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A massage shop owner was sentenced to six years in prison by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday for having her employees work as prostitutes in her shop in Russey Keo district last year, according to court officials. Presiding judge E Thavareak said Ngim Nayor, 34, was charged by the court’s prosecutor with “procuring with aggravating circumstances” under article 288 of the Penal Code.

“The court sentenced her to six years in prison,” he said. Captain Sreng Hong, the chief of Phnom Penh’s anti-human trafficking police, said Ms. Nayor was arrested after police raided her shop on November 10 last year and discovered she had been getting staff at the shop to work as prostitutes.

“She allowed masseuses who were employed at her shop to have sex with their clients for a price of $10 to $20 per customer and she took a cut 50 percent as commission on each client,” he said. Capt. Hong said police rescued five girls, two of whom were underage, as well as a number of used condoms and unused condoms from the shop’s rooms.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/26573/massage-shop-owner-jailed/


What!!? No suspended sentence....no 50% reduction in sentence...oh well, probably with good behavior and a govt pardon/sentence reduction which they usually do yearly for thousands, the owner will be out in no time.


I can see the benefit of grabbing up some fresh condoms....

As for the used ones.....???? Rinse and good as new ???

not for me.

Never mind, doesn't work with the strict filtering.


as far as massage is concerned it is fine.

but to live on immoral earnings, becomes a different

issue. we hope there will be further such enforcement.


Having seen the circumstances from which some of these girls come...I find myself becoming less judgemental...and a bit more compassionate for their plight in life...


What!!? No suspended sentence....no 50% reduction in sentence...oh well, probably with good behavior and a govt pardon/sentence reduction which they usually do yearly for thousands, the owner will be out in no time.

This is Cambodia not Thailand.

Try to stay on the ball.


What!!? No suspended sentence....no 50% reduction in sentence...oh well, probably with good behavior and a govt pardon/sentence reduction which they usually do yearly for thousands, the owner will be out in no time.

This is Cambodia not Thailand.

Try to stay on the ball.

He was not alone, me toosad.png Thanks for helping absent minded members to stay on the ballwink.png


I can see the benefit of grabbing up some fresh condoms....

As for the used ones.....???? Rinse and good as new ???

not for me.

May be one of the cops has a bit of Scottish blood ? Saving them for later ?


What!!? No suspended sentence....no 50% reduction in sentence...oh well, probably with good behavior and a govt pardon/sentence reduction which they usually do yearly for thousands, the owner will be out in no time.

This is Cambodia not Thailand.

Try to stay on the ball.

Are you saying Cambodia's criminals are more harshly punished than Thailand's? Or that the laws are more likely to be enforced over there than here?

I'm guessing you don't know much about Cambodia then.


Heres a question.I know that in other parts of the world,pimps and massage shop owners and houses of prostitution can be arrested for living off of immoral earnings.But we are not in other parts of the world,we are in Asia where things and laws are different.

So,if a girl(Asian girl here) is arrested for prostitution and it can be proved that she used the money to buy food,alcohol,clothing,etc.Is she in fact,living off of her immoral earnings and can she be arrested for that crime??if she buys her lazy arsed boyfriend a packet of gig's or a bottle of booze,is he also living off of her immoral earnings.

With all the arsed about laws here,its just something i thought of.

I suppose i should have better things to do shouldn't i.Geez what a boring life i lead biggrin.pngcoffee1.gif

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