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UK Independence Party chief Nigel Farage quits


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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

Bitter & twisted, much? We are known for being independently minded and creative; being shackled and dictated to is stifling and dishonours the real heroes that fought for Britain in the great wars. Your moniker, freebyrd?, doesn't become you... think about it.

Free to express my own opinion, even if it doesn't agree with yours.

Of course - always. It would be a poorer world if we all shared the same opinion.

Still no reason to call Farage a scum bag. If you don't like him, that is fair enough, but I doubt you have any valid reason to accuse him of being a scumbag.

The 'Nazi' poster is reason enough.

The photo used for the poster was printed in the Telegraph!

Strange that there was no outcry then, Maybe it was the slogan " the EU has failed us all that so enrages you?

I am no lover of the EU, just as I was no lover of Generals etc when I was in the mob, but we coexisted despite the yawning chasm between us. And why do you think i'm enraged? I'm just voicing my opinion. I don't get enraged about things over which I have no control.

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Best leader of a party since Thatcher, statesman and not like most of them just in it for themselves.

Best leader of a party ? You've got to be kidding, UKIP's sole Westminster MP openly dislikes him as do many other senior members of the party. One of their biggest donors has openly stated he wants to re-create the party without Farage being a part of it. How many times has he resigned from leading the party prior to this occasion?

Statesman ? Again, the facts don't bear this out at all. He has one of the worst voting and attendance records at the EU parliament while pocketing a fat EU pay cheque. He certainly doesn't represent the interests of the voters who've elected him.

He'll find a well paid career in the media, probably as a columnist for News International (he seems to be a big friend of Murdoch) or do public speaking/PR work.

So you reckon he will follow the lead of B liar and his thieving Mrs then ?

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It was the sitting Government ( Cameron ) who offered the referendum. Cameron being the PM is the one who supposedly wields the power.

By offering a referendum in the first place, it was up to the sitting Government to have a plan in place to cover both eventualities. They failed miserably, not only did they fail miserably, but they also showed their utter contempt for the electorate by refusing to believe that there was any other outcome other than remain.

Not only did Cameron say outright that regardless of the result of the referendum he would stay and lead the Government. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Did not even last 48 hours.

Johnson on the other hand, is nothing more than a constituent MP who decided to lead the OUT camp. That was all he was doing leading the OUT camp. He had no authority as an MP to do anything else.

Farage was not even part of the official OUT camp, he was a sideshow and as such had even less authority than Johnson.

The leave side were doing nothing more than running a campaign, they had / have no authority to do anything else.

The people who have made a complete balls of it are the sitting Government. NO ONE ELSE.

Cameron called a referendum in response to those that pushed for it because he thought he would win and he would be able to shut up people who were at war inside his own party. He neither believed it, nor is it likely that he actually have a plan for something he thought would never happen - and if I were a leaver... I would not trust to write a plan....

He lost, he took his ball and went home. Gone.... no need whinging about him anymore since he is effectively politically dead anyway....

Boris Johnson and Micheal Grove were effectively the umbrella leave campaign, and they are both MPs. They could have tabled a private members bill outlining a plan and effectively controlling the narrative if passed. If not passed -- then they would have had a vote and put people on record.

Farage according to those on here has campaigned for it for 17 years, and although he is on not an official leave "leader" he was/is the leader of the UKIP party which whose party platform was to leave. There are UKIP MPs in parliament that can also raise a private members bill.

I hear a lot of people whinging about Cameron -- but big question -- do you really believe that anything he tabled would have actually been acceptable to those that want leave? Do you think he has any idea of a plan that is acceptable? I would not if I were in the leave campaign.

Cameron is gone, deal with it. When those that win spend all their time complaining and whinging about someone who is already gone ... you can be sure that they are playing political games and are not willing or don't have anything constructive either.... just trying to put the spotlight on .... something else.

As I said, if the Prime Minister of Canada called a referendum in Quebec or said he would abide by it - then campaigned against it.... no separatist on the leave would trust anything that he was willing to table.... why would they, he would be more likely to try and play political games to try and make it fail.

Leave won, and those leaders (official or not) should be smiling like cheshire cats (which Boris Johnson was not) thrilled at the result and chomping on the bit to get it set in stone... why would they leave it up to someone who has always said they were against it?

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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Well it was you who called it a "Nazi Poster" what did you find offensive about it because to me it merely showed the UK public what was happening Re the migrant crisis in the EU

Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

Bitter & twisted, much? We are known for being independently minded and creative; being shackled and dictated to is stifling and dishonours the real heroes that fought for Britain in the great wars. Your moniker, freebyrd?, doesn't become you... think about it.

Free to express my own opinion, even if it doesn't agree with yours.

Of course - always. It would be a poorer world if we all shared the same opinion.

Still no reason to call Farage a scum bag. If you don't like him, that is fair enough, but I doubt you have any valid reason to accuse him of being a scumbag.

The 'Nazi' poster is reason enough.

The photo used for the poster was printed in the Telegraph!

Strange that there was no outcry then, Maybe it was the slogan " the EU has failed us all that so enrages you?

I am no lover of the EU, just as I was no lover of Generals etc when I was in the mob, but we coexisted despite the yawning chasm between us. And why do you think i'm enraged? I'm just voicing my opinion. I don't get enraged about things over which I have no control.

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You can hardly blame him for resigning after what happened to Jo Cox. It only needs one mentally ill remainer to get close to him. He had already increased his personal protection, so can understand wanting to get back to a normal life.

Personally, I think the country owes him a debt of thanks for his part in bringing the whole EU farce to a head.

Apparently, death threats against him were a major factor in his decision.

Well done Nige, didn't agree with everything you said, but we wouldn't have had a referendum if not for you.

If death threats were a major reason he would have gone a long time ago.

Sad, but true is any politician that has any position at all will get death threats from time to time.

Most are just blowing off steam - and have no apparent concept on what is acceptable or legal...

Doesn't wash....

Some even have a folder of death threats... which are forwarded to police for investigation....

Go and see the family of Jo Cox and tell them the same thing face to face.

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The loudest screamers pinch their tails.

Now it comes the escape from the responsibility.

Instead to help cleaning up the mess at home, he prefers to run to Brussels, to pick up there his fat EU payment check for himself.

What a pubic crab.

This post is only worthy of a response to highlight the magnificent Intellectual superiority of some remainers.

Having resigned as Party Leader Farage is unemployed in the UK. He is however, still an elected MEP. So by running to Brussels he is actually doing what he is paid to do.

As he is not part of the UK sitting Government he will most likely have no part in the exit negotiations. Therefore he is not running away from anything.

The point you miss of course is UKIP are still around will play a part in the public debate over where the nation goes from now, that debate will play a part in the decisions parliament make (the decisions will be made by Parliament).

We non of us know which way the economy is going, the 'EU Deal' Farage promised, the new dawn of Britain Farage promised have not yet turned up, might never turn up. The freedom from EU laws and regulations, the return of control over the nation's boarders that Farage promised, these have not yet turned up, and might never turn up. The money redirected from the EU to the NHS, well we know now that was a lie.

Farage made lots of promises - UKIP are still around and when people start asking for delivery on the promises Farage will of course point to the 'people in power' and say 'they never delivered' - dodging the fact that he Farage made promises that cannot be met.

To maintain access to the EU, the UK is going to be subject to EU laws and regulations, to the EU's freedom of movement and will continue to pay for the EU. All matters that the UK currently has a say in as a member of the EU, all matters that the UK will have no say in once the UK leaves the EU.

The UK will have no control over the EU post Brexit but will be subject to the EU.

Brexit will deliver exactly that EU that Farage said we need to escape.

That's why he has sneaked off with his chum Boris.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

What have you done to help the UK in any way?

As for the insults you seem to think that you are better than he is.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

Nothing positive or constructive.

If you are ashamed to be English you could always apply to any EU country to live there, gain citizenship and then renounce your UK citizenship.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

I was a soldier too and most soldiers I still speak to are glad to have our country back, were you happy to be ruled by Brussels?

I don't fall into the category of "most soldiers" and have never been ruled by anyone.

Well it appears you've had a go at everyone now, feel better?

Had a go at 'everyone'? How so?

"I stopped reading at "Grow a pair". It's perhaps fortunate that we can't meet face to face as big or small you would in quick time find out how big a pair I have"

Do you think that threats are acceptable on this forum?

You think that is a threat? The written word isn't as powerful as the spoken is the point I was making. How can I threaten someone anonymous that I will never meet?! It's perfectly acceptable for you to insult me on this forum though? I've said some things to people in my time, but never insulted anyone if it couldn't be done in person. - Grow a pair?! Very low class.

quote "I've said some things to people in my time, but never insulted anyone if it couldn't be done in person."

When did you meet Nigel Farage and call him a scumbag in person to his face?

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The loudest screamers pinch their tails.

Now it comes the escape from the responsibility.

Instead to help cleaning up the mess at home, he prefers to run to Brussels, to pick up there his fat EU payment check for himself.

What a pubic crab.

This post is only worthy of a response to highlight the magnificent Intellectual superiority of some remainers.

Having resigned as Party Leader Farage is unemployed in the UK. He is however, still an elected MEP. So by running to Brussels he is actually doing what he is paid to do.

As he is not part of the UK sitting Government he will most likely have no part in the exit negotiations. Therefore he is not running away from anything.

The point you miss of course is UKIP are still around will play a part in the public debate over where the nation goes from now, that debate will play a part in the decisions parliament make (the decisions will be made by Parliament).

We non of us know which way the economy is going, the 'EU Deal' Farage promised, the new dawn of Britain Farage promised have not yet turned up, might never turn up. The freedom from EU laws and regulations, the return of control over the nation's boarders that Farage promised, these have not yet turned up, and might never turn up. The money redirected from the EU to the NHS, well we know now that was a lie.

Farage made lots of promises - UKIP are still around and when people start asking for delivery on the promises Farage will of course point to the 'people in power' and say 'they never delivered' - dodging the fact that he Farage made promises that cannot be met.

To maintain access to the EU, the UK is going to be subject to EU laws and regulations, to the EU's freedom of movement and will continue to pay for the EU. All matters that the UK currently has a say in as a member of the EU, all matters that the UK will have no say in once the UK leaves the EU.

The UK will have no control over the EU post Brexit but will be subject to the EU.

Brexit will deliver exactly that EU that Farage said we need to escape.

That's why he has sneaked off with his chum Boris.

The point you miss is that my post is factually correct.

Whereas yours is nothing but speculation. Not one part of your post can currently be substantiated.

What public debate do you refer to ? I believe that the public has spoken in the form of voting to leave the EU and that will probably be the last of public input and the rest will be done by Politicians, Civil Servants and Legal Eagles.

Of course, if you know better, post a link so that we can ALL read about the upcoming public debate.

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I think a lot of leave voters casted their vote a bit like a '<deleted>-off' to David Cameron vote and that they donot really phantom as to what they have achieved, future will tell, I guess....

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

Yeah, he wants his life back....just not enough to give up the 100,000 euro a year gravy train he's on. Edited by edwinchester
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Go and see the family of Jo Cox and tell them the same thing face to face.

Of course threats are sometimes carried out but you cannot live your life in fear of them when you receive them. Politicians receive more because of the public profile and the controversial positions that affect people and some of those people are mentally unbalanced and some are deranged enough to try. Luckily that last group is in the minority and you can never be sure.

I have received death threats that fit in the second category, one of those potentially in the third category... but what are you going to do live your life in hiding?

Farage is very controversial and is the recipient of probably his share of vitriol and I highly doubt this is the first substantial threat that he has received. I doubt it is the real reason why he is living -- since he does not seem like the type of person that hides from it.

In the end it can happen to anyone -- warning or no warning -- but you have to take it in stride or you will end up driving yourself nuts.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

What have you done to help the UK in any way?

As for the insults you seem to think that you are better than he is.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

Nothing positive or constructive.

If you are ashamed to be English you could always apply to any EU country to live there, gain citizenship and then renounce your UK citizenship.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

And I spent 20 years in uniform and have in my time been rather more than a keyboard warrior. How about you? He has talked a lot in a similar time frame. He worked in the city, call that a "proper job"? I called him a scumbag - that's singular, I don't recall the plural? I don't need life advice from you or anyone else, I'm not arrogant enough to do likewise. thank you.

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The loudest screamers pinch their tails.

Now it comes the escape from the responsibility.

Instead to help cleaning up the mess at home, he prefers to run to Brussels, to pick up there his fat EU payment check for himself.

What a pubic crab.

This post is only worthy of a response to highlight the magnificent Intellectual superiority of some remainers.

Having resigned as Party Leader Farage is unemployed in the UK. He is however, still an elected MEP. So by running to Brussels he is actually doing what he is paid to do.

As he is not part of the UK sitting Government he will most likely have no part in the exit negotiations. Therefore he is not running away from anything.

The point you miss of course is UKIP are still around will play a part in the public debate over where the nation goes from now, that debate will play a part in the decisions parliament make (the decisions will be made by Parliament).

We non of us know which way the economy is going, the 'EU Deal' Farage promised, the new dawn of Britain Farage promised have not yet turned up, might never turn up. The freedom from EU laws and regulations, the return of control over the nation's boarders that Farage promised, these have not yet turned up, and might never turn up. The money redirected from the EU to the NHS, well we know now that was a lie.

Farage made lots of promises - UKIP are still around and when people start asking for delivery on the promises Farage will of course point to the 'people in power' and say 'they never delivered' - dodging the fact that he Farage made promises that cannot be met.

To maintain access to the EU, the UK is going to be subject to EU laws and regulations, to the EU's freedom of movement and will continue to pay for the EU. All matters that the UK currently has a say in as a member of the EU, all matters that the UK will have no say in once the UK leaves the EU.

The UK will have no control over the EU post Brexit but will be subject to the EU.

Brexit will deliver exactly that EU that Farage said we need to escape.

That's why he has sneaked off with his chum Boris.

The point you miss is that my post is factually correct.

Whereas yours is nothing but speculation. Not one part of your post can currently be substantiated.

What public debate do you refer to ? I believe that the public has spoken in the form of voting to leave the EU and that will probably be the last of public input and the rest will be done by Politicians, Civil Servants and Legal Eagles.

Of course, if you know better, post a link so that we can ALL read about the upcoming public debate.

I agree that the vast majority of GuestHouses's post is speculation.

He has a point thought insofar as the 'powers that be' are already doing their best to scuttle the referendum result, so perhaps it would have been better for Farage to stay in charge of UKIP? Obviously he has no power, but he is a well-known figure head.

There's obviously a lot going on 'behind the scenes' of which we are unaware - but I for one would have preferred it if he'd explained exactly why he felt the need to quit.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

What have you done to help the UK in any way?

As for the insults you seem to think that you are better than he is.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

Nothing positive or constructive.

If you are ashamed to be English you could always apply to any EU country to live there, gain citizenship and then renounce your UK citizenship.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

And I spent 20 years in uniform and have in my time been rather more than a keyboard warrior. How about you? He has talked a lot in a similar time frame. He worked in the city, call that a "proper job"? I called him a scumbag - that's singular, I don't recall the plural? I don't need life advice from you or anyone else, I'm not arrogant enough to do likewise. thank you.

I'm one of the few who have no immediate respect (rather the opposite) for those voluntarily 'in uniform'.

But I agree with your comment about him having worked in the City - that isn't something I immediately respect either.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

Yeah, he wants his life back....just not enough to give up the 100,000 euro a year gravy train he's on.

Well he just voted his self off the EU gravy train

Your logic is illogical

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The point you miss of course is UKIP are still around will play a part in the public debate over where the nation goes from now, that debate will play a part in the decisions parliament make (the decisions will be made by Parliament).

We non of us know which way the economy is going, the 'EU Deal' Farage promised, the new dawn of Britain Farage promised have not yet turned up, might never turn up. The freedom from EU laws and regulations, the return of control over the nation's boarders that Farage promised, these have not yet turned up, and might never turn up. The money redirected from the EU to the NHS, well we know now that was a lie.

Farage made lots of promises - UKIP are still around and when people start asking for delivery on the promises Farage will of course point to the 'people in power' and say 'they never delivered' - dodging the fact that he Farage made promises that cannot be met.

To maintain access to the EU, the UK is going to be subject to EU laws and regulations, to the EU's freedom of movement and will continue to pay for the EU. All matters that the UK currently has a say in as a member of the EU, all matters that the UK will have no say in once the UK leaves the EU.

The UK will have no control over the EU post Brexit but will be subject to the EU.

Brexit will deliver exactly that EU that Farage said we need to escape.

That's why he has sneaked off with his chum Boris.

The point you miss is that my post is factually correct.

Whereas yours is nothing but speculation. Not one part of your post can currently be substantiated.

What public debate do you refer to ? I believe that the public has spoken in the form of voting to leave the EU and that will probably be the last of public input and the rest will be done by Politicians, Civil Servants and Legal Eagles.

Of course, if you know better, post a link so that we can ALL read about the upcoming public debate.

I agree that the vast majority of GuestHouses's post is speculation.

He has a point thought insofar as the 'powers that be' are already doing their best to scuttle the referendum result, so perhaps it would have been better for Farage to stay in charge of UKIP? Obviously he has no power, but he is a well-known figure head.

There's obviously a lot going on 'behind the scenes' of which we are unaware - but I for one would have preferred it if he'd explained exactly why he felt the need to quit.

I do not think I can agree with '' the powers that be '' are doing their best to scuttle the referendum result. There are no current powers that be in the UK and there will not be one until someone takes over the reigns of the Tory Party.

Of course there are talks going on behind the scenes, only a damn fool would think otherwise. I doubt that Farage remaining in charge of UKIP will have any effect one way or another. As he is not an MP it is unlikely that he will be invited to any nitty gritty talks, I think the best he can hope for is as a provider of advice on EU matters.

I think he explained himself, and reasons quite well in his resignation speech yesterday. Like everything else, people will read into it whatever they want.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

What have you done to help the UK in any way?

As for the insults you seem to think that you are better than he is.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

Nothing positive or constructive.

If you are ashamed to be English you could always apply to any EU country to live there, gain citizenship and then renounce your UK citizenship.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

And I spent 20 years in uniform and have in my time been rather more than a keyboard warrior. How about you? He has talked a lot in a similar time frame. He worked in the city, call that a "proper job"? I called him a scumbag - that's singular, I don't recall the plural? I don't need life advice from you or anyone else, I'm not arrogant enough to do likewise. thank you.

I don't suppose that 25 years in the RAF would count with you. A further 5 years with the Home Office, 11 years with Motorola in the UK and overseas and a further 10 years building mobile phone networks in 20 odd countries around the world.

Of course working in the city is a proper job. Why would it not be?

I am sure that you don't need advice from anyone else because you wouldn't listen to it anyway.

The difference between you and I is that I try not to insult people whether I know them or not.

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The point you miss of course is UKIP are still around will play a part in the public debate over where the nation goes from now, that debate will play a part in the decisions parliament make (the decisions will be made by Parliament).

We non of us know which way the economy is going, the 'EU Deal' Farage promised, the new dawn of Britain Farage promised have not yet turned up, might never turn up. The freedom from EU laws and regulations, the return of control over the nation's boarders that Farage promised, these have not yet turned up, and might never turn up. The money redirected from the EU to the NHS, well we know now that was a lie.

Farage made lots of promises - UKIP are still around and when people start asking for delivery on the promises Farage will of course point to the 'people in power' and say 'they never delivered' - dodging the fact that he Farage made promises that cannot be met.

To maintain access to the EU, the UK is going to be subject to EU laws and regulations, to the EU's freedom of movement and will continue to pay for the EU. All matters that the UK currently has a say in as a member of the EU, all matters that the UK will have no say in once the UK leaves the EU.

The UK will have no control over the EU post Brexit but will be subject to the EU.

Brexit will deliver exactly that EU that Farage said we need to escape.

That's why he has sneaked off with his chum Boris.

The point you miss is that my post is factually correct.

Whereas yours is nothing but speculation. Not one part of your post can currently be substantiated.

What public debate do you refer to ? I believe that the public has spoken in the form of voting to leave the EU and that will probably be the last of public input and the rest will be done by Politicians, Civil Servants and Legal Eagles.

Of course, if you know better, post a link so that we can ALL read about the upcoming public debate.

I agree that the vast majority of GuestHouses's post is speculation.

He has a point thought insofar as the 'powers that be' are already doing their best to scuttle the referendum result, so perhaps it would have been better for Farage to stay in charge of UKIP? Obviously he has no power, but he is a well-known figure head.

There's obviously a lot going on 'behind the scenes' of which we are unaware - but I for one would have preferred it if he'd explained exactly why he felt the need to quit.

I do not think I can agree with '' the powers that be '' are doing their best to scuttle the referendum result. There are no current powers that be in the UK and there will not be one until someone takes over the reigns of the Tory Party.

Of course there are talks going on behind the scenes, only a damn fool would think otherwise. I doubt that Farage remaining in charge of UKIP will have any effect one way or another. As he is not an MP it is unlikely that he will be invited to any nitty gritty talks, I think the best he can hope for is as a provider of advice on EU matters.

I think he explained himself, and reasons quite well in his resignation speech yesterday. Like everything else, people will read into it whatever they want.

I gather a legal challenge is being mounted to thwart the vote - led by big business?

I haven't seen Farage's speech, do you have a link so that I can listen to his speech?

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

What have you done to help the UK in any way?

As for the insults you seem to think that you are better than he is.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

Nothing positive or constructive.

If you are ashamed to be English you could always apply to any EU country to live there, gain citizenship and then renounce your UK citizenship.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

And I spent 20 years in uniform and have in my time been rather more than a keyboard warrior. How about you? He has talked a lot in a similar time frame. He worked in the city, call that a "proper job"? I called him a scumbag - that's singular, I don't recall the plural? I don't need life advice from you or anyone else, I'm not arrogant enough to do likewise. thank you.

I don't suppose that 25 years in the RAF would count with you. A further 5 years with the Home Office, 11 years with Motorola in the UK and overseas and a further 10 years building mobile phone networks in 20 odd countries around the world.

Of course working in the city is a proper job. Why would it not be?

I am sure that you don't need advice from anyone else because you wouldn't listen to it anyway.

The difference between you and I is that I try not to insult people whether I know them or not.

I wish you two would stop your pissing contest about time served 'in uniform'. Not all of us are impressed by this.

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You can hardly blame him for resigning after what happened to Jo Cox. It only needs one mentally ill remainer to get close to him. He had already increased his personal protection, so can understand wanting to get back to a normal life.

Personally, I think the country owes him a debt of thanks for his part in bringing the whole EU farce to a head.

Apparently, death threats against him were a major factor in his decision.

Well done Nige, didn't agree with everything you said, but we wouldn't have had a referendum if not for you.

Oh yes thank you so much Nigel for causing the pound to collapse and my pension from England to stop,a very big thank you really.

You must be the only one,whose pension has stopped. If not grow a pair.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

What have you done to help the UK in any way?

As for the insults you seem to think that you are better than he is.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

Nothing positive or constructive.

If you are ashamed to be English you could always apply to any EU country to live there, gain citizenship and then renounce your UK citizenship.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

And I spent 20 years in uniform and have in my time been rather more than a keyboard warrior. How about you? He has talked a lot in a similar time frame. He worked in the city, call that a "proper job"? I called him a scumbag - that's singular, I don't recall the plural? I don't need life advice from you or anyone else, I'm not arrogant enough to do likewise. thank you.

I'm one of the few who have no immediate respect (rather the opposite) for those voluntarily 'in uniform'.

But I agree with your comment about him having worked in the City - that isn't something I immediately respect either.

I'm one of the few who have no immediate respect (rather the opposite) for those voluntarily 'in uniform'.

A few now, all too many in my time when we were referred to as Squaddie bastards. Kipling was right - "It's Tommy this and Tommy that and Tommy go away, but than you Mr Atkins when the band begins to play", just as it did when I was sent to the Falklands.

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I hope you're not saying that I'm that way?

Personally, I think those who volunteer for 'service' cannot complain when they get sent to 'war' zones - apart from the fact that those 'war' zones are declared as such by the brit. govt.....

And no, I didn't applaud the Falklands war in much the same way that I haven't applauded any 'war' during my lifetime.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

Yeah, he wants his life back....just not enough to give up the 100,000 euro a year gravy train he's on.

Well he just voted his self off the EU gravy train

Your logic is illogical

Far from it. He's on the gravy train, he professes to despise, until he resigns. Brexit is several years away so a nice little earner for him, all on the taxpayer of course.

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Be serious friend
The fall of the pound in a year exacement is 14.82% and it is not finished.

This is brilliant happy Joe.

I do not think many Brits living in Thailand are too concerned about the £ - US$ rate.

They will be concerned about the £ - Thai Baht rate.

Which at the moment has lost about 5 Baht to the £. Or for every £1000 a loss of 5000 Baht. The equivalent of a Saturday session.

A Saturday session of what?


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Although the shock of brexit brought it to a head.

The markets weren't happy, but they've since pretty much stabilised as they've gone into 'pause' mode . Going back to the OP.

Edit - having left the thread I've realised it wasn't the 'markets stabilising' thread - its the Farage quits thread!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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