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Little England and not-so-Great-Britain


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He was Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1995 to 2013.


Qu. How the heck do you stay in power for 18 years?

Especially given your propensity for the booze...

he is good at his job i suppose,after all is said and done Churchill was a bit of a drunkard and dosed up to the eyeballs by his doctor. ''I got more out of alcohol than alcohol got out of me'' was one of his sayings

Churchill also said other stuff, such as...


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Churchill also said other stuff, such as...

I just wish to express my dismay. I thought that JetsetBkk was a person who was interested about the environment. I thought he was one of the people I should follow in Phuket.

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Churchill also said other stuff, such as...

I just wish to express my dismay. I thought that JetsetBkk was a person who was interested about the environment. I thought he was one of the people I should follow in Phuket.

Is this something about cigars? huh.png

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Churchill also said other stuff, such as...

I just wish to express my dismay. I thought that JetsetBkk was a person who was interested about the environment. I thought he was one of the people I should follow in Phuket.

Is this something about cigars? huh.png

It's expecting to see that you have far more balls than you have presented to the world.

I already know that the women have much more balls than the men have. So, please show some. \

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Churchill also said other stuff, such as...

I just wish to express my dismay. I thought that JetsetBkk was a person who was interested about the environment. I thought he was one of the people I should follow in Phuket.

Is this something about cigars? huh.png

It's expecting to see that you have far more balls than you have presented to the world.

I already know that the women have much more balls than the men have. So, please show some. \

You've lost me. What has a Churchill quote got to do with the environment or gonads? huh.png

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It's expecting to see that you have far more balls than you have presented to the world.

I already know that the women have much more balls than the men have. So, please show some. \

You've lost me. What has a Churchill quote got to do with the environment or gonads? huh.png

Why don't you tell us. It was you who was so keen to brought Churchill to the conversation.

Are you one of those nutters who love to ride and abuse the fame of the people who died for your country?

I guess you are. Silly little people. Silly little folks, who are so keen to abuse what our heroes has done.

I guess, you don't even know how to be ashamed. Do you?

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The urge to destroy can be contagious

Your full of it, grow up and stop crying like a girl.

The EU is going to make all countries armies

into 1 EU army, now tell me, is that a good

thing,,, Adolph.

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The urge to destroy can be contagious

Your full of it, grow up and stop crying like a girl.

The EU is going to make all countries armies

into 1 EU army, now tell me, is that a good

thing,,, Adolph.

yes, shared cost,shared risk,shared responsibility, bigger is better. You have already given up some sovereignty by being part of Nato. The United States of Europe would be a good thing, a bulwark against America and China. The UK already gets its tail wagged by America. The worlds markets decide the freedom and prosperity of each and every country,not the voter who only gets used by the the worlds biggest industries, Venezuela should be an example of what can happen.

Oh and Adolph is dead, in his place is a highly democratic system of government.

Edited by soalbundy
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The urge to destroy can be contagious

Your full of it, grow up and stop crying like a girl.

The EU is going to make all countries armies

into 1 EU army, now tell me, is that a good

thing,,, Adolph.

yes, shared cost,shared risk,shared responsibility, bigger is better. You have already given up some sovereignty by being part of Nato. The United States of Europe would be a good thing, a bulwark against America and China. The UK already gets its tail wagged by America. The worlds markets decide the freedom and prosperity of each and every country,not the voter who only gets used by the the worlds biggest industries, Venezuela should be an example of what can happen.

Oh and Adolph is dead, in his place is a highly democratic system of government.

I didn't vote for them.

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The urge to destroy can be contagious

Your full of it, grow up and stop crying like a girl.

The EU is going to make all countries armies

into 1 EU army, now tell me, is that a good

thing,,, Adolph.

yes, shared cost,shared risk,shared responsibility, bigger is better. You have already given up some sovereignty by being part of Nato. The United States of Europe would be a good thing, a bulwark against America and China. The UK already gets its tail wagged by America. The worlds markets decide the freedom and prosperity of each and every country,not the voter who only gets used by the the worlds biggest industries, Venezuela should be an example of what can happen.

Oh and Adolph is dead, in his place is a highly democratic system of government.

I didn't vote for them.

give it some time,the UK wasn't democratic in its making for hundreds of years,even after the Civil war only the landed gentry were allowed to vote. The EU will be democratic and there will be many bumps along the road before that happens. Due to the fact that the EU consists of mature democratic voters with a good education it will eventually be stronger than any other block in the world,at least that is my belief. The UK belongs in this block and should stop living in the past,dreaming of exaggerated past glories wont bring the UK forward.

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The urge to destroy can be contagious

Your full of it, grow up and stop crying like a girl.

The EU is going to make all countries armies

into 1 EU army, now tell me, is that a good

thing,,, Adolph.

Alas another myth but don't let reality impinge.

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Great Britain has always been little, but we are Great because we can fight, explore, do stuff. Back in '39 an unprepared little Britain came to the aid of many against a well prepared war machine attacking little countries. It is in our genes to try....

The EU thing is just Brits showing when enough is enough....

I think you do a great disservice to conveniently forget the large number of Poles, Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, Free French, and many other nationalities who not only helped defend GB during the Battle of Britain but who "came to the aid of many . . ." until the US joined in.

I started reading from bottom to the top. The first sentence (from the bottom) has always been enough for me. the rest is just icing on the cake so to speak.

To the OP stop winging. The UK people do not see themselves as European but from the UK. Its called patriotism. They are proud of their identity and have seen this dwindled away since joining the EU. This was an opportunity to get our identity back. Now deal with it.

Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

For a nation that hates the English, I don't think you should be using words like xenophobic!

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May be people voted for Little England. Perhaps they're sick of being dragged into countless conflicts Worldwide. Perhaps they're tired of being forced to pay huge sums in "foreign aid" to dictators. Perhaps they've had enough of being given away and told they're terrible people at the same time.

The working class vote was definitely a vote against middle class Marxists, bunch of fakes that they are. The Labour Party died with John Smith.

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laugh.png ............laugh.png ...........Gawd 'elp us............coffee1.gif

Why do you think UK voted out...........rolleyes.gif

48% didn't and probably a lot more are now regretting their out vote, comes from listening to lies,NHS contributions,being able to stop immigration, we will be better off financially etc,voting from the heart and not with the grey matter

Whether these people are regretting or not (which I doubt), the decision to leave is final. Just because you voted different to the majority, it does not make you right, infact I would suggest it makes you wrong.

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I will just take your last sentence because it demonstrates you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Before you claim that 55% of UK Laws are dictated by the EU Commission please supply proof. The University of Liverpool Law School Professor Michael Dougan the leading EU lawyer says otherwise. This was one of the big lies thrown up by Brexiters. However do feel free to contradict Professor Michael Dougan I look forward to you substantiating that statement. I have already posted two of his videos explaining this but then I doubt you really want to base your opinion on evidence.

My last sentence was "No knowledge as to its accuracy (and its not my problem)" so I have no intention of substantiating something that was passed on to me and forwarded as such with a personal disclaimer.

If you tried reading and comprehending what was posted before climbing on your high horse, we would both be better off.

Nice try just write a load of rubbish none of which you have any knowledge as to its veracity.

I have no knowledge whether any of the following is true but its not my problem.

Next supply a long list of utter garbage without first checking. Well its not difficult to see why you voted for Brexit.

What is wrong with you? I didn't write it, it was sent to me, and as I thought it was, at the least, interesting I put it on the forum making it quite plain that i had no knowledge of its veracity.

It is not my problem because I am a bloody Australian who is not a citizen, resident or even a visitor to the UK, who for some strange reason didn't vote at all. If it is garbage, repudiate it

So you post a load of nonsense none of which you have checked and now you try to claim its nothing to do with you. When challenged on even one part of it you disown it. Great posting.

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laugh.png ............laugh.png ...........Gawd 'elp us............coffee1.gif

Why do you think UK voted out...........rolleyes.gif

48% didn't and probably a lot more are now regretting their out vote, comes from listening to lies,NHS contributions,being able to stop immigration, we will be better off financially etc,voting from the heart and not with the grey matter

Whether these people are regretting or not (which I doubt), the decision to leave is final. Just because you voted different to the majority, it does not make you right, infact I would suggest it makes you wrong.

I didn't vote,i wasn't allowed to. Who was right or wrong will be seen in about 6 months time when the markets decide,not the voters.

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Well YOU get on with it, if Germans are in your opinion better than the UK union, do your stuff......

silly statement, the EU is not German it consists of 27 countries all with voting rights, Junker is president of the EU commission and he comes from the little country of Luxembourg.

Junker seems a bit of a German name to me.

"The distinguished German surname Junker is derived from the Middle High German word "juncherre," meaning "a young noble"

What's wrong with being German? a bit racist maybe? my daughter and my granddaughter are both German, they seem to be normal people, maybe i should spit in my granddaughters face and accuse her of being a nazi after all fair is fair her great grandfather on one side might have been (he wasn't but don't let that disturb you)

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laugh.png ............laugh.png ...........Gawd 'elp us............coffee1.gif

Why do you think UK voted out...........rolleyes.gif

48% didn't and probably a lot more are now regretting their out vote, comes from listening to lies,NHS contributions,being able to stop immigration, we will be better off financially etc,voting from the heart and not with the grey matter
Whether these people are regretting or not (which I doubt), the decision to leave is final. Just because you voted different to the majority, it does not make you right, infact I would suggest it makes you wrong.

I didn't vote,i wasn't allowed to. Who was right or wrong will be seen in about 6 months time when the markets decide,not the voters.
The FTSE is at it's highest level since 2011, looks like the market already has.
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early days yet, wait and see what happens after the bargaining is over. One American investor see's a flight to the dollar which will weaken the American exports and slow down investments elsewhere,these are very early days

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Nice try just write a load of rubbish none of which you have any knowledge as to its veracity.

I have no knowledge whether any of the following is true but its not my problem.

Next supply a long list of utter garbage without first checking. Well its not difficult to see why you voted for Brexit.

What is wrong with you? I didn't write it, it was sent to me, and as I thought it was, at the least, interesting I put it on the forum making it quite plain that i had no knowledge of its veracity.

It is not my problem because I am a bloody Australian who is not a citizen, resident or even a visitor to the UK, who for some strange reason didn't vote at all. If it is garbage, repudiate it

So you post a load of nonsense none of which you have checked and now you try to claim its nothing to do with you. When challenged on even one part of it you disown it. Great posting.

You have made it quite plain that it is inconvenient for your agenda, and you think the final point might be wrong. But all you do is make wild assumptions as to my nationality and voting patterns, and then claim the entire article is garbage without any evidence that it is wrong. Should I aspire to that?

If industry was leaving my country at the rate it indicates, and being assisted to do so, I would certainly be concerned.

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her great grandfather on one side might have been (he wasn't but don't let that disturb you)

Strangely enough, no German's parents or grandparents were Nazi.

The Russians must have shot them all.

even if they were does that make today's young people in Germany nazi's ? You really are living in the past. Incidentally my granddaughters great grandfather tried to get out of conscription as he was an ardent christian, he was sent to a punishment battalion in Russia where he lost a leg.

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Great Britain has always been little, but we are Great because we can fight, explore, do stuff. Back in '39 an unprepared little Britain came to the aid of many against a well prepared war machine attacking little countries. It is in our genes to try....

The EU thing is just Brits showing when enough is enough....

I think you do a great disservice to conveniently forget the large number of Poles, Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, Free French, and many other nationalities who not only helped defend GB during the Battle of Britain but who "came to the aid of many . . ." until the US joined in.

I started reading from bottom to the top. The first sentence (from the bottom) has always been enough for me. the rest is just icing on the cake so to speak.

To the OP stop winging. The UK people do not see themselves as European but from the UK. Its called patriotism. They are proud of their identity and have seen this dwindled away since joining the EU. This was an opportunity to get our identity back. Now deal with it.

Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

38% of Scots would disagree with you. Again nothing xenophobic with being patriotic and loving your own country. I am sick and tired of people who have a different opinion using the race or xenophobic card. I am proud to be from the UK and never will be European, ever. If you see yourself as European then that's your decision. As we are now out of the EU there are 27 other countries who are still in the EU for now and see themselves as European. You can always go and live in their country, so you feel European. I and many others are proud to be from the UK. Just as in Thailand,People are proud to be Thai. What is wrong with that? Its called having a national identity. This has been eroded away since the UK has been in the EU but now, no more. If you asked Thais why don't they consider themselves to be Chinese would they be racist or xenophobic. Of course not. They are proud of who they are and I agree with them.

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her great grandfather on one side might have been (he wasn't but don't let that disturb you)

Strangely enough, no German's parents or grandparents were Nazi.

The Russians must have shot them all.

even if they were does that make today's young people in Germany nazi's ? You really are living in the past. Incidentally my granddaughters great grandfather tried to get out of conscription as he was an ardent christian, he was sent to a punishment battalion in Russia where he lost a leg.
Thought German folk voted 'in' the Nazi party....whistling.gif

It was only advisory, and some of them encouraging the vote lied, so the result didn't count.

Anyway, back on topic,

Conquest of Europe seems to be a recurring German dream, no matter how 'decent' they are as individuals, or what they call their political views or system of government. The English dream, on the other hand, is to be independent of all foreign rule.

Edited by MissAndry
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Just as a side note on the whole debate. I believe everyone needs their own social identity. This is apparent throughout society. Supporting and defending everything from your school, area, football team, language and accents is normal. The list goes on. The whole EU was designed to destroy that. Have everyone the same, same currency, ideology with eventually the same army, police etc. There is nothing wrong with being friends with our neighbours but we are all different and need our own personalised identity. This is evident in everyone's country and regions. The EU originally designed for better trade, was nothing but strangling each and every countries heritage and bringing a new world EU. I for one am going to enjoy it crumble and then the European countries can get back to trading and being themselves.

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Great Britain has always been little, but we are Great because we can fight, explore, do stuff. Back in '39 an unprepared little Britain came to the aid of many against a well prepared war machine attacking little countries. It is in our genes to try....

The EU thing is just Brits showing when enough is enough....

I think you do a great disservice to conveniently forget the large number of Poles, Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, Free French, and many other nationalities who not only helped defend GB during the Battle of Britain but who "came to the aid of many . . ." until the US joined in.

I started reading from bottom to the top. The first sentence (from the bottom) has always been enough for me. the rest is just icing on the cake so to speak.

To the OP stop winging. The UK people do not see themselves as European but from the UK. Its called patriotism. They are proud of their identity and have seen this dwindled away since joining the EU. This was an opportunity to get our identity back. Now deal with it.

Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

38% of Scots would disagree with you. Again nothing xenophobic with being patriotic and loving your own country. I am sick and tired of people who have a different opinion using the race or xenophobic card. I am proud to be from the UK and never will be European, ever. If you see yourself as European then that's your decision. As we are now out of the EU there are 27 other countries who are still in the EU for now and see themselves as European. You can always go and live in their country, so you feel European. I and many others are proud to be from the UK. Just as in Thailand,People are proud to be Thai. What is wrong with that? Its called having a national identity. This has been eroded away since the UK has been in the EU but now, no more. If you asked Thais why don't they consider themselves to be Chinese would they be racist or xenophobic. Of course not. They are proud of who they are and I agree with them.

were you missing in geography lessons? if you are British you are European. How can you be proud of where you were coincidentally born ? it's like saying you are proud of your freckles, what have you done for yourself or for others to be proud of. I agree that where you are born gives you a sense of identity but proud is a bit much, it makes you a sheep to be misused.

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Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

Scots have considered themselves European for hundreds of years? Really?

Looking at the Jacobites, I think you are confusing religious bigotry with any fervor to be seen as anything European.

The Clearances created the perpetual Scots diaspora but they didn't exactly flee the glens to settle down in Strasbourg either.

Before that, the whole concept of Europe didn't exist. It didn't get much truck in the 21st Century Scotland either until the SNP were hoist by their own petard and now embarrassingly clamor for some form of EU salvation.

Scots are inherent bigots; it's in our nature to be.

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Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

Scots have considered themselves European for hundreds of years? Really?

Looking at the Jacobites, I think you are confusing religious bigotry with any fervor to be seen as anything European.

The Clearances created the perpetual Scots diaspora but they didn't exactly flee the glens to settle down in Strasbourg either.

Before that, the whole concept of Europe didn't exist. It didn't get much truck in the 21st Century Scotland either until the SNP were hoist by their own petard and now embarrassingly clamor for some form of EU salvation.

Scots are inherent bigots; it's in our nature to be.

As I was once told.

'' We are not bigots, we hate everybody equally '' tongue.pngtongue.png

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