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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

well, cleverer than you maybe?

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@GAZZPA. You have your views I have mine we will differ always on this point. As you are fixed at ed to a point of single vision. To every one who posted your two lies have always been to try and be the alof person I'm right your wrong. According to you were all lazy. So be it it's a discussion with no end. Prostitution is older than the bible older than Christianity. I will not go away it's part of life now. Do gooders come and go it's the way of the world. I personaly would not like to live my life trying to take the bread of someone's plate as you do.

Claiming how old prostitution still does not in any mitigate or justify it in any way. It is the reasons expats etc take part in it that are so pitiable.

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

Ha ha nice 1 and spot on too...!!

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

You are joking right? The comment above is tongue in cheek, isn't it? Must be...we're on TV after all...!

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@GAZZPA. You have your views I have mine we will differ always on this point. As you are fixed at ed to a point of single vision. To every one who posted your two lies have always been to try and be the alof person I'm right your wrong. According to you were all lazy. So be it it's a discussion with no end. Prostitution is older than the bible older than Christianity. I will not go away it's part of life now. Do gooders come and go it's the way of the world. I personaly would not like to live my life trying to take the bread of someone's plate as you do.

Claiming how old prostitution still does not in any mitigate or justify it in any way. It is the reasons expats etc take part in it that are so pitiable.

Read the full post another bread half baked response.

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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

well, cleverer than you maybe?

Yes, some are ... I had to google the secret to winning at connect 4. Never beaten a BG at pool. And some are very good at languages. i am quite sure they are clever enough to tell a "white knight rescuer" what they want to hear, it may pay off later.

Edited by daoyai
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Never really understood what people usually mean by "meaningless" sex, especially if its with a superfine little 20 yr old thai girl

There are more fullfilling things in life?, like what exactly? Everyone gets bored of everything and everyone anyway.

Bar girls are doing it for their families? How much that bar girl is actually sending back to her family is actually a great indicator of how much you need to spend and where to spend it if you marry/have kids with one.

That is, the answer is sweet FA, only 10% or so really goes back to the family. The vast majority of that money either gets hoarded, or goes to clothes, shoes, jewellry. And anyone that thinks its not her very own father/mother/brother/boyfriend that isnt the one sending her of to do that work in the first place is an idiot.

(or as seems to be the case the vast majority of the time a kid with a thai guy in the village who dumps her ...and then what

These girls have low self respect? Oh please!

There will always be holier than thou moralists or secret butthurt guys that never got enough ...that write this crap

Why is it, when it comes to talking about a "more meaningful bond" in a relationship, its always mostly either comes from older women or short little guys that have a wife twice their size

Whats the bet Saviour Dan has a little stash of upskirt photos and videos of these girls he has taken, and he is a little freaky that way because he;s spent too much time repressing natural urges out of some self-righteous-wanting-to-make-himself-more-important-than-he-is-thing

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Well I think he's on to something with filling the void I know a few blokes that have come to Thailand giving away the their kids and grand kids to live the good life but are sad that they are missing a relationship that they had with their parents and grandparents .

Also I find that they fall for the old bar talk rumours and get involved in dramas that has nothing to do with them but they spend so much time in bars they actually think they have some type of status and importance with girls and the bar but in reality they just want your money and when they finally realise that well then that's when the depression hits. Doesn't happen to all of them and some guys love to play the game but others sadly start falling in love and just lose the plot.

As for the girls I find most of them happy in their work well the ones I've talked over the years. Most already have a child somewhere and are doing their best to support them and their families. Starvation is a good aphrodisiac .

Excellently said. I could not have put it better myself. Not all western men are bad and not all western women have made good wives. Some (but not all) of these guys have been though hell, trapped in their marriages by a legal system that always believes the woman first and second, and the man last. They too often had wives that manipulated the kids to exploit and despise their father!!! (Been there, seen lots of that.)

Yes they get over here and some of them do eventually collapse into a depressing lifestyle. But, is it still better that what they had at home?

I also agree that many of the girls I have met over the years like the lifestyle and only fear old-age and unattractiveness. Yes, most of them are supporting one or two kids from an early marriage, relationship or abandonment by a Thai man with lower scruples than the men this article decries. The truth is that these girls were ill-prepared for adulthood and relationships by their family and popular local culture. Lots of "honourable" jobs here are dangerous, unpleasant, dehumanizing, demeaning and repetitive, AND pay less than being a bar-girl!!!!!!! They do not always have the choice that we ideally dream they do have.

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"in Thai, English, Spanish... "

I call bullshit. Spanish? In Thailand?

You must be high, 555

Probably La Bamba.

Then cover your ears as a Thai Mariachi murders the L's and R's in Cierito Rindo. laugh.png

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What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

You have obviously never been a lonely man.

That is if you are a man at all.

Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

but it gives them the right to sell sex? it's an EXCHANGE what's wrong with you? what 'damage'? don't be so self-righteous if you don't like it don't do it but it's not your job to stop others ok?

LannaGuy is not trying to stop it. He's expressing an opinion, the very reason for which forums exist.

I suspect women involved in the sex trade do suffer some psychological and emotional damage, but I'm not a psychologist, so can't definitively say that's the case.

Whatever is the case, buy, sell, who's right, who's wrong, it will go on, and Dan is pushing $hit uphill with a straw broom in his quest, but I do wish him luck, and hope he succeeds, even if in a small way.

Using hookers is something I don't understand, I don't condemn those who do, but it's just not for me.

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70% of the girls used to do that to find a decent husband

as they dont speak and neither do we ,there'not much else to do than sex... if they legaly could buy amphetamines with the proper warning about health and teeth risks ,they wouldnt have to take yabaa

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Again, to each his own. Some love the intimacy, and some love the casual sex. It is entirely up to the man, and the woman. It is not up to you to judge on any level, even one iota. Your judgment shows your extreme lack of depth, tolerance, compassion, understanding, and maturity. It is a caustic, crusading, intolerant attitude, with a substantial degree of moral judgment thrown in for good measure. Not an attractive blend.

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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

Oh wow, you really tripped me up there, you are just too clever for me. To me it's very clear what i was saying, it seems you cannot comprehend. So, you try to claim some kind of poor, immature victory. This is simply because you cannot come back with a clear, coherent response to any of the points I was making regarding the damage it all does.

So many people here justifying their behaviour, most would never do so back home.

Will never get you to really look at what you do, I suspect none of you are brave enough to really find out. Well, unfortunately for me i have seen and been involved in the bad side of this (Including the abandoned kids and the HIV babies) and I am sure many would think again if they really understood,, but like I said you are deaf, blind and dumb and will never chose to know.

I'm done trying to talk to people like you.

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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

Oh wow, you really tripped me up there, you are just too clever for me. To me it's very clear what i was saying, it seems you cannot comprehend. So, you try to claim some kind of poor, immature victory. This is simply because you cannot come back with a clear, coherent response to any of the points I was making regarding the damage it all does.

So many people here justifying their behaviour, most would never do so back home.

Will never get you to really look at what you do, I suspect none of you are brave enough to really find out. Well, unfortunately for me i have seen and been involved in the bad side of this (Including the abandoned kids and the HIV babies) and I am sure many would think again if they really understood,, but like I said you are deaf, blind and dumb and will never chose to know.

I'm done trying to talk to people like you.

So now you resort to name calling. Then change the subject to abandoned kids and hiv babies well out of order.

How many more kids here in thailand would suffer the same fate as the Rio street kids if mom did not go out to work the bars. I don't know the figures here for HIV and babies so untill I look it up I will not coment. I personaly Di not have to justify anything if I go with a bar girl here or prostitute any where in the world that's my buisness my choice my life. As I said previously you will never change your mind neither will I or most on here even less so when being preached and talked down too.

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Prostitution Is Sexual Violence

Obviously with many posters here using prostitutes and having a sexual addiction, they will not be willing to do unbiased research.

They would rather stay in denial and continue with their cheap little prostitutes who will give them their way for the price of a "Big Mac" in their home country.

They're minds will not be changed, no matter what proof, studies are one. This is one common symptom of an addiction.

Norwegian researchers noted that women in prostitution were treated like commodities into which men masturbate, causing immense psychological harm to the person acting as receptacle (Hoigard and Finstad, 1986).

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Again, to each his own. Some love the intimacy, and some love the casual sex. It is entirely up to the man, and the woman. It is not up to you to judge on any level, even one iota. Your judgment shows your extreme lack of depth, tolerance, compassion, understanding, and maturity. It is a caustic, crusading, intolerant attitude, with a substantial degree of moral judgment thrown in for good measure. Not an attractive blend.

I suggest you look in your dictionary to find out what intimacy means. Your post makes no sense.

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70% of the girls used to do that to find a decent husband

as they dont speak and neither do we ,there'not much else to do than sex... if they legaly could buy amphetamines with the proper warning about health and teeth risks ,they wouldnt have to take yabaa


What on earth are you talking about?

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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

Oh wow, you really tripped me up there, you are just too clever for me. To me it's very clear what i was saying, it seems you cannot comprehend. So, you try to claim some kind of poor, immature victory. This is simply because you cannot come back with a clear, coherent response to any of the points I was making regarding the damage it all does.

So many people here justifying their behaviour, most would never do so back home.

Will never get you to really look at what you do, I suspect none of you are brave enough to really find out. Well, unfortunately for me i have seen and been involved in the bad side of this (Including the abandoned kids and the HIV babies) and I am sure many would think again if they really understood,, but like I said you are deaf, blind and dumb and will never chose to know.

I'm done trying to talk to people like you.

So now you resort to name calling. Then change the subject to abandoned kids and hiv babies well out of order.

How many more kids here in thailand would suffer the same fate as the Rio street kids if mom did not go out to work the bars. I don't know the figures here for HIV and babies so untill I look it up I will not coment. I personaly Di not have to justify anything if I go with a bar girl here or prostitute any where in the world that's my buisness my choice my life. As I said previously you will never change your mind neither will I or most on here even less so when being preached and talked down too.

I am aware you will never change your mind.

For the abandoned kids you can check out the 2 orphanages I know, Pattaya Childrens Orphange and Mercy Childrens Orphange. The majority of kids come from broken homes, including prostitutes who are not able to care for them, I think they do great work. A couple who are friends of mine adopted one of these babies about 5 years ago. Bear in mind these are the lucky ones.

The babies with HIV are transferred to a specialist centre and not cared for here.

HIV babies is a horrible topic I know, but it's not a low blow, it's a fact. The government are trying to tackle it and according to the news recently have had some good success, in fact the rate of infection has been on the decline, but recently female sex worker infection rate has risen. You might not want to hear about potential damage that the industry does, but that's kind of my point.

There are many places to get information about HIV in Thailand and the information regarding the hi risk of sex workers, as a start you can try Avert.org.

For the people tacking the sex trade and modern slavery there are many but you could try slaverynomore.org,

As I have said many times it is easy to check things out, and then decide if you think it is the right thing to do.

I do get frustrated when people have nothing but lame arguments and have no intention of at least opening their minds and checking out the facts. Yes prostitution is old, so what, we used to do many stupid things at one time which we no longer do in most societies and it's about time this was no more in my view. If you think trying to highlight these points to you is condescending then so be it.

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Read my post. I said the government has had some success in this area.

But can you not see it was a problem that needed to be tackled? What is your point here? That it is a problem but the government are doing well to tackle it,, well I fully agree with you, well done.thumbsup.gif

Now start digging for more information for the sole purpose of educating yourself rather then trying to contradict me which is pointless and you have failed to do so.

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Prostitution Is Sexual Violence

Obviously with many posters here using prostitutes and having a sexual addiction, they will not be willing to do unbiased research.

They would rather stay in denial and continue with their cheap little prostitutes who will give them their way for the price of a "Big Mac" in their home country.

They're minds will not be changed, no matter what proof, studies are one. This is one common symptom of an addiction.

Norwegian researchers noted that women in prostitution were treated like commodities into which men masturbate, causing immense psychological harm to the person acting as receptacle (Hoigard and Finstad, 1986).

Judging by the responses i have got on here i fear you are right.

Unbiased research into the realities of the sex industry and the harm it does is not on the agenda. Most seem to think that talking to the girls who seem happy is as much as they need to know and they are now experts on the matter.

I think that the only way to tackle people like that is start arresting them for paying for sex and punish appropriately, after all it is illegal here despite appearances. But can't see it happening in the near future.

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Prostitution Is Sexual Violence

Obviously with many posters here using prostitutes and having a sexual addiction, they will not be willing to do unbiased research.

They would rather stay in denial and continue with their cheap little prostitutes who will give them their way for the price of a "Big Mac" in their home country.

They're minds will not be changed, no matter what proof, studies are one. This is one common symptom of an addiction.

Norwegian researchers noted that women in prostitution were treated like commodities into which men masturbate, causing immense psychological harm to the person acting as receptacle (Hoigard and Finstad, 1986).

Judging by the responses i have got on here i fear you are right.

Unbiased research into the realities of the sex industry and the harm it does is not on the agenda. Most seem to think that talking to the girls who seem happy is as much as they need to know and they are now experts on the matter.

I think that the only way to tackle people like that is start arresting them for paying for sex and punish appropriately, after all it is illegal here despite appearances. But can't see it happening in the near future.

Par of the reason is that these sexpats think that "bar girls" are not prostitutes.

A large percentage wouldn't use prostitutes in their own country but here feel it is acceptable for some bizarre reason.

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Prostitution Is Sexual Violence

Obviously with many posters here using prostitutes and having a sexual addiction, they will not be willing to do unbiased research.

They would rather stay in denial and continue with their cheap little prostitutes who will give them their way for the price of a "Big Mac" in their home country.

They're minds will not be changed, no matter what proof, studies are one. This is one common symptom of an addiction.

Norwegian researchers noted that women in prostitution were treated like commodities into which men masturbate, causing immense psychological harm to the person acting as receptacle (Hoigard and Finstad, 1986).

Judging by the responses i have got on here i fear you are right.

Unbiased research into the realities of the sex industry and the harm it does is not on the agenda. Most seem to think that talking to the girls who seem happy is as much as they need to know and they are now experts on the matter.

I think that the only way to tackle people like that is start arresting them for paying for sex and punish appropriately, after all it is illegal here despite appearances. But can't see it happening in the near future.

Par of the reason is that these sexpats think that "bar girls" are not prostitutes.

A large percentage wouldn't use prostitutes in their own country but here feel it is acceptable for some bizarre reason.

I know, and their opinions would be seriously frowned upon back home. Imagine trying to defend your position in the western cultures that it's ok to have sex with mostly poor farm girls because the pittance you give them helps the families back home.

They will openly and aggressively argue the fact on this forum and even go as far as criticising and attacking Dan the undercover guy who is trying to uncover the sex workers who were trafficked to help them escape.

It's pretty unbelievable and I can only draw a conclusion that many have lost touch with their own humanity and reality. TIT I suppose.

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Again, to each his own. Some love the intimacy, and some love the casual sex. It is entirely up to the man, and the woman. It is not up to you to judge on any level, even one iota. Your judgment shows your extreme lack of depth, tolerance, compassion, understanding, and maturity. It is a caustic, crusading, intolerant attitude, with a substantial degree of moral judgment thrown in for good measure. Not an attractive blend.

I suggest you look in your dictionary to find out what intimacy means. Your post makes no sense.

Indeed, "it makes no sense", but "spidermike" will always defend his beloved Thai prostitutes.

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Read my post. I said the government has had some success in this area.

But can you not see it was a problem that needed to be tackled? What is your point here? That it is a problem but the government are doing well to tackle it,, well I fully agree with you, well done.thumbsup.gif

Now start digging for more information for the sole purpose of educating yourself rather then trying to contradict me which is pointless and you have failed to do so.

This I dug out because I knew I had read it somewhere. It does not indicate that bar girls/prostitutes were sole responsible for passing on HIV to babies. Which as the article says is almost non existent. As for the other bit I don't need to look up the meaning of free speach and freedom to do as I please. But please before you post silly things like the HIV babies again. Get your facts straight

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