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The UK needs a Brexit prime minister – Gove


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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England.

Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities

will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens.

Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

Please........................ Project Fear is over.

It failed!

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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England.

Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities

will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens.

Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

Oxbridge are not the unis which will suffer but rather the poorer unis which have a substantial number of EU students paying home student fees.

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Worth considering.

Er, when exactly did we invade Thailand?

The map refers to the spread of Western Imperialism.

That includes France, which invaded, occupied and permanently removed Cambodia and Laos from the Siamese Empire during the 19th/20th century.

Britain took the Shan and some southern States.

It helps to explain why, among certain Thais, there exists a sense of bruised inferiority and a seething resentment toward Westerners.


Edited by Enoon
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Now if Gove could dump the anti-immigrant nonsense and bring in Australian born but London based economist Steven Keen into a future government to change the political economy of Britain then maybe Britain could make a positive outcome over the Brexit. Alas getting Gove (or Johnson or Cameron) to abandon the neo-liberal economic nonsense is not going to happen.

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And dont forget May got that law passed that broke up many famiiys, you remember,the one that if want to return to live in the UK with our non-EU wife we would have to earn 18,600

Quid a year, or have 62K in a UK bank,,, what a bitch!!! And thats after paying UK taxes for 48 years, in my view,disgusting woman!!!


Andrea Leadsom for me, calm,collected lovely lady......

Edited by Lickey
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Why,? Unless the EU pushes it The UK are now doing a back step (crawfishing ) and showing fears about going it own there own.Ten to one they are staying. Any bets ?

What on earth does crawfishing mean? ( I know Google is your friend , but could not be bothered)

No , all the parties have made it clear that they will respect the outcome of the referendum .

It's only been a few days- we are looking at years into the future. The markets have recovered, £ down a bit .

It's going to be tricky, the Eurozone is in meltdown, hard Right parties emerging . Even the Germans are getting fed up with bailing out the South.

Total basket case countries/ economies have been admitted .

Then we have grandiose prospects of the European army- the UK has some of the finest military in the world. One of a very very few that fully supports NATO.

An excellent intelligence service that includes M & James Bond!

Still the 5th largest economy in the world

Probably the most influential country when it come to soft cultural influences such as art, music and fashion.

In a few years we will be fine - it's a question of fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride.

"No , all the parties have made it clear that they will respect the outcome of the referendum ."

That's very reassuring. wink.png

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The U.K. NEEDS. A wise statesman as PM. By definition that excludes any pro Brexit fool.

As for that, what's her name?, Andrea? My god, she's worse than Thatcher! Tight lipped zombie freak. All the sad Brexiteers are going to vote for a Thatcherite? Doubtful

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Unfortunately the "Daily Mail" (the voice of the Conservative, lower-middle class, hardcore majority) is backing the lovely Theresa.

You couldn't make this stuff up. The Daily Hail which supported Brexit is now supporting a candidate for PM that was against Brexit. and Gove's wife works for the Daily Hail but even they realized you couldn't trust the UK's future to this clown. After all who are we going to use in the next ten years in all these detailed and complex negotiations as experts have been ruled out and as one person on this forum opined lawyers lie so that excludes them and any academic specializing in EU law will have a vested interest . Where is Boris?

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I just watched this, Andrea Battlesom

At the Hansard Society’s Annual Parliamentary Affairs Lecture on April 23, 2013, Andrea Leadsom has said:

"I’m going to nail my colours to the mast here: I don’t think the UK should leave the EU. I think it would be a disaster for our economy and it would lead to a decade of economic and political uncertainty at a time when the tectonic plates of global success are moving. Economic success is the vital underpinning of every happy nation. The wellbeing we all crave goes hand in hand with economic success."

Just the sort of person we need.

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The U.K. NEEDS. A wise statesman as PM. By definition that excludes any pro Brexit fool.

As for that, what's her name?, Andrea? My god, she's worse than Thatcher! Tight lipped zombie freak. All the sad Brexiteers are going to vote for a Thatcherite? Doubtful

Tony Blair has more than implied that he is the wise statesman needed to negotiate on behalf of the UK.

Such a shame that he's not a Tory MP and therefore not eligible for consideration as the new PM tongue.png .

But as such an obvious statesman, perhaps the new PM will take him up on his offer!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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The U.K. NEEDS. A wise statesman as PM. By definition that excludes any pro Brexit fool.

As for that, what's her name?, Andrea? My god, she's worse than Thatcher! Tight lipped zombie freak. All the sad Brexiteers are going to vote for a Thatcherite? Doubtful

You sound like a typical Remain loser, which is what you are.

There was a free vote in the referendum and your side lost.

However in your arrogance, which shows in every one of your posts, you cannot accept that fact.

You blame over 17 MILLION voters for being stupid and ignorant but if you think about it and believe the Bremainers should have won then you should blame the people who DIDN'T vote because it was raining, or because they thought that they couldn't lose, or they couldn't be bothered or any other reason that they didn't vote.

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I just watched this, Andrea Battlesom

That was an interesting video apart from the guy on the right interrupting and thinking he was funny.

I was just so happy to hear a politician verbalising my main problems with the EU.

Namely cost/gravy train etc. and the way poor immigrants are lowering wages for already poorly paid Brits.

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I just watched this, Andrea Battlesom

At the Hansard Society’s Annual Parliamentary Affairs Lecture on April 23, 2013, Andrea Leadsom has said:

"I’m going to nail my colours to the mast here: I don’t think the UK should leave the EU. I think it would be a disaster for our economy and it would lead to a decade of economic and political uncertainty at a time when the tectonic plates of global success are moving. Economic success is the vital underpinning of every happy nation. The wellbeing we all crave goes hand in hand with economic success."

Just the sort of person we need.

Three years is a long time in politics.

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You go in a supermarket, they promise a new wonderful product. You buy convinced by the wonderful

wrapping. You open and discover that only 10% fits with the promises outside.

You give back and want your money.

Answer: No, you buy democratically, you reject democracy now.

Think about, it's time to stop to roll in the mud of ignorance

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I just watched this, Andrea Battlesom

That was an interesting video apart from the guy on the right interrupting and thinking he was funny.

I was just so happy to hear a politician verbalising my main problems with the EU.

Namely cost/gravy train etc. and the way poor immigrants are lowering wages for already poorly paid Brits.

'er no. Wages are already low in some sectors eg the hospitality industry and whereas locals would rather stay in bed and collect social benefits, immigrants are prepared to take on the vacant posts, thus stimulating the economy. Looks like the usual reactionary politics peddling the anti-immigrant stealing our jobs myth which is just an echo from the 1930s and some of the guys here on this forum know precisely what agenda they are selling.

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Now if Gove could dump the anti-immigrant nonsense and bring in Australian born but London based economist Steven Keen into a future government to change the political economy of Britain then maybe Britain could make a positive outcome over the Brexit. Alas getting Gove (or Johnson or Cameron) to abandon the neo-liberal economic nonsense is not going to happen.

Why does Britain need another Australian when they already have Rupert Murdock as puppet master.

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When it comes to a new PM after the brexit referendum, it has to be a 'leave' campaigner.

From her Question Time (?) comment, I'd go for Andrea Leasom. But obviously I'm not a tory party member, so fingers crossed from my POV.

Plenty of UKIP tails around wanting to wag the Conservative doggie.

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Here is T May telling us blokes,dont bother trying to bring your asian wives to UK,,,,

This was one of the people she employed in her home office,, Still think she is the next PM, I sincerely hope not!!!


Nasty smug woman and she hopes to be the next PM.

As Lickey said. I hope not either.

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Now if Gove could dump the anti-immigrant nonsense and bring in Australian born but London based economist Steven Keen into a future government to change the political economy of Britain then maybe Britain could make a positive outcome over the Brexit. Alas getting Gove (or Johnson or Cameron) to abandon the neo-liberal economic nonsense is not going to happen.

Why does Britain need another Australian when they already have Rupert Murdock as puppet master.

Rupert Murdoch is now an American.naturalized citizen and is no longer an Australian citizen.

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