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Feisty Farage tells MEPs ‘You’re not laughing now’


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Feisty Farage tells MEPs ‘You’re not laughing now’


LONDON: -- In a highly-charged session in the European Parliament in Brussels on the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt slammed the tactics of the ‘Leave’ campaign, particularly those used by UK Independence Leader Nigel Farage.

“What makes it so hard for me, and I think the other group leaders and for everybody here in this house, is the way it succeeded (the Brexit). Absolute negative campaign. The posters of Mr Farage showing refugees like in Nazi propaganda because he copied it at that moment,” Verhofstadt said.

The accusations were followed by counter-accusations and insults during the emergency debate.

Heckled and booed Farage offered a tongue in cheek response.

“Isn’t it funny – when I came here 17 years ago and I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the EU, you all laughed at me. Well, I have to say, you’re not laughing now, are you?!”

Farage added: “I know that virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in you lives… or worked… or worked in business… or worked in trade… or indeed ever created a job.”

The European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker appeared to lament that he would not spar with Farage again.

"I liked very much Mr Farage, to debate with you. We have a similar sense of humour, you have it, I have it too. I just regret very much that it’s the last time that we can debate because you’re not coming back,” Juncker said.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-29
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The original idea of a greater Europe was a good one.

Problem now is it has been hi-jacked by Junkers and his beurocratic cronies.

What is in it for me, what can i get out of Europe, not what can i do for Europe.

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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

People are indeed trying to overturn the result, because they didn't get the result they wanted. Seems freedom and democracy only apply when you agree with them.

Look for every trick in the book to be used to try and derail the Brexit process.

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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

People are indeed trying to overturn the result, because they didn't get the result they wanted. Seems freedom and democracy only apply when you agree with them.

Look for every trick in the book to be used to try and derail the Brexit process.

The referendum was essentially an "opinion poll", so nothing actually happens about leaving the EU until such time as Article 50 is implemented, and that has to be done by a vote in Parliament (as I understand things), so nothing is set in stone.

What they should have done is included the "options" within this original referendum (which they didn't), setting out exactly what majority would allow a "leave" to be agreed upon and "how" that exit will happen and executed by whom. An agreement on the "terms" of that exit should have been made BEFORE any of this mess happened, and should have been included within the referendum, so that everyone knew exactly what was being voted on/for.

Right now, the handling of this whole "Brexit" debacle has made us the laughing stock of the world, and the comments and actions of (what I hope are) a few have forever tainted us as a racist (and stupid) country, so thanks for that.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words (almost) about the lack of "thought" of some of the voters ... is it that hard to think ahead and see the consequences of a decision, or do people not think anymore and simply make decisions based on emotions and bullshit spoonfed to them by their (so called) "leaders"?

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The Leave camp need to sideline Farange as much as possible as he's an embarrassment.

He loves the limelight so should be denied it.

The truth hurts

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Honestly, I'm at a loss for words (almost) about the lack of "thought" of some of the voters ... is it that hard to think ahead and see the consequences of a decision, or do people not think anymore and simply make decisions based on emotions and bullshit spoonfed to them by their (so called) "leaders"?

Off topic but nope, I personally thought long and hard about the 'consequences' and it will be good for Britain. It is very early days. Those that wanted the status quo tend to be of the mollycoddled variety, a little bit wet behind the ears and would give their country away as long as they make money.

They're a bit like this


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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

People are indeed trying to overturn the result, because they didn't get the result they wanted. Seems freedom and democracy only apply when you agree with them.

Look for every trick in the book to be used to try and derail the Brexit process.

The referendum was essentially an "opinion poll", so nothing actually happens about leaving the EU until such time as Article 50 is implemented, and that has to be done by a vote in Parliament (as I understand things), so nothing is set in stone.

What they should have done is included the "options" within this original referendum (which they didn't), setting out exactly what majority would allow a "leave" to be agreed upon and "how" that exit will happen and executed by whom. An agreement on the "terms" of that exit should have been made BEFORE any of this mess happened, and should have been included within the referendum, so that everyone knew exactly what was being voted on/for.

Right now, the handling of this whole "Brexit" debacle has made us the laughing stock of the world, and the comments and actions of (what I hope are) a few have forever tainted us as a racist (and stupid) country, so thanks for that.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words (almost) about the lack of "thought" of some of the voters ... is it that hard to think ahead and see the consequences of a decision, or do people not think anymore and simply make decisions based on emotions and bullshit spoonfed to them by their (so called) "leaders"?

You are so right !

I know from a friend in Wales that he voted leave to stop immigration and with absolutely no thought about the complexity of the withdrawal process. Almost literally he seemed to think telling Brussels ' we're out ' would do.

Now in the aftermath he's complaining this isn't what he voted for and that the Leave campaign mislead him by no mention of the potentially lengthy processes to follow. So far he's not said anything about his own naivete because he mistrusts politicians as much as any of us yet accepted the supposed simplicity of voting to leave, probably because he wanted to believe it.

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Farage isn't my favourite martian, but he gave as good as he got; his speech was right on the money.

"Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking"

Of course it's still on. It's a mess and everything's up in the air, but there can't be any back-tracking over the popular vote. That would open a real can of worms.

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I know from a friend in Wales that he voted leave to stop immigration and with absolutely no thought about the complexity of the withdrawal process. Almost literally he seemed to think telling Brussels ' we're out ' would do.

The only complex bit being Cameron refusing to say "we're out".

Edited by MissAndry
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You are so right !

I know from a friend in Wales that he voted leave to stop immigration and with absolutely no thought about the complexity of the withdrawal process. Almost literally he seemed to think telling Brussels ' we're out ' would do.

Now in the aftermath he's complaining this isn't what he voted for and that the Leave campaign mislead him by no mention of the potentially lengthy processes to follow. So far he's not said anything about his own naivete because he mistrusts politicians as much as any of us yet accepted the supposed simplicity of voting to leave, probably because he wanted to believe it.

It was always common knowledge that the extraction process from the EU would be in the years, though this is a taff we're talking about so not surprising.

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I know from a friend in Wales that he voted leave to stop immigration and with absolutely no thought about the complexity of the withdrawal process. Almost literally he seemed to think telling Brussels ' we're out ' would do.

The only complex bit being Cameron refusing to say "we're out".

Cameron couldn't say it because the referendum is only advisory and ' we're out ' has to pass Parliament first apparently.

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You are so right !

I know from a friend in Wales that he voted leave to stop immigration and with absolutely no thought about the complexity of the withdrawal process. Almost literally he seemed to think telling Brussels ' we're out ' would do.

Now in the aftermath he's complaining this isn't what he voted for and that the Leave campaign mislead him by no mention of the potentially lengthy processes to follow. So far he's not said anything about his own naivete because he mistrusts politicians as much as any of us yet accepted the supposed simplicity of voting to leave, probably because he wanted to believe it.

It was always common knowledge that the extraction process from the EU would be in the years, though this is a taff we're talking about so not surprising.

Was it ' common knowledge ', how many Brexiteers the length and breadth of Britain voted believing the process would be so simple ?

If i hadn't mentioned my friend is Welsh you would have had to find another type of unnecessary insult.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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You are so right !

I know from a friend in Wales that he voted leave to stop immigration and with absolutely no thought about the complexity of the withdrawal process. Almost literally he seemed to think telling Brussels ' we're out ' would do.

Now in the aftermath he's complaining this isn't what he voted for and that the Leave campaign mislead him by no mention of the potentially lengthy processes to follow. So far he's not said anything about his own naivete because he mistrusts politicians as much as any of us yet accepted the supposed simplicity of voting to leave, probably because he wanted to believe it.

It was always common knowledge that the extraction process from the EU would be in the years, though this is a taff we're talking about so not surprising.

Was it ' common knowledge ', how many Brexiteers the length and breadth of Britain voted believing the process would be so simple ?

If i hadn't mentioned my friend is Welsh you would have had to find another type of unnecessary insult.

I agree and have you noticed how every time anyone wants to mention an EU Commission, unelected bureaucracy gravy train etc the only name they come up with is Kinnock. Apparently he was the only EU commissioner appointed during out time in the EU. Little wonder that so many supported Farage.

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Farage added: “I know that virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in you lives… or worked… or worked in business… or worked in trade… or indeed ever created a job.”

Instant classic !!

Farage is great ! I hope nothing derails the exit and that many others will follow.

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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

People are indeed trying to overturn the result, because they didn't get the result they wanted. Seems freedom and democracy only apply when you agree with them.

Look for every trick in the book to be used to try and derail the Brexit process.

The referendum was essentially an "opinion poll", so nothing actually happens about leaving the EU until such time as Article 50 is implemented, and that has to be done by a vote in Parliament (as I understand things), so nothing is set in stone.

What they should have done is included the "options" within this original referendum (which they didn't), setting out exactly what majority would allow a "leave" to be agreed upon and "how" that exit will happen and executed by whom. An agreement on the "terms" of that exit should have been made BEFORE any of this mess happened, and should have been included within the referendum, so that everyone knew exactly what was being voted on/for.

Right now, the handling of this whole "Brexit" debacle has made us the laughing stock of the world, and the comments and actions of (what I hope are) a few have forever tainted us as a racist (and stupid) country, so thanks for that.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words (almost) about the lack of "thought" of some of the voters ... is it that hard to think ahead and see the consequences of a decision, or do people not think anymore and simply make decisions based on emotions and bullshit spoonfed to them by their (so called) "leaders"?

We have been branded racist thanks the the ENDLESS propaganda spewed out by the media and those unwilling to understand the real reason for the Brexit.

The people voted to leave because they want the people who govern them to be elected by them. Simple.

And please, calling someone stupid because you don't agree with their point of view is not an argument so just stop it.

Edited by teatree
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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

People are indeed trying to overturn the result, because they didn't get the result they wanted. Seems freedom and democracy only apply when you agree with them.

Look for every trick in the book to be used to try and derail the Brexit process.

The referendum was essentially an "opinion poll", so nothing actually happens about leaving the EU until such time as Article 50 is implemented, and that has to be done by a vote in Parliament (as I understand things), so nothing is set in stone.

What they should have done is included the "options" within this original referendum (which they didn't), setting out exactly what majority would allow a "leave" to be agreed upon and "how" that exit will happen and executed by whom. An agreement on the "terms" of that exit should have been made BEFORE any of this mess happened, and should have been included within the referendum, so that everyone knew exactly what was being voted on/for.

Right now, the handling of this whole "Brexit" debacle has made us the laughing stock of the world, and the comments and actions of (what I hope are) a few have forever tainted us as a racist (and stupid) country, so thanks for that.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words (almost) about the lack of "thought" of some of the voters ... is it that hard to think ahead and see the consequences of a decision, or do people not think anymore and simply make decisions based on emotions and bullshit spoonfed to them by their (so called) "leaders"?

We have been branded racist thanks the the ENDLESS propaganda spewed out by the media and those unwilling to understand the real reason for the Brexit.

The people voted to leave because they want the people who govern them to be elected by them. Simple.

And please, calling someone stupid because you don't agree with their point of view is not an argument so just stop it.

Yes...and lets face it, if the remain group hadn't been so 'we are going to win this' and actually got out of bed/been bothered to go vote etc etc (like Brexit did) then the result might have been different. I would like to know how many of the people protesting/moaning about Brexit actually didn't bother there @rse to vote....So they have only got one thing to blame...themselves

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It's worth a watch. Extremely funny. Particularly the bit when he rounds on them for never having a proper job. Reminded me of a 'Carry On' comedy. The reaction on the faces around have to be seen, a mixture of amusement and shock.

Don't agree with Farage's politics in the main, but thumbs up for this one.

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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

People are indeed trying to overturn the result, because they didn't get the result they wanted. Seems freedom and democracy only apply when you agree with them.

Look for every trick in the book to be used to try and derail the Brexit process.

The referendum was essentially an "opinion poll", so nothing actually happens about leaving the EU until such time as Article 50 is implemented, and that has to be done by a vote in Parliament (as I understand things), so nothing is set in stone.

What they should have done is included the "options" within this original referendum (which they didn't), setting out exactly what majority would allow a "leave" to be agreed upon and "how" that exit will happen and executed by whom. An agreement on the "terms" of that exit should have been made BEFORE any of this mess happened, and should have been included within the referendum, so that everyone knew exactly what was being voted on/for.

Right now, the handling of this whole "Brexit" debacle has made us the laughing stock of the world, and the comments and actions of (what I hope are) a few have forever tainted us as a racist (and stupid) country, so thanks for that.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words (almost) about the lack of "thought" of some of the voters ... is it that hard to think ahead and see the consequences of a decision, or do people not think anymore and simply make decisions based on emotions and bullshit spoonfed to them by their (so called) "leaders"?

We have been branded racist thanks the the ENDLESS propaganda spewed out by the media and those unwilling to understand the real reason for the Brexit.

The people voted to leave because they want the people who govern them to be elected by them. Simple.

And please, calling someone stupid because you don't agree with their point of view is not an argument so just stop it.

The "stupid" comment was aimed squarely at those voters who did NOT understand what they were voting on/for, and did NOT understand the consequences of their choices, as evidenced by how many now publicly state they want another referendum to change their minds.

You can blame the media (and I do) for racism, but at the end of the day, it's down to individuals and their actions/choices, and there seem to be a number of individuals currently being very racist. It's too easy to blame the media or anyone else for a person's actions/choices, I prefer to blame the individual who actually made the choice to be a racist/xenophobe.

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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

People are indeed trying to overturn the result, because they didn't get the result they wanted. Seems freedom and democracy only apply when you agree with them.

Look for every trick in the book to be used to try and derail the Brexit process.

The referendum was essentially an "opinion poll", so nothing actually happens about leaving the EU until such time as Article 50 is implemented, and that has to be done by a vote in Parliament (as I understand things), so nothing is set in stone.

What they should have done is included the "options" within this original referendum (which they didn't), setting out exactly what majority would allow a "leave" to be agreed upon and "how" that exit will happen and executed by whom. An agreement on the "terms" of that exit should have been made BEFORE any of this mess happened, and should have been included within the referendum, so that everyone knew exactly what was being voted on/for.

Right now, the handling of this whole "Brexit" debacle has made us the laughing stock of the world, and the comments and actions of (what I hope are) a few have forever tainted us as a racist (and stupid) country, so thanks for that.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words (almost) about the lack of "thought" of some of the voters ... is it that hard to think ahead and see the consequences of a decision, or do people not think anymore and simply make decisions based on emotions and bullshit spoonfed to them by their (so called) "leaders"?

I'm not sure Parliament has to vote on Article 50; I hope you are right.

Article 50 is vague. It does say it has to be enacted in accordance with the state's constitution. I am not sure though that the issuance of Article 50 requires an Act of Parliament, which is when Parliament votes.

Quitting the EU will certainly require an Act of parliament, but once Article 50 has been issued EU will be going its own sweet way in cancelling UK's membership, and that would be done no later than 2 years.

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Belgium which is the central headquarters of the EU has the world's largest and deepest snout trough?

What has it ever created except smoked salmon sandwiches by the thousands every day of the week to feed said snouts. Plus it has ordered all member countries to open their doors and admit millions of economic refugees searching for free welfare (money, accommodation and health services).

Britain is well rid of the EU and has saved themselves millions of pounds that would otherwise go toward the lavish lifestyles of it's members.

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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

It is a mess.

Basically though, the referendum is probably good for enactment though not a legally binding document. It's really up to the victors to claim their prize. They are reluctant to do that quickly as the man they lined up to be the fall guy has scarpered. I think they want to call in bomb disposal firstsmile.png .

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