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When I voted, it made a tie between UK and USA, each with 29.87% out of 154 votes. I didn't think we were equally represented here.

Diablo Bob is right, and yet when I applied for a longterm visa at the southernmost part of Mexico (Los Estados Unidos de Mejico), the immigration officer wrote for my nacionalidad, "americano." I was surprised. People from the USA are occasionally called "estadounidenses" in Mexico.

I'm surprised but guess I shouldn't be, this is an english language forum, I supposed there would be a lot more Europeans here, but they must have there own forums I guess.. "Das Thailand Visum forum" or the "forum de visa de la Thaïlande"

What I really want to know is why Yorkshire isn't it's own option, I am Yorkshire not UK!!


Ahhhh, Yorkshire, best county in England and centre of the universe. Nice to see someone else of such good breeding stock in here :D

I wonder what Thai children would sound like speaking with a broad Yorkshire accent :D


i must say im disappointed and somewhat offended that there isnt a class for thai separate in our own category :o u are afterall posting in a forum in thailand...an expat one it might be...but i think it would have been nice to give your host country some accord

oh well.....


Oh! I wouldn't worry... They are just a couple of our Colonies...

We may give them away, if we can find anybody who would want them...


Now, K.O are you just going out of your way to cause a beef with my good self.


Never, ever, take Kayo seriously! If you do, it's you who will be sorry! :D


Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

In Mexico, they will quickly point out that they are American's also, just not from the USA, and if you correct yourself by saying from the United States, they quickly point out that the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico).

I don't know where you got this information from? certainly not first hand..I've traveled through Mexico and Central American and the people in Mexico are "Mexicans". El Salvador they are "Salvadoreans", Guatamala they are "Guatamalans", Honduras: Hondurians, etc. Brazilians, Chilieans, etc., etc. No one ever wanted to fight me when I told them I was an "American", and I NEVER heard anyone claim to be a "Central American". Ever heard a 'North American' (Texas for example) say he's from 'The United States of North America?' :D and who in "North America" would want to fight you for saying you're from America, as you suggest ?

I'm from Mexico and sorry Excaliber but Diablo Bob is completly right.

We don't like it when people from the U.S.A say they are AMERICANS or that Mexico is Central America, and yes we are United Sates as well he he.

I can speak for many latin americans, I have many friends from different countries in America, and I lived in Argentina for a while and they are more extreme about the subject.


I have to agree with this point above here. I've just returned from a two year stint in Guatemala, and yes, although they proudly call themselves Guatemalans, they also proudly point out that they are americano, and strongly dislike any one nationality using the term "american(o)" as referring exclusively to their own land and notto america as a whole.

Having said all that most of you are English or Spanish anyway. :D

I guess it depends on how you look at it.......

As to rip-offs, England has York we have New York, England has London we have New London etc. etc. etc., so the USA has ripped off England the same as Mexico has ripped us off...... so unless the USA has this franchise agreement you speak of, then Mexico was within their rights to choose the name they chose.

Personally, I call myself an American when I am asked and when asked from where, I just smile!


Although your point made me smile,

At least the Mexicans have a United States of their own country, ie: Mexico, whereas the Yanks couldn't even come up with a name, so they somewhat arrogantly named their United States after the whole continent....

Glad I was able to make you smile. But hold on a minute. The name is The United States of America, and at the time the name was adopted they were the only united states in America. Doesn't say or imply that they are the United States of all America, just of America, which just refers to the location of those states. What is so obnoxious about that? Seems a reach to find fault with that as there plenty of far more serious beefs to be had with the USA. And hey, what about the European Union? Talk about chutzpah, it doesn't include all of Europe! The Swiss and some others should be furious! And bringing this discussion back to Thailand-Thailand literally means freedom country in Thai. How audacious! Like there aren't other free countries!

Hmm... I may have to concede here... All's fair in Love and war.. :D


Oh! I wouldn't worry... They are just a couple of our Colonies...

We may give them away, if we can find anybody who would want them...


Now, K.O are you just going out of your way to cause a beef with my good self.


Never, ever, take Kayo seriously! If you do, it's you who will be sorry! :D


Now Suegha, the day I take Old K.o seriously will be the day I take myself seriously.

And K.o, Crikey's mate don't ever get me mixed up with that one :D



I would seem from the results so far that the French are not big on reading English forums.

What a surprise!


Although I identify myself as American, a large majority of my family came from Norway and Sweden (relatives still living there), the other portion is Native American.

i must say im disappointed and somewhat offended that there isnt a class for thai separate in our own category :o u are afterall posting in a forum in thailand...an expat one it might be...but i think it would have been nice to give your host country some accord

oh well.....

Nicely put and very poingnant. Time for some soul searching eh folks?

I would seem from the results so far that the French are not big on reading English forums.

What a surprise!

And how many Brits or Americans are there on the French forums? Or German forums?

What a surprise! 4byd7bc.gif


Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

I'm from Mexico and sorry Excaliber but Diablo Bob is completly right.

We don't like it when people from the U.S.A say they are AMERICANS or that Mexico is Central America, and yes we are United Sates as well he he.

I can speak for many latin americans, I have many friends from different countries in America, and I lived in Argentina for a while and they are more extreme about the subject.


OK, you don't need to yell :D

Maybe things were different during the seventies. I was married to a girl from El Salvador and she nor any other members of her family ever said they were 'Central Americans', they did, however, say they were 'Salvadoreans'...as well, have a good friend from Guatamala who I went to school with in the states and he later moved back to Guatamala, he claimed he was a Guatamalan....so "completely" doesn't hold water... :o are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T ?? (sorry, couldn't resist) I sure do miss Mexican food though. It's my favorite and no where to be found up here in the schtix....


For those who still ignore it, I am a frog, for the stubborn Franche Comte.

As well, I look down to anyone who is not born in or near my place, should I precise how much I love the yanks (and rosbeefs alike)?

I would seem from the results so far that the French are not big on reading English forums.

What a surprise!

True enough (and Sing Sing's reply is true too)

I grew up in France for a few years as a teen, and the french are of course, famous for never learning other languages etc etc.. blah blah... (nor are the english)

I speak both fluently.

I recently returned here after a ten year absence and whaddya know!

The new generation of french kids who work bars, restaurant, drive busses and generally are starting to fill the work force are mostly WILLING to try to speak and practice their englishand all.

France is getting more multi cultural!

My kudo's to the kids of today ( for a change)


Isn't Rambo supposed to be in Thailand these days, making the movie Rambo x...? :D:D

Like Nicholas Cage and the rest of the all action (mostly mouth) yanks, he'll be off if it looks a bit rough!

They all legged it when the coup happend and old Rambo will be the same.

Love to see him in a fight with some bargirls. Know where I'd put my money. :o

I'm surprised but guess I shouldn't be, this is an english language forum, I supposed there would be a lot more Europeans here, but they must have there own forums I guess.. "Das Thailand Visum forum" or the "forum de visa de la Thaïlande"

What I really want to know is why Yorkshire isn't it's own option, I am Yorkshire not UK!!


Aye, appen it would have been better with a straight choice between

A - t' County of t' gods. :D


B - nowhere worth bothering about. :D

I could be biased though.


kayo said:

The new generation of french kids who work bars, restaurant, drive busses and generally are starting to fill the work force are mostly WILLING to try to speak and practice their englishand all.

France is getting more multi cultural!

And let's hear it for all the British/American kids that learn foreign languages and are wiling to speak and practise them . . . oh . . . :o

Of course it makes more sense to learn English as a second language than any other, but guess what . . . billions of people do just fine without it, so a bit less arrogance in the 'typical frogs/ities/krauts/whatever' don't speak English etc . . . might be appropriate.

I'd happily compare mine to any native speaker's. Takers???


Isn't Rambo supposed to be in Thailand these days, making the movie Rambo x...? :D:D

Like Nicholas Cage and the rest of the all action (mostly mouth) yanks, he'll be off if it looks a bit rough!

They all legged it when the coup happend and old Rambo will be the same.

Love to see him in a fight with some bargirls. Know where I'd put my money. :o

Don John, Nic Cage ultimately did not leg it, though it was initially rumoured that he did.

Ultimately what happened was that his producers arranged to have a plane standing by just in case, but they didn't use it, and carried on with the movie.

He apparently was returned to his hotel to wait and see what was going to happen.

Thread and sources (and Rambo mentioned) here


God's chosen land, the U.S.A.

That's funny Rambo, your IP (and language) indicate you are somewhere else altogether. Are you sure you've got your bearings straight? :o

Perhaps have another look at the sun...

As i mentioned in a thread the other day, i've been living in the U.K for the last five years. Nice place, fine people, but i'll be living in Thailand from January.


God's chosen land, the U.S.A.

That's funny Rambo, your IP (and language) indicate you are somewhere else altogether. Are you sure you've got your bearings straight? :o

Perhaps have another look at the sun...

Well, I'm sure that on an expat-themed site there will be relatively few people who are based in country they come from...

This poll is at the request/idea of TV posters on another thread. Thanks for your input.

P.S. "Central European" is a misnomer, and can't be edited once the poll is launched, sorry. By that I mean countries of the old Soviet Block, east and south of Russia (Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakstan, Uzebekistan, Turkmenistan, etc.) Eastern European would be the old Soviet Bloc countries west of Russa: Hungary, Albania, Latvia, etc. My apologies to any major immigrant groups I missed (like Indians!).

Meeeeee, meeeee!!!!! Indian here. I was one of the first 20+ to vote. But, forgot to add input from where I'm :o

What I really want to know is why Yorkshire isn't it's own option, I am Yorkshire not UK!!

You know what they say...

"You can tell a Yorkshireman - but not much"



God's chosen land, the U.S.A.

That's funny Rambo, your IP (and language) indicate you are somewhere else altogether. Are you sure you've got your bearings straight? :o

Perhaps have another look at the sun...

You mean to say that not all is set in stone and the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth with Rambo???

But, but, but why live in the UK and then Thailand if God's Own is where you can be . . . :D

Well, I'm sure that on an expat-themed site there will be relatively few people who are based in country they come from...

More to the point, the expat-themed site should be applicable to mostly those that live in the particular country, i.e. Thailand Visa, HKExpat, Singapore Expat . . .

Here the vast majority (I believe it was 70+% the last time this was brought up) post from outside Thailand . . . very unusual for an expat site.


God's chosen land, the U.S.A.

That's funny Rambo, your IP (and language) indicate you are somewhere else altogether. Are you sure you've got your bearings straight? :o

Perhaps have another look at the sun...

You mean to say that not all is set in stone and the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth with Rambo???

But, but, but why live in the UK and then Thailand if God's Own is where you can be . . . :D

Well, I'm sure that on an expat-themed site there will be relatively few people who are based in country they come from...

More to the point, the expat-themed site should be applicable to mostly those that live in the particular country, i.e. Thailand Visa, HKExpat, Singapore Expat . . .

Here the vast majority (I believe it was 70+% the last time this was brought up) post from outside Thailand . . . very unusual for an expat site.

Like the Philippines, Thailand has a significant poulation of expats who work in surrounding countries and return home to Thailand every few months. This might be a difference, not 70% though..........

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