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"Help Me Boot My Girlfriend Out Of London"


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While I do not wish to comment on the relationship one way or the other, and I don’t think anyone can comment on your particular case one way or the other, I can tell you about a case I know of that was very similar – not in respect of a Thai female but in respect of a Laotian female who was sponsored by a UK male.

The guy took his girlfriends passport and plane ticket down to Lunar House in Croydon and explained the situation.

He was asked to put it in writing which he did. He was thanked and told not to worry and that he could tell his girl friend to come and collect the passport and ticket.

When she went to collect it they asked her to confirm that the relationship had irretrievably broken down and that it was no longer suitable for them to be staying together .…. in effect she was confirming that the terms under which the visa was issued had since changed substantially & materially.

Her visa was cancelled. She was given 7 days to leave the UK.

She was here on a short term visitor’s visa – not a student visa with a part time work permit, but the point is: the guy had done the right thing.

If you read the fine print somewhere in the visa rules & regs, Immigration make it clear that they have to be notified if there is any significant change to the visa holders status (all be it I think it is the visa holder who is primarily responsible for this, not the sponsor – but read the fine print please, because you to may also be responsible for notifying them if you are aware of a significant change).

In any event, there was a significant change to the circumstances under which the visa was issued and Immigration decided that such were the changes in this case that the course of action taken was to cancel the visa.

He has since sponsored another female (Thai) with no problems at all.

I think the message here is clear: do not do anything that contributes towards any breech of the rules & regs which governed the issuance of the visa, and if there is a change to the situation, keep yourself on the right side of the fence and report it.

After all, what else can you reasonably be expected to do.

I agree with maizefarmer. I personnally would make sure not to let her know of your intentions first of all, doing so could get her panicking, and fabricating some story to bring you down. Make sure everything is in writing and dated. Explain yourself clearly, and review all previous documents to have your story straight. Stress that you want to do "the right thing"and want to ensure all laws are strictly adhered to. DONT take any vengefull action , remain calm, and keep things to yourself....you can have your last laugh when and only when she is aboard the plane back to Thailand. To try to get your jabs in before that would be dangerous. Good luck, and......... sorry

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It's too late now. The leftists feminists and other minority do-gooder groups have got a firm hold.

The pussies in the west dont want to be saved anyway. When I mention reform to these idiotic laws when Im back in Oz people think Im a raving lunatic.

So men keep getting treated like dirt because "thats the way it is".

Best to live in LOS and let them suffer for their decision not to listen to logic and reason.

Paul McCartney would agree. Maybe he'll move to LOS as well.


although I fail to see the relevance of your diatribe to the topic, perhaps you could explain to the forum how the OP's rights have been violated or eroded, and how his dilemma indicates "weakness"?

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It's too late now. The leftists feminists and other minority do-gooder groups have got a firm hold.

The pussies in the west dont want to be saved anyway. When I mention reform to these idiotic laws when Im back in Oz people think Im a raving lunatic.

So men keep getting treated like dirt because "thats the way it is".

Best to live in LOS and let them suffer for their decision not to listen to logic and reason.

Paul McCartney would agree. Maybe he'll move to LOS as well.


although I fail to see the relevance of your diatribe to the topic, perhaps you could explain to the forum how the OP's rights have been violated or eroded, and how his dilemma indicates "weakness"?

It seems he could be in a spot of bother here if he doesn't do the right thing even tho he is the innocent party!

That's what I'm getting at.

This girl is in the wrong yet he could be in trouble?!?

You've got to admire the Thais. It's Thais first, Falang second.

Why don't we look after our own?What happened? When did this stop being the case?

Why would the UK govt go out of it's way to protect the rights of a foreigner above it's own citizen?

Edited by dgoz
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This whole thread and others like it is an example of what it's like to live in the west these days,how men have basically no rights.

I blame this on the weak as piss generation of men who were born from 1940 to 1950's who let all of this happen.

If you see a "man" who is older than 50 let him know what his generation has done to your country and ask for compensation.

We bag out Asian men sometimes on this forum, but at least they haven't let their countries go in the same direction.

cricky's mate,

im glad im only 49 as im in the clear with you.

cheers fella :o:D:D

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I have had many arguments over these type of relationships. All i can say is that you took advantage of the situation in Thailand knowing full well and how easy it is to pick up a bar girl, some being very pleasant i'm sure. It seems to me she has now taken advantage of your situations.

The shoe is on the other foot i would say, and now you want to rid her like trash.


i suppose if she did not act like trash... would not be treated that way... send her ass back..!!!!!!!

Like i said as you and a few others have missed the point. Play with fire you get burnt, tough look. As bad as each other.

If some of you people want to pull the wool over your own eyes they so be it. Same applies to you Nignoy

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It's too late now. The leftists feminists and other minority do-gooder groups have got a firm hold.

The pussies in the west dont want to be saved anyway. When I mention reform to these idiotic laws when Im back in Oz people think Im a raving lunatic.

So men keep getting treated like dirt because "thats the way it is".

Best to live in LOS and let them suffer for their decision not to listen to logic and reason.

Paul McCartney would agree. Maybe he'll move to LOS as well.


although I fail to see the relevance of your diatribe to the topic, perhaps you could explain to the forum how the OP's rights have been violated or eroded, and how his dilemma indicates "weakness"?

It seems he could be in a spot of bother here if he doesn't do the right thing even tho he is the innocent party!

That's what I'm getting at.

This girl is in the wrong yet he could be in trouble?!?

You've got to admire the Thais. It's Thais first, Falang second.

Why don't we look after our own?What happened? When did this stop being the case?

Why would the UK govt go out of it's way to protect the rights of a foreigner above it's own citizen?


Another friendly warning....

Debate your disenfranchisment elsewhere.

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Own up who deleted my post between 5pm and 6pm on the 15th?................or was it not recieved? :D

Apologies found it.............in the "pressure from girl friend thread".

(Thats what Chang beer does for you :D )


This whole thread and others like it is an example of what it's like to live in the west these days,how men have basically no rights.

I blame this on the weak as piss generation of men who were born from 1940 to 1950's who let all of this happen.

If you see a "man" who is older than 50 let him know what his generation has done to your country and ask for compensation.

We bag out Asian men sometimes on this forum, but at least they haven't let their countries go in the same direction.

cricky's mate,

im glad im only 49 as im in the clear with you.

cheers fella :o:D:D

:D :D

I was not aware that the British Embassy imposes a condition on the issue of a Student Visa for a Thai girl that the said girl is required to provide her Sponsor with sexual favours – let alone her exclusive sexual favours.


And now you are ! :D

BTW, Mr. Brownstone... You should have seen the favours Taksin's daughter had to do TBlair to get her student visa.....

and then when a certain Coup happened, Taksin himself (which I'm sure Blair wasn't expecting)

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Dgoz mentions Australia...and he is quite right.

Have a look at some of our Family Law Court decisions, take a good look at some of the Child Support decisions, take another good look at how parents are restricted in disciplining their own children...these are just to mention a few.

Any dispute between a man and a woman, the man may as well give up straight away, he can't win.

It could explain why so many Oz men suicide as a result of a Family Law Court decision;

The OP is not in any legal trouble, unless it can be shown that he falsified his income to sponsor his girlfriend. His rights are not at stake, although her right to remain in the UK is certainly on the line and within his power to influence.

Could you provide statistics in support of your claim that "so many" Oz men suicide after divorce? Could you compare these figures with the numbers who try to shoot/murder their ex-wives and children following divorce?

I do agree that many men suffer financially and emotionally after divorce. I also agree that family Law in Australia has in recent years gone overboard in protecting women's and children's financial rights in divorce settlements and the award of Child Support. The reason for this was to address the deserting husband syndrome, which, up to the 1980's, left many families in poverty, and many women welfare-dependent and with little chance to improve their situation, education etc. So the redress has tipped the balance in women's favor...sometimes. In other cases, women are still ripped-off. The Family Court is constantly trying to catch up with social change and to judge individual cases on their merits.

Back to the OP: he is holding the cards, and revenge is on his mind. He has every reason to feel angry and betrayed, but i suspect that the pleasure of revenge will be short-lived, and will do little to help him get over his hurt.

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Women, gays and foreigners (incl illegals) have so many rights in the U.K. now that your best course of action HAS to be to get the correct legal advice.

The Immigration authorities can advise you on this subject regarding your rights. Why not simply give them a call? I see no reason why you ahould have to give names and specific details if you are simply making an enquiry.

Do it legally without letting her know what you are up to because we in the U.K. know how many rights have been eroded from men and she will have all the advice she needs for free.

If the Immigration authorities dicide you have a case to have her removed from the country then let them do it. Let them tke on the expense of the fight.

Make SURE you have all the evidence you need before proceeding against her. She is - after all - a poor, frail woman, being picked on by a nasty man in the eys of many groups who will be on her side in the U.K.

So go contact the Authorities and see what they have to say and base your case on that.

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I have had many arguments over these type of relationships. All i can say is that you took advantage of the situation in Thailand knowing full well and how easy it is to pick up a bar girl, some being very pleasant i'm sure. It seems to me she has now taken advantage of your situations.

The shoe is on the other foot i would say, and now you want to rid her like trash.


i suppose if she did not act like trash... would not be treated that way... send her ass back..!!!!!!!

Like i said as you and a few others have missed the point. Play with fire you get burnt, tough look. As bad as each other.

If some of you people want to pull the wool over your own eyes they so be it. Same applies to you Nignoy

Oops :D not much I can say to that comment really,just a moment while I give wife no 2,s ashes a shake :o Nignoy
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This whole thread and others like it is an example of what it's like to live in the west these days,how men have basically no rights.

I blame this on the weak as piss generation of men who were born from 1940 to 1950's who let all of this happen.

If you see a "man" who is older than 50 let him know what his generation has done to your country and ask for compensation.

We bag out Asian men sometimes on this forum, but at least they haven't let their countries go in the same direction.

cricky's mate,

im glad im only 49 as im in the clear with you.

cheers fella :o:D:D

He said "OLDER THAN 50", so I think that I creaked by too.

F___ those 51 year olds and above! :D

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I was born between 1940 and 1950 and I agree with Dgoz that's why I'm here in LOS..

I also take on board what fruitbat is saying the OZ family court has a lot to answer for..

I'm of the opinion the most underprivileged person in OZ is the White Working OZ Male...

Because as Dgoz rightly pointed out my generation has shafted us..

This young man has taken a young lady from a Gogo Bar which he was reluctant to mention at first, took her back to England educated her, very admirable.

He has done more than most, I'm sure we would all agree..I just think its sad she had to, for want of a better word, find Love with another..

However please remember we are only hearing one side of this saga..

What drove her to this other villain??

Tropo I usually disagree with your summations BUT one wonders if you perhaps have hit the nail on the head..

I think we are all to quick to Thai Girl Bash..

This just doesn't sit right with me..

Perhaps I am just an Old Silly Man ?? :o

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This whole thread and others like it is an example of what it's like to live in the west these days,how men have basically no rights.

I blame this on the weak as piss generation of men who were born from 1940 to 1950's who let all of this happen.

If you see a "man" who is older than 50 let him know what his generation has done to your country and ask for compensation.

We bag out Asian men sometimes on this forum, but at least they haven't let their countries go in the same direction.

cricky's mate,

im glad im only 49 as im in the clear with you.

cheers fella :o:D:D

He said "OLDER THAN 50", so I think that I creaked by too.

F___ those 51 year olds and above! :D


excuse me mr G,

im a little bit confused now my old mate.

i could of got that arsed up so you got to set me strait please. :D

am i in the club or in the gutter. ? :D

thanks mr G as you are a true legend and i hope you make a squillion quid with your top financial venture in chaing mai. :D

cheers fella. :D

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I was not aware that the British Embassy imposes a condition on the issue of a Student Visa for a Thai girl that the said girl is required to provide her Sponsor with sexual favours – let alone her exclusive sexual favours.


That's a good point Patrick.

Perhaps the OP would like to add some information regarding the requirements for a Student Visa. Were the Immigration Department aware that the girl was in an exclusive relationship with the OP? I think perhaps not because if that was the case, he would have gone for a different visa.

I know in Australia it would be illegal to sponsor a girl for a Student Visa in order to get a girl into the country for other purposes (ie. fiance, sex, marriage). I suspect the OP might need to tread very carefully here.

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:o .. Heres a possible solution .. :D ..Get a Falang freind to Express Airfreight a crate of Export Strength Thai Whiskey ,Red Bull , and some of that really naff annoying Bubble Gum Music ..out to you A.S.A.P .. In the meantime invest in a Ropey old Honda stepthru 90cc moped with Dodgy MOT and Tax on it ..with one of those not to clever Bash hats like out of the old Brit TV Sitcom George n Mildred ..Try and get her unknowingly to sign a Life insurance policy ..Once the crate arrives give it 2 or 3 weeks and the problem could resolve itself ...... :D

Sighhhhhh ... Well we live in hope :D

Best of Luck any way mate

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I was not aware that the British Embassy imposes a condition on the issue of a Student Visa for a Thai girl that the said girl is required to provide her Sponsor with sexual favours – let alone her exclusive sexual favours.

That's a good point Patrick.

tropo, I was thinking the same as I was reading Patrick’s post just now. Quite interesting, too, that nobody thought of it in the previous 82 posts. What obligations did the sponsor and the visa applicant enter into, what rights did they receive, under the terms of the documents signed and submitted to the British embassy in Bangkok?

When shove comes to push, it is not the moral grandstanding, not the hurt feelings that count but the legal aspects alone.



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I was not aware that the British Embassy imposes a condition on the issue of a Student Visa for a Thai girl that the said girl is required to provide her Sponsor with sexual favours – let alone her exclusive sexual favours.

That's a good point Patrick.

tropo, I was thinking the same as I was reading Patrick’s post just now. Quite interesting, too, that nobody thought of it in the previous 82 posts. What obligations did the sponsor and the visa applicant enter into, what rights did they receive, under the terms of the documents signed and submitted to the British embassy in Bangkok?

When shove comes to push, it is not the moral grandstanding, not the hurt feelings that count but the legal aspects alone.



Yes, it's amazing how key points sometimes escape us when the topic is a girl who's caught cheating. We all get on the "she's a bitch" bandwagon and put aside all semblance of rational thought.

It does happen that couples unable to obain Spouse (Fiance) visas sometimes turn to alternatives such as Study Visas in order to gain entry for their loved ones into various Western countries....and I'd be very curious to know how a sponsor would go if he complained that his sponsored girl was cheating on him.

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However please remember we are only hearing one side of this saga..

What drove her to this other villain??

Yes, you sound like the generation that shafted us, alright.

Mr Rambo.. What part of my post gave you that impression..That I agreed with the fact that my generation screwed me also..or was it I pointed out we are only hearing his side of it ????

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"Could you provide statistics in support of your claim that "so many" Oz men suicide after divorce? Could you compare these figures with the numbers who try to shoot/murder their ex-wives and children following divorce?"

FruitBat, both of these actions are tragedies bought on by the same system.

There's no use trying to seperate them.

You have to ask yourself what type of system would make anyone want to kill themself and/or their children. How many women kill themselves and/or kids after a divorce? Not many. Why. They are obviously happy with the "deal" they're getting.

It's the same system that makes the O.P worry about his situation.

This rant is not off topic. The OP is a classic example of men v women war in the western world that's been fueled by the courts and various do-gooder associations. He shouldn't even have to ask this question or come on a web forum for advice.

Are there any Thai guys asking "how can I boot my farang gf out of bangers".

I posted a topic in the Ladies in Thailand section a few months ago asking the question "Why the war between western women and men?". Of course I was flamed for asking. But looking at this thread it's starting to become clear why there is a division simmering. It's not because we don't like western women and vice-versa, it's because we are being shaped this way by a very sexist, pro-female govt.

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"Could you provide statistics in support of your claim that "so many" Oz men suicide after divorce? Could you compare these figures with the numbers who try to shoot/murder their ex-wives and children following divorce?"

FruitBat, both of these actions are tragedies bought on by the same system.

There's no use trying to seperate them.

You have to ask yourself what type of system would make anyone want to kill themself and/or their children. How many women kill themselves and/or kids after a divorce? Not many. Why. They are obviously happy with the "deal" they're getting.

It's the same system that makes the O.P worry about his situation.

This rant is not off topic. The OP is a classic example of men v women war in the western world that's been fueled by the courts and various do-gooder associations. He shouldn't even have to ask this question or come on a web forum for advice.

Are there any Thai guys asking "how can I boot my farang gf out of bangers".

I posted a topic in the Ladies in Thailand section a few months ago asking the question "Why the war between western women and men?". Of course I was flamed for asking. But looking at this thread it's starting to become clear why there is a division simmering. It's not because we don't like western women and vice-versa, it's because we are being shaped this way by a very sexist, pro-female govt.

Dgoz, although I totally disagree with your views about the alleged "war", I see that as quite a separate topic from the OP's request for advice.

Why should he NOT ask for advice in a Thailand forum? It seems the most appropriate place to ask, since other men may well have had similar experiences to his own and be able to advise him.

The OP is also holding a rather powerful trump card here, which he can use against his gf, probably preventing her from completing her education, or from remaining in the UK.

His gf, on the other hand, will be subject to bureaucratic direction, revenge and possibly being left homeless, deportation. Yes, she did choose infidelity and has to take the consequences of her actions. Her boyfriend's intended revenge, however, shows that he is far from powerless or a "victim" of the State.

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I was not aware that the British Embassy imposes a condition on the issue of a Student Visa for a Thai girl that the said girl is required to provide her Sponsor with sexual favours – let alone her exclusive sexual favours.

That's a good point Patrick.

tropo, I was thinking the same as I was reading Patrick’s post just now. Quite interesting, too, that nobody thought of it in the previous 82 posts. What obligations did the sponsor and the visa applicant enter into, what rights did they receive, under the terms of the documents signed and submitted to the British embassy in Bangkok?

When shove comes to push, it is not the moral grandstanding, not the hurt feelings that count but the legal aspects alone.



Yes, it's amazing how key points sometimes escape us when the topic is a girl who's caught cheating. We all get on the "she's a bitch" bandwagon and put aside all semblance of rational thought.

It does happen that couples unable to obain Spouse (Fiance) visas sometimes turn to alternatives such as Study Visas in order to gain entry for their loved ones into various Western countries....and I'd be very curious to know how a sponsor would go if he complained that his sponsored girl was cheating on him.

Completely agree. What on earth does the breakdown of a personal relationship (and we dont know the reasons for that, because we only have the OP's version) have to do with her right to stay in the country?

If you went to the immigration people it would be petty, vindictive and - frankly - very humiliating for you. If u want to end the relationship that's one thing, but I can't see how she is breaking any conditions of her Student Visa.

hel_l hath no fury like that of a whoremonger scorned.

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Coming from you, that's rich gabe.

In another thread you're saying your marriage is breaking up and you want your wife to move out, but she's not willing to go.

Will you complain if she goes to immigration in an effort to get you deported?

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Women, gays and foreigners (incl illegals) have so many rights in the U.K. now that your best course of action HAS to be to get the correct legal advice.

Awww... for shame for shame, who let that happen!

In a world were white males are at an almost demi-god status in almost every continent, God forbid when one of you does not get his own way. By the way, who lied to you and told you a Stork delivered you?

hel_l hath no fury like a woman scorned, but hel_l hath no greater fury than a white male scorned.

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I know this is the internet, and I know this is a web forum, and I know that we should encourage freedom of speech and all that good liberal stuff, but isnt there anyway we can ban people for being . . . well . . . just plain bloody stupid?

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