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Video: Police hunt Bangkok taxi driver who mercilessly ran over soi dog

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We humans are the ones who domesticated dogs and bred them into their current status of living among us. They are very social and they trust us. We have a duty to care for them and not caring enough to even check if the dog is out of the way is a heartless and cruel act in my opinion. He may have thought the dog was out of the way but he should have made sure he could see the dog at the side of the road before continuing. That's what I do. Sure, I get annoyed sometimes when a soi dog slows me down but it doesn't drive me to murder them.

Am I surprised though? No. This is exactly the work ethic and level of intelligence I would expect from your average Thai male.

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We humans are the ones who domesticated dogs and bred them into their current status of living among us. They are very social and they trust us. We have a duty to care for them and not caring enough to even check if the dog is out of the way is a heartless and cruel act in my opinion. He may have thought the dog was out of the way but he should have made sure he could see the dog at the side of the road before continuing. That's what I do. Sure, I get annoyed sometimes when a soi dog slows me down but it doesn't drive me to murder them.

Am I surprised though? No. This is exactly the work ethic and level of intelligence I would expect from your average Thai male.

We do not have any duty to care for soi dogs any more than we do rats, they are vermin in my opinion. As the stray dog infestation rises more will get hit by cars, we pass at least 25 on our way home from the main road, most lying in the road. If we hit one I would certainly not be getting out of the car

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We humans are the ones who domesticated dogs and bred them into their current status of living among us. They are very social and they trust us. We have a duty to care for them and not caring enough to even check if the dog is out of the way is a heartless and cruel act in my opinion. He may have thought the dog was out of the way but he should have made sure he could see the dog at the side of the road before continuing. That's what I do. Sure, I get annoyed sometimes when a soi dog slows me down but it doesn't drive me to murder them.

Am I surprised though? No. This is exactly the work ethic and level of intelligence I would expect from your average Thai male.

We do not have any duty to care for soi dogs any more than we do rats, they are vermin in my opinion. As the stray dog infestation rises more will get hit by cars, we pass at least 25 on our way home from the main road, most lying in the road. If we hit one I would certainly not be getting out of the car

Speaking of rats, I like rats too. Our house was infested with them when we lived in Sakon Nakhon, so we trapped them alive and released them into a rice field far outside the city. Rats are awesome creatures; they are very smart too. If you don't need to kill something, don't kill it. If you need to kill it then kill it, but do it humanely.

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I eat meat, If you need to kill something, kill it, just don't make it suffer needlessly. Culling soi dogs might be a good idea but not by driving over them and crippling them etc. Kill them humanely.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Contrast this with the earlier story of a little girl savagely bitten on head and face by somebody's pet and the police can do nothing towards the dog or owner because he made a paltry cash payment to the desparate father, a payment less than 1/3 of her medical bills, yet we throw out the dragnet for the taxi driver even though the video doesn't immediately indicate that he was either trying to hurt the dog or that the dog was seriously injured. God, people. Get your priorities straight!

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...cruel for sure...


...sorry to say that this society...collectively is responsible.... actually....yet nearly nobody does anything...

....now...did the driver not see the dog....was he drunk.....did he have a history with that dog....

...and don't dogs usually move out of the way....

FINALLY after all these Post a Post by some one who thinks further than the end of its nose.

....now...did the driver not see the dog....was he drunk.....did he have a history with that dog....

​As a car driver I said CAR you must be brainless to hit a dog because with today's cars with their "plastic" compound front end incorrectly named BUMPER hitting a dog of the size in the video can cause severe damage if the dog happens to jump up to the plastic frontend of the car. I know I was in the autobody repair business. If the dog keeps laying down as in the video damage to the car is eliminated but not the damage to the dog.

As for the Post of the guy with the Pickup truck, a Pickup truck is high enough off the ground so no damage to his Pickup truck but not so the dog because it will getup and the underside of the Pickup truck will hit the dog. If it stays laying down nothing will happen to the dog.

Stray dogs are a pest the world over governments that round them up and exterminate them are dammed if they do and you are dammed if they don't.

Bangkok had a system of rounding up the male dogs and neuter them. What has happen to that program??? I guess like all the other programs, slid off the desk into the paper shredder. As Bernard Trink would say, "TIT".

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Why have number plates on cars if someone gives the number of the offender and you still can't catch him what the hell is going on in Thailand you people are so thick can't do anything right it is just unreal you are a perfect example of what a nation shouldn't be like

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Bearing in mind on average one Thai is killed on the roads every 20 minutes it does pale into insignificance

Yes generally due to their poor driving ability, being drunk on drugs, speeding or a combination of all four. The only sympathy I feel there is when they tragically take innocent people with them.

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Bearing in mind on average one Thai is killed on the roads every 20 minutes it does pale into insignificance

Yes generally due to their poor driving ability, being drunk on drugs, speeding or a combination of all four. The only sympathy I feel there is when they tragically take innocent people with them.

I poisoned a pit bull once. The owner deserves to be put in jail too.

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The driver should be jailed and anyone professing to be the owner should be fined for not taking proper care of their dog.

Do you actually live in Thailand, if so - have you ever been outside into the real world to see what is really going on?

Sounds like he's from the U.S.?

In the U.S., Intentionally running over; killing for no reason; or using dogs in dog fights; You can go to prison.

Owner of a dog, that injures/kills a person or another pet, is liable, and in some cases, can go to prison.

He/She just didn't say "In my country, this is how we do it"..

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He is not the only taxi driver who disregards dog on the streets..

I can not recall just how many times I have been in a taxi cab while the cab driver did not slow down one bit while the cab driver narrowly missed clobbering a dog and zoomed on by within inches of the dogs life.

They do not care....while a dog is just another thing they do not recognize or care about if it does not belong to them.


And what is your advice, slam on the brakes, swerve across a lane or two or into the opposing traffic, don't worry about causing what could be a fatal accident - - just don't hit the dog.

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How big a hunt will this be------

Do they intend to place road blocks around the area---

Will there be a reward offered

Will the dog be in the picture pointing---

If there was a passenger will they also be prosecutable for this horrendous crime.------

Has an ID sketch of the dog been issued as yet.------

Please keep us abreast with all developments, ------Soi dog run over, Wow[/quot

Yeah - wow, this week's major crime.

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Why have number plates on cars if someone gives the number of the offender and you still can't catch him what the hell is going on in Thailand you people are so thick can't do anything right it is just unreal you are a perfect example of what a nation shouldn't be like

The driver is not usually the registered owner of a taxi vehicle .They are usually rented and used by 2 or more drivers .Maybe you are the thick one .

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A very cruel thing to do but in the same time everybody have to admit the soi dogs is a big problem and they should not be there.
They cause a lot of accidents and they also make sure Thailand will never get rid of Rabies.
The cab driver should be punished but Thai goverment should take away all the soi dogs, dogs should not be running loose in the streets.

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A very cruel thing to do but in the same time everybody have to admit the soi dogs is a big problem and they should not be there.

They cause a lot of accidents and they also make sure Thailand will never get rid of Rabies.

The cab driver should be punished but Thai goverment should take away all the soi dogs, dogs should not be running loose in the streets.

i agree but how long until the streets are once again full of stray dogs when irresponsible thais decide their puppy is no longer cute and kick it out the house for a miserable existence half starved and riddled with mange

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