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Shots fired at Dallas protest over fatal police shootings


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The only people to blame for these police officers being shot and some killed is the police themselves

The only people to blame are the nutjobs who pulled the trigger.

Killing human beings in Dallas for despicable acts in other states is the first clue, and the only one that counts.

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No, you're not. But then you're also not an elected official speaking at a podium with seal of the president on it. Nor are you the vp of the US tweeting out your solidarity with "anger." Nor are you one of the Clinton weasels who will take whatever position on this matter that gets them the best advantage. You don't carry public authority which could inflame and incite.

"Inflame and incite." That's exactly what Trump has been doing for the better part of the last year. But of course, you have no problem with that.

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NPR: "Suspect says “the end is coming, and that he’s going to hurt and kill more of us ... and that there are bombs all over the place.”

Then on the other side, former congressman tweeted this (and deleted the tweet later on).


USA is sick and provocateurs are not helping it to get better.

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The only people to blame for these police officers being shot and some killed is the police themselves.

I saw the video of the police shooting the black man at very close range whilst he was on the floor with police on top of him.

Bloody disgraceful way for any police officer to behave, animals crazy animals.

We are the police, we can do what we want !! WRONG !!

The people to blame are the politicians, who do nothing to bring in gun control...

This would not happen in the UK because there are fewer people with access to guns, therefore not every police officers carries a gun, very few carry guns and because only a small percentage of police officers carry guns only the best officers are selected and their training and screening is far superior to that of America.

Your 'superior trained' officers would pee in their pants if they had to patrol some of the more violent areas in the U.S..

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Being a police officer in the US is like playing Russian roulette with your life every time you go out on duty,

tones of crazy people out there want to vent their anger and frustrations ant anyone and anybody, in

particularly when it come to misguided racial equalities perceived b y many African American as their

god given rights to be defiant and resist the rule of laws because they're the ' oppress ' one,

There isn't an answer how to remedy the and fix these problems as black carry their injustice and slavery

memories with them for generation and will continue to do so for generations to come.....

They can also now "open carry" semi auto rifles at their protests.

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I just feel America feels that whites have monopoly on racism. What happened here today will be called what? Justice?

The root cause of this is the police gunning down black people.

Americans demand the right to carry a gun but when a black American carries a gun it is justification for the police to shoot him dead - dispite the fact he's not holding the gun and its still in his pocket.

You did not answer my question but you did show with your post support for my claim of white monopoly on racism.

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Finally it looks like a team of snipers took revenge. When the riots were goinig on in Ferguson , I was thinking the same , but it didn't happen . Missed opportunity.

Even ISIS should take notes : this is how it is done , instead of bombing clueless bystanders.

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Finally it looks like a team of snipers took revenge. When the riots were goinig on in Ferguson , I was thinking the same , but it didn't happen . Missed opportunity.

Even ISIS should take notes : this is how it is done , instead of bombing clueless bystanders.


Are you out of your mind??? blink.png

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Police have released a photograph of one of the suspects. He was participating in the BLM protest. Obama and Hillary Clinton have both endorsed the BLM movement. We have had topic after topic in this forum attempting to tie Donald Trump to violent protesters. Here, we have a murderous protest movement which is directly endorsed by Obama, Biden, and Hillary.

And Repubs are mostly anti-abortion. But I don't blame them for clinic bombings.

There's a huge difference between supporting a cause and supporting despicable acts in furtherance of the cause.

I, too, believe that black lives matter, and that smartphone videos are finally showing us the lies told by a tiny percentage of cops who are bad. Does that mean I hold some blame for the shootings, too?

Let's say there're 100,000 police in the US, 2 or 3 get a little crazy, tha's 99,997 who are doing their best! Whites are not at war with Blacks in the US, although, sometimes it looks like that? sad.pngwai.gif

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Black people in the USA have LEGITIMATE beefs about pretty much all aspects of unfair treatment in the U.S. justice system.

Obviously, shooting up cops is not the answer and I'm sure the vast majority of black people don't think it is either.

But it happened, and what happens next is worrisome.

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How useful this little crisis is for those pushing against the second amendment.

It never stops...these knee jerks who want to abrogate our rights under the Constitution...facepalm.gif

Dallas is not a 'Gun Free Zone' like the primary school at Sandy Hook. I have watched the VDO on CNN repeatedly and I have not once seen any of those 100 million patriots with their 300 million weapons stopping these shooters 'in their tracks'. Not one. Why didn't all the concerned citizens of Dallas pull out out their six shooters and stop this immediately? Did they leave their 'peace keepers' under the pillow at home this morning? I realize that this example, a repeat of so many other examples, will not pu the fallacy of 'Gun Free Zones' into the trash bin of partisan stupidity where it belongs since there will always be a 2A guy mouthing off about 'Rights'.

I guess your Tree of Liberty is getting a good sprinkling of its required nutrients today in Texas.

Edited by PTC
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Black people in the USA have LEGITIMATE beefs about pretty much all aspects of unfair treatment in the U.S. justice system.

Obviously, shooting up cops is not the answer and I'm sure the vast majority of black people don't think it is either.

But it happened, and what happens next is worrisome.

Your post gives the impression that the killing of four Dallas police officers and a Dart officer and the wounding of six others was just a "happening" and it is not "worrisome", in your opinion.

By "what happens next", I take it you weren't referring to the trial and possible execution of the perpetrators as "worrisome", yes?

Edited by MaxYakov
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How useful this little crisis is for those pushing against the second amendment.

It never stops...these knee jerks who want to abrogate our rights under the Constitution...facepalm.gif
Indeed from the top down the progressive movement engages in dog whistle politics. Any dead cops or more dead black youths are equally useful, looking at it cynically that is.
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Black people in the USA have LEGITIMATE beefs about pretty much all aspects of unfair treatment in the U.S. justice system.

Obviously, shooting up cops is not the answer and I'm sure the vast majority of black people don't think it is either.

But it happened, and what happens next is worrisome.

Your post givesthe impression that the killing of four Dallas police officers and a Dart officer and the wounding of six others was just a "happening" and it is not "worrisome".

By "what happens next", I take it you weren't referring to the trial and possible execution of the perpetrators as "worrisome", yes?

You get the wrong impression.

Of course what happened in Dallas was horrible and the perps deserve full punishment.

But the concern over "what happens next" is the potential that a more widespread national conflict, with aspects of a feeling of "race war" may occur.

Even if it's only a small minority that may want to make that happen, small numbers of people can have large impacts.

Edited by Jingthing
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Black people in the USA have LEGITIMATE beefs about pretty much all aspects of unfair treatment in the U.S. justice system.

Obviously, shooting up cops is not the answer and I'm sure the vast majority of black people don't think it is either.

But it happened, and what happens next is worrisome.

Your post givesthe impression that the killing of four Dallas police officers and a Dart officer and the wounding of six others was just a "happening" and it is not "worrisome".

By "what happens next", I take it you weren't referring to the trial and possible execution of the perpetrators as "worrisome", yes?

You get the wrong impression.

Of course what happened in Dallas was horrible and the perps deserve full punishment.

But the concern over "what happens next" is the potential that a more widespread national conflict, with aspects of a feeling of "race war" may occur.

Even if it's only a small minority that may want to make that happen, small numbers of people can have large impacts.

You gave the wrong impression.

Small numbers of violent people will make an impact on a judicial system that is already overloaded. Who, do you suppose, are the main contributors to the overload?

Also, while I'm quashing a doomsday hypothesist, global warming is not in "runaway" mode either,

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I bet that black fellow who got shot in his car was glad he went out and bought a gun and concealed carry permit for his protection, really worked out well for him didn't it?

There's only one answer here. There's just not enough guns in America. Even man woman and child should be issued with one by the government so everyone can be in a constant Mexican standoff and no one will get shot.

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How useful this little crisis is for those pushing against the second amendment.

It never stops...these knee jerks who want to abrogate our rights under the Constitution...facepalm.gif

Dallas is not a 'Gun Free Zone' like the primary school at Sandy Hook. I have watched the VDO on CNN repeatedly and I have not once seen any of those 100 million patriots with their 300 million weapons stopping these shooters 'in their tracks'. Not one. Why didn't all the concerned citizens of Dallas pull out out their six shooters and stop this immediately? Did they leave their 'peace keepers' under the pillow at home this morning? I realize that this example, a repeat of so many other examples, will not pu the fallacy of 'Gun Free Zones' into the trash bin of partisan stupidity where it belongs since there will always be a 2A guy mouthing off about 'Rights'.

I guess your Tree of Liberty is getting a good sprinkling of its required nutrients today in Texas.

No, Dallas is not. But El Centro College, where the shootings took place and where the last gunman was hold out is a prohibited area for guns. Just google up El Centro College College Policies and Procedures.

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I, too, believe that black lives matter, and that smartphone videos are finally showing us the lies told by a tiny percentage of cops who are bad. Does that mean I hold some blame for the shootings, too?

Let's say there're 100,000 police in the US, 2 or 3 get a little crazy, that's 99,997 who are doing their best! Whites are not at war with Blacks in the US, although, sometimes it looks like that?

I wish I shared your optimism for the numbers. But even as a white, middle class professional who minds his P's & Q's, I'd say my interactions with the police have only been 80% favorable or neutral- neutral being perfectly fine. I can only imagine the crap that poorly spoken and black people have to put up with.

And I've also known enough cops through volunteer duty and other functions to know that even they have co-workers they believe are unfit, but civil service rules keep them from getting fired until after the tragedy.

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I, too, believe that black lives matter, and that smartphone videos are finally showing us the lies told by a tiny percentage of cops who are bad. Does that mean I hold some blame for the shootings, too?

Let's say there're 100,000 police in the US, 2 or 3 get a little crazy, that's 99,997 who are doing their best! Whites are not at war with Blacks in the US, although, sometimes it looks like that?

I wish I shared your optimism for the numbers. But even as a white, middle class professional who minds his P's & Q's, I'd say my interactions with the police have only been 80% favorable or neutral- neutral being perfectly fine. I can only imagine the crap that poorly spoken and black people have to put up with.

And I've also known enough cops through volunteer duty and other functions to know that even they have co-workers they believe are unfit, but civil service rules keep them from getting fired until after the tragedy.

Just re-watch the movie Serpico if you need a refresher on how the police operate.
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How useful this little crisis is for those pushing against the second amendment.

It never stops...these knee jerks who want to abrogate our rights under the Constitution...facepalm.gif

Dallas is not a 'Gun Free Zone' like the primary school at Sandy Hook. I have watched the VDO on CNN repeatedly and I have not once seen any of those 100 million patriots with their 300 million weapons stopping these shooters 'in their tracks'. Not one. Why didn't all the concerned citizens of Dallas pull out out their six shooters and stop this immediately? Did they leave their 'peace keepers' under the pillow at home this morning? I realize that this example, a repeat of so many other examples, will not pu the fallacy of 'Gun Free Zones' into the trash bin of partisan stupidity where it belongs since there will always be a 2A guy mouthing off about 'Rights'.

I guess your Tree of Liberty is getting a good sprinkling of its required nutrients today in Texas.

Yeah, lets get our guns out and join in on a cop vs organized sniper firefight lol

There have been potential mass shootings stopped with a good guy and a gun, like the oregon mall shooting in 2012

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How useful this little crisis is for those pushing against the second amendment.

It never stops...these knee jerks who want to abrogate our rights under the Constitution...facepalm.gif

Dallas is not a 'Gun Free Zone' like the primary school at Sandy Hook. I have watched the VDO on CNN repeatedly and I have not once seen any of those 100 million patriots with their 300 million weapons stopping these shooters 'in their tracks'. Not one. Why didn't all the concerned citizens of Dallas pull out out their six shooters and stop this immediately? Did they leave their 'peace keepers' under the pillow at home this morning? I realize that this example, a repeat of so many other examples, will not pu the fallacy of 'Gun Free Zones' into the trash bin of partisan stupidity where it belongs since there will always be a 2A guy mouthing off about 'Rights'.

I guess your Tree of Liberty is getting a good sprinkling of its required nutrients today in Texas.

Are you angry with the civilians for not engaging a group of snipers? facepalm.gif

Or are you angry with the city of Dallas because there were no 'Gun Free Zone' signs posted among the non-violent protesters? crazy.gif

You might want to consider that militaries have a very difficult time defending against snipers. And armed police are no different.

And what do you have against trees? coffee1.gif

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The two black guys were shot multiple times each. The cops weren't protecting themselves,they shot to kill

When Police are trained to fire their weapons they're trained to shoot for the centre of body mass with the intention to immobilise, which is a nice way to say kill.


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