses from investing in the UK.

I am afraid that it is you that does not get.

The UK populace is sick to death of Governments pandering to big business.

When Government finally get it through their thick skulls that the people come before Big Business the sooner the UK will become a better place.

Not going to happen, politicians have no intention of giving up there ridiculous pensions and the guarantee of consultancies/board membership positions with those companies they've advantaged sad.png .

You are correct, but this does not detract from my point.

However. Now would be a really good time to deliver a kick in the swingers to UK Politicians by demanding changes to a system that is rotten and corrupt from top to bottom.

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I've no clue about how business works.I'm a nuts bolts and oil monkey.

I'm a firm "out" body.

I need educated on this from smart people. thumbsup.gif

Ok.....it's all well and good saying, "lets get out now/You lot get out now" but it can't be that simple or even close to it.

Firstly, the big one. How would the various visas work? You can't just overnight expect each of the remaining EU countries to write up new requirements for UK PP holders. I've no doubt it'll still be easy to go to all these countries, you'll get a stamp in your passport with 1/2/3 month entry stamp. (how they name it will be a country by country thing) Surely That is going to take time. We might find that some countries like Holland and Belgium might allow the visa stamp to cover both countries (?) (again, i want to highlight i'm clueless about all this)

Secondly....busineses that trade between countries and the contracts they have. Would i be right in saying these contracts will need to be revisited and re-written in constitution with ech countries new trade legislation with the UK along with the Governments new trade laws? I'd imagine that will take a long time, months, even a year or two to settle?

To me the , "Lets get out now" along with the EU ministers saying, "Go now" isn't as straight forwards as it sounds.

Help me and a few other dummies out please TV wub.png

Edited by Franky Bear
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The EU (or it's un elected governors) may wish to deal harshly with the UK. However during the two years or whatever until we actually leave we still have a seat at the table, and can veto and obstruct any moves they may make to hurt us. Some might say business as usual then, until that day when we finally break.

Of course we must hope that the next Prime Minister has the balls to stand up to them.

Personally I think the Boris/Gove show has, but we will see. After all they may not get the jobs.

You don't seem to get it. The longer it drags on, the longer the uncertainty continues. And uncertainty is going to keep businesses from investing in the UK.

No, sorry, you don't get what I am saying. I'm not suggesting we drag it out, I'm suggesting that whilst the process of parting is under way, we need not allow ourselves to be pushed around.

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Just listen to these "Remainers"! rolleyes.gif

Talk about "spit the dummy"...


I must say, the exiters do have the better ability to brighten up the day.

Ah! Democracy in action! laugh.png

To think her vote is worth exactly the same as anybody else's! rolleyes.gif

I always love this quote from Churchill.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. Winston Churchill

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Not one of those three "Presidents" has been elected. The British (indeed the European) electorate have never even had the opportunity to elect them to their various "Presidencies".

The sight of that choleric looking unelected Luxembourger wagging his finger and telling us to go has convinced me that, despite the possible short or even mid term effect on my finances we reached the right decision of Thursday.

Who cares? The UK will leave in their own time, not as laughably dictated by the EU following the brexit vote.

You are right. Brits can take time to go out.
However they lost their seats to participate in defining the rules they will apply yet.
And I'm betting that these rules will evolve in a manner unfavorable to the outgoing now considered a deserter.
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The EU (or it's un elected governors) may wish to deal harshly with the UK. However during the two years or whatever until we actually leave we still have a seat at the table, and can veto and obstruct any moves they may make to hurt us. Some might say business as usual then, until that day when we finally break.

Of course we must hope that the next Prime Minister has the balls to stand up to them.

Personally I think the Boris/Gove show has, but we will see. After all they may not get the jobs.

You don't seem to get it. The longer it drags on, the longer the uncertainty continues. And uncertainty is going to keep businesses from investing in the UK.

To think we were told that we were sending 350 million a week to the EU and the sooner we got the sooner we could spend it on the NHS. We were told once we were free of the dead hand of this totalitarian, unelected, undemocratic, even communist bureaucracy the world was our oyster. Now we are being told we had better wait in case the Dutch or the French have a referendum or even that the whole house of cards is going to come tumbling down any moment and we should wait and not rush things as we might get a better settlement.

I was against the UK breaking up but look at the Scots full of confidence in their own ability and confident that they are better off with the EU than with the bunch of whingers south of their border who are now complaining that they don't want to be rushed into this separation.

The EU was there long before we got into it and started whinging from day one and demanding special treatment and it will be there long after we have been ejected.

The Brexiters are exposed for what they are, despite all the talk they haven't got the first idea of what they want to do.

Evidence for that, just look at Boris when he gave that statement, that was a man brimming with confidence or not.

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It's all bluff and rhetoric. This is a devastatimg blow to Germany and France. The UK needs to play hardball.

Please do or at least start playing at the moment you are not even prepared to go on the field. Its the EU that wants to start the game and reach a conclusion its the Brexiters who don't even want to start.

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It will not be Britain that drags out the exit negotiations; it'll be the EU. It's the EU that is in danger of falling apart and desperately looking to replace the cash infusion they just lost.

Well it appears that it is the EU that wants to complete this as soon as possible and as you can see from many of the posts here it is the Brexiters who are now dragging their feet. Apparently we will have a new PM by October and then if that is the English Donald Trump he tells us there is no rush. However I can understand your wish for the whole thing to fall apart which is what the Brexiters are hoping for so that they don't have to show us they haven't got the first idea of what comes next.

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It will not be Britain that drags out the exit negotiations; it'll be the EU. It's the EU that is in danger of falling apart and desperately looking to replace the cash infusion they just lost.

I don't know how many times this needs saying but try scanning the news today. The EU is calling for an early negotiation and they want us out as soon as possible.

Please read the statements from the top EU officials and Germany and France before repeating this nonsense ad nauseum.

Try listening to Boris stating "there is no rush"

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Easy way out just stop paying the subs.

Please no need to do anything they want us to go and as soon as possible. They are not stopping us they are not even offering free cakes if we stay they have asked us to go as soon as possible. Don't people on here ever look at the news?

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Just listen to these "Remainers"! rolleyes.gif

Talk about "spit the dummy"...


I must say, the exiters do have the better ability to brighten up the day.

Ah! Democracy in action! laugh.png

To think her vote is worth exactly the same as anybody else's! rolleyes.gif

I always love this quote from Churchill.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. Winston Churchill

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Please no need to do anything they want us to go and as soon as possible. They are not stopping us they are not even offering free cakes if we stay they have asked us to go as soon as possible. Don't people on here ever look at the news?

I think the very fast EU response to suggest to get the divorce over with has surprised many people. It did surprise at least me.

Also the talks about Scotland leaving UK and possibility of Northern Island to do so as well.

It's like everybody are saying "You let the populists take over your country, let's see how it works for you."

It's also one way to say "Now, seriously. Go back and redo your referendum. Find the loophole if necessary. Beg your queen to nullify the vote.".. or we both get hurt, but as you by now already realised, we'll be fine to go forward together or separately.

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Please no need to do anything they want us to go and as soon as possible. They are not stopping us they are not even offering free cakes if we stay they have asked us to go as soon as possible. Don't people on here ever look at the news?

I think the very fast EU response to suggest to get the divorce over with has surprised many people. It did surprise at least me.

Also the talks about Scotland leaving UK and possibility of Northern Island to do so as well.

It's like everybody are saying "You let the populists take over your country, let's see how it works for you."

It's also one way to say "Now, seriously. Go back and redo your referendum. Find the loophole if necessary. Beg your queen to nullify the vote.".. or we both get hurt, but as you by now already realised, we'll be fine to go forward together or separately.

Well its certainly surprised many on here. I think a lot of people expected the EU to be begging us blackmailing us threatening us but instead the undemocratic, unelected, totalitarian bureaucrats have stated they they respect the British decision now please go and as soon as possible. Only Farage seems overjoyed Boris looked as glum as could be.

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It will not be Britain that drags out the exit negotiations; it'll be the EU. It's the EU that is in danger of falling apart and desperately looking to replace the cash infusion they just lost.

Which is why the EU is telling the UK to hurry up and it's people like Boris Johnson who are saying we can take it slow?

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For sensible and meaningful negotiations.

Junkers must go

Given his attitude and intransigents to the UK he alone probably swayed enough Brits to have made the difference.

Edited by Basil B
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The EU (or it's un elected governors) may wish to deal harshly with the UK. However during the two years or whatever until we actually leave we still have a seat at the table, and can veto and obstruct any moves they may make to hurt us. Some might say business as usual then, until that day when we finally break.

Of course we must hope that the next Prime Minister has the balls to stand up to them.

Personally I think the Boris/Gove show has, but we will see. After all they may not get the jobs.

You don't seem to get it. The longer it drags on, the longer the uncertainty continues. And uncertainty is going to keep businesses from investing in the UK.

I am afraid that it is you that does not get.

The UK populace is sick to death of Governments pandering to big business.

When Government finally get it through their thick skulls that the people come before Big Business the sooner the UK will become a better place.

And you believe that a Conservative government in the UK is the one to do that.? Do you have any knowledge at all of what they've been doing to the working class since they took power?

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Brexit will

  • free GB from German diktat
  • free GB from leftist government in Brussel on which voters have no power or way to change
  • stop this Muslim uncontrolled immigration
  • open exit strategy to all others wanted to do it
  • give a strong message to EU of what is wrong with it
  • Eu, Germany and Brussels will have to reconsider their "democratic" agendas totally unpopular with the voters in all countries
  • EU - Brussels --Germany will have a chance to seriously consider what is happening with Islamisation of EU
  • hopefully be a precursor to new United Europe with political freedom for all its members and no central diktat
  • mu hope is that the reverse process starts against these bolshevik-socialists-communists-minority groups with agendas to finally get to the Greco-Roman roots on which traditions all European country are formed and exists for centuries and which traditions-law-knowledge-emancipation-culture and common religious traditions are being challenged by primitive and uneducated hordes of islamic illegal immigrants and rapists.
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Brexit will

  • free GB from German diktat
  • free GB from leftist government in Brussel on which voters have no power or way to change
  • stop this Muslim uncontrolled immigration
  • open exit strategy to all others wanted to do it
  • give a strong message to EU of what is wrong with it
  • Eu, Germany and Brussels will have to reconsider their "democratic" agendas totally unpopular with the voters in all countries
  • EU - Brussels --Germany will have a chance to seriously consider what is happening with Islamisation of EU
  • hopefully be a precursor to new United Europe with political freedom for all its members and no central diktat
  • mu hope is that the reverse process starts against these bolshevik-socialists-communists-minority groups with agendas to finally get to the Greco-Roman roots on which traditions all European country are formed and exists for centuries and which traditions-law-knowledge-emancipation-culture and common religious traditions are being challenged by primitive and uneducated hordes of islamic illegal immigrants and rapists.

Blimey, and I thought it was all about being free to buy bent bananas and powerful vacuum cleaners....

Edited by JAG
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Brexit will

  • free GB from German diktat
  • free GB from leftist government in Brussel on which voters have no power or way to change
  • stop this Muslim uncontrolled immigration
  • open exit strategy to all others wanted to do it
  • give a strong message to EU of what is wrong with it
  • Eu, Germany and Brussels will have to reconsider their "democratic" agendas totally unpopular with the voters in all countries
  • EU - Brussels --Germany will have a chance to seriously consider what is happening with Islamisation of EU
  • hopefully be a precursor to new United Europe with political freedom for all its members and no central diktat
  • mu hope is that the reverse process starts against these bolshevik-socialists-communists-minority groups with agendas to finally get to the Greco-Roman roots on which traditions all European country are formed and exists for centuries and which traditions-law-knowledge-emancipation-culture and common religious traditions are being challenged by primitive and uneducated hordes of islamic illegal immigrants and rapists.
Fortunately, the youth expresses an intelligent opinion in the UK.
Because for the old it is hardly brilliant.
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Well its certainly surprised many on here. I think a lot of people expected the EU to be begging us blackmailing us threatening us but instead the undemocratic, unelected, totalitarian bureaucrats have stated they they respect the British decision now please go and as soon as possible. Only Farage seems overjoyed Boris looked as glum as could be.

You are far too sarcastic to the discussion forum. Less sarcasm works far better here.

Your task is not to convince the people who get your idea, your task is to get to the people's head who don't understand what you thought.

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