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UK Independence Party chief Nigel Farage quits


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Farage said he would retain his seat in the European Parliament to see out the negotiations for Britain's exit from the EU. He defended his taunting of other lawmakers in the chamber last week, arguing he wanted Britain's voice to be heard.

I rather think all negotiations will be between Heads of States and their ministers, I doubt MEP's will have much say at all, let alone a small group of misfits.

It is guaranteed now that it will be between MPs and other governments..... because they have been told by those in the leave campaign that it is now their job..... we don't want to commit to anything.... and are bugging out while the time is good. And as far as I am concerned a lot of people who are leave supporters really deserve this... because they are not holding those that were in charge of leave to walk away.... so if you end up Norway with exactly the same deal but without a say in the EU and it called a negotiated agreement to leave.... that is what you now deserve.

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I rather think all negotiations will be between Heads of States and their ministers, I doubt MEP's will have much say at all, let alone a small group of misfits.

It is guaranteed now that it will be between MPs and other governments..... because they have been told by those in the leave campaign that it is now their job..... we don't want to commit to anything.... and are bugging out while the time is good. And as far as I am concerned a lot of people who are leave supporters really deserve this... because they are not holding those that were in charge of leave to walk away.... so if you end up Norway with exactly the same deal but without a say in the EU and it called a negotiated agreement to leave.... that is what you now deserve.

Do you have a crystal ball ? Are you party to secret negotiations ?

It is the sitting Governments job to deal with the EU negotiations. No-one else.

As a Canuck somewhere in deep Nova Scotia why are you all over these Brexit threads like a bad rash ?

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Do you have a crystal ball ? Are you party to secret negotiations ?

It is the sitting Governments job to deal with the EU negotiations. No-one else.

As a Canuck somewhere in deep Nova Scotia why are you all over these Brexit threads like a bad rash ?

Actually Vietnam this week. And I have indicated why it was of interest to me in the past, and I am if anything opinionated and my opinions ruffle feathers on both sides...

I just do not suffer idiots well, and right now a there are lots on both sides. On the leave side it is walking away from a battle after you have taken a hill... then turn your backs and bug out. Using a military metaphore that seems to be popular right now.... only leads to dead bodies on the battlefield for no gain because their leadership has abandoned them there...

The vote was leave and you have a majority seemingly in the leave campaign trying to lose the war.... and those that let them deserve what they get just like those that failed to vote.

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Farage said he would retain his seat in the European Parliament to see out the negotiations for Britain's exit from the EU. He defended his taunting of other lawmakers in the chamber last week, arguing he wanted Britain's voice to be heard.

I rather think all negotiations will be between Heads of States and their ministers, I doubt MEP's will have much say at all, let alone a small group of misfits.

It is guaranteed now that it will be between MPs and other governments..... because they have been told by those in the leave campaign that it is now their job..... we don't want to commit to anything.... and are bugging out while the time is good. And as far as I am concerned a lot of people who are leave supporters really deserve this... because they are not holding those that were in charge of leave to walk away.... so if you end up Norway with exactly the same deal but without a say in the EU and it called a negotiated agreement to leave.... that is what you now deserve.


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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I don't think you're in the minority. UKIPs performance at elections is shabby to say the least. I don't even think the large Brexit vote had much to do with Farage as basically he's seen as a fool. His performance during the campaign, particularly the shocking "Nazi" poster, has generally been decried even by the Brexit lot. British politics will be far better off without him.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I don't think you're in the minority. UKIPs performance at elections is shabby to say the least. I don't even think the large Brexit vote had much to do with Farage as basically he's seen as a fool. His performance during the campaign, particularly the shocking "Nazi" poster, has generally been decried even by the Brexit lot. British politics will be far better off without him.

4m votes is not that shabby.

British politics will be better off BECAUSE of him................... ironic really.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I don't think you're in the minority. UKIPs performance at elections is shabby to say the least. I don't even think the large Brexit vote had much to do with Farage as basically he's seen as a fool. His performance during the campaign, particularly the shocking "Nazi" poster, has generally been decried even by the Brexit lot. British politics will be far better off without him.

4m votes is not that shabby.

British politics will be better off BECAUSE of him................... ironic really.

Quite right, 4 million votes and 1 seat at Westminster and the SNP 1.5 million and 56 seats, I shake my head.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I don't think you're in the minority. UKIPs performance at elections is shabby to say the least. I don't even think the large Brexit vote had much to do with Farage as basically he's seen as a fool. His performance during the campaign, particularly the shocking "Nazi" poster, has generally been decried even by the Brexit lot. British politics will be far better off without him.

4m votes is not that shabby.

British politics will be better off BECAUSE of him................... ironic really.

Quite right, 4 million votes and 1 seat at Westminster and the SNP 1.5 million and 56 seats, I shake my head.


Best not get started on proportional representation ...........................

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

This is not a sticks and stones argument freebyrd - and using your previous employment as a soldier to defend your position is ................ indefensible.

You voted REMAIN, you lost. Grow a pair and get over it. We need to work together now for the prosperity of the UK.

Calling Farage, or anyone else who was instrumental in getting us out of the EU, is pointless and childish. He was no more, and no less, a scumbag than the deceitful and inept Cameron.

Where OUR country has a great track record is in working together to make a success of things. I suggest you embrace that and put your energies into the future of a UK without the constraints of the EU.

I stopped reading at "Grow a pair". It's perhaps fortunate that we can't meet face to face as big or small you would in quick time find out how big a pair I have. I said nothing insulting to you, but you stooped to this. I will be happy in the fact that I can live my life without people like you in it.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

Bitter & twisted, much? We are known for being independently minded and creative; being shackled and dictated to is stifling and dishonours the real heroes that fought for Britain in the great wars. Your moniker, freebyrd?, doesn't become you... think about it.

Free to express my own opinion, even if it doesn't agree with yours.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

I was a soldier too and most soldiers I still speak to are glad to have our country back, were you happy to be ruled by Brussels?

I don't fall into the category of "most soldiers" and have never been ruled by anyone.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

Bitter & twisted, much? We are known for being independently minded and creative; being shackled and dictated to is stifling and dishonours the real heroes that fought for Britain in the great wars. Your moniker, freebyrd?, doesn't become you... think about it.

Free to express my own opinion, even if it doesn't agree with yours.

Of course - always. It would be a poorer world if we all shared the same opinion.

Still no reason to call Farage a scum bag. If you don't like him, that is fair enough, but I doubt you have any valid reason to accuse him of being a scumbag.

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Do you have a crystal ball ? Are you party to secret negotiations ?

It is the sitting Governments job to deal with the EU negotiations. No-one else.

As a Canuck somewhere in deep Nova Scotia why are you all over these Brexit threads like a bad rash ?

Actually Vietnam this week. And I have indicated why it was of interest to me in the past, and I am if anything opinionated and my opinions ruffle feathers on both sides...

I just do not suffer idiots well, and right now a there are lots on both sides. On the leave side it is walking away from a battle after you have taken a hill... then turn your backs and bug out. Using a military metaphore that seems to be popular right now.... only leads to dead bodies on the battlefield for no gain because their leadership has abandoned them there...

The vote was leave and you have a majority seemingly in the leave campaign trying to lose the war.... and those that let them deserve what they get just like those that failed to vote.

Let me put your little Canadian mind at rest.

It was the sitting Government ( Cameron ) who offered the referendum. Cameron being the PM is the one who supposedly wields the power.

By offering a referendum in the first place, it was up to the sitting Government to have a plan in place to cover both eventualities. They failed miserably, not only did they fail miserably, but they also showed their utter contempt for the electorate by refusing to believe that there was any other outcome other than remain.

Not only did Cameron say outright that regardless of the result of the referendum he would stay and lead the Government. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Did not even last 48 hours.

Johnson on the other hand, is nothing more than a constituent MP who decided to lead the OUT camp. That was all he was doing leading the OUT camp. He had no authority as an MP to do anything else.

Farage was not even part of the official OUT camp, he was a sideshow and as such had even less authority than Johnson.

The leave side were doing nothing more than running a campaign, they had / have no authority to do anything else.

The people who have made a complete balls of it are the sitting Government. NO ONE ELSE.

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The vote was leave and you have a majority seemingly in the leave campaign trying to lose the war.... and those that let them deserve what they get just like those that failed to vote.

I think you are confused about how British politics works.

The people voted Leave - it is now over to the Government to deal with that instruction and implement it. It is out of the voters' hands from here on in. If politicians are "trying to lose the war", there is essentially nothing the voters can do, especially since Parliament can, if it wants, simply ignore the Leave result.

If the politicians subsequently bungle Brexit through either malice or incompetence, it is hardly fair to say that the Leave voters "deserve" that..

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

Bitter & twisted, much? We are known for being independently minded and creative; being shackled and dictated to is stifling and dishonours the real heroes that fought for Britain in the great wars. Your moniker, freebyrd?, doesn't become you... think about it.

Free to express my own opinion, even if it doesn't agree with yours.

Of course - always. It would be a poorer world if we all shared the same opinion.

Still no reason to call Farage a scum bag. If you don't like him, that is fair enough, but I doubt you have any valid reason to accuse him of being a scumbag.

The 'Nazi' poster is reason enough.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

I was a soldier too and most soldiers I still speak to are glad to have our country back, were you happy to be ruled by Brussels?

I don't fall into the category of "most soldiers" and have never been ruled by anyone.

Well it appears you've had a go at everyone now, feel better?

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

I was a soldier too and most soldiers I still speak to are glad to have our country back, were you happy to be ruled by Brussels?

I don't fall into the category of "most soldiers" and have never been ruled by anyone.

Well it appears you've had a go at everyone now, feel better?

Had a go at 'everyone'? How so?

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I don't think you're in the minority. UKIPs performance at elections is shabby to say the least. I don't even think the large Brexit vote had much to do with Farage as basically he's seen as a fool. His performance during the campaign, particularly the shocking "Nazi" poster, has generally been decried even by the Brexit lot. British politics will be far better off without him.

4m votes is not that shabby.

British politics will be better off BECAUSE of him................... ironic really.

Quite right, 4 million votes and 1 seat at Westminster and the SNP 1.5 million and 56 seats, I shake my head.

Why should you shake your head it reflects the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the British people who were given the opportunity to change the system and voted more than two to one against and to retain the first past the post system. It appears that there isn't much shaking of the head when its a wafer thin majority. The UKIP representation in Parliament is in accord with that expressed decision.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

I was a soldier too and most soldiers I still speak to are glad to have our country back, were you happy to be ruled by Brussels?

I don't fall into the category of "most soldiers" and have never been ruled by anyone.

Well it appears you've had a go at everyone now, feel better?

Had a go at 'everyone'? How so?

"I stopped reading at "Grow a pair". It's perhaps fortunate that we can't meet face to face as big or small you would in quick time find out how big a pair I have"

Do you think that threats are acceptable on this forum?

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

You're not alone freebyrd. Talk about rats leaving the sinking ship - a classic example along with nut-case Johnson

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I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

This is not a sticks and stones argument freebyrd - and using your previous employment as a soldier to defend your position is ................ indefensible.

You voted REMAIN, you lost. Grow a pair and get over it. We need to work together now for the prosperity of the UK.

Calling Farage, or anyone else who was instrumental in getting us out of the EU, is pointless and childish. He was no more, and no less, a scumbag than the deceitful and inept Cameron.

Where OUR country has a great track record is in working together to make a success of things. I suggest you embrace that and put your energies into the future of a UK without the constraints of the EU.

I stopped reading at "Grow a pair". It's perhaps fortunate that we can't meet face to face as big or small you would in quick time find out how big a pair I have. I said nothing insulting to you, but you stooped to this. I will be happy in the fact that I can live my life without people like you in it.


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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

I was a soldier too and most soldiers I still speak to are glad to have our country back, were you happy to be ruled by Brussels?

I don't fall into the category of "most soldiers" and have never been ruled by anyone.

Well it appears you've had a go at everyone now, feel better?

Had a go at 'everyone'? How so?

"I stopped reading at "Grow a pair". It's perhaps fortunate that we can't meet face to face as big or small you would in quick time find out how big a pair I have"

Do you think that threats are acceptable on this forum?

You think that is a threat? The written word isn't as powerful as the spoken is the point I was making. How can I threaten someone anonymous that I will never meet?! It's perfectly acceptable for you to insult me on this forum though? I've said some things to people in my time, but never insulted anyone if it couldn't be done in person. - Grow a pair?! Very low class.

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You can hardly blame him for resigning after what happened to Jo Cox. It only needs one mentally ill remainer to get close to him. He had already increased his personal protection, so can understand wanting to get back to a normal life.

Personally, I think the country owes him a debt of thanks for his part in bringing the whole EU farce to a head.

Quite....what had become very apparant over this whole Brexit thing is the so called "remainers" are anti-democracic facists and as fanactical in their beliefs akin to the national socalists in 1930s Germany

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The loudest screamers pinch their tails.
Now it comes the escape from the responsibility.

Instead to help cleaning up the mess at home, he prefers to run to Brussels, to pick up there his fat EU payment check for himself.
What a pubic

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

Bitter & twisted, much? We are known for being independently minded and creative; being shackled and dictated to is stifling and dishonours the real heroes that fought for Britain in the great wars. Your moniker, freebyrd?, doesn't become you... think about it.

Free to express my own opinion, even if it doesn't agree with yours.

Of course - always. It would be a poorer world if we all shared the same opinion.

Still no reason to call Farage a scum bag. If you don't like him, that is fair enough, but I doubt you have any valid reason to accuse him of being a scumbag.

The 'Nazi' poster is reason enough.

The photo used for the poster was printed in the Telegraph!

Strange that there was no outcry then, Maybe it was the slogan " the EU has failed us all that so enrages you?

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The loudest screamers pinch their tails.

Now it comes the escape from the responsibility.

Instead to help cleaning up the mess at home, he prefers to run to Brussels, to pick up there his fat EU payment check for himself.

What a pubic crab.

This post is only worthy of a response to highlight the magnificent Intellectual superiority of some remainers.

Having resigned as Party Leader Farage is unemployed in the UK. He is however, still an elected MEP. So by running to Brussels he is actually doing what he is paid to do.

As he is not part of the UK sitting Government he will most likely have no part in the exit negotiations. Therefore he is not running away from anything.

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Best leader of a party since Thatcher, statesman and not like most of them just in it for themselves.

Best leader of a party ? You've got to be kidding, UKIP's sole Westminster MP openly dislikes him as do many other senior members of the party. One of their biggest donors has openly stated he wants to re-create the party without Farage being a part of it. How many times has he resigned from leading the party prior to this occasion?

Statesman ? Again, the facts don't bear this out at all. He has one of the worst voting and attendance records at the EU parliament while pocketing a fat EU pay cheque. He certainly doesn't represent the interests of the voters who've elected him.

He'll find a well paid career in the media, probably as a columnist for News International (he seems to be a big friend of Murdoch) or do public speaking/PR work.

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