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Little England and not-so-Great-Britain


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Well YOU get on with it, if Germans are in your opinion better than the UK union, do your stuff......

silly statement, the EU is not German it consists of 27 countries all with voting rights, Junker is president of the EU commission and he comes from the little country of Luxembourg.

Junker seems a bit of a German name to me.

"The distinguished German surname Junker is derived from the Middle High German word "juncherre," meaning "a young noble"

He was Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1995 to 2013.


Qu. How the heck do you stay in power for 18 years?

Especially given your propensity for the booze...

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laugh.png ............laugh.png ...........Gawd 'elp us............coffee1.gif

Why do you think UK voted out...........rolleyes.gif

48% didn't and probably a lot more are now regretting their out vote, comes from listening to lies,NHS contributions,being able to stop immigration, we will be better off financially etc,voting from the heart and not with the grey matter

The latest yougov survey will disagree with you.

2-1 say no more referendums and that they are happy to go with Brexit.

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Thanks soalbundy - at last someone to answer the little Englanders - so prevalent on here you'd think that the over 16 million people who voted to remain - 48.1% of those bothering to vote - were so dumbstruck they'd been beaten into submission - and not forgetting the other 13 million eligible to vote who didn't - mostly youngsters who'd have swung it the other way round, judging by the voting stats of those that did vote. And the > 3 million who didn't even register to vote but who could have. Yep - a decisive victory for the leavers - my backside!

As Churchill said: democracy is the worst form of government, except for everything else - of course he was talking about Parliamentary Democracy - not the Ancient Greek idea of democracy - by referendums or referendi - if you prefer!

But a victory none the less.

If some Remainers did not vote because they could not be bothered - their fault.

Who is to say that the 13 odd million who did not vote were all for Remain?

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Have just been sent this. No knowledge as to its accuracy (and its not my problem)

Why they want to Brexit
Read it and weep!
A short list of financial and industrial FUBARs from the EU

Cadbury moved factory to Poland 2011 with EU grant.

Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.

Jaguar Land Rover has recently agreed to build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, the same company who have trashed our steel works and emptied the workers’ pension funds.

Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant.

British Army's new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales.

Dyson gone to Malaysia, with an EU loan.

Crown Closures, Bournemouth (Was METAL BOX), gone to Poland with EU grant, once employed 1,200.

M&S manufacturing gone to far east with EU loan.

Hornby models gone. In fact all toys and models now gone from UK along with the patents all with EU grants.

Gillette gone to eastern Europe with EU grant.

Texas Instruments Greenock gone to Germany with EU grant.

Indesit at Bodelwyddan Wales gone with EU grant.

Sekisui Alveo said production at its Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park foam plant will relocate production to Roermond in the Netherlands, with EU funding.

Hoover Merthyr factory moved out of UK to Czech Republic and the Far East by Italian company Candy with EU backing.

ICI integration into Holland’s AkzoNobel with EU bank loan and within days of the merger, several factories in the UK, were closed, eliminating 3,500 jobs.

Boots sold to Italians Stefano Pessina who have based their HQ in Switzerland to avoid tax to the tune of £80 million a year, using an EU loan for the purchase.

JDS Uniphase run by two Dutch men, bought up companies in the UK with £20 million in EU 'regeneration' grants, created a pollution nightmare and just closed it all down leaving 1,200 out of work and an environmental clean-up paid for by the UK tax-payer. They also raided the pension fund and drained it dry.

UK airports are owned by a Spanish company.

Scottish Power is owned by a Spanish company.

Most London buses are run by Spanish and German companies.

The Hinkley Point C nuclear power station to be built by French company EDF, part owned by the French government, using cheap Chinese steel that has catastrophically failed in other nuclear installations. Now EDF say the costs will be double or more and it will be very late even if it does come online.

Swindon was once our producer of rail locomotives and rolling stock. Not any more, it's Bombardier in Derby and due to their losses in the aviation market, that could see the end of the British railways manufacturing altogether even though Bombardier had EU grants to keep Derby going which they diverted to their loss-making aviation side in Canada.

39% of British invention patents have been passed to foreign companies, many of them in the EU.

The Mini cars that Cameron stood in front of as an example of British engineering, are built by BMW mostly in Holland and Austria. His campaign bus was made in Germany even though we have Plaxton, Optare, Bluebird, Dennis etc., in the UK.

The bicycle for the Greens was made in the far east, not by Raleigh UK but then they are probably going to move to the Netherlands too as they have said recently.

Anyone who thinks the EU is good for British industry or any other business simply hasn't paid attention to what has been systematically asset-stripped from the UK. Name me one major technology company still running in the UK

We used to contract out to many, then the work just dried up as they were sold off to companies from France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, etc., and now we don't even teach electronic technology for technicians any more, due to EU regulations.

I haven't detailed our non-existent fishing industry the EU paid to destroy, nor the farmers being paid NOT to produce food they could sell for more than they get paid to do nothing, don't even go there.

I haven't mentioned what it costs us to be asset-stripped like this, nor have I mentioned immigration, nor the risk to our security if control of our armed forces is passed to Brussels or Germany.

Find something that's gone the other way, I've looked and I just can't.

And of course, the real deal-breaker .... Democracy, transparency and independence. We can vote out our MPs - BUT the European Commission who dictate 55% of UK laws, which are legally binding, are ..... guess what, untouchable, unelected and hidden from view.

I will just take your last sentence because it demonstrates you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

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Thanks soalbundy - at last someone to answer the little Englanders - so prevalent on here you'd think that the over 16 million people who voted to remain - 48.1% of those bothering to vote - were so dumbstruck they'd been beaten into submission - and not forgetting the other 13 million eligible to vote who didn't - mostly youngsters who'd have swung it the other way round, judging by the voting stats of those that did vote. And the > 3 million who didn't even register to vote but who could have. Yep - a decisive victory for the leavers - my backside!

As Churchill said: democracy is the worst form of government, except for everything else - of course he was talking about Parliamentary Democracy - not the Ancient Greek idea of democracy - by referendums or referendi - if you prefer!

But a victory none the less.

If some Remainers did not vote because they could not be bothered - their fault.

Who is to say that the 13 odd million who did not vote were all for Remain?

People who do not vote have no legitimate right to complain. Not voting is a valid action - your basically saying, I don't really have an opinion and both options are acceptable.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

It was a Jeremy Paxman BBC Documentary, and he counted the laws made in 3 years (2010-2013), 59% were created by the EU.

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Edited by MissAndry
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Great Britain has always been little, but we are Great because we can fight, explore, do stuff. Back in '39 an unprepared little Britain came to the aid of many against a well prepared war machine attacking little countries. It is in our genes to try....

The EU thing is just Brits showing when enough is enough....

Everyone knows how the British were brave during the war 39-45. You can thank the elders.
But there was no attack in 2016. Just a train of history for a united Europe in which the richest was in solidarity with the poor.
UK decided to abandon this bandwagon by refusal to share. This act is neither intelligent, nor generous, nor glorious. It is the realization of a little shabby selfishness shortsighted.
By this act, you foolishly squandered the inheritance of your fathers. This mistake will be punished by all without indulgence.
Courrage for the future.
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laugh.png ............laugh.png ...........Gawd 'elp us............coffee1.gif

Why do you think UK voted out...........rolleyes.gif

Mainly because complex entities are often too difficult for ordinary people to understand and the populists are using the ignorance of those people to push their own agendas.

(And I already know. That was arrogant thing to say.)

No, us older folk KNOW what our families endured for freedom.....UK gave the EU a try and what did they see......Germans trying to control, daft folk in Brussels trying to control, ......the UK guy/gal on the street does not want any of that shit, my late father did not want any of that shit...... Some of you just think about money, money money money..........Gawd.......

You oder folks don't understand all the possibilities or freedoms the younger generations have with international co-operation. Life without borders and man made restrictions.

Younger generations understand the benefits of this co-operation. Younger generations don't think EU co-operation as restrictions, but as possibilities. They also understand that none of us can't live our lives as "Me first!", but we have to make compromises, where I'm sometimes first and sometimes not.

Money is just a part of the equation.

Many people like their personal freedom. Freedom to live and work in another country without too much paperwork from the host country. Ability to move around and try to find a place called home, at least a temporary one.

You older folks might have set your stone to the ground, but don't expect others to think alike.

Why anyone young would like to live in a reservoir when there is the whole world to be explored and enjoyed?

Hmm.. I was supposed to start breaking the thought that people who support reasonable status quo, instead of burn bridges, are too politically correct. I'll try to improve my insulting skills. I just wish we could swear here.

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Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

It was a Jeremy Paxman BBC Documentary, and he counted the laws made in 3 years (2010-2013), 59% were created by the EU.

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Well he is wrong and Professor Michael Dougan who specializes in EU Law states that quite clearly in his two videos so I will go along with a professor in EU law as opposed to someone on the box.

Just to add from the The House of Commons Library has warned that "there is no totally accurate, rational or useful way of calculating the percentage of national laws based on or influenced by the EU." I guess along with the good Professor they don't know what they are talking about but Jeremy Paxman does.

Edited by pitrevie
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well it hasn't happened yet,there is no signature on article 50 and there is a school of thought that say's there wont be. Once the fire works and emotions have cooled down and a new prime minister is in power and the economic experts have calculated things through it may be apparent to all and sundry that the cost of out is too high. The OECD report calculates a budgetary shortfall of 30 billion pounds which can only be made up with higher taxes and spending cuts at a time when less tax and more spending are needed to halt deflation which of course is a downward spiral, fewer jobs, more dole, less money flowing into the treasury. Perhaps a compromise of out but not really.

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Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

It was a Jeremy Paxman BBC Documentary, and he counted the laws made in 3 years (2010-2013), 59% were created by the EU.

Reported here


Well he is wrong and Professor Michael Dougan who specializes in EU Law states that quite clearly in his two videos so I will go along with a professor in EU law as opposed to someone on the box.

Mr. Paxman (watched closely by the BBC) is more likely to be truthful than a Law Professor with a vested interest in the EU.

Edited by MissAndry
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Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

It was a Jeremy Paxman BBC Documentary, and he counted the laws made in 3 years (2010-2013), 59% were created by the EU.

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Well he is wrong and Professor Michael Dougan who specializes in EU Law states that quite clearly in his two videos so I will go along with a professor in EU law as opposed to someone on the box.

Mr. Paxman (watched closely by the BBC) is more likely to be truthful than a Professor with a vested interest in the EU.

Again the slur about a professor with a vested interest just the sort of lie that continues. Try watching the videos he even answers that type of unjustified slur. However I know its the best you can ever come up with.

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Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

It was a Jeremy Paxman BBC Documentary, and he counted the laws made in 3 years (2010-2013), 59% were created by the EU.

Reported here


Well he is wrong and Professor Michael Dougan who specializes in EU Law states that quite clearly in his two videos so I will go along with a professor in EU law as opposed to someone on the box.

Just counting laws is a poor measure. It happens all the time in the United States where you will see someone say that they voted 86% in common with x and thus I am politically close to x..... while the fact is that 80%+ of the legislation passed is more ceremonial or of no real legislative value in peoples lives. Also not all laws created by a level of government is bad. These percentage comparisons could both be "right" within a certain criteria but still both numbers could be completely idiotic and useless. Not all laws are of equal value.

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Well YOU get on with it, if Germans are in your opinion better than the UK union, do your stuff......

silly statement, the EU is not German it consists of 27 countries all with voting rights, Junker is president of the EU commission and he comes from the little country of Luxembourg.

Junker seems a bit of a German name to me.

"The distinguished German surname Junker is derived from the Middle High German word "juncherre," meaning "a young noble"

He was Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1995 to 2013.


Qu. How the heck do you stay in power for 18 years?

Especially given your propensity for the booze...

he is good at his job i suppose,after all is said and done Churchill was a bit of a drunkard and dosed up to the eyeballs by his doctor. ''I got more out of alcohol than alcohol got out of me'' was one of his sayings

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I will just take your last sentence because it demonstrates you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

My last sentence was "No knowledge as to its accuracy (and its not my problem)" so I have no intention of substantiating something that was passed on to me and forwarded as such with a personal disclaimer.

If you tried reading and comprehending what was posted before climbing on your high horse, we would both be better off.

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Well YOU get on with it, if Germans are in your opinion better than the UK union, do your stuff......

silly statement, the EU is not German it consists of 27 countries all with voting rights, Junker is president of the EU commission and he comes from the little country of Luxembourg.

Junker seems a bit of a German name to me.

"The distinguished German surname Junker is derived from the Middle High German word "juncherre," meaning "a young noble"

and Oskar Lafontaine is a German politician even though his name shows his distant French connection

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What about little Europe?

It's a big, wide world out there. Staying in the EU is backward looking, closing ourselves off from the rest of the world. The way forward is to embrace the whole world in an era of global economics.

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Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

It was a Jeremy Paxman BBC Documentary, and he counted the laws made in 3 years (2010-2013), 59% were created by the EU.

Reported here


Well he is wrong and Professor Michael Dougan who specializes in EU Law states that quite clearly in his two videos so I will go along with a professor in EU law as opposed to someone on the box.

Just counting laws is a poor measure. It happens all the time in the United States where you will see someone say that they voted 86% in common with x and thus I am politically close to x..... while the fact is that 80%+ of the legislation passed is more ceremonial or of no real legislative value in peoples lives. Also not all laws created by a level of government is bad. These percentage comparisons could both be "right" within a certain criteria but still both numbers could be completely idiotic and useless. Not all laws are of equal value.

Unfortunately casting aspersions is all the Brexiters have, we heard it continuously from Farage every time he was confronted by some financial report he dismissed it as people who were paid to produce reports which favored a particular outcome. Gove even dismissed any input from experts as being irrelevant.

It does not matter what the subject, climate denial, evolution the same people cannot produce any evidence to back up their statements and always fall back on rubbishing the source as having a vested interest in that particular outcome.

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What about little Europe?

It's a big, wide world out there. Staying in the EU is backward looking, closing ourselves off from the rest of the world. The way forward is to embrace the whole world in an era of global economics.

like becoming more of Americas Poodle than we already are

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I will just take your last sentence because it demonstrates you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

My last sentence was "No knowledge as to its accuracy (and its not my problem)" so I have no intention of substantiating something that was passed on to me and forwarded as such with a personal disclaimer.

If you tried reading and comprehending what was posted before climbing on your high horse, we would both be better off.

Nice try just write a load of rubbish none of which you have any knowledge as to its veracity.

I have no knowledge whether any of the following is true but its not my problem.

Next supply a long list of utter garbage without first checking. Well its not difficult to see why you voted for Brexit.

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Next supply a long list of utter garbage without first checking. Well its not difficult to see why you voted for Brexit.

Lawyers never lie.

Your just a bad loser, you lost the vote accept it and move on.

If you want to go and live in Syria, I'm sure they'll be pleased to have you.

You know, your forum name seems a bit German, are you now, or have you ever been a German?

Edited by MissAndry
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Next supply a long list of utter garbage without first checking. Well its not difficult to see why you voted for Brexit.

Lawyers never lie.

Your just a bad loser, you lost the vote accept it and move on.

If you want to go and live in Syria, I'm sure they'll be pleased to have you.

You know, your forum name seems a bit German, are you now, or have you ever been a German?

I see you haven't bothered to look at the evidence or even to try and refute it with actual evidence.

However as for your last two sentences I think they say a lot more about you than they do about me.

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I think you do a great disservice to conveniently forget the large number of Poles, Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, Free French, and many other nationalities who not only helped defend GB during the Battle of Britain but who "came to the aid of many . . ." until the US joined in.

I started reading from bottom to the top. The first sentence (from the bottom) has always been enough for me. the rest is just icing on the cake so to speak.

To the OP stop winging. The UK people do not see themselves as European but from the UK. Its called patriotism. They are proud of their identity and have seen this dwindled away since joining the EU. This was an opportunity to get our identity back. Now deal with it.

Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

Sure, but folk dislike being controlled by Germans, you Scots folk want that then do it and remain under their control...Scots bleat about Westminster and the English but WANT a German master..

Well YOU get on with it, if Germans are in your opinion better than the UK union, do your stuff......

silly statement, the EU is not German it consists of 27 countries all with voting rights, Junker is president of the EU commission and he comes from the little country of Luxembourg.

The little country of Luxembourg which was just downgraded to tier 2 on the State Departments Trafficking in Persons Report. It now shares that distinction with Thailand, which at least is going UP, instead of down, on the list. Great job by Juncker and his pals in running Luxembourg until they moved over to the EU a year or two ago.

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Thanks soalbundy - at last someone to answer the little Englanders - so prevalent on here you'd think that the over 16 million people who voted to remain - 48.1% of those bothering to vote - were so dumbstruck they'd been beaten into submission - and not forgetting the other 13 million eligible to vote who didn't - mostly youngsters who'd have swung it the other way round, judging by the voting stats of those that did vote. And the > 3 million who didn't even register to vote but who could have. Yep - a decisive victory for the leavers - my backside!

As Churchill said: democracy is the worst form of government, except for everything else - of course he was talking about Parliamentary Democracy - not the Ancient Greek idea of democracy - by referendums or referendi - if you prefer!

Pointless banging on about the people who didn't bother to vote. If they were mainly younger people like you say, just goes to prove how apathetic they are. They didn't vote and that's that.

Of those that cared enough TO vote, the leave side won by 52% to 48%. A majority for the leave in a fair contest. Can't understand what all the bitching is about.

My pension's dropped considerably but I'm not bitching. It's called democracy, in which I'm a firm believer.

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laugh.png ............laugh.png ...........Gawd 'elp us............coffee1.gif

Why do you think UK voted out...........rolleyes.gif

48% didn't and probably a lot more are now regretting their out vote, comes from listening to lies,NHS contributions,being able to stop immigration, we will be better off financially etc,voting from the heart and not with the grey matter

Don't need to ask who you supported, but wrong decision. Check out the real facts of the UK's involvement as a member of the EU. For instance 55% of the laws that have to be passed by parliament come out of Brussels, no ifs buts or maybes. The eurocrats are unelected and basically untouchable. Would you belong to a company/organisation that refuses to produce a set of account for auditing and never will. Why? All trading agreements must be done by Brussels, none of the 28 countries are permitted to negotiate a trade agreement. The UK also forfeited its right to trade with the Commonwealth. The 12 mile limit for territorial waters was reduced to 3 miles and the Spanish amongst others with massive trawlers fished it almost to the point of extinction of fish and inside the 3 mile limit.

There are benefits but having a massive trade deficit with the EU is not one óf them.

There was a parliamentary paper circulated to all MP's in April outlining some serious economic facts, you should read it.

The whole idea is to create a country named Europe which will have all members as States not countries!

The US is afraid that the TTIP deal that has been discussed in secret for a number of years will go belly up. It's not something the Brits want forced on them either. Enough is enough the UK has enough expertise to organise trade deals with the Commonwealth and other countries world-wide and already have a trade surplus outside the EU.

Edited by Anon999
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I will just take your last sentence because it demonstrates you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

My last sentence was "No knowledge as to its accuracy (and its not my problem)" so I have no intention of substantiating something that was passed on to me and forwarded as such with a personal disclaimer.

If you tried reading and comprehending what was posted before climbing on your high horse, we would both be better off.

Nice try just write a load of rubbish none of which you have any knowledge as to its veracity.

I have no knowledge whether any of the following is true but its not my problem.

Next supply a long list of utter garbage without first checking. Well its not difficult to see why you voted for Brexit.

What is wrong with you? I didn't write it, it was sent to me, and as I thought it was, at the least, interesting I put it on the forum making it quite plain that i had no knowledge of its veracity.

It is not my problem because I am a bloody Australian who is not a citizen, resident or even a visitor to the UK, who for some strange reason didn't vote at all. If it is garbage, repudiate it

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It is not my problem because I am a bloody Australian who is not a citizen, resident or even a visitor to the UK, who for some strange reason didn't vote at all. If it is garbage, repudiate it

I didn't knew Halloween was such an big thing in Australia. Things to learn everyday.

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I would have voted remain as I feared the collapse in the GBP and economy but as we voted BREXIT I feel somehow relieved that as a BRITISH citizen we can stand up against the petty bureaucrats who dictate our lives and tell them the following:-


Never chose to become a state in the "united States of Europe'.

Never chose to allow unfettered access for anyone to come and live in the UK.

Never chose to restrict our trading relationships with the world in order to create a European cartel.

Never chose to loose our parliamentary system and our self determination.

Never chose for unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats to become or masters.

What the British people did say to the Political and business elites last week was:-

FREEDOM of the British people to determine their future is not for sale or negotiable.

Now Europe wants to punish us like naughty children for not obeying them, my response would be to immediately withdraw ALL our troops from Europe and tell them to deal with Putin themselves.

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