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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

Or the women could have chosen to get a "real" job instead of lying on their backs, its not as if getting a job in Thailands hard now is it

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I came here a month after the tsunami expecting to buy a few jet skis and live under a coconut tree on the beach.(dreamer) instead I've been financially raped and live on coconuts now.also do I count as a sex tourist as I used to pick the older wrinkly ones until the one I've got now got her claws into me and my life savings.also I'm being forced into marrying her and need to be rescued before it's too late.i tried phoning a hot line number for help but they were all out shagging around.

I would love to hear the details on this story. Claws into your life savings? You're not married, but forced into marrying her?

Do tell...

shes going to shag him to death................id be afraid toolaugh.png

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I think most responders have missed the main point here about sex with UNDERAGE girls/children who are being paraded as 'adult' workers. I have no problem with sex between consenting adults whether its paid for or free but when young girls are forced into the industry and don't even get what they earn because some pimp does...that is cruel exploitation indeed and it should be stopped.

Yes.........but it has to be done by thais......a foreigner has absolutely no chance!.....

Change for better or worse has to come from within a country...ie......the people as a whole!

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Does "Undercover Dan" also visit the secret brothels and backstreet shacks where fat Mama Sans cater exclusively to Chinese/Thai customers? There, in the shadow, where the true child abuse and trafficking is going on? No? Thought so, because "Undercover Dan" would either be found dead in a ditch some day, but most likely not even find those places, letting alone his "cover" been blown within minutes...

This said, and knowing that a fair percentage of Thai hookers are in it for the money, being too lazy to do some real work and because they are addicted to the red light and disco scene, where recognition and cash rewards come easy, I'd say, "Sod off Danny Boy, and tackle the social problems in your home country!"

Sounds like you are very familiar with the "secrete brothels" where the "true child abuse and trafficking is going on." How's that? How often do you frequent these places?

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Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

If you consider the fairly consistent story line of how many of these girls end up in the bar, then you would realize the damage has been done already. The farang punter who takes her out on short or long time is NOT the source of her problems.

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I hope "Dan" is helping the underage ones but what happens between 2 consenting adults is hard to change. This has happened since the birth of time and will not change by anyones account. This is happening Im sure in Australia and he should prob help there as well as other western ctrys. Good luck "dan" I hope you are not using this for your own personal moral agenda.

Edited by bkkrooftop
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Standard self righteous drivel. Most of the girls I ever met

in the business were out for a good time and money. If Dan

really wants to rescue trafficked girls, he really really needs

to head up country and start with the underage Laos girls

in the knock shops and karaoke bars who are virtual sex

slaves, forced to service the local Thai men.

The Thai woman who is sitting in a bar beer yelling out

hello to passing farangs is there because she wants to be

there. It may have been economic necessity that drove her

there, but then that would be the fault of the government

for not providing opportunities for them......

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And you first became interested in thailand for temple architecture,long humid days under the palm tree,cheap food and beer and the buddist way of lifebiggrin.png

Not the architecture but I came for Buddhist retreats, the beautiful women and the beaches. Am I weird?

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You have obviously never been a lonely man.

That is if you are a man at all.

Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

And who claims ALL are hungry, desperate ?

Think we've all met girls that actually enjoy the life of being sent thousands of Baht every month by various sponsors. Sure there are some that are caught up in underage, human-trafficking which is terrible but a huge percentage of working-girls make the choice to leave their 'old lives' and go work in bar because they want to.

Claiming all are desperate is just your opinion.

Just ignore johnniey. He obviously has no idea what he is talking about, and is in the moralist, judgmental, emasculated, know it all camp. The damage you are doing them? I know a gal who went to work in Singapore, in a brothel. She got with about at least 2,000 men over a period of about 16 months. She brought back 2.9 million baht, built a beautiful home, on family land, bought a car for cash, and used the balance to start a successful store in her village. She is now a successful entrepreneur, is happily married (what he does not know, will not hurt him), and seems to be very well adjusted.

You just cannot make such sweeping, and moralist crusader type judgments. It is up to the woman. It is her body. As long as she is doing it of her own free will, it is a perfectly valid decision for her to make.

And how am I doing any more damage to a hooker in Bangkok, by giving her a fee, and spending some time with her, and treating her very kindly, than with a gal in Los Angeles, who is getting naked with me because I bought her a nice dinner, and gave her a gift? Don't you see the nonsense? Don't you see how confused you are? Please explain the difference to me. And please leave you feminist doctrine at the door. It will have no impact here. I am a man still in possession of my package, thank you very much.

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

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it is a colossal problem and you cannot argue against it.

yes dan's efforts are like a drop in the ocean.his intentions are compassionate, genuine, and in mybook, noble. he can not

reform or tackle the colossal issue but i his efforts save one or more

girls his mission is a success.

have more dans and the issue can be impacted further.

it is an uphill task in situations where parents sell daughters into this trade.

getting to the source of the problem is a mammoth task,for sure, but some

kind soul wants to initiate help to rescue even one person, encourage him or her.

No not at all. Rescued to what????? The god squad, as has been said if you don't want to pay for sex don't go. But don't tell people who do want to pay what to do nothing of anyone else's buisness. Why don't these do gooders go to Pakistan and stop these arranged marriages were the brides are very very young!!!!!!! Or over to ISIS land were any age girls get raped daily.

This is one of the more sensible suggestions. Go to pakistan or Iraq where there is a real problem. Interesting that this leader of the god squad chooses Thailand. Whats your reason mr god botherer...

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

My vote for most stupid self serving thing I have read this week

Why stupid and why self serving?

I would think expressing some concern for the young women's lives was anything but self-serving ... unlike some posts that seem only concerned with the "needs" of some men who think they're entitled to "companionship" despite being so old and/or repulsive that no one would want to be near them without some compensation.

I'm not sure if establishing SAA meetings would be of any help since most of those most in need are obviously at home in a state of denial and would never even consider attending.

Edited by Suradit69
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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

That's of course in your opinion Luckly we all have our own opinions. Mine differ greatly from yours paying for sex is like paying for food you buy what you like. If people don't want to be in a long term relationship then there is nothing wrong with one night stands and if that also encompass paying for it so be it. Some people don't want the main meal and all the trimmings just the dessert or side order. Oh and I don't agree with the "sex is not all that it's cut out to be" I personaly love sex in all its forms and enjoy everything that it gives us (us being whoever I'm with). Maybe you need to experiment a bit more and see what joys it may bring you

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There is little point in trying to appeal to men who use prostitutes on a forum like this. Most will simply defend the situation, often aggressively or even with abuse as we have seen on some of these posts already. I would be happy to see someone post on here that they have used prostitutes here but they are re thinking their lifestyle after really understanding the damage the industry does and knowing that they had lost their own way in life, but it is not going to happen.

My first visit to Pattaya was when I got shore liberty when our carrier group came into port. I was 21 and had a fantastic time. You can bet your ass I paid a sexy girl for a night full of fun, drinking, dancing, eating, and some bedroom antics. I was recently divorced and was having a night out on the town. That night is probably my best memory from my military service. I don't want to tell you that the girl enjoyed herself or not, but we are friends on facebook and still keep in touch. Of course I was a young man, with a military hard body and a walking ATM so I'm sure she had a fantastic time. From what I recall she did atleast.

The problem for me was once I returned home. See I used to enjoy going out to the bars and clubs with my friends which in comparison became depressing.

I truly do feel that the atmosphere of the Pattaya night life is just as intoxicating as drugs are to those addicted. I've never used drugs though so I couldn't really say. All I know is that Pattaya changed my life. I became addicted to it all. I still go to Pattaya about twice a year and love everything about it. I have many actual female friends who work in the bars that I talk to regularly and visit when I am in town.

For me, there is no reason to defend my lifestyle. I love my lifestyle. If you don't like who I am or what I'm about then you're welcome to kick rocks, its just that simple.

The truth of the matter is I can easily pickup women in bars and clubs back home in the USA. the difference is the amount of effort that is required on my part. In America when you 'pickup' a girl at a bar, buy her a few drinks, spend all night chatting with her about yada this and yada that, you are paying for sex. In Pattaya, I don't pay for sex. I pay her to leave afterwords.

That said, underage prostitution is a tragedy and should be stamped out, but girls who are working of their own free will... that prostitution is a gift from god. You ever hear that 'it's your life live it how you want to'? We'll I want to live it and not hear some bullshit about it from the morally superior club.

You must be religious. The idea that you have the obligation to point out other peoples 'short comings' while ignoring your own agrees with your personality.

Good Lord, this guy must be daft.

~Semper Fidelis

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

Yes, let's think - What if that bird some boozy sweaty old geezer was halfway up was YOUR daughter?

One of the best summaries of this sad topic can be found here:

'Paradoxically, the average sex-tourist isnt so far removed from his subject'


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"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

Therefore I say unto you, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

Yes, let's think - What if that bird some boozy sweaty old geezer was halfway up was YOUR daughter?

One of the best summaries of this sad topic can be found here:

'Paradoxically, the average sex-tourist isnt so far removed from his subject'


Why do you need to say something like that a pointless and stupid argument. Do you gave figures and proof that all men who pay for sex are bozzo sweaty old men????. And how do you know if it comes to that that if you had a daughter back in your home country she I'd not on the game????? Nobody knows so if your going to try and make people feel bad try using sensible real points

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

Or the women could have chosen to get a "real" job instead of lying on their backs, its not as if getting a job in Thailands hard now is it

Another get a real job poster. Why should the work for peanuts when they can have hazel nuts.

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looks like one who likes to have his cake and eat it too.

life isnt fair. since bad people go unpunished, that gets reflected onto good people.

So, as bad people continue to go unpunished, bad things will continue to happen to good people.

in no scientist but ... duh.

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

Yes, let's think - What if that bird some boozy sweaty old geezer was halfway up was YOUR daughter?

One of the best summaries of this sad topic can be found here:

'Paradoxically, the average sex-tourist isnt so far removed from his subject'


More relevant question is how does her Thai father feel about it.

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

Mmmm... Let's see... Hell... Why not?

Normal.... Conforming to the standard or common type; usual; not abnormal; regular.

As prostitution is referred to as "The worlds oldest profession"... we see a demonstration of sex tourists being normal, and not misfits in society.... but rather, a well established and entrenched part of society... (Even a nessesary one)

So... If sex tourists outweigh meditative tourists, which I imagine they do, then it's arguable that they are LESS normal (abnormal).... Shame on you!

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In some men? the feminism is strong.

If men try to rescue sex workers, they're wrong

If men consider sex workers victims they're wrong

If men screw sex workers they're wrong

As long as they are not trafficked or under age, they have a choice.

They maybe economic victims but then so are we all.

Thai women are not forced to be sex workers.

They may have less choices than other better educated women

The world is a harsh place but those who have a problem with sex workers usually have a problem with sex.

These white knights are overcompensating

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Matey, I don't know if you have banged a Thai prostitute before, but I can tell you some of the ladies I have had, enjoyed the sex as much of if not more than me. Mechanical is using a tin can like the loser monk, finding a good bonk amongst these darlings is part of the challenge and the best part is if the one tonight is rag doll, there is always tomorrow. A loving relationship is all fine if your partner is 20 years younger than you, then you know that good sex is going to be there for much longer. Reading between the lines on most of these soppy high moral posts, I get the impression that there is a few closet gays amongst us., I have screwed ladies (some I shouldn't call ladies) from every SE Asian country and have been pleasantly rewarded whereas the majority of the women I have had the misfortune of laying from western countries should be fed dog kibble. Pity you can't make a complaint with Consumer Affairs for a refund. Just for the record, I have had my fair share of these little darlings starting in the sixties but I can't ever recall any one of them complaining they were forced into working.

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

You have problems mate. Do you ever stop to think about that "bird you are halfway up"? Do you think she is happy with some baldy old Bruce "up her"?

Like another poster said - DENIAL. I met a guy once from the Gold Coast who told me he moved to Pattaya for the nice beach.

I try to have some compassion for them, but when they come onto a public internet forum and talk about these girls as less than human I must admit it's hard.

Come off it. Lots of ladies have a choice (after they've been left high and dry by some local who knocked them up and left them with a kiddo) - it's either a shitty factory, where she gets THB 9k/month (6 days/week, minus lunch money and whatever), which is barely enough to rent a lousy room, send money home for the kids' & parents' upkeep, and eat. Or she can go work in a bar (voluntarily, note well), and get a whole lot more cash from a few "Bruces". Does she like it? Does she like a dirty factory job?

The choices are getting screwed over by an employer who has yet to learn about labor laws, or having a reasonable amount of control over who she's bedding with! But the problems start way before that: bottom-level education, father of their children not being held accountable, etc. etc.

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Matey, I don't know if you have banged a Thai prostitute before, but I can tell you some of the ladies I have had, enjoyed the sex as much of if not more than me. Mechanical is using a tin can like the loser monk, finding a good bonk amongst these darlings is part of the challenge and the best part is if the one tonight is rag doll, there is always tomorrow. A loving relationship is all fine if your partner is 20 years younger than you, then you know that good sex is going to be there for much longer. Reading between the lines on most of these soppy high moral posts, I get the impression that there is a few closet gays amongst us., I have screwed ladies (some I shouldn't call ladies) from every SE Asian country and have been pleasantly rewarded whereas the majority of the women I have had the misfortune of laying from western countries should be fed dog kibble. Pity you can't make a complaint with Consumer Affairs for a refund. Just for the record, I have had my fair share of these little darlings starting in the sixties but I can't ever recall any one of them complaining they were forced into working.
Disgusting read.
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Does "Undercover Dan" also visit the secret brothels and backstreet shacks where fat Mama Sans cater exclusively to Chinese/Thai customers? There, in the shadow, where the true child abuse and trafficking is going on? No? Thought so, because "Undercover Dan" would either be found dead in a ditch some day, but most likely not even find those places, letting alone his "cover" been blown within minutes...

This said, and knowing that a fair percentage of Thai hookers are in it for the money, being too lazy to do some real work and because they are addicted to the red light and disco scene, where recognition and cash rewards come easy, I'd say, "Sod off Danny Boy, and tackle the social problems in your home country!"

Sounds like you are very familiar with the "secrete brothels" where the "true child abuse and trafficking is going on." How's that? How often do you frequent these places?

You should be ashamed of yourself, HerbalEd!!! What a sick and insensitive comment to make. Hope you are getting a week or so "Thai Visa Holidays" for making such accusations. 1zgarz5.gif

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