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Former policeman called in as "Lady Kai" case gets murkier still


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american12bthai, on 04 Jul 2016 - 14:27, said:

ever watched one of those deep web videos that shows a tied up victim and a table full of tools with various swift codes attached to them?

Uh - no. Seriously, no.


Really - do these things seriously exist?

I thought only in the realms of Hollywood or novels.

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The color '' red'' of the passport indicates its a diplomatic passport, and the holder is a Thai official government representative. The ex foreign minister may have passed those things out like candy on his way to return Thaksins to him.

This old gal might find herself in a real firestorm before this is finished. If its fake, that is a charge against her and whoever sold /gave it to her. If its real, then those involved in her being issued the document also are open to charges. She and her help could end up in jail for decades when you considere false police reports, false imprisonment, trafficking, and other laws that have apprently been broken, ignored, covered up, etc

high them from the highest tree so their punishment can be seen in all directions

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american12bthai, on 04 Jul 2016 - 14:27, said:

ever watched one of those deep web videos that shows a tied up victim and a table full of tools with various swift codes attached to them?

Uh - no. Seriously, no.


Really - do these things seriously exist?

I thought only in the realms of Hollywood or novels.

As far as I know Baerboxer, you are right. There has never, ever been a proven snuff movie that was made for market in such a way. The only things that come close are footage of actual deaths, shootings murders etc which are a far cry from deliberately produced content.

Why would this kid post such a claim in a forum like this when he should be running to the police?

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I seriously doubt this case of what seems potentially like pimping is on the news becuase of a crack down on this type of thing.

I presume that in the coming days there will be a link somewhere to someone which will make the real reason for this lady to of been pulled up come to light.

Selling someone into slavery is worse than pimping. How the Thai authorities can even try to coverup and protect this woman and her police husband is terrifying.

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Who remembers that couple who tortured that poor girl the held in virtual slavery? What happened to them?

What do you think will happen to this old witch?

It will get mired in lawyers talk and pass on. Some token settlement will ensure. The next scandal will break.

I'd love to be proven wrong and I have to say, never have I seen so many people with so little humanity to others than Asia. What is wrong with these people?

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Who remembers that couple who tortured that poor girl the held in virtual slavery? What happened to them?

What do you think will happen to this old witch?

It will get mired in lawyers talk and pass on. Some token settlement will ensure. The next scandal will break.

I'd love to be proven wrong and I have to say, never have I seen so many people with so little humanity to others than Asia. What is wrong with these people?

They were trying to catch-up with the Germans and Russians and Arabs and Africans and.....!

But I do hope she is proven to be a fake and liar (go's without saying) and is stuffed away until she rots..... and her accomplices.

Edited by MiKT
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It's the old " Don't you know who I am" syndrome once again, sad.

Actually no I don't who the hell are you?

Well you should. His photo shows harada, writing under a nom de plume is actually Sir Les Patterson, Minister for the Arts in Australia and general bon vivant.

I wasn't aware that he had retired to Bangkok, a city for which he had a great affection, or many affections. As Les said They don't call it Bang Kok for nothing.

As a retired politician he is entitled to free overesas travel and no doubt he is using his parliamentary entitlement to do some research in Patpong or Nana Plaza.

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They lady had gotten a special passport (that she had no right to have sounds familiar ?) on request of the PM office during YL her reign.

Now it all becomes clear, that she was protected in the past and that is why the poor did not stand a chance. Now that the junta has taken over she lost her PTP protection and finally is being investigated.

So much for PTP being for the poor.. oh for those questioning my information just read the BKK post.

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Nong Goy and her Family had their charges dropped against them already due to lack of evidence

Sukanya, Nong Min's mother will be out of prison today to provide further investigations.

Gai is being counter sue and investigated for charges of false accusations, human trafficking now.

Gai has a long history n is connected to some hiso elites in thailand and shares the same surname as Mor Yong who died in military camp under investigations though she denies ever knowing or connection to him.

Edited by Moonmoon
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Who in their right mind has 10 million worth of gold and cash just laying around at home without keeping it in a safe?!?!?! I think the police should do a search at that woman's house because I think she would fit under the this law about being abnormally rich...

She claimed she had a very large win when gambling in HK on one of her two visits there. That can be checked, unless of course she forgot the name of the casino, date, year, how much etc etc etc whistling.gif

She also claims to have given very large amounts to charity. Which may be true and perhaps she has the receipts and/or the charities can confirm this.

Whatever, she appears to have an income way in excess of her husband's police salary. The anti money laundering authorities and/or the DSI might want to take an interest in the sources of her wealth.

If she did in fact win a large sum at a casino in Hong Kong wouldn't it then be illegal to spend this cash in Thailand seeing as gambling is illegal here? Remember the Dutch guy and wife who got sentenced to extremely long prison terms for spending money made from what in Thailand is illegal activities while in the Netherlands (where the money was made) it's perfectly legal!
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Nong Goy and her Family had their charges dropped against them already due to lack of evidence

Sukanya, Nong Min's mother will be out of prison today to provide further investigations.

Gai is being counter sue and investigated for charges of false accusations, human trafficking now.

Gai has a long history n is connected to some hiso elites in thailand and shares the same surname as Mor Yong who died in military camp under investigations though she denies ever knowing or connection to him.

She is connected to YL as her special passport was given out during YL her reign on insistence of the PM office. Im not sure what it is with the PTP and passports but seems a recurring theme.

Good that they are not in a position to protect Gai anymore and maybe justice will prevail. Good to hear that the charges are dropped now if they could only convict Gai. But that might be a bridge to far.

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Nong Goy and her Family had their charges dropped against them already due to lack of evidence

Sukanya, Nong Min's mother will be out of prison today to provide further investigations.

Gai is being counter sue and investigated for charges of false accusations, human trafficking now.

Gai has a long history n is connected to some hiso elites in thailand and shares the same surname as Mor Yong who died in military camp under investigations though she denies ever knowing or connection to him.

She is connected to YL as her special passport was given out during YL her reign on insistence of the PM office. Im not sure what it is with the PTP and passports but seems a recurring theme.

Good that they are not in a position to protect Gai anymore and maybe justice will prevail. Good to hear that the charges are dropped now if they could only convict Gai. But that might be a bridge to far.

The lawyer songkran n his team are investigating who is the backing behind Gai.

I feel that this case definitely goes very deep n if the moment Gai or her backing feels that the game is up, will Gai give up the person behind her, or will she be cut off silenced n dead like so many we have seen here

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