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Beijing begins military exercise in South China Sea


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Plus, sending in military men without identifying clothing would be similar to China's tactic of sending ships clandestinely outfitted with military-type gadgets - to cruise around the disputed region. Additionally, those 'trojan horse' pseudo fishing vessels never seem to be far from actual Chinese naval vessels. The proof; when one gets in trouble, supporting military vessels are quickly on the scene to offer armed resistance, as happened recently, north of Indonesia.

Wave of the future already here: Chinese fishing ships always accompanied by Chinese warships, as they go everywhere to fish the last remnants. Just one species, sharks, are having a tough time because Chinese consumers are crazy about shark fins. Cut off the fin and dump the shark overboard to die a slow death. Just one of dozens of beautiful beasts which are being harvested brusquely - to feed the bottomless pit of Chinese appetites.

I just watched a show where an American team of oceanographers went to dive at "The Coral Sea" (NE of Australia). When they got in the water there, it all looked like a graveyard. There is a whole shitload of destruction happening in the seas. But 99% of people give it little mind, because they don't see under the surface. We don't see the turtles choking on plastic bags, or the whales tangled in discarded fishing nets. Out of sight, out of mind. What is China doing to try to lessen that? From all appearances: NOTHING. Every indication shows they're exacerbating such problems.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Just another article before my flight takes off....have a read boomer....same scenario ? We have been asking the Central committee not to follow USA bad habits....hopefully we will get a breakthrough soon..

There are probably a ton more examples in Clinton's email server...ask Comrade P ...he is rooting for her to be the next POTUS...maybe they talk to each other via her private email ;-P

An Earlier War of Aggression: USA vs Nicaragua

During the 1980s the US funded, trained and supplied weapons to the Contra rebels fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Nicaragua took the situation to the World Court, claiming the US was in violation of international law which prohibits countries from financing military forces to attack another country. On June 27, 1986 the International Court at the Hague issued its legal ruling:

Decision of the International Court at the Hague

Decides that the United States of America, by training, arming, equipping, financing and supplying the contra forces or otherwise encouraging, supporting and aiding military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua, has acted, against the Republic of Nicaragua, in breach of its obligation under customary international law not to intervene in the affairs of another State.

By training, arming, equipping, financing and supplying the military rebel groups waging war against the Damascus government, the US and friends are committing the same crime that the USA did in the 1980s.

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Aren't' they like Thailand...they have a hand-me-down Russian aircraft carrier with no planes? cheesy.gif

they also have a billion or so people who would turn kamikaze at the drop of a hat!.......adds a little something to an inferior few ships!..

keep in mind the US has not won a war since ww2..........

United States has not fought an air-sea war in an ocean or sea since, well, World War 2.

CCP are not the Taliban in Aftghanistan, nor are CCP al Queda here or there, and CCP are not ISIS in the vast and miserable desert where lunatics of all three major theistic religions slaughter one another endlessly and since the beginning of time.

This is China in the South China Sea where Asean countries have 131,000 km of shore with the Sea while CCP has 1300 km of it. It's the East China Sea opposite Japan, and it's the Indian Ocean which Xi Jinping told the India PM last year "is not Indian."

Th CCP attitude of what's China is China's and what's yours is China's isn't real if it ever was real. This is an air-sea and undersea contest soon to be a confrontation -- a confrontation due to a completely wrongheaded attitude and systems of ancient beliefs and petrified values in Beijing.

CCP, the neighbor from hell.

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Plus, sending in military men without identifying clothing would be similar to China's tactic of sending ships clandestinely outfitted with military-type gadgets - to cruise around the disputed region. Additionally, those 'trojan horse' pseudo fishing vessels never seem to be far from actual Chinese naval vessels. The proof; when one gets in trouble, supporting military vessels are quickly on the scene to offer armed resistance, as happened recently, north of Indonesia.

Wave of the future already here: Chinese fishing ships always accompanied by Chinese warships, as they go everywhere to fish the last remnants. Just one species, sharks, are having a tough time because Chinese consumers are crazy about shark fins. Cut off the fin and dump the shark overboard to die a slow death. Just one of dozens of beautiful beasts which are being harvested brusquely - to feed the bottomless pit of Chinese appetites.

I just watched a show where an American team of oceanographers went to dive at "The Coral Sea" (NE of Australia). When they got in the water there, it all looked like a graveyard. There is a whole shitload of destruction happening in the seas. But 99% of people give it little mind, because they don't see under the surface. We don't see the turtles choking on plastic bags, or the whales tangled in discarded fishing nets. Out of sight, out of mind. What is China doing to try to lessen that? From all appearances: NOTHING. Every indication shows they're exacerbating such problems.

read the article and see if any of your friends are there...Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South America, America are the biggest users of shark meat. We don't eat them....sharks fin has been off menus from hotels with President Xi recent drive against big banquets....try to keep up. The consumption has gone way down. In the last 16 banquets I went to ....only one had them on the menu...try asking HK to stop eating as well as they like to pretend they are not Chinese but trade heavily in sharks fin with Guangzhou...something I never understood.


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Aren't' they like Thailand...they have a hand-me-down Russian aircraft carrier with no planes? cheesy.gif

they also have a billion or so people who would turn kamikaze at the drop of a hat!.......adds a little something to an inferior few ships!..

keep in mind the US has not won a war since ww2..........

United States has not fought an air-sea war in an ocean or sea since, well, World War 2.

CCP are not the Taliban in Aftghanistan, nor are CCP al Queda here or there, and CCP are not ISIS in the vast and miserable desert where lunatics of all three major theistic religions slaughter one another endlessly and since the beginning of time.

This is China in the South China Sea where Asean countries have 131,000 km of shore with the Sea while CCP has 1300 km of it. It's the East China Sea opposite Japan, and it's the Indian Ocean which Xi Jinping told the India PM last year "is not Indian."

Th CCP attitude of what's China is China's and what's yours is China's isn't real if it ever was real. This is an air-sea and undersea contest soon to be a confrontation -- a confrontation due to a completely wrongheaded attitude and systems of ancient beliefs and petrified values in Beijing.

CCP, the neighbor from hell.

Take a poll from the middle eastern countries USA has meddled in and see how popular a neighbour you are.....results may well shock you :-)

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Just another article before my flight takes off....have a read boomer....same scenario ? We have been asking the Central committee not to follow USA bad habits....hopefully we will get a breakthrough soon..

There are probably a ton more examples in Clinton's email server...ask Comrade P ...he is rooting for her to be the next POTUS...maybe they talk to each other via her private email ;-P

An Earlier War of Aggression: USA vs Nicaragua

During the 1980s the US funded, trained and supplied weapons to the Contra rebels fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Nicaragua took the situation to the World Court, claiming the US was in violation of international law which prohibits countries from financing military forces to attack another country. On June 27, 1986 the International Court at the Hague issued its legal ruling:

Decision of the International Court at the Hague

Decides that the United States of America, by training, arming, equipping, financing and supplying the contra forces or otherwise encouraging, supporting and aiding military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua, has acted, against the Republic of Nicaragua, in breach of its obligation under customary international law not to intervene in the affairs of another State.

By training, arming, equipping, financing and supplying the military rebel groups waging war against the Damascus government, the US and friends are committing the same crime that the USA did in the 1980s.

Americans will be the first to agree that their past governments have made grave mistakes. One difference, though: regardless of conflicts (and their outcomes), Uncle Sam doesn't commandeer territory. Sure, the US pushes its weight around re; replacing dictators, commandeering markets (Chiquita in Latin America, for example), poisoning places, selling weapons.

The difference with SCS problem is: China is claiming territory which is not theirs. If China were just dealing on corporate/economic levels, then their interference would be fathomable.

Let's be frank: The main reason China is farting around in the SCS is because it wants to suck the oil out of the ground. Deal with oil franchises, ok. But don't go blundering in and claiming to own the place.

Dutarte is a wild card, similar to Trump. He may shout about being patriotic one day, but that same evening he could make a deal to sell oil franchises to China. Whatever he does, it will be blundering, and (like Trump) he can always justify it. Even if he sold Palawan to the Chinese, he could justify it in his own mind. Macho bluster got him into office, and macho bluster will be his modus for governing. I wouldn't trust him with walking my dogs around the block.

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Plus, sending in military men without identifying clothing would be similar to China's tactic of sending ships clandestinely outfitted with military-type gadgets - to cruise around the disputed region. Additionally, those 'trojan horse' pseudo fishing vessels never seem to be far from actual Chinese naval vessels. The proof; when one gets in trouble, supporting military vessels are quickly on the scene to offer armed resistance, as happened recently, north of Indonesia.

Wave of the future already here: Chinese fishing ships always accompanied by Chinese warships, as they go everywhere to fish the last remnants. Just one species, sharks, are having a tough time because Chinese consumers are crazy about shark fins. Cut off the fin and dump the shark overboard to die a slow death. Just one of dozens of beautiful beasts which are being harvested brusquely - to feed the bottomless pit of Chinese appetites.

I just watched a show where an American team of oceanographers went to dive at "The Coral Sea" (NE of Australia). When they got in the water there, it all looked like a graveyard. There is a whole shitload of destruction happening in the seas. But 99% of people give it little mind, because they don't see under the surface. We don't see the turtles choking on plastic bags, or the whales tangled in discarded fishing nets. Out of sight, out of mind. What is China doing to try to lessen that? From all appearances: NOTHING. Every indication shows they're exacerbating such problems.

read the article and see if any of your friends are there...Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South America, America are the biggest users of shark meat. We don't eat them....sharks fin has been off menus from hotels with President Xi recent drive against big banquets....try to keep up. The consumption has gone way down. In the last 16 banquets I went to ....only one had them on the menu...try asking HK to stop eating as well as they like to pretend they are not Chinese but trade heavily in sharks fin with Guangzhou...something I never understood.


Good to hear Xi is discouraging shark fin soup at banquets. A glimmer of positive news for a change. I know HK has been part of the problem in that regard. Same with Taiwan. They're all Chinese culture. Since change seems to come from the top-down in China, when will Xi declare that tiger products, rhino horns, and bear bile are off-the-menu? .....for everyone, not just banquets. If he does that, I'll send him $50 to get a decent haircut.

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Perhaps I'm alone in taking a dispassionate anthropological perspective of this, but what's happening is perfectly understandable.

Nations are arbitrary lines on a map, subject to change due to population pressures. The lines are even more arbitrary over the sea. China has a huge population and rapidly expanding economy. The South China Sea is a completely unutilised resource - the little nations around it have done nothing to develop it or defend their claim, and can't really afford to. China has the might and the money to do so.

Isn't there's an unwritten law of history that says unutilsed resources de facto belong to those able to develop them?

We have got used to the idea that history has stopped, the lines are now fixed, but the reality is that some parts are still in a state of flux. Yes, China is being thuggish - it's economic lebensraum for them - but movements on a historical scale never worry about that.

China has basically won this, and it's not worth going to war over so the rest of the world had better yield gently and learn the lesson: if you have a resource, utilise it before someone else does.

Edit: just to add: the Falkland Islands are a fairly comparable example.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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Plus, sending in military men without identifying clothing would be similar to China's tactic of sending ships clandestinely outfitted with military-type gadgets - to cruise around the disputed region. Additionally, those 'trojan horse' pseudo fishing vessels never seem to be far from actual Chinese naval vessels. The proof; when one gets in trouble, supporting military vessels are quickly on the scene to offer armed resistance, as happened recently, north of Indonesia.

Wave of the future already here: Chinese fishing ships always accompanied by Chinese warships, as they go everywhere to fish the last remnants. Just one species, sharks, are having a tough time because Chinese consumers are crazy about shark fins. Cut off the fin and dump the shark overboard to die a slow death. Just one of dozens of beautiful beasts which are being harvested brusquely - to feed the bottomless pit of Chinese appetites.

I just watched a show where an American team of oceanographers went to dive at "The Coral Sea" (NE of Australia). When they got in the water there, it all looked like a graveyard. There is a whole shitload of destruction happening in the seas. But 99% of people give it little mind, because they don't see under the surface. We don't see the turtles choking on plastic bags, or the whales tangled in discarded fishing nets. Out of sight, out of mind. What is China doing to try to lessen that? From all appearances: NOTHING. Every indication shows they're exacerbating such problems.

read the article and see if any of your friends are there...Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South America, America are the biggest users of shark meat. We don't eat them....sharks fin has been off menus from hotels with President Xi recent drive against big banquets....try to keep up. The consumption has gone way down. In the last 16 banquets I went to ....only one had them on the menu...try asking HK to stop eating as well as they like to pretend they are not Chinese but trade heavily in sharks fin with Guangzhou...something I never understood.


Good to hear Xi is discouraging shark fin soup at banquets. A glimmer of positive news for a change. I know HK has been part of the problem in that regard. Same with Taiwan. They're all Chinese culture. Since change seems to come from the top-down in China, when will Xi declare that tiger products, rhino horns, and bear bile are off-the-menu? .....for everyone, not just banquets. If he does that, I'll send him $50 to get a decent haircut.

You can send the $50 thru the we chat app.....we have not had that in the state banquets for about the last 5 years ...havent seen them...i'm from the south...we like our quality steam fish in soy sauce rather than any of these funny stuff. All the hotels thatI manage don't have any of this items in the menus....like I say...it's multi million deals something you may have to spend some time explaining to Comrade P who thinks we from the south are all merchants...

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Plus, sending in military men without identifying clothing would be similar to China's tactic of sending ships clandestinely outfitted with military-type gadgets - to cruise around the disputed region. Additionally, those 'trojan horse' pseudo fishing vessels never seem to be far from actual Chinese naval vessels. The proof; when one gets in trouble, supporting military vessels are quickly on the scene to offer armed resistance, as happened recently, north of Indonesia.

Wave of the future already here: Chinese fishing ships always accompanied by Chinese warships, as they go everywhere to fish the last remnants. Just one species, sharks, are having a tough time because Chinese consumers are crazy about shark fins. Cut off the fin and dump the shark overboard to die a slow death. Just one of dozens of beautiful beasts which are being harvested brusquely - to feed the bottomless pit of Chinese appetites.

I just watched a show where an American team of oceanographers went to dive at "The Coral Sea" (NE of Australia). When they got in the water there, it all looked like a graveyard. There is a whole shitload of destruction happening in the seas. But 99% of people give it little mind, because they don't see under the surface. We don't see the turtles choking on plastic bags, or the whales tangled in discarded fishing nets. Out of sight, out of mind. What is China doing to try to lessen that? From all appearances: NOTHING. Every indication shows they're exacerbating such problems.

read the article and see if any of your friends are there...Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South America, America are the biggest users of shark meat. We don't eat them....sharks fin has been off menus from hotels with President Xi recent drive against big banquets....try to keep up. The consumption has gone way down. In the last 16 banquets I went to ....only one had them on the menu...try asking HK to stop eating as well as they like to pretend they are not Chinese but trade heavily in sharks fin with Guangzhou...something I never understood.


Good to hear Xi is discouraging shark fin soup at banquets. A glimmer of positive news for a change. I know HK has been part of the problem in that regard. Same with Taiwan. They're all Chinese culture. Since change seems to come from the top-down in China, when will Xi declare that tiger products, rhino horns, and bear bile are off-the-menu? .....for everyone, not just banquets. If he does that, I'll send him $50 to get a decent haircut.

You can send the $50 thru the we chat app.....we have not had that in the state banquets for about the last 5 years ...havent seen them...i'm from the south...we like our quality steam fish in soy sauce rather than any of these funny stuff. All the hotels thatI manage don't have any of this items in the menus....like I say...it's multi million deals something you may have to spend some time explaining to Comrade P who thinks we from the south are all merchants...

What percentage of shark fins was bought by hotels? Any figures? If not, it's hard to know what to make of this fact.

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Just another article before my flight takes off....have a read boomer....same scenario ? We have been asking the Central committee not to follow USA bad habits....hopefully we will get a breakthrough soon..

There are probably a ton more examples in Clinton's email server...ask Comrade P ...he is rooting for her to be the next POTUS...maybe they talk to each other via her private email ;-P

An Earlier War of Aggression: USA vs Nicaragua

During the 1980s the US funded, trained and supplied weapons to the Contra rebels fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Nicaragua took the situation to the World Court, claiming the US was in violation of international law which prohibits countries from financing military forces to attack another country. On June 27, 1986 the International Court at the Hague issued its legal ruling:

Decision of the International Court at the Hague

Decides that the United States of America, by training, arming, equipping, financing and supplying the contra forces or otherwise encouraging, supporting and aiding military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua, has acted, against the Republic of Nicaragua, in breach of its obligation under customary international law not to intervene in the affairs of another State.

By training, arming, equipping, financing and supplying the military rebel groups waging war against the Damascus government, the US and friends are committing the same crime that the USA did in the 1980s.

Americans will be the first to agree that their past governments have made grave mistakes. One difference, though: regardless of conflicts (and their outcomes), Uncle Sam doesn't commandeer territory. Sure, the US pushes its weight around re; replacing dictators, commandeering markets (Chiquita in Latin America, for example), poisoning places, selling weapons.

The difference with SCS problem is: China is claiming territory which is not theirs. If China were just dealing on corporate/economic levels, then their interference would be fathomable.

Let's be frank: The main reason China is farting around in the SCS is because it wants to suck the oil out of the ground. Deal with oil franchises, ok. But don't go blundering in and claiming to own the place.

Dutarte is a wild card, similar to Trump. He may shout about being patriotic one day, but that same evening he could make a deal to sell oil franchises to China. Whatever he does, it will be blundering, and (like Trump) he can always justify it. Even if he sold Palawan to the Chinese, he could justify it in his own mind. Macho bluster got him into office, and macho bluster will be his modus for governing. I wouldn't trust him with walking my dogs around the block.

have a read on the WSJ journal article on this today...this happened in 1986, the USA boycotted most of the proceedings and when the ruling went against the USA, they went to the UN and refused to pay there $370 million awarded to Nicaragua.....They were eventually blocked by US congress in 1988. In the meantime, they used their perm seat to veto the UN resolution , ignored the passing by the UN General Assembly

They ultimately resolved the issue in 1991 with a new government who dropped the case in exchange for US Aid...

See the same pattern here ? We are asking the central government not to make the same mistake as eventually it's about trade and the PR nightmare is not worth it just as the USA lost a lot of credibility in the 80s and followed up with its blunder in the 90s with Iraq... and we as Asians cannot ask the west to understand our DNA....Philippines is a wild card and the amount of trade / deal is what this current president is after...I don't think the hollow victory of a hague ruling will help him...drove from Makati to NAIA lately ? the Chinese can help complete the highways there in 6 months if they strike a deal...somthing that will help the average Filipino go home faster instead of 2-3 hours they take to head home to their provinces after a work day in Makati.

If you feel this is unreal...head there and have a chat with the locals ....I have opened hotels there and this is one of the things that frustrates me to death that the govt should be able to do better than this ..this is crazy traveling by UV vans 4-5 hours daily for work !

Edited by LawrenceChee
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When was theist time you have been to a state banquet...you think they serve this food at the street sois ? The average 5* hotel in China pays 100-250k USD in seafood products monthly depending on how big their function rooms are and the banquet room size....use you trusty calculator....google agoda in guangzhou and filter by 5 star hotels and do your math....get a scale of the amount spent ? $50 can't get you any food in a Chines restaurant there unless you flip to the last 2 pages...noodles / rice & vegetables section an I am not being mean..this is just reality...when the manager sees you flipping the last 2 pages, you all get the junior waitress.

Edited by LawrenceChee
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When was theist time you have been to a state banquet...you think they serve this food at the street sois ? The average 5* hotel in China pays 100-250k USD in seafood products monthly depending on how big their function rooms are and the banquet room size....use you trusty calculator....google agoda in guangzhou and filter by 5 star hotels and do your math....get a scale of the amount spent ? $50 can't get you any food in a Chines restaurant there unless you flip to the last 2 pages...noodles / rice & vegetables section an I am not being mean..this is just reality...when the manager sees you flipping the last 2 pages, you all get the junior waitress.

So, you're saying that shark fin is mostly served only in hotels. I've only been to Beijing once, but I did see lots of expensive looking seafood restaurants that weren't in hotels. I guess they don't serve shark fin.

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Perhaps I'm alone in taking a dispassionate anthropological perspective of this, but what's happening is perfectly understandable.

Nations are arbitrary lines on a map, subject to change due to population pressures. The lines are even more arbitrary over the sea. China has a huge population and rapidly expanding economy. The South China Sea is a completely unutilised resource - the little nations around it have done nothing to develop it or defend their claim, and can't really afford to. China has the might and the money to do so.

Isn't there's an unwritten law of history that says unutilsed resources de facto belong to those able to develop them?

We have got used to the idea that history has stopped, the lines are now fixed, but the reality is that some parts are still in a state of flux. Yes, China is being thuggish - it's economic lebensraum for them - but movements on a historical scale never worry about that.

China has basically won this, and it's not worth going to war over so the rest of the world had better yield gently and learn the lesson: if you have a resource, utilise it before someone else does.

Edit: just to add: the Falkland Islands are a fairly comparable example.

We don't agree. When have the Fils had to defend their claims? Their only challenge in the past 250 years has been the recent Chinese.

Just because something is under-utilized does not mean a richer entity is justified in coming along and utilizing it. The US has the best national parks properties in the world. A person with a money-perspective could look at those beautiful parks and think, "hmmm, they're under-utilized. Look at all the nice big trees, clean water, mining possibilities." You get the picture?

Another angle: money in the bank can be considered under-utilized. Yet, there are good reasons to save money.

Yet another angle: if you keep your nice bicycle in your carport. For weeks, your neighbor walks by each day and sees it there, unused. One day he just takes it. When you ask him, he says, "you weren't using it, so I took it. Now I own it. Tough luck, sucker. Plus, I carry guns. What'you gonna do about it little guy?"

Philippines are being smart by keeping their oil in the ground. It's like keeping money in the bank.

I don't know about you, but I learned in the 2nd grade that "might doesn't make right."

.when the manager sees you flipping the last 2 pages, you all get the junior waitress.

Sounds like the choicest dish to me.

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To each your own mate ...the fried rice with lobster at four Seasons is also nice in HK :) about 35 usd excluding tax

As for the other poster , he's talking about scale and it's at 5 star hotels with banquet facilities that host the biggest tables and use the most shark fin ...even Jia Tong Heng has shark fin in Chiangmai but they don't host 4000-6000 for a state banquet

I am an Environmentalist ...I don't like the destruction of environments and have done my bit protecting the south while we still can

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We don't agree. When have the Fils had to defend their claims? Their only challenge in the past 250 years has been the recent Chinese.

Just because something is under-utilized does not mean a richer entity is justified in coming along and utilizing it. The US has the best national parks properties in the world. A person with a money-perspective could look at those beautiful parks and think, "hmmm, they're under-utilized. Look at all the nice big trees, clean water, mining possibilities." You get the picture?

Another angle: money in the bank can be considered under-utilized. Yet, there are good reasons to save money.

Yet another angle: if you keep your nice bicycle in your carport. For weeks, your neighbor walks by each day and sees it there, unused. One day he just takes it. When you ask him, he says, "you weren't using it, so I took it. Now I own it. Tough luck, sucker. Plus, I carry guns. What'you gonna do about it little guy?"

Philippines are being smart by keeping their oil in the ground. It's like keeping money in the bank.

I don't know about you, but I learned in the 2nd grade that "might doesn't make right."

You're taking the narrow perspective that history is now fixed and that no more geopolitical change is allowed. I'm taking a much broader, and quite objective, perspective. Might certainly isn't 'right', but it's fact.

I know you mean well, but your examples don't apply: American national parks are all highly utilised on a daily basis by many ordinary people. The people living around the South China Sea have never been there, except for a few fisherman - and the Chinese have been fishing those waters for centuries too. And equating a sea with physical possessions or money (both earned by human effort) is also not valid. The people living around the South China Sea have done very little to justify possession except point at the map.

Believe me, I'd rather the Chinese just stayed home instead of rampaging around Asia, but to prevent them is to argue against human development, and there's really nothing anyone can do about that kind of pressure, as history shows.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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The foreign ministry in China is clear and consistent with its messaging, the trade balance and the open sea lanes is important and critical to China as it is for the global community.

The recent exercises in SCS is an exercise of rights to USA military actions that are clearly not needed or wanted in this region. China is showing to USA they are not afraid of foreign powers and as a superpower them like Russia, USA should thread carefully how they want to balance out the world matters as all 3 are giants in the political and military arena.

The bottomline issue here is trade and I would assure you the Philippines incoming president is not a thug but a very pragmatic man. If China gives him what he wants, the islands and ruling is inconsequential.

Philippines has no ability to drill for anything and they know it. They do understand with the President council that it is smarter to get royalties for it and this is what they are holding out for in advance of Brunei & Malaysia. Vietnam is the only strategic partner with Russia that has the ability to counter that but it will be interesting how they will do it as they got in a little too late.

Cash is what is needed by the Philippines. The Chinese government will let him do his publicity stunt of jet skiing there and planting a flag as the opening ceremony....ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage...speak with CP in Thailand in Teochew and see if he can converse,...at the end of the day the business environment will prevail and it will not make the small people happy as it seems unfair but the world is rarely fair.

Americans as I have posted earlier has a heart of gold...it just been played and unfortunately wont and has not much strategy beyond military hardware display which is why they are often weak in responses when asked for a long term deal.

If you speak with the Americans now with the Def Secretary who according to Comrade P is as hawiskh as int can get....what will he recommend ? Ramming civilian boats, open fire on what ? and if they do exchange fire what's next ...he probably has no clue

As Chinese former foreign minster quoted today in CNA...the Asians have patience in negotiations and this will prevail in the end....all they really have to do is to wait till Nov when Trump or Clinton wins and becomes the next POTUS...the world is in for a wild ride for the next 4 years as both has the ability to embarrass USA at the world stage. I predict Trump will meet Kim just for the media attention and fall in love with a north korea courtesan and have a half asian baby....that would be news !

Edited by LawrenceChee
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The foreign ministry in China is clear and consistent with its messaging, the trade balance and the open sea lanes is important and critical to China as it is for the global community.

The recent exercises in SCS is an exercise of rights to USA military actions that are clearly not needed or wanted in this region. China is showing to USA they are not afraid of foreign powers and as a superpower them like Russia, USA should thread carefully how they want to balance out the world matters as all 3 are giants in the political and military arena.

The bottomline issue here is trade and I would assure you the Philippines incoming president is not a thug but a very pragmatic man. If China gives him what he wants, the islands and ruling is inconsequential.

Philippines has no ability to drill for anything and they know it. They do understand with the President council that it is smarter to get royalties for it and this is what they are holding out for in advance of Brunei & Malaysia. Vietnam is the only strategic partner with Russia that has the ability to counter that but it will be interesting how they will do it as they got in a little too late.

Cash is what is needed by the Philippines. The Chinese government will let him do his publicity stunt of jet skiing there and planting a flag as the opening ceremony....ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage...speak with CP in Thailand in Teochew and see if he can converse,...at the end of the day the business environment will prevail and it will not make the small people happy as it seems unfair but the world is rarely fair.

Americans as I have posted earlier has a heart of gold...it just been played and unfortunately wont and has not much strategy beyond military hardware display which is why they are often weak in responses when asked for a long term deal.

If you speak with the Americans now with the Def Secretary who according to Comrade P is as hawiskh as int can get....what will he recommend ? Ramming civilian boats, open fire on what ? and if they do exchange fire what's next ...he probably has no clue

As Chinese former foreign minster quoted today in CNA...the Asians have patience in negotiations and this will prevail in the end....all they really have to do is to wait till Nov when Trump or Clinton wins and becomes the next POTUS...the world is in for a wild ride for the next 4 years as both has the ability to embarrass USA at the world stage. I predict Trump will meet Kim just for the media attention and fall in love with a north korea courtesan and have a half asian baby....that would be news !

ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage.

I've heard it said disparagingly of the Chinese-Thai that they have divided loyalties. I guess if we take you word for it, it's really true. But it's not. And most of the Thai people with Chinese heritage don't speak Chinese. Or if they do know, it's only because they've studied it in school.

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So the Chinese are saying we're going to drill with or without you? Do you think maybe the Filipinos might like to see some competition for drilling? To see if they could get a better deal? Believe it or not, the Chinese aren't the only people with expertise in that field.

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The foreign ministry in China is clear and consistent with its messaging, the trade balance and the open sea lanes is important and critical to China as it is for the global community.

The recent exercises in SCS is an exercise of rights to USA military actions that are clearly not needed or wanted in this region. China is showing to USA they are not afraid of foreign powers and as a superpower them like Russia, USA should thread carefully how they want to balance out the world matters as all 3 are giants in the political and military arena.

The bottomline issue here is trade and I would assure you the Philippines incoming president is not a thug but a very pragmatic man. If China gives him what he wants, the islands and ruling is inconsequential.

Philippines has no ability to drill for anything and they know it. They do understand with the President council that it is smarter to get royalties for it and this is what they are holding out for in advance of Brunei & Malaysia. Vietnam is the only strategic partner with Russia that has the ability to counter that but it will be interesting how they will do it as they got in a little too late.

Cash is what is needed by the Philippines. The Chinese government will let him do his publicity stunt of jet skiing there and planting a flag as the opening ceremony....ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage...speak with CP in Thailand in Teochew and see if he can converse,...at the end of the day the business environment will prevail and it will not make the small people happy as it seems unfair but the world is rarely fair.

Americans as I have posted earlier has a heart of gold...it just been played and unfortunately wont and has not much strategy beyond military hardware display which is why they are often weak in responses when asked for a long term deal.

If you speak with the Americans now with the Def Secretary who according to Comrade P is as hawiskh as int can get....what will he recommend ? Ramming civilian boats, open fire on what ? and if they do exchange fire what's next ...he probably has no clue

As Chinese former foreign minster quoted today in CNA...the Asians have patience in negotiations and this will prevail in the end....all they really have to do is to wait till Nov when Trump or Clinton wins and becomes the next POTUS...the world is in for a wild ride for the next 4 years as both has the ability to embarrass USA at the world stage. I predict Trump will meet Kim just for the media attention and fall in love with a north korea courtesan and have a half asian baby....that would be news !

ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage.
I've heard it said disparagingly of the Chinese-Thai that they have divided loyalties. I guess if we take you word for it, it's really true. But it's not. And most of the Thai people with Chinese heritage don't speak Chinese. Or if they do know, it's only because they've studied it in school.

Most pan asians learn it from their parents or their grandparents ....those here in Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand all speak the local dialect vs Mandarins but most predominantly from the south.

The ties here are very deep ....

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So the Chinese are saying we're going to drill with or without you? Do you think maybe the Filipinos might like to see some competition for drilling? To see if they could get a better deal? Believe it or not, the Chinese aren't the only people with expertise in that field.

The Philippines prefer to be paid in cash, they have enough crumbling infrastruture that urgently need to be fixed vs developing these islands ....the Chinese are not the only ones who can drill...agree.

The other countries who probably can drill has no claim to these places including the USA hence they are actively trying to participate in some form or another to ensure they some kind of royalty or payment.

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The foreign ministry in China is clear and consistent with its messaging, the trade balance and the open sea lanes is important and critical to China as it is for the global community.

The recent exercises in SCS is an exercise of rights to USA military actions that are clearly not needed or wanted in this region. China is showing to USA they are not afraid of foreign powers and as a superpower them like Russia, USA should thread carefully how they want to balance out the world matters as all 3 are giants in the political and military arena.

The bottomline issue here is trade and I would assure you the Philippines incoming president is not a thug but a very pragmatic man. If China gives him what he wants, the islands and ruling is inconsequential.

Philippines has no ability to drill for anything and they know it. They do understand with the President council that it is smarter to get royalties for it and this is what they are holding out for in advance of Brunei & Malaysia. Vietnam is the only strategic partner with Russia that has the ability to counter that but it will be interesting how they will do it as they got in a little too late.

Cash is what is needed by the Philippines. The Chinese government will let him do his publicity stunt of jet skiing there and planting a flag as the opening ceremony....ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage...speak with CP in Thailand in Teochew and see if he can converse,...at the end of the day the business environment will prevail and it will not make the small people happy as it seems unfair but the world is rarely fair.

Americans as I have posted earlier has a heart of gold...it just been played and unfortunately wont and has not much strategy beyond military hardware display which is why they are often weak in responses when asked for a long term deal.

If you speak with the Americans now with the Def Secretary who according to Comrade P is as hawiskh as int can get....what will he recommend ? Ramming civilian boats, open fire on what ? and if they do exchange fire what's next ...he probably has no clue

As Chinese former foreign minster quoted today in CNA...the Asians have patience in negotiations and this will prevail in the end....all they really have to do is to wait till Nov when Trump or Clinton wins and becomes the next POTUS...the world is in for a wild ride for the next 4 years as both has the ability to embarrass USA at the world stage. I predict Trump will meet Kim just for the media attention and fall in love with a north korea courtesan and have a half asian baby....that would be news !

ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage.
I've heard it said disparagingly of the Chinese-Thai that they have divided loyalties. I guess if we take you word for it, it's really true. But it's not. And most of the Thai people with Chinese heritage don't speak Chinese. Or if they do know, it's only because they've studied it in school.

Most pan asians learn it from their parents or their grandparents ....those here in Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand all speak the local dialect vs Mandarins but most predominantly from the south.

The ties here are very deep ....

Thailand has the largest overseas Chinese community in the world.[3] Fourteen percent of Thailand's population is considered ethnic Chinese.[4

Due to their assimilation during the Red Scare period in the 1970s, nearly all ethnic Chinese in Thailand speak Thai exclusively. Only elderly Chinese immigrants still speak their native varieties of Chinese. In the modern Thai language there are many signs of Chinese influence.[28] In the 2000 census, 231,350 identified as speakers of a variant of Chinese (Teochew, Hokkien, Hainanese, Cantonese, or Hakka).


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The foreign ministry in China is clear and consistent with its messaging, the trade balance and the open sea lanes is important and critical to China as it is for the global community.

The recent exercises in SCS is an exercise of rights to USA military actions that are clearly not needed or wanted in this region. China is showing to USA they are not afraid of foreign powers and as a superpower them like Russia, USA should thread carefully how they want to balance out the world matters as all 3 are giants in the political and military arena.

The bottomline issue here is trade and I would assure you the Philippines incoming president is not a thug but a very pragmatic man. If China gives him what he wants, the islands and ruling is inconsequential.

Philippines has no ability to drill for anything and they know it. They do understand with the President council that it is smarter to get royalties for it and this is what they are holding out for in advance of Brunei & Malaysia. Vietnam is the only strategic partner with Russia that has the ability to counter that but it will be interesting how they will do it as they got in a little too late.

Cash is what is needed by the Philippines. The Chinese government will let him do his publicity stunt of jet skiing there and planting a flag as the opening ceremony....ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage...speak with CP in Thailand in Teochew and see if he can converse,...at the end of the day the business environment will prevail and it will not make the small people happy as it seems unfair but the world is rarely fair.

Americans as I have posted earlier has a heart of gold...it just been played and unfortunately wont and has not much strategy beyond military hardware display which is why they are often weak in responses when asked for a long term deal.

If you speak with the Americans now with the Def Secretary who according to Comrade P is as hawiskh as int can get....what will he recommend ? Ramming civilian boats, open fire on what ? and if they do exchange fire what's next ...he probably has no clue

As Chinese former foreign minster quoted today in CNA...the Asians have patience in negotiations and this will prevail in the end....all they really have to do is to wait till Nov when Trump or Clinton wins and becomes the next POTUS...the world is in for a wild ride for the next 4 years as both has the ability to embarrass USA at the world stage. I predict Trump will meet Kim just for the media attention and fall in love with a north korea courtesan and have a half asian baby....that would be news !

ASEAN remains in many ways Chinese dominated and the most richest man in each one of these countries comes from a Chinese heritage.
I've heard it said disparagingly of the Chinese-Thai that they have divided loyalties. I guess if we take you word for it, it's really true. But it's not. And most of the Thai people with Chinese heritage don't speak Chinese. Or if they do know, it's only because they've studied it in school.

Most pan asians learn it from their parents or their grandparents ....those here in Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand all speak the local dialect vs Mandarins but most predominantly from the south.

The ties here are very deep ....

Thailand has the largest overseas Chinese community in the world.%5B3%5D Fourteen percent of Thailand's population is considered ethnic Chinese.[4

Due to their assimilation during the Red Scare period in the 1970s, nearly all ethnic Chinese in Thailand speak Thai exclusively. Only elderly Chinese immigrants still speak their native varieties of Chinese. In the modern Thai language there are many signs of Chinese influence.%5B28%5D In the 2000 census, 231,350 identified as speakers of a variant of Chinese (Teochew, Hokkien, Hainanese, Cantonese, or Hakka).


Those are not variants of Chinese but dialect groups from the south...

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I've heard it said disparagingly of the Chinese-Thai that they have divided loyalties. I guess if we take you word for it, it's really true. But it's not. And most of the Thai people with Chinese heritage don't speak Chinese. Or if they do know, it's only because they've studied it in school.

Most pan asians learn it from their parents or their grandparents ....those here in Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand all speak the local dialect vs Mandarins but most predominantly from the south.

The ties here are very deep ....

Thailand has the largest overseas Chinese community in the world.%5B3%5D Fourteen percent of Thailand's population is considered ethnic Chinese.[4

Due to their assimilation during the Red Scare period in the 1970s, nearly all ethnic Chinese in Thailand speak Thai exclusively. Only elderly Chinese immigrants still speak their native varieties of Chinese. In the modern Thai language there are many signs of Chinese influence.%5B28%5D In the 2000 census, 231,350 identified as speakers of a variant of Chinese (Teochew, Hokkien, Hainanese, Cantonese, or Hakka).


Those are not variants of Chinese but dialect groups from the south...

Fine. But the point is that not many Chinese-Thai speak any of their ancestor's languages. And a lot less now since it's been 16 year since that census was taken. You have seriously overstated the attachment of Chinese-Thai to China. That said, since so many big corporations in Thailand are owned by Thais who happen to be of at least partial Chinese extraction, then they will no doubt are interested in doing business with China should the opportunity present itself. As would just about any Thai business person regardless of his or her heritage.

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Fils should have the option to sell oil concessions to the highest bidders, if they so choose.

That's what happens in most countries with oil reserves.

Chinese can exert business pressure, or even pay bribes, there's nothing unusual about that.

But sneaking over and clandestinely taking over other countries' possessions is out-of-line, and China should get punished for that - and compelled to go back to China. It will be similar to the First Iraqi War. The adversaries (Iraqi military) were warned repeatedly, over many months, "leave Kuwait or suffer dire consequences." They didn't budge.

Then they got smashed - and it happened so quick that support troop carriers couldn't keep up with advance tanks.

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You mean the same one like this ? Using brute force to get what you want because you believe a military solution is the only way and then establishing all the business deals for your buddies....?

The south committees have been busy hammering out a deal...you may see it soon on the news...all $$$ and not a soul disrupted in their lives unlike the unfortunate Iraqis who still have their country some 13 years later....

Beijing will slow down soon enough ...the media hype is all over the place....will calm down soon for the businesses to hammer out the deals.

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Beijing will slow down soon enough ...the media hype is all over the place....will calm down soon for the businesses to hammer out the deals.

Sure, now that Beijing has commandeered another chunk of property, it will slow down. It slowed down after Tibet. Now, it will slow down after the Spratlys. That's a comforting thought.

Then later, the panda will stir, sit up, look around for more places to commandeer. Hmmmm, there are a lot of islands and atolls stretching out into the Pacific. Hmmm, wonder if any have resources needed by over a billion Hans?

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I have heard on the grape vine that if China keeps this sort of behaviour up Pitcairn Islands is going to declare war on them and put them in their place. They're about to have a can of whip arse opened on them.

The country is busy scrambling their navy reserves and can be seen in this shot preparing to launch the vessel to travel to the South China Sea to sort the situation out, apparently.


Edited by neverdie
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Beijing will slow down soon enough ...the media hype is all over the place....will calm down soon for the businesses to hammer out the deals.

Sure, now that Beijing has commandeered another chunk of property, it will slow down. It slowed down after Tibet. Now, it will slow down after the Spratlys. That's a comforting thought.

Then later, the panda will stir, sit up, look around for more places to commandeer. Hmmmm, there are a lot of islands and atolls stretching out into the Pacific. Hmmm, wonder if any have resources needed by over a billion Hans?

They have started buying up the islands in Fiji ....there are a lot of new vacation clubs opening offices in Beijing & Shanghai listing islands for sale....I guess they will link them up soon and call it Fujian or something.

Starts from 1.5 USD million onwards...have a look Boomer.

BTW the best restaurant as recommended in Vanuatu by the foreign minister is at the top of hill ...opened up by a Chinese who migrated there 25 years ago...i would agree the food there is great. No sharks fin on their menu.

Edited by LawrenceChee
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