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Home deliveries from Big C / Tesco to Jomtien?

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Can members here please clarify if it's possible to email/fax/call the Big C Sukhumvit (near Home Works) or the Tesco (near the outlet mall) with a list of groceries and have it delivered to me (address is in Jomtien)? .

Is there a minimum purchase price for such a service (assuming it exists) ?



I was also wondering whether such a service exists.

Would you recall how much was the delivery fee?

Thanks for the info.


I was also wondering whether such a service exists.

Would you recall how much was the delivery fee?

Thanks for the info.

It can be Bt60 per delivery, but in my experience it is rarely charged. Probably depends on whether it is a busy period or not.


Would like to know if what you order

is what you get, could be very funny

What's the chances of say 50 items being correct and in a good condition when you get them


Anyone done this yet ?

Good / Bad ?


Would like to know if what you order

is what you get, could be very funny

What's the chances of say 50 items being correct and in a good condition when you get them


Anyone done this yet ?

Good / Bad ?

I was concerned initially over the quality issue in case they offloaded old stock but certainly not the case.

There are issues with items not available on the day. Some they send substitutes - you can accept or reject, your choice. Other items may not have similar alternatives. Either way it is clearly noted on the order copy you are given by the delivery driver. Tesco have given me a call ahead of the delivery when items are not available - not every time though.

Prices seem consistent with shop prices with a few offers giving a lower price.

You can pay ahead by cc but the full charge is not made until after delivery - so it reflects actual items delivered and accepted. You can also pay at time of delivery, either by CC (hand held machine) or by cash.

You book a two hour window for the delivery time and I have found them to be very efficient in keeping to this.

Overall, have no complaints


Sounds good thumbsup.gif

Have you had good results with frozen meats, fish, and fresh chilled meats ?

Not tried the frozen meat or the fish. Have had limited chilled meats and they have arrived in good condition.

The van has a cold store compartment so would expect that frozen stuff will be just fine..


Sounds good thumbsup.gif

Have you had good results with frozen meats, fish, and fresh chilled meats ?

Not tried the frozen meat or the fish. Have had limited chilled meats and they have arrived in good condition.

The van has a cold store compartment so would expect that frozen stuff will be just fine..



I have on many occasions gone to Big C and placed a large order, bought and paid for, with my receipt i have gone to the service desk and asked to have it delivered . They get my address in of and a hand drawn map and my phone encumber and my goods have been delivered within 30 minutes of the time i left the store , unless i was there late. hey have you tie up all the bags and upon deliver you can check your receipt to see if all is there. They will not take frozen or refrigerate3d products for this service.

To my knowledge you cannot place an online order.


I have on many occasions gone to Big C and placed a large order, bought and paid for, with my receipt i have gone to the service desk and asked to have it delivered . They get my address in of and a hand drawn map and my phone encumber and my goods have been delivered within 30 minutes of the time i left the store , unless i was there late. hey have you tie up all the bags and upon deliver you can check your receipt to see if all is there. They will not take frozen or refrigerate3d products for this service.

To my knowledge you cannot place an online order.

Yes, that's what I thought about Big C Extra home deliveries. You buy what you want and then arrange for your purchases to be delivered, Useful for people without their own car.

Alternatively there are always van drivers waiting in front of the store who will take you and your purchases home. Depending on where you live that would probably run Baht 100 to Baht 200. There is a large sign posted outside the main entrance with a list of locations and transport charges. Can't remember if it was only in Thai or Thai & English.

They do list a call center for ordering (1756), but I'd have reservations about trying that unless you have a sense of humor and infinite patience.


I have ordered from Big C online several times: http://www.bigc.co.th/

I don't know their delivery route, but I am on the "dark side", and did not have to pay delivery charges.

One time the delivery came on a motorcycle, there were many heavy items, but they managed, lol

Other times one of their delivery trucks would come ...

Sometimes they are out of items that the website says are in stock, usually, they do not tell you, you

find out when they deliver, but the billing is accordingly adjusted. I always do cash on delivery ...

Never had an issue with them ...



I have also been using Tescos online shop for 3/4 of a month. Ordered from them 4 times in the 2-6K range. Some products out of stock get replaced with similar but always expensier products, which you can reject or accept at delivery. Refrigerated food has always been very cold at delivery. GF had some issue with the freshness of some vegetables. Also, fish will not come de-scaled. 4 light bulbs was missing from one order but got them delivered next day after we reported the missing items to them.

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