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‘No Article 50 for now’: Britain in no rush towards Brexit door


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‘No Article 50 for now’: Britain in no rush towards Brexit door
Produced by Beatriz Beiras


"Only the UK can trigger Article 50. And in my judgement, we should only do that when there is a clear view about what new arrangements we are seeking with our European neighbours"

LONDON: The grandiose surroundings of the 15th century Jeronimos Monastery in Portugal provided the setting as the next step of the European project was set in motion back in December 2007. But as leaders of the EU’s member states added their signatures to the new document – including Britain’s then Prime Minister Gordon Brown – there was no disguising that the background was one of failure.

The Lisbon Treaty was the European Union’s response to the rejection by French and Dutch voters of its ill-fated new Constitution.

Designed to streamline and modernise the EU, the treaty’s critics said it made the organisation more unwieldy and undemocratic.

It was almost a footnote at the time – but significantly, for the first time it also set out a procedure to be followed should a country wish to leave the union.

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty has not been invoked, so far. Before the referendum David Cameron had said it would be triggered immediately if Britain voted to leave.

But On Friday on the dawn of defeat, he passed the buck.

“A negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new prime minister and I think it’s right that this new prime minister takes the decision about when to trigger Article 50 and start the formal and legal process of leaving the EU,” the British prime minister said outside Number 10 Downing Street as he announced he was to step down.

But with the ruling Conservatives in no rush to choose a new leader, neither are leading “Leave” campaigners moving to set the ball rolling immediately towards the EU exit door.

“Vote Leave” was a campaign group, not a government-in-waiting. Even its most recognisable face is anxious not to lock Britain in to Article 50’s strict maximum two-year negotiating process – yet.

“In voting to leave the EU, it is vital to stress that there is now no need for haste,” Cameron’s Conservative rival Boris Johnson said on Friday. “And, as the prime minister has rightly said, there is no need to invoke Article 50 (of the Lisbon Treaty).”

After the bitter differences exposed during the referendum campaign, pro and anti-EU figures in London now agree on the timing – as Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister) made clear on Monday.

“Only the UK can trigger Article 50. And in my judgement, we should only do that when there is a clear view about what new arrangements we are seeking with our European neighbours,” George Osborne said.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-28

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So the tenors of leave, especially Boris Johnson and Nigel Farrage did not prepared the transition in case of success ???

So they oblige every entrepreneur to wait for their good-will to know the new rules governing trade.

And therefore the machine is locked in the UK. Do not be surprised friends if the pound continues to fall.

At this level of responsibility, that kind of amateurism is totally outrageous.


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Yep now we have to wait for the result of the civil war in the Tory Party to abate and for them to chose a new leader before we can even get started. I hope they heed the voice of those that voted for this and elect a pro Brexit supporter, Johnson being the ideal candidate. Having stood back in amazement and watched the Americans even contemplating voting for the other blond buffoon to see this moron leading the UK is going to be wonderful, fun times ahead.

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It's the only bargaining chip we have. Once we article 50 is invoked, we have 2 years to get a unanimous agreement from all the other members otherwise we default to WTO tariffs to access the EU market. Cameron, I'm sure, knows this and wants a rough outline of an agreement before switching on the clock.

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It's the only bargaining chip we have. Once we article 50 is invoked, we have 2 years to get a unanimous agreement from all the other members otherwise we default to WTO tariffs to access the EU market. Cameron, I'm sure, knows this and wants a rough outline of an agreement before switching on the clock.

What kind of pressure do you think this puts on the EU? Obviously there's a lot more pressure on the Leavers to deliver on their promise. This is why the EU is insisting on doing it quickly. Not because they actually want it done quickly, but because they know it exposes the falseness of the Leavers' position. If they don't act quickly, they will experience the wrath of people who voted for leave. If they do act quickly, people who voted for Leave will be shocked to see how empty the promises of the Leave camp were. The the post referendum behavior of Johnson and others in his camp confirm this.

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It's the only bargaining chip we have. Once article 50 is invoked, we have 2 years (possible 1 year extension if all members agree - France, yeh!! lol) to get a unanimous agreement from all the other members otherwise we default to WTO tariffs to access the EU market. Cameron, I'm sure, knows this and wants a rough outline of an agreement before switching on the clock.

It reminds me of the scene in Blazing Saddles where the sheriff puts the gun to his own head and threatens to blow his own head off if anyone comes any nearer.

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Looks like the England team has made a rush for the Euros BREXIT door. Apparently the new manager will have 350 million quid to spend on new players the cheering BREXIT supporters have said. And there is now a petition to replay the match against Iceland.

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Whilst there is more than an element of truth to the article.

It fails to address that that Article 50 cannot be invoked until the referendum result is debated in parliament, voted on and passed as agreed in line with the referendum result.

Only then can Article 50 be invoked.

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Interesting though is that before the referendum Cameron promised Art 50 would be invoked quickly if Leave won. Seems he lied as now we have the government saying there is no rush, so the stalling has started, meanwhile various (foreign funded) action groups are organizing to oppose Brexit at all, calls for new referendums are being made, demonstrations are being organized (funded?), Scotland and Ireland are threatening to leave.

Brexit realignment will cause quite a bit of pain, better to get it over with and start rebuilding than be caught somewhere in limbo, perhaps the drawn out distress of limbo is the time to rerun the referendum? There are many vested powerful groups that want their gravy train in the EU to continue.

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Looks like the England team has made a rush for the Euros BREXIT door. Apparently the new manager will have 350 million quid to spend on new players the cheering BREXIT supporters have said. And there is now a petition to replay the match against Iceland.

I thought you were part of the intellectually superior remainers ?

Then you post this.

International Team managers do not have budgets for buying players.

Even an uneducated leaver and football illiterate like myself knows this.

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Just invoke passport controls for UK citizens entering EU and trade tools (200% like here in Thailand) on goods imported to EU from UK and then let UK live it's own life on its islands as UK clearly don't want to be a part of Europe anymore! Scotland and Northern Ireland can decide to leave UK and join Europe instead but that's up to them...

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Just invoke passport controls for UK citizens entering EU and trade tools (200% like here in Thailand) on goods imported to EU from UK and then let UK live it's own life on its islands as UK clearly don't want to be a part of Europe anymore! Scotland and Northern Ireland can decide to leave UK and join Europe instead but that's up to them...

Try to understand the difference between the EU and its various institutions and Europe.

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Just invoke passport controls for UK citizens entering EU and trade tools (200% like here in Thailand) on goods imported to EU from UK and then let UK live it's own life on its islands as UK clearly don't want to be a part of Europe anymore! Scotland and Northern Ireland can decide to leave UK and join Europe instead but that's up to them...

I agree, and vice versa.

Escort all EU foreigners to the channel ferry, stop all trade with EU countries immediately.

I'm sure the Chinese and Russians will be only too pleased to take up any slack.

And while we're at it start calling all the unemployed up for the British army.

Why stop at just a trade war?

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It's the only bargaining chip we have. Once article 50 is invoked, we have 2 years (possible 1 year extension if all members agree - France, yeh!! lol) to get a unanimous agreement from all the other members otherwise we default to WTO tariffs to access the EU market. Cameron, I'm sure, knows this and wants a rough outline of an agreement before switching on the clock.

Yes, good bargaining chip.... catch 22, article 50 will only be invoked after agreement, while negotiations leading to an agreement will only happen after article 50.... So England will never get out of the union that everyone went to the polls understanding that article 50 would be invoked "immediately" after winning the election.... and I heard no-one arguing with Cameron saying no no we should wait and take our time.....

Apparently the leave campaign lied, belonging to the EU is not bad at all... it is far better than being totally independent and trading like normal countries outside of the EU. At this rate you will take the next 100 years waffling.... til everyone that voted actually dies.

The EU should just announce that they have a mutual understanding that England will not leave the EU and everything is back to normal.... because if EU won't negotiate until after article 50 is executed and Britain won't execute it until they have negotiated... there can only be one outcome.... status-quo....

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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Looks like the England team has made a rush for the Euros BREXIT door. Apparently the new manager will have 350 million quid to spend on new players the cheering BREXIT supporters have said. And there is now a petition to replay the match against Iceland.

I thought you were part of the intellectually superior remainers ?

Then you post this.

International Team managers do not have budgets for buying players.

Even an uneducated leaver and football illiterate like myself knows this.

You mean the BREXIT England supporters got it wrong again? PS the intellectual superiority of the Remain position more apparent by the day. How about the petition to replay the match? What say the Brexit football illiterates on this key question? coffee1.gif You know Iceland only won by one goal and in table tennis and volleyball the game isn't over until one team wins by at least two points. Where is the fairness in this?

Edited by SheungWan
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Whilst there is more than an element of truth to the article.

It fails to address that that Article 50 cannot be invoked until the referendum result is debated in parliament, voted on and passed as agreed in line with the referendum result.

Only then can Article 50 be invoked.

Cameron could have convened Parliament immediately, as he said he was going to do. The fact is, the current PM and the future PM are both wishing it would go away.

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Looks like the England team has made a rush for the Euros BREXIT door. Apparently the new manager will have 350 million quid to spend on new players the cheering BREXIT supporters have said. And there is now a petition to replay the match against Iceland.

I thought you were part of the intellectually superior remainers ?

Then you post this.

International Team managers do not have budgets for buying players.

Even an uneducated leaver and football illiterate like myself knows this.

You mean the BREXIT England supporters got it wrong again? PS the intellectual superiority of the Remain position more apparent by the day. How about the petition to replay the match? What say the Brexit football illiterates on this key question? coffee1.gif You know Iceland only won by one goal and in table tennis and volleyball the game isn't over until one team wins by at least two points. Where is the fairness in this?

Also Wimbledon requires 2 points difference in the final (5th or 3rd) set without tiebreak.

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Whilst there is more than an element of truth to the article.

It fails to address that that Article 50 cannot be invoked until the referendum result is debated in parliament, voted on and passed as agreed in line with the referendum result.

Only then can Article 50 be invoked.

Cameron could have convened Parliament immediately, as he said he was going to do. The fact is, the current PM and the future PM are both wishing it would go away.

Read the Article linked by Bung.

It gives a very good and probably true indication as to why he did not convene Parliament immediately.

Your conjecture is not fact.

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Looks like the England team has made a rush for the Euros BREXIT door. Apparently the new manager will have 350 million quid to spend on new players the cheering BREXIT supporters have said. And there is now a petition to replay the match against Iceland.

I thought you were part of the intellectually superior remainers ?

Then you post this.

International Team managers do not have budgets for buying players.

Even an uneducated leaver and football illiterate like myself knows this.

You mean the BREXIT England supporters got it wrong again? PS the intellectual superiority of the Remain position more apparent by the day. How about the petition to replay the match? What say the Brexit football illiterates on this key question? coffee1.gif You know Iceland only won by one goal and in table tennis and volleyball the game isn't over until one team wins by at least two points. Where is the fairness in this?

Is that it ?

Is that the limit to your intellectual superiority on Article 50.

2 posts that do not even mention Article 50.

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Whilst there is more than an element of truth to the article.

It fails to address that that Article 50 cannot be invoked until the referendum result is debated in parliament, voted on and passed as agreed in line with the referendum result.

Only then can Article 50 be invoked.

Cameron could have convened Parliament immediately, as he said he was going to do. The fact is, the current PM and the future PM are both wishing it would go away.

Read the Article linked by Bung.

It gives a very good and probably true indication as to why he did not convene Parliament immediately.

Your conjecture is not fact.

I did read it. It said Cameron wants to give it to Johnson because it's a poisoned chalice. He certainly didn't want to be the one credited with turning Brexit into a reality.

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One possible way out of this mess is for the next PM to call a General Election. There would certainly be 1 or more parties fighting to be elected on a non Brexit ticket which would give the hitherto misinformed British public the chance to change their fickle minds!

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Whilst there is more than an element of truth to the article.

It fails to address that that Article 50 cannot be invoked until the referendum result is debated in parliament, voted on and passed as agreed in line with the referendum result.

Only then can Article 50 be invoked.

Cameron could have convened Parliament immediately, as he said he was going to do. The fact is, the current PM and the future PM are both wishing it would go away.

Read the Article linked by Bung.

It gives a very good and probably true indication as to why he did not convene Parliament immediately.

Your conjecture is not fact.

I did read it. It said Cameron wants to give it to Johnson because it's a poisoned chalice. He certainly didn't want to be the one credited with turning Brexit into a reality.

Then he should never have offered up the referendum in the first place.

He should not have gone to the EU in February to ask for nothing, get even less, then attempt to come back and sell it as some sort of miracle deal.

Like most UK Politicians, all of them can talk the talk, none of them can walk the walk.

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Cameron could have convened Parliament immediately, as he said he was going to do. The fact is, the current PM and the future PM are both wishing it would go away.

Read the Article linked by Bung.

It gives a very good and probably true indication as to why he did not convene Parliament immediately.

Your conjecture is not fact.

I did read it. It said Cameron wants to give it to Johnson because it's a poisoned chalice. He certainly didn't want to be the one credited with turning Brexit into a reality.

Then he should never have offered up the referendum in the first place.

He should not have gone to the EU in February to ask for nothing, get even less, then attempt to come back and sell it as some sort of miracle deal.

Like most UK Politicians, all of them can talk the talk, none of them can walk the walk.

So how does that contradict what I wrote?

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Just invoke passport controls for UK citizens entering EU and trade tools (200% like here in Thailand) on goods imported to EU from UK and then let UK live it's own life on its islands as UK clearly don't want to be a part of Europe anymore! Scotland and Northern Ireland can decide to leave UK and join Europe instead but that's up to them...

I agree, and vice versa.

Escort all EU foreigners to the channel ferry, stop all trade with EU countries immediately.

I'm sure the Chinese and Russians will be only too pleased to take up any slack.

And while we're at it start calling all the unemployed up for the British army.

Why stop at just a trade war?

Are you Grouse's alter ego?

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So the tenors of leave, especially Boris Johnson and Nigel Farrage did not prepared the transition in case of success ???
So they oblige every entrepreneur to wait for their good-will to know the new rules governing trade.
And therefore the machine is locked in the UK. Do not be surprised friends if the pound continues to fall.
At this level of responsibility, that kind of amateurism is totally outrageous.

You may not have noticed but Nigel Farage was not involved with the Brexit campaign officially nor is he a member of the UK parliament.

As such he is just the same as a private citizen in the UK.

OTOH Boris Johnson, Gove and the other MPs CAN do something about it but they are the members of the Tory party and they have to think hard about their own future, the party future an if they can remember, also about the future of the UK and ALL its people.

Though the people aren't worth caring about as they ignorantly voted the wrong way on the referendum.

Oiks and peasants, all of them.

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