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Barack Obama still liked around the world, survey suggests


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Barack Obama still liked around the world, survey suggests

LONDON: -- Global support for US President Barack Obama appears to have lasted through his two terms in office, a survey of 18,000 people for the BBC suggests.

More than 70% of people in 18 countries polled by Globescan think that his election was a good thing.

Of the 19 countries surveyed, only the Russians had a negative view of him, with an approval rating of 18%.

Countries with strong pro-Obama sentiments included Kenya, South Korea, the UK, France and Australia.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36742266

-- BBC 2016-07-08

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Last time I checked, there were 196 countries in the world, and to say that they pooled 18 counties,

and found that he's well liked in those courtiers, by the same token I can name 10 countries and more

that he's absolutely hated there....

to poll small number of countries is to do half job and those results doesn't reflect fare and

correct cross section of the world's populations,

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The result of this survey will not sit well with Republicans. They hate Obama enough for the entire rest of the world. He's a negro, you know.

Next up on the hate list, Hillary Clinton. Take it away, boys. gigglem.gif

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Well a survey says, that must be true. Almost as trustworthy as the media and bookmakers. Obama has served his purpose. He promised change and gave none. So if he is to be judged on that yes he is popular. The man is a fake. At least GW Bush (JR) everyone knew he was an idiot. This man is a smooth, idiot.

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Here's a bit of data from the recently released Pew International Opinion Survey

"Meanwhile, views of Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, are strongly negative. In nearly half the nations polled, the share of the public with confidence in Trump is in single digits."


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Of course he's liked he's for uncontrolled borders, moving American manufacturing overseas, free money for illegals and he's received the Nobel Peace Prize before he even started... everyone likes a good joke. Obama would be an interesting guy to sit down and drink a few beers with but I wouldn't want him to run my country... unfortunately that has been the case and Americans are faced with open borders, no jobs, race divisions and more.

Edited by losworld
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Of course he's liked he's for uncontrolled borders, moving American manufacturing overseas, free money for illegals and he's received the Nobel Peace Prize before he even started... everyone likes a good joke. Obama would be an interesting guy to sit down and drink a few beers with but I wouldn't want him to run my country... unfortunately that has been the case and Americans are faced with open borders, no jobs, race divisions and more.

I expect that if you actually did sit down and drink a few bears with Obama you would want him to run your country. Round about the third beer you would start appreciating his intelligence and by the fifth you would notice his decency and sincerity.

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Well a survey says, that must be true. Almost as trustworthy as the media and bookmakers. Obama has served his purpose. He promised change and gave none. So if he is to be judged on that yes he is popular. The man is a fake. At least GW Bush (JR) everyone knew he was an idiot. This man is a smooth, idiot.

Obama is anything but an idiot (although Trump certainly is). It's true that Obama didn't achieve many of the things he wanted to, but when you have an opposition that rabidly opposes anything he wants to do no matter its merit then achieving anything at all is gonna be hard.

For <deleted>'s sake, the wingnutters even got their titties in a twist when the first lady put focus on child obesity!

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Obama is reviled overseas. Definitely not 'well liked'!

...he didn't get the name Drone Ranger for his actions that led to his Peace Prize! laugh.png

Reviled in a poll conducted by the Boon Mee polling organization.

White is black. Stop is go. In is out. You just troll whatever is written if it mentions HRC or Obama. Obama is very popular according to a worldwide poll. Because you hate him (he's a negro, you know) the poll is wrong?

Drone Ranger?

Thanks for the input. Always insightful. coffee1.gif

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The result of this survey will not sit well with Republicans. They hate Obama enough for the entire rest of the world. He's a negro, you know.

Next up on the hate list, Hillary Clinton. Take it away, boys. gigglem.gif

Moronic to throw race into it...he was elected twice because whites bought his pack of lies...it is about his divisive politics...targeting political opponents for special Obama treatment by his henchmen...lack of securing the borders...interjecting his personal views in active investigations...and bringing the whole government to a new low...totally ignoring Constitutional mandate to include Congress in his decisions...to become a one man show...some might say the first dictator of the US...these are the reasons Republicans find him repugnant...he does not pass the smell test...his color is irrelevant...

Throwing out the race card does nothing to increase your chances of making a point...IMHO

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Last time I checked, there were 196 countries in the world, and to say that they pooled 18 counties,

and found that he's well liked in those courtiers, by the same token I can name 10 countries and more

that he's absolutely hated there....

to poll small number of countries is to do half job and those results doesn't reflect fare and

correct cross section of the world's populations,

You don't understand it was a Faux News poll conducted by the big kahuna himself Bill (say that with a straight face) O'Reilly Factor Book writer extordinaire
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The result of this survey will not sit well with Republicans. They hate Obama enough for the entire rest of the world. He's a negro, you know.

Next up on the hate list, Hillary Clinton. Take it away, boys. gigglem.gif

Moronic to throw race into it...he was elected twice because whites bought his pack of lies...it is about his divisive politics...targeting political opponents for special Obama treatment by his henchmen...lack of securing the borders...interjecting his personal views in active investigations...and bringing the whole government to a new low...totally ignoring Constitutional mandate to include Congress in his decisions...to become a one man show...some might say the first dictator of the US...these are the reasons Republicans find him repugnant...he does not pass the smell test...his color is irrelevant...

Throwing out the race card does nothing to increase your chances of making a point...IMHO

His posts seem to indicate a very narrow view of the world

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Last time I checked, there were 196 countries in the world, and to say that they pooled 18 counties,

and found that he's well liked in those courtiers, by the same token I can name 10 countries and more

that he's absolutely hated there....

to poll small number of countries is to do half job and those results doesn't reflect fare and

correct cross section of the world's populations,

The only country which really matters is the US; and the majority of the US approves of him. Those who don't likely approved of GW, who left office at less than one third approval

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Easily one of the best ever (teleprompter readers, that is.)

No slouch when it comes to fibbing with a straight face either.

Don't go PC on us Ulysses G - Obama lies straight out. No 'fibbing' involved.blink.png

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the Obama Administration is good at telling people how much better things are since he took office. Couple of interesting figures:

Food Stamps: Average monthly participation 2009 - 33,490,000, 2015 45,767,000

Real Median Household Income 2009 - $55,415, 2014 - $53,657

Per Capita Income 2009 - $29,140, 2014 - $28,889

No consideration in those figures for inflation, increased cost of Health Care, etc. So how are people in general better off?

There seems to be more animosity between races, income groups, etc. than ever. Almost 3,500 people killed in Chicago alone to date during his term in office. 85% of those African Americans. Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago all bastions of Democratic politics are a mess. There is more violence in the Middle East since he took office (you can blame Bush for the Iraq invasion) but I don't give Obama a very high score for pulling out troops too soon. Libya and ISIS are on Obama's watch (it is difficult to keep blaming Bush 7 years down the road) and the lack of a coherent policy with regard to who in the hell we are supporting in Syria has made the situation worse and last but not least, relations with Russia are at an all time low (although Putin seems to want to reset things now that he has firmly got Crimea and part of Ukraine under his control). Relations with Israel aren't particularly good either. Obama is as bad a Jesse Jackson when it comes to opening his mouth after police shootings of blacks before he even has the facts and now we have a black lunatic getting riled up by "black lives matter" and shooting white policemen. I would say in a general the United States was a better place to live and work before Obama took office, and no I don't blame it all on him. He surely is a smart man but he sure must be one of the most ill-equipped persons to take the office in a long time. His resume is basically one of teaching a short while at a university, a little time as a community organizer, and the rest of it feeding out of the public trough in politics and getting public paychecks all his life. Even I had the hope in 2008 that he would be the first black president and bring everyone together. That things are worse will be his legacy. So as much as many people think he can do no wrong, I sure would like to see what he has done right.

His leadership style has been one of obstinance and digging in when he doesn't get his way. Almost every political speech he has given has been used blame others for the problems. It has always been his way or the highway. That's his style.


Edited by Trouble
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the Obama Administration is good at telling people how much better things are since he took office. Couple of interesting figures:

Food Stamps: Average monthly participation 2009 - 33,490,000, 2015 45,767,000

Real Median Household Income 2009 - $55,415, 2014 - $53,657

Per Capita Income 2009 - $29,140, 2014 - $28,889

No consideration in those figures for inflation, increased cost of Health Care, etc. So how are people in general better off?

There seems to be more animosity between races, income groups, etc. than ever. Almost 3,500 people killed in Chicago alone to date during his term in office. 85% of those African Americans. Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago all bastions of Democratic politics are a mess. There is more violence in the Middle East since he took office (you can blame Bush for the Iraq invasion) but I don't give Obama a very high score for pulling out troops too soon. Libya and ISIS are on Obama's watch (it is difficult to keep blaming Bush 7 years down the road) and the lack of a coherent policy with regard to who in the hell we are supporting in Syria has made the situation worse and last but not least, relations with Russia are at an all time low (although Putin seems to want to reset things now that he has firmly got Crimea and part of Ukraine under his control). Relations with Israel aren't particularly good either. Obama is as bad a Jesse Jackson when it comes to opening his mouth after police shootings of blacks before he even has the facts and now we have a black lunatic getting riled up by "black lives matter" and shooting white policemen. I would say in a general the United States was a better place to live and work before Obama took office, and no I don't blame it all on him. He surely is a smart man but he sure must be one of the most ill-equipped persons to take the office in a long time. His resume is basically one of teaching a short while at a university, a little time as a community organizer, and the rest of it feeding out of the public trough in politics and getting public paychecks all his life. Even I had the hope in 2008 that he would be the first black president and bring everyone together. That things are worse will be his legacy. So as much as many people think he can do no wrong, I sure would like to see what he has done right.

His leadership style has been one of obstinance and digging in when he doesn't get his way. Almost every political speech he has given has been used blame others for the problems. It has always been his way or the highway. That's his style.


WOW!!! Exceptionally well said.

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