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No double standard for Clinton, FBI director tells GOP


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FBI Director Comey: If FBI Employees Did What Hillary Did They Would Be Fired, Clearance Revoked

And they'd still be eligible to run for president.

And be trusted with nuclear secrets? clap2.gif

You'll have to come up with something scarier than that, because the option is Donald being trusted with "nuclear secrets" (whatever those are).

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FBI Director Comey: If FBI Employees Did What Hillary Did They Would Be Fired, Clearance Revoked

And they'd still be eligible to run for president.

And be trusted with nuclear secrets? clap2.gif

Being an industrialist he probably has a lot of experience of keeping secrets

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The stanch of a cover up stinks to high havens, if we to judge what happened to General David Petraeus

who got prosecuted, find and dumped for much less of what Clinton is allegedly to have done,

double stander you say? you bet ya......

Clearly you have no idea of what Petraeus did, which involved INTENT.

Petraeus, stupidly in retrospect, admitted that what he did was wrong. Thus, intent. If you are going to require every criminal prosecution to depend on a confession of the crime from the criminal to prosecute him/her, then 99.9 percent of all crimes will go without a prosecution.

No. Intent is there before the crime, not after.

He stayed right up and explained himself very well.

So what happened to "ignorance of the law is no excuse"?

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Clearly you have no idea of what Petraeus did, which involved INTENT.

Petraeus, stupidly in retrospect, admitted that what he did was wrong. Thus, intent. If you are going to require every criminal prosecution to depend on a confession of the crime from the criminal to prosecute him/her, then 99.9 percent of all crimes will go without a prosecution.

No. Intent is there before the crime, not after.

He stayed right up and explained himself very well.

So what happened to "ignorance of the law is no excuse"?

That has nothing to do with 'intent'.

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"In 2004, Comey, then serving as a deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger, which left out former Clinton administration officials who may have coordinated with Berger in his removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives. The documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack."


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The stanch of a cover up stinks to high havens, if we to judge what happened to General David Petraeus

who got prosecuted, find and dumped for much less of what Clinton is allegedly to have done,

double stander you say? you bet ya......

Clearly you have no idea of what Petraeus did, which involved INTENT.

Petraeus, stupidly in retrospect, admitted that what he did was wrong. Thus, intent. If you are going to require every criminal prosecution to depend on a confession of the crime from the criminal to prosecute him/her, then 99.9 percent of all crimes will go without a prosecution.

The General, had to plead guilty to avoid being court marshaled.

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FBI Director Comey: If FBI Employees Did What Hillary Did They Would Be Fired, Clearance Revoked

Can't take Crooked Hillary's clearence away - she's too big to fail! wink.png

The US Department of State is now investigating State Department employees involved in this e-mail scandal . AP newswire stated yesterday that some may be dismissed or loose their security clearance. Looks like the minions will be the one’s taking the heat. Reminds me of Thailand.

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Oh sure. So if I'm a low level State Dept drone, hire someone to set up a server in my basement, then have them hack the secure enclave over at State so my own secure traffic is redirected to the unsecure server in my basement, why the FBI will be just fine with that... Riiiiiiight...

And I had naively hoped Comey might actually have a spine...

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So what happened to "ignorance of the law is no excuse"?

That has nothing to do with 'intent'.

Correct, your intentions are immaterial when law has been broken.

Since no law can proven to have been broken, see FBI and AG statements, she must go free then.

Edited by stevenl
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Correct, your intentions are immaterial when law has been broken.

Since no law can proven to have been broken, see FBI and AG statements, she must go free then.

So the next person who wishes to sell state secrets has merely to set up his own server and invite his conspirators to hack it. No laws broken.

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So the next person who wishes to sell state secrets has merely to set up his own server and invite his conspirators to hack it. No laws broken.

You've just expressed intent to sell state secrets. I'm pretty sure there's a law against that.

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Yeah, the Cookie Monster, Santa Claus, and Peter Rabbit are all real...

The FBI director was given his part to play in this dark comedy drama...most of us...and especially H. Clinton...knew what the outcome would be when the investigation began...

The US is becoming more like a vassal state...Lords who lord over you and do not follow the rules...and vassals who are punished by the same laws the Lords ignore...

Sad day for all people...especially America's law abiding citizens...

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While I think Teflon Hillary lucked out on this, everyone who has ever handled classified information knows the rules and regulations. I do think the FBI did the best it could and just felt they could go not further and get the information they need to go for prosecution. The FBI should not have made a recommendation but should have just referred it to the Justice Department for a decision. While the end result would have been the same at least it would not have tarnished the FBI. I suggest anyone wanting to to read about just how slimy the Clintons are, to read "Clinton Cash." While many have claimed it to be a trash book by the right if only 10% is true both Clintons should be in jail. It was interesting in that Comey did not want to comment on Chaffetz question about whether there was any on going investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

As someone said, she may not have lied to the FBI but she lied to the American people. The left has gotten to the point of having such little in the way of moral character that they didn't bat an eye to the fact that Hillary lied just as they did not when Bill lied about Monica. It's really kind of pathetic when you will support a candidate that flat out lied about what she did and had her lawyers destroy so much potential evidence. It was almost pathetic listening to the Democrats at the Congressional Hearing. They sounded like the most dumbass politicians one could elect. Most of them could not make a coherent statement and had to almost read everything. They were mental midgets even in attempting to defend the FBI and Hillary. Personally I'm think the hearings were helpful in understanding even more about what the FBI found and the reasoning behind things. The Democrats are all to quick in wanting this behind Hillary. One can only hope Donald will ask how Hillary can be President when she isn't worthy of a security clearance according to the FBI director. There is enough material there for many political spots on TV.

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The Elite has his one rules.It was clear nothing will happens to Hillary.What a joke this whole thing is. Millions of Taxpayer money spend for nothing .rigged System ?[/quote

The FBI director is no dummy and may have tried a little harder if that numbskull Trump wasn't their nominee.
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So the next person who wishes to sell state secrets has merely to set up his own server and invite his conspirators to hack it. No laws broken.

You've just expressed intent to sell state secrets. I'm pretty sure there's a law against that.

Yep. For $50 I'll sell you every state secret I possess. Cheap at half that price.

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A reason not to vote for her perhaps,not a reason to charge her with criminal intent.

The laws Clinton violated do not require intent ... ask the sailor convicted of such crimes despite no intent.

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While I think Teflon Hillary lucked out on this, everyone who has ever handled classified information knows the rules and regulations. I do think the FBI did the best it could and just felt they could go not further and get the information they need to go for prosecution. The FBI should not have made a recommendation but should have just referred it to the Justice Department for a decision. While the end result would have been the same at least it would not have tarnished the FBI. I suggest anyone wanting to to read about just how slimy the Clintons are, to read "Clinton Cash." While many have claimed it to be a trash book by the right if only 10% is true both Clintons should be in jail. It was interesting in that Comey did not want to comment on Chaffetz question about whether there was any on going investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

As someone said, she may not have lied to the FBI but she lied to the American people. The left has gotten to the point of having such little in the way of moral character that they didn't bat an eye to the fact that Hillary lied just as they did not when Bill lied about Monica. It's really kind of pathetic when you will support a candidate that flat out lied about what she did and had her lawyers destroy so much potential evidence. It was almost pathetic listening to the Democrats at the Congressional Hearing. They sounded like the most dumbass politicians one could elect. Most of them could not make a coherent statement and had to almost read everything. They were mental midgets even in attempting to defend the FBI and Hillary. Personally I'm think the hearings were helpful in understanding even more about what the FBI found and the reasoning behind things. The Democrats are all to quick in wanting this behind Hillary. One can only hope Donald will ask how Hillary can be President when she isn't worthy of a security clearance according to the FBI director. There is enough material there for many political spots on TV.

You are correct. It wasn't the FBI's position to decide on the future of the case and whether it should be prosecuted. Comey should have stayed away from the podium but Lynch used him to be the face of this scam so he was a good soldier and did as instructed. What better than to have a registered Republican be the messenger. The media will never have enough journalistic curiosity to peel back the layers on this so it's done.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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