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Brexit: why British expats are worried


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like in good old imperial times one Pound Sterling would buy 2.80 US-Dollars or 10 €URos (the equivalent of 20 Deutsch Marks) enabling the Chancellor of the Exchequer to drive around with lorries filled with cash and distributing the cash instead of H.M. Revenue Service levying taxes.


Was that around same time when the people in your country received their wages in wheelbarrows?

no the exchange rates i referred to are post World War II and your comment is irrelevant because my posting pertained to a comment referring to 1975 when UK joined the EU to compensate for a depression whereas my [not so] learned counterpart argued

The UK was a strong and powerful country before it joined the EU.

more information:

The recession also lasted from 1973–75 in the United Kingdom. The GDP declined by 3.9% or 3.37% depending on the source. It took 14 quarters for the UK's GDP to recover to that at the start of recession.


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^^ to Naam

The problem here is Politicians took Britain in to the EEC on Jan 1st 1973 without asking the people, we then had a referendum in 1975 on whether or not to remain

Which rises the question did joining the EEC cause the recesion?

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^^ to Naam

The problem here is Politicians took Britain in to the EEC on Jan 1st 1973 without asking the people, we then had a referendum in 1975 on whether or not to remain

Which rises the question did joining the EEC cause the recesion?

touché! so you discovered the rather well kept secret that a continental European fifth column, masterminded by Germany and commanded by German agents, initiated that British recession as a revenge for the defeat in 1945?

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There is a big Norwegian community living in Spain, many of them are working in bars and other businesses. They have the same rights as EU members and healthcare is also provided, thanks to the agreement with EU .

So I don't see the problem here. UK just need to negotiate and get ready to sign a new agreement.

What you don't say, and may not know, is that Norway agreed to be governed by the same rules as members of the EU. That includes immigration and free movement of labor for all EU country members. The difference is, Norway gets no say in creating these rules and regulations.

That is just complete nonsense , the right wing government in Norway have been doing a lot to restrict new immigration to Norway If you compare Norway with our neigbors in EU Sweden they have around 40% more immigrants in the last years because they have no choice .

EU don't like it , but they can't force Norway , because we're not in EU . Yes, we had our share of immigrants in the past and most of them are well integrated in the society.

Please do not talk about things you don't have a clue about.

Edited by balo
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There is a big Norwegian community living in Spain, many of them are working in bars and other businesses. They have the same rights as EU members and healthcare is also provided, thanks to the agreement with EU .

So I don't see the problem here. UK just need to negotiate and get ready to sign a new agreement.

What you don't say, and may not know, is that Norway agreed to be governed by the same rules as members of the EU. That includes immigration and free movement of labor for all EU country members. The difference is, Norway gets no say in creating these rules and regulations.

That is just complete nonsense , the right wing government in Norway have been doing a lot to restrict new immigration to Norway If you compare Norway with our neigbors in EU Sweden they have around 40% more immigrants because they have no choice .

EU don't like it , but they can't force Norway , because we're not in EU . Yes, we had our share of immigrants in the past and most of them are well integrated in the society.

Please do not talk about things you don't have a clue about.

I should have been more clear. When I wrote "immigration and the free movement of labor" I was referring to movement of labor by citizens of the EU. Norway can't stop EU citizens from working in Norway.

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There is a big Norwegian community living in Spain, many of them are working in bars and other businesses. They have the same rights as EU members and healthcare is also provided, thanks to the agreement with EU .

So I don't see the problem here. UK just need to negotiate and get ready to sign a new agreement.

What you don't say, and may not know, is that Norway agreed to be governed by the same rules as members of the EU. That includes immigration and free movement of labor for all EU country members. The difference is, Norway gets no say in creating these rules and regulations.

That is just complete nonsense , the right wing government in Norway have been doing a lot to restrict new immigration to Norway If you compare Norway with our neigbors in EU Sweden they have around 40% more immigrants in the last years because they have no choice .

EU don't like it , but they can't force Norway , because we're not in EU . Yes, we had our share of immigrants in the past and most of them are well integrated in the society.

Please do not talk about things you don't have a clue about.

If you compare Norway with just about any other EU state than Sweden, you will see that Norway accepted more immigrants per capita. Sweden has as much choice to reject asylum seeker as Norway. This is not dictated by EU and depends on each countries own policy. Norway can not reject immigrants from EU (bound by the EFTA agreement) and is also a Schengen member.

Before you shout out to others about having no clue, get your own facts straight... In more areas than not, Norway is bound by EU regulations.


Edited by Wonderboy
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I don't know. We get a kick out of watching Brits pee in their pants over the prospect that they can spend their money on themselves rather than fat cats in Brussels.

Payments to the EU, immigration and a nanny state have driven the UK's debt to be about the same as that of the US as a percentage of GDP. Yet the much smarter Brits are forever talking about how the US is broke while predicting its collapse.

The UK was a strong and powerful country before it joined the EU. Now it's a broke-ass country playing the part of the EU's beotch. Now its culture is rapidly shifting due to massive immigration by people who can't speak English and who won't accept British law or customs.

Let the peeing in the pants continue and whatever you do, give your lives back to your masters in Brussels.


The UK was a strong and powerful country before it joined the EU.

indeed! it was the EU that forced the British Empire to grant sovereignty to many parts of the realm and forego the riches and wealth of now immensely prosperous nations who dominate the global economy with their wealth of minerals, ores, precious metals, agricultural products (just to name a few).

think of what impact on UK finances rubies and emeralds from Burma (aka Myanmar). rice from India, textiles from Pakistan, gold and platinum from Bangla Desh, sheep and kiwis from New Zealand, roos from Australia, yam and cassava from Nigeria would make.

like in good old imperial times one Pound Sterling would buy 2.80 US-Dollars or 10 €URos (the equivalent of 20 Deutsch Marks) enabling the Chancellor of the Exchequer to drive around with lorries filled with cash and distributing the cash instead of H.M. Revenue Service levying taxes.


Would you like to add some dates to your post for clarification?

Burma. Granted Independence 4th January 1948.

India. Granted independence 15th August 1947.

Pakistan. Granted independence 14th August 1947 and was divided into Eat Pakistan and West Pakistan with India physically between them.

Bangladesh Was actually East Pakistan but declared war on West Pakistan in 1971 and fought a war and was recognised formally by the UN in 1972. It had nothing to do with the UK.

Ghana. Granted independence on 6th March 1957.

The EU was founded on 1st November 1993.

If you want to be even handed, don't just blame the British for their colonies, think about other EU countries too.

As for the UK dominating the world with wealth from those countries, how about the German colonies in Africa, South America China and the South Seas, or perhaps the Belgian colonies in South Africa, or the former Dutch colonies in South Africa, South America, Indonesia, Ceylon, and parts of India, or the French in Indochina, USA, Canada, North Africa, Madagascar, or the Spanish in South America, Cuba, Philippines, or the Portuguese in South America and South Africa?

All long before the EU yet including the the UK all are members of the EU.

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I've got an idea, let's condense all these brexit threads up and flush them, then restore the pound, actually, don't both, just trash the Euro, that's the currency that needs adjusting, following with the flogging on anyone working at EU HQ.

Then, head to the park and have a picnic......next Monday, back to work business as usual

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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.


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Well I liked you post as I too enjoyed his speach,

However I do find him to be one of the most consistant and honest politicians I have seen, so I do actually like him, and his straight forward talking.

Very honest. Like backtracking on the 350 pounds per week for the NHS as soon as the vote was in. You have a very forgiving notion of honesty.

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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.


I'm a little too old to hold the kukris, but I would be happy to donate money for the guns and bullets.

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Well I liked you post as I too enjoyed his speach,

However I do find him to be one of the most consistant and honest politicians I have seen, so I do actually like him, and his straight forward talking.

Very honest. Like backtracking on the 350 pounds per week for the NHS as soon as the vote was in. You have a very forgiving notion of honesty.


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Well I liked you post as I too enjoyed his speach,

However I do find him to be one of the most consistant and honest politicians I have seen, so I do actually like him, and his straight forward talking.

Very honest. Like backtracking on the 350 pounds per week for the NHS as soon as the vote was in. You have a very forgiving notion of honesty.

He never promised 350 mill to the NHS that was vote leave

Vote leave would have nothing to do with Nigel Farage

As regards Indy's video, Nigel Farage said he would like to see the money go to GP's NHS and something else I forget what (without going back to view again)

That's like me saying to you I would like the money to go to buy more tanks, but vote leave does not do that, it doesn't make me a liar.

Edit to add-- actually vote leave never promised it either they implied it, but thats not about Nigel Farage

Edited by Thaiwine
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Well I liked you post as I too enjoyed his speach,

However I do find him to be one of the most consistant and honest politicians I have seen, so I do actually like him, and his straight forward talking.

Very honest. Like backtracking on the 350 pounds per week for the NHS as soon as the vote was in. You have a very forgiving notion of honesty.

He never promised 350 mill to the NHS that was vote leave

Vote leave would have nothing to do with Nigel Farage

As regards Indy's video, Nigel Farage said he would like to see the money go to GP's NHS and something else I forget what (without going back to view again)

That's like me saying to you I would like the money to go to buy more tanks, but vote leave does not do that, it doesn't make me a liar.

That slogan was plastered all over buses. Farage never challenged it during the campaign. But as soon as the campaign was over he said it wasn't going to happen. So if you want to make a a case that he technically never made any promises, fine. But this is the political arena, not a court of law. He allowed a dishonest piece of campaign propaganda and then said it meant nothing once it had served his purpose. That's dishonorable.

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It was on vote leaves bus not his Ukip bus was purple, vote leave bus was red

Like I said vote leave side lined Ukip and would have nothing to do with them it was actually vote leave that used Nigel Farage letting him do their dirty work on immigration

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It was on vote leaves bus not his Ukip bus was purple, vote leave bus was red

Like I said vote leave side lined Ukip and would have nothing to do with them it was actually vote leave that used Nigel Farage letting him do their dirty work on immigration

Do you think that is a point the electorate would care about? Again, this isn't about lawyerly arguments. This is something he knew was false and said nothing about it when it would have mattered. To be consistent, he could at least have said no comment when he was asked about it after the election. But he didn't.

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I don't think it was his job to point out vote leave was not being honest, after all they were both after the same goal as was labour leave, it was his job as well as vote leave and labour leave to point out remain's miss information.

After all this is politics, smoke and mirrors.

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Is this thread disintegrating into who said what and which? Who gives a flying (deleted) about how the 350 million quid should be spent? The main issue is that there will be a saving of 350 million quid a week (that need not be paid to the EU). It is then up to the govt (whoever that might be) to decide how to spend this money (saving).

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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.



Thought you might pipe up !

You can hardly say Europe is thriving under the EU Banner MrNaam, half of them are fiscally kaput .

It's a failed state.

Countries need to get back to basics, some micro management is needed not some 'mini gods' hovering away una distant chamber somewhere farting out tunes and waving banners.

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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.



Thought you might pipe up !

You can hardly say Europe is thriving under the EU Banner MrNaam, half of them are fiscally kaput .

It's a failed state.

Countries need to get back to basics, some micro management is needed not some 'mini gods' hovering away una distant chamber somewhere farting out tunes and waving banners.

We need the love child of Ludwig Erhard and Sir John Cowperthwaite to sort it all out.

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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.



Thought you might pipe up !

You can hardly say Europe is thriving under the EU Banner MrNaam, half of them are fiscally kaput .

It's a failed state.

Countries need to get back to basics, some micro management is needed not some 'mini gods' hovering away una distant chamber somewhere farting out tunes and waving banners.

We need the love child of Ludwig Erhard and Sir John Cowperthwaite to sort it all out.

How bout Donald Trump, apparently he will be looking for another nation to terrorise in another 6 months or so.


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So, have all of the people on TVF been making lots of money this past week? I posted during the panic that I was buying lots of Footsie "while there was blood in the streets".

The UK will do great if it follows through with Brexit. If it doesn't it will sink into the morass involving the rest of the EU. Germany will succeed in its second attempt in the past 75 years to control Europe.

Dang, I made so much money the past week I'm off to Hawaii.

#Brexit #DumpMerkel #DumpEU.


Edited by NeverSure
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^ I was not surprised to see it stabilize for now - the UK has more or less indicated it is not leaving....

They say leave, but then ... when asked to leave... they find all sorts of reasons why they cannot leave....

Apparently the word leave has a totally different meaning in the UK....

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