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APNewsBreak: State Department reopens Clinton emails probe


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APNewsBreak: State Department reopens Clinton emails probe

WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department is reopening an internal investigation of possible mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and top aides, officials told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Although the former secretary of state's closest confidants have left the agency, they could still face punishment. The most serious is the loss of security clearances, which could complicate her aides' hopes of securing top positions on her national security team if she becomes president.

The State Department started its review in January after declaring 22 emails from Clinton's private server to be "top secret." It was suspended in April so as not to interfere with the FBI's inquiry. State Department spokesman John Kirby said the probe is restarting after the Justice Department's announcement Wednesday that it won't bring any criminal charges.

"We will aim to be as expeditious as possible, but we will not put artificial deadlines on the process," Kirby said. "Our goal will be to be as transparent as possible about our results, while complying with our various legal obligations."

Kirby wouldn't say anything more about the precise information officials are evaluating. But when the probe was launched almost six months ago, officials said it pertained particularly to a set of emails that were upgraded to one of the nation's highest classification levels. One question they said they were investigating was whether any of the emails were classified at the time of transmission.

Additionally Thursday, Republican lawmakers said they would now ask the FBI to investigate whether Clinton lied to the committee. That announcement came in a testy hearing with FBI Director James Comey, who defended the government's decision not to prosecute Clinton over her private email setup.

Clinton was secretary of state until early 2013. Most of her top advisers left shortly thereafter.

But Kirby said this week former officials can still face punishment. Options range from counseling and warnings to the revocation of an individual's security clearance.

Beyond the Democratic front-runner, the probe is will most likely examine confidants Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan and Huma Abedin — who wrote many of the emails to their boss that the various investigations have focused on. Mills, Clinton's chief of staff at the State Department, has been viewed as a possibility for the same job in the White House. There is speculation that Sullivan, Clinton's former policy chief, could be national security adviser.

"There could be repercussions," Kirby told reporters Wednesday, saying infractions identified would be kept on file. If someone's security clearance is taken away, he said it would have an effect "assuming that individual still needed the clearance to work in another federal agency or something like that."

The State Department says it won't identify former officials that still hold security clearances. But in an email Fox News made public earlier this year, the department described Mills as still holding a valid clearance.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-08

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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


Yes, the ​system worked perfectly... ​for the Clintons and their supporters.

For everybody else it was a dysfunctional farce.

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Well, heck, maybe Comey was right. Hillary didn't intend to lie. She just can't recognize the difference between a lie and the truth, because she treats both the same ever since she claimed to have tried to join the marines in 1975 and maybe before. She is a mental case.

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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


Yes, the ​system worked perfectly... ​for the Clintons and their supporters.

For everybody else it was a dysfunctional farce.

Just like Thailand, in the USA the laws are applied differently for the elite and the little people.

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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


Yes, the ​system worked perfectly... ​for the Clintons and their supporters.

For everybody else it was a dysfunctional farce.

Just like Thailand, in the USA the laws are applied differently for the elite and the little people.

Not just Thailand - all over the world.

Edited by DaddyWarbucks
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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


This continual push by the GOP to nail Clinton for "something/anything" is just demonstrating how little faith they have in Trump to unify their party. It smacks of desperation by a party that is losing coherence by the day. I do hope all the predictions come to pass...Trump gets buried in the general, GOP loses the Senate, then the House. Finally, all of this nonsense will be history.

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1) The STATE DEPARTMENT is reopening the email probe, not Republicans in Congress. The State Dept is headed by the Obama administration. Soon, Congressional Republicans WILL go after her for lying under oath to Congress. The FBI has yet to publicly declare that law does not apply to anyone named Clinton.

2) "Although the former secretary of state's closest confidants have left the agency, they could still face punishment. The most serious is the loss of security clearances, which could complicate her aides' hopes of securing top positions on her national security team if she becomes president."

So what? Comey already testified that Clinton gave access to classified documents to her legal team, people who did not have a security clearance. Yes, that is a crime if your name is not Clinton. But Hillary is a Clinton therefore as President her aides don't need any silly, bureaucratic "security clearance".

Edited by mopar71
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The FBI Director is operating above his scope of authority. It's not his job to interpret the law and decide whether a case is referred to prosecution of not, or pontificate and debate at National press conferences about same.

His job is to forward the facts and findings his investigators compiled, to the AG for disposition.

And if you think the 30 minute meeting between Bill Clinton and AG Lynch with SS and FBI security agents running around like the Gestapo preventing photo from being taken isn't suspect, then you probably believe in the tooth fairy, and that the moon is made of cheese.

No, this thing isn't going to die and it shouldn't. This is just one more example of Hillary's flawed character, bad judgement and cavalier attitude being swept under the rug. Clinton supporters are willing to ignore all this, yet ridicule Trump supporters for doing the same.

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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


The system failed to find "intent" just as it had failed to do so with the Orlando shooter, the San Bernadino couple and the Boston bomber brothers.

Someone should buy the FBI an "intent-detector".

The didn't need one in the case of Hillary, though. Her setting up a private email server and using it showed clear "intent" to violate Federal law.

We all know what happened here: The US DOJ (aka the Obama administration) was "intent" on terminating any potential action against Hillary and Director Comey was up to the task of announcing and attempting to justify it. My guess is that he is betting Hillary will be his next boss - she owes him one now. US AG Lynch wants to keep her job as well.

How many people does it take to qualify for being an "intentional" conspiracy?

Perhaps the State Department is less "politicized"? Yeah, right!

Edited by MaxYakov
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Section/Question #27 of the attached SF-86 PDF, indicates the US Government does care about how classified info is handled. The irony is the POTUS isn't required to fill one of these out and be vetted. The POTUS doesn't have a security clearance. He or she is considered "vetted" by the election process.


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Where's J Edgar Hoover just when you need him?

This would never have happened in his day.First of all,there would have been a secret file on 'our Hill' and all her accomplices.

Second of all,the FBI would have made a thorough investigation,because all his men and every president that he served under were terrified of him.Unlike Ronny Cray,i bet he was never called 'a fat poof' to his face.

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Two possible reasons behind the State Department's decision:

1) Identify one (or more) of the HC person's expendable drones to take the fall. Pull their security clearances, slap them on the wrist, exonerate the Empress and settle the in-house unpleasantness once and for all.

2) Formally arrive at the same conclusion as the FBI and finally complete the governmental whitewash.

However it plays out, one thing appears certain. Ultimately, there's no way on earth the State Department is going to do anything other than kill this.

Edited by Hayduke
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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


Fat Lady did not Sing....the first time.

So it is not Over.

In fact...I think it has just begun. The lying, crooked Hillary Henchmen are going to sing first. (To protect themselves)

Stand by, watch and learn.

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This is all adding to this whole subject being in the top 10 comedy shows. I can see all the Republicans at home spitting feathers with faces like they have a 1 month constipation. Blood pressure at 180/130, trying to pull their own finger nails out. Seething, rage The only plan to win the election is 'how do we get HRC indicted', there is no plan B or plan C. It is comedy gold. I just wish George Carlin was around to make the most of it.

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Two possible reasons behind the State Department's decision:

1) Identify one (or more) of the HC person's expendable drones to take the fall. Pull their security clearances, slap them on the wrist, exonerate the Empress and settle the in-house unpleasantness once and for all.

2) Formally arrive at the same conclusion as the FBI and finally complete the governmental whitewash.

However it plays out, one thing appears certain. Ultimately, there's no way on earth the State Department is going to do anything other than kill this.

Yes, they are just sanitizing things so that they can say that any "potential Department shortcomings" in the issue have been investigated, a couple of bureaucrats ruined and the house is clean.

Nothing to see here

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This investigation will also fall into that bottomless pit where all Clinton misuse of government property, emails, bribes and extorting money from foreign governments go...

Will be swept under the run as a partisan attempt to discredit this wonderful Presidential nominee...

Clintons rule...or there is hell to pay...

The landscape from Arkansas to Washington contains bodies of those fallen for doing no worse than having information and being in the firing line of the Clintons...

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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


Yes the GOP wingnuts thought they smelled blood but only came away with egg on their face. The turning point was when Comy (struck me as an honest fellow) told Congress that he had given up his membership in the Republican party some time ago. Faux News this morning brought their guns to bear on him this morning. What a Punch and Judy show that station is. Also from years past the Colgate Comedy Hour comes to mind as well. I see one of Faux News reporters is suing the CEO for sexual harassment. He is claiming sour grapes because her contract was not renewed. What a Zoo Edited by elgordo38
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More smoke and mirrors to fool the public.

The FBI investigation was the best hope for an indictment.

There was no lack of evidence - the system is dysfunctional.

System worked perfectly. The FBI found no intent. Comey repeatedly stood by his estimation that there was no case against Clinton under the Espionage Act, which has only been used once in similar circumstances ― ineffectively ― in 99 years.

It's over.

That isn't what the wingnuts were hoping beyond hope for, but that's it. See ya.


Yes the GOP wingnuts thought they smelled blood but only came away with egg on their face. The turning point was when Comy (struck me as an honest fellow) told Congress that he had given up his membership in the Republican party some time ago. Faux News this morning brought their guns to bear on him this morning. What a Punch and Judy show that station is. Also from years past the Colgate Comedy Hour comes to mind as well. I see one of Faux News reporters is suing the CEO for sexual harassment. He is claiming sour grapes because her contract was not renewed. What a Zoo

Colgate Comedy Hour...man, you're old.

The Republican party certainly has been entertaining this week.

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Anyone who has actually been following this case would already know that the state department wouldn't touch anyone for administrative punishment that isn't STILL working at the state department. Hillary Clinton hasn't worked there for years now.

Next ...

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This investigation will also fall into that bottomless pit where all Clinton misuse of government property, emails, bribes and extorting money from foreign governments go...

Will be swept under the run as a partisan attempt to discredit this wonderful Presidential nominee...

Clintons rule...or there is hell to pay...

The landscape from Arkansas to Washington contains bodies of those fallen for doing no worse than having information and being in the firing line of the Clintons...U Huh.

U Huh. Right.

The conspiracy people are all over it I see.

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Anyone who has actually been following this case would already know that the state department wouldn't touch anyone for administrative punishment that isn't STILL working at the state department. Hillary Clinton hasn't worked there for years now.

Next ...

BS, JT. The Clinton crime family still hold clearances through state though they are no longer employed. These should have already been pulled do to gross negligence or absolute stupidity. Only reinstated if a person is cleared.

A clearance to America's secrets does not require any conviction, attitude and action alone have already made the case.

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That Weasel Comey is now trying to shift the blame saying it's Lynch's fault Crooked Hillary isn't going to jail.

These people are disgusting...wink.png


Truth is, Bill Clinton was holding the FBI directors family hostage until Hillary was cleared. Probably raping the underage granddaughters too.

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