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Massive petition calls for EU referendum re-run


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Generation Snowflake's favourite newspaper, The Guardian, thinks that Brexit is all Margaret Thatcher's fault for having 'devastated communities' across England's heartland.

Not bad, for a woman who lost power over a quarter of a century ago. Who will the Left blame next? Oliver Cromwell? The Venerable Bede? Boadicea?


Bloody Romans

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So now it's the Remain camp who's coming out with racist, bigoted, ageist, elitist comments saying vote leave people are stupid, uneducated, white, over 50, living in an imperialist past, even "working class". As so called "liberals" don't they actually realise how un-liberal those comments sound ?

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So now it's the Remain camp who's coming out with racist, bigoted, ageist, elitist comments saying vote leave people are stupid, uneducated, white, over 50, living in an imperialist past, even "working class". As so called "liberals" don't they actually realise how un-liberal those comments sound ?

No, because "progressives" have no self-awareness. It is their defining characteristic.

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The Brits just voted to get a group of unelected international bankers and control freaks out of their lives. If ONLY the shamestream media would have made SOME attempt to tell the people how xenophobic that is.

Let's start a massive petition declaring how wrong it is to take care of Brits instead of Somalis and Syrians and fat cats in Brussels, NONE of whom the British People ever invited into their lives and country.


No, no. We're all racist, xenophobic, far-right bigoted fascists who eat babies. Nothing to do with not wanting to be ruled by unelected douchebags in Brussels, none whatsoever.

You're not being politically correct. Report to Agenda 21 Camp 47 for re-education immediately.

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IF THERES one thing the last three days have taught us, its that 20-year-old social justice warriors on Twitter are smarter than 52 per cent of the British population.


Talking of young, social justice warriors on Twitter...

I really don't care about you old geezers. I don't. You are the reason I wish EU would eject the UK from our map as soon as possible. Old geezers have nothing to offer to the EU.



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Yeah, the result is the result and they don't seem to understand that.

But equally you don;t understand that this is not a binary argument. And challenge is all part of democracy. It's a very small majority with the worst possible permutations. Very difficult to implement without considerable rancour, which is what is happening.

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Yeah, the result is the result and they don't seem to understand that.

But equally you don;t understand that this is not a binary argument. And challenge is all part of democracy. It's a very small majority with the worst possible permutations. Very difficult to implement without considerable rancour, which is what is happening.

It's all going to go a bit Norway. Probably by next week as the credit agencies threaten to downgrade UK debt to Juncker with a negative outlook.

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The petition was created by a pro leave supporter over 1 month ago when it looked like his side wouldn't win.

I find that pretty amusing.

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He did it BEFORE the referendum, trying to get the rules changed before people voted. It didn't gain much support and would have been consigned to the dustbin if not for the remainers.

I find it amusing that only AFTER the referendum result was known did the remain side show any interest. They didn't get the 'right' result and are trying to move the goal posts.

Very childish behavior from the social justice warriors, but that is to be expected. What disgusts me is the more mature mainline journalists and politicians calling for another referendum so that they can get the result they want.

Anti-democracy at work.

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  • 1 year later...
On 27/06/2016 at 4:42 PM, MaxYakov said:


what a pile of unintelligible 'kee' .


Many who voted for it seem perhaps to have adopted leaving as a faith, rather than as a rational concept. How else can we explain polling showing that 39 per cent of Leave voters would be happy to see a family member lose their job to ensure Brexit? They’d be happy to inflict economic misery on their loved ones for the sake of something that nobody can truly claim to understand.


So unwilling to be wrong, the majority of Leave voters are prepared to sacrifice their country’s economy and the jobs of their loved ones, just so long as they get their prize, Brexit


We’ve reached a sad, painful place when Leave supporters would happily inflict pain and misery just to get their way



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12 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

what a pile of unintelligible 'kee' .


Many who voted for it seem perhaps to have adopted leaving as a faith, rather than as a rational concept. How else can we explain polling showing that 39 per cent of Leave voters would be happy to see a family member lose their job to ensure Brexit? They’d be happy to inflict economic misery on their loved ones for the sake of something that nobody can truly claim to understand.


So unwilling to be wrong, the majority of Leave voters are prepared to sacrifice their country’s economy and the jobs of their loved ones, just so long as they get their prize, Brexit


We’ve reached a sad, painful place when Leave supporters would happily inflict pain and misery just to get their way



A load of tosh, from an American fashion comic.

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More good news for Remainers - looking  more and more likely that  Brexit won't really happen in any real sense that die hard Brexiteers (a minority) would accept. 



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And they'll keep demanding re-running it till they get the result they want. Mind you don't the EU keep running referendums till they get the desired result or just ignore them? Seems the Stay Mob have learned a thing or two about EU bureaucratic sudo-democracy....

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16 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

what a pile of unintelligible 'kee' .


Many who voted for it seem perhaps to have adopted leaving as a faith, rather than as a rational concept. How else can we explain polling showing that 39 per cent of Leave voters would be happy to see a family member lose their job to ensure Brexit? They’d be happy to inflict economic misery on their loved ones for the sake of something that nobody can truly claim to understand.


So unwilling to be wrong, the majority of Leave voters are prepared to sacrifice their country’s economy and the jobs of their loved ones, just so long as they get their prize, Brexit


We’ve reached a sad, painful place when Leave supporters would happily inflict pain and misery just to get their way




You might not agree with it, but unintelligible? All I can say is you need to work on your English language skills. The guy couldn't have made himself any more clear.

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We don't need a re-run just a majority in parliament for customs union and/or EEA I'll be happy with that if we get it. We will have formally 'left' the EU so Brexit referendum pedants can back off from all the 'will of the people stuff'. That way everyone wins - what's not to like ?

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And the good news just keeps on coming. If I was one of the head-banging Brexit means Brexit types the comment from France's outgoing Uk ambassador would have me worried. It will be a business as usual soft-Brexit in a Union Jack paper thin wrapper. Cue loads more angry men on You Tube crying into their beer and moaning how they have been betrayed.  But then they never were going to 'win' were they - how they felt last June is as good as it gets I'm afraid. 




Asked if she was pleased to see Hammond’s voice amplified, Bermann started by insisting that it was a domestic issue, before adding: “But I think he is a very wise man, and he is a very knowledgable man.”

When asked about the UK’s leave-supporting foreign secretary, she laughed and said: “I like Boris Johnson. It is not about Brexit – he was very supportive as mayor of London and he was the one who decided to illuminate Trafalgar square with the Tricolore,” she said, referring to London’s tribute to France after the 2015 Paris attacks.

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Something so big as withdrawing from the EU shouldn't have been decided so closely by people, who mostly voted for it based on playing the race card. It was surely obvious to anyone and forecast by just about every reputable economist, that leaving the EU would be both extremely complicated and very expensive and it's going to take some time for our once strong currency to to recover, if ever!

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1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And the good news just keeps on coming. If I was one of the head-banging Brexit means Brexit types the comment from France's outgoing Uk ambassador would have me worried. It will be a business as usual soft-Brexit in a Union Jack paper thin wrapper. Cue loads more angry men on You Tube crying into their beer and moaning how they have been betrayed.  But then they never were going to 'win' were they - how they felt last June is as good as it gets I'm afraid. 




Asked if she was pleased to see Hammond’s voice amplified, Bermann started by insisting that it was a domestic issue, before adding: “But I think he is a very wise man, and he is a very knowledgable man.”

When asked about the UK’s leave-supporting foreign secretary, she laughed and said: “I like Boris Johnson. It is not about Brexit – he was very supportive as mayor of London and he was the one who decided to illuminate Trafalgar square with the Tricolore,” she said, referring to London’s tribute to France after the 2015 Paris attacks.


Well, that settles it then. The outgoing French Ambassador says we're going to have a soft brexit, so that must be the case!


By the way, Hammond just got a knock back on freedom of movement during any transition period. Didn't you notice?

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29 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Well, that settles it then. The outgoing French Ambassador says we're going to have a soft brexit, so that must be the case!


By the way, Hammond just got a knock back on freedom of movement during any transition period. Didn't you notice?

early days - the Opera ain't over till the fat lady sings....


And seriously those who truly seek a hard Brexit - whatever that means have to ask themselves what is the reality that a rat-tag army led by the likes of Farage / Johnson (who was always in it for himself from the off) and Gove would ever have their way when ranged by a huge array of the 'great and the good' .  This is the way of the world and as much as we can tap away on our keyboards - peeing into the wind - realpolitik  is exercised in the boardrooms and corridoors of power. What we can be certain of in the end is their interests will prevail , there will never be another referendum in my lifetime and a lot of the posturing going on at the moment is a movement towards that.  Like Somchai the tuk-tuk driver dreaming of Thaksin coming back and getting some crumbs off the rich man's table  - short of a bloody revolution it ain't gonna happen. And the longer this goes on the  more certain I am of this outcome. 

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On 6/26/2016 at 11:00 AM, oilinki said:

The petition has 2,700,000 signatures and the number is increasing.


This would be the face saving way for Britain to get out of this mess. First vote was the angry, drunken vote. Now, when even non-politically tuned Brits are realising what the brexit really means, its time to have second, the sober vote.


I can't remember the exact numbers but it seems that of the 15/16 million who voted against Brexit 2.7 million are unhappy with the result.  Presumably that means the other 12/13 million who voted to stay are happy to go along with the majority. 


Sounds like 27 million to 3 million in favour of Brexit to me!  Or is that just twisting the figures?   I'm sure no politician or self-serving big business man would do such a thing and Project Fear never happened.


The country voted as it was asked to do and gave its answer, now just get on with it.

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12 hours ago, uptheos said:

Something so big as withdrawing from the EU shouldn't have been decided so closely by people, who mostly voted for it based on playing the race card. It was surely obvious to anyone and forecast by just about every reputable economist, that leaving the EU would be both extremely complicated and very expensive and it's going to take some time for our once strong currency to to recover, if ever!

A great comment and a great avatar...

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Anyone listening to Carney from the Bank of England today

10 hours ago, gmac said:

I can't remember the exact numbers but it seems that of the 15/16 million who voted against Brexit 2.7 million are unhappy with the result.  Presumably that means the other 12/13 million who voted to stay are happy to go along with the majority. 


Sounds like 27 million to 3 million in favour of Brexit to me!  Or is that just twisting the figures?   I'm sure no politician or self-serving big business man would do such a thing and Project Fear never happened.


The country voted as it was asked to do and gave its answer, now just get on with it.

I don't remember a poll coming up with such an exact figure as 2.7 million, in fact I don't recall any poll so I can't imagine where those figures came from. Anyway, if another vote was held, remain would win in a canter.

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The EU Bruxelles mafia and their overvalued inflated monkey currency is bound to doom.....the question is just,  when will it happen? 10 years? 20 years? On the first expiration of my 30 year leasehold?

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28 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

The EU Bruxelles mafia and their overvalued inflated monkey currency is bound to doom.....the question is just,  when will it happen? 10 years? 20 years? On the first expiration of my 30 year leasehold?

About the time that Bangkok is overwhelmed by flooding. Good luck with that lease btw.

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11 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:
On 02/08/2017 at 8:35 PM, uptheos said:

Something so big as withdrawing from the EU shouldn't have been decided so closely by people, who mostly voted for it based on playing the race card. It was surely obvious to anyone and forecast by just about every reputable economist, that leaving the EU would be both extremely complicated and very expensive and it's going to take some time for our once strong currency to to recover, if ever!

A great comment and a great avatar...


it's going to take some time for our once strong currency to to recover, if ever!




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