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Could be an issue in customs.

Be sure to remove batteries before traveling.

I think technically such toys are illegal in Thailand, so there's that too.

It's unfortunate because such things do have their uses, including possibly even medically, and being illegal in Thailand, what's available here to buy on the streets is very low quality.

Nothing like the famous Good Vibrations website.

I would also add because of legal issues, I would advise against entering Thailand with such items.

Another disconnect between the stereotypical "sex paradise" international reputation of Thailand contrasting with the actual culture, which in many aspects is ridiculously PRUDISH.


As noted these are illegal in Thailand.

So closed.

I do however remember some years back, the front page of a local paper carrying the story that a large shipment of "marital aids" had been intercepted. The covering photo involved the cutest, tiniest, little lady customs officer with one of the largest, inflatable "toys" I have seen ...

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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