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Want a degree? Just go online, five minutes and you're qualified!


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Oh dear. Everybody is an art critic. If somebody wants to buy a degree to hang on their wall, it is hardly a crime.

.Remember, I don't know if it's art, but I like it!

Nobody pays 15,000 for a degree here to just hang on the wall.

People pay millions o dollars for crap to hang on their walls.

True. But that isn't what's going on here.

Should I remind you that this conversation began with your statement 'Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it? Brilliant.'

If it's not used to perpetrate a fraud, it's not a crime.

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" Those using the degrees can face the same penalties though just having one made does not actually constitute a crime."

Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it?


makes sense if you think about it.

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" Those using the degrees can face the same penalties though just having one made does not actually constitute a crime."

Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it?


I have a copy of Nighthawks on my wall. Should that be a crime?

Yes, if you are referring to the movie staring Sly.

No if you are referring to the the Hopper painting (excellent choice by the way)

However my point is who buys a relatively expensive degree if they don't intend to use it?

Oh dear. Everybody is an art critic. If somebody wants to buy a degree to hang on their wall, it is hardly a crime.

.Remember, I don't know if it's art, but I like it!

Nobody pays 15,000 for a degree here to just hang on the wall.

Sure they do. It's called Thai university.

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those of you who operate a business in thailand have noticed that almost everyone is under qualified. Even politicians have bought several degrees that have nothing to do with their profession because ... no one will grill them about their degree.

HECK, ... if you want, I can give you several business IN THAILAND that will write your thesis. varying in price, do you want an A? B? or C? paper? And yes, they document all their work. so yes, there is plenty of evidence.

Several politicians have taken this route since money is easy for them.

anyone want to open up my can of worms?

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People pay millions o dollars for crap to hang on their walls.

True. But that isn't what's going on here.

Should I remind you that this conversation began with your statement 'Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it? Brilliant.'

If it's not used to perpetrate a fraud, it's not a crime.

Yes, and I'm saying anyone paying out 15,000 is most likely fully intending to commit fraud.

Edited by Bluespunk
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" Those using the degrees can face the same penalties though just having one made does not actually constitute a crime."

Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it?


makes sense if you think about it.

I have and it doesn't. Anyone buying a fake degree, one that deliberately resembles the real thing, is not buying it for decoration.

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" Those using the degrees can face the same penalties though just having one made does not actually constitute a crime."

Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it?


makes sense if you think about it.

I have and it doesn't.


someone else having it made using your name?

planted documents?


unless one really claims the usurped academic rank and uses it for whatever purpose, I don't see how the existence of a piece of paper that one might even not have commissioned himself should have legal consequences other than for the forger.

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" Those using the degrees can face the same penalties though just having one made does not actually constitute a crime."

Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it?


makes sense if you think about it.

I have and it doesn't.


someone else having it made using your name?

planted documents?


unless one really claims the usurped academic rank and uses it for whatever purpose, I don't see how the existence of a piece of paper that one might even not have commissioned himself should have legal consequences other than for the forger.

I have no idea what you are on about in the first part of your post but regarding the forgery of a document, both the forger and the one commissioning the forgery are equally guilty.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Some will recall the opportunity for a photo with Bill Clinton at DMK: maybe 15 or 20 years ago. A LifeSize cardboard cutout. They did a booming trade with both Thai and farang. It was quite cheap and good quality. I have my pic with Bill and I should imagine thousands of others as well. Someone complained and they got shut down.

555 Great can we see it,thanks

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Done, now you can call me Dr. gigglem.gif

Do they have one proclaiming the owner Lord and Master of the known universe?

I promise not to use it.

Hey the potential next president of the US ran a "university," now defunct. All its students came away with a better understanding of what fraud, scam and deception mean, so at least they learned something.

Trump University LLC (formerly the Trump Wealth Institute; later named Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC) was an American for-profit education company that ran a real estate training program from 2005 until 2010.
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I'd say that's better value for money then an actual, legit degree.... since they're both equally worthless.

Strange how those who don't have a degree think they never needed one...

I find mine comes in quite handy at times.

Sadly, anti-intellectualism seems to be on the rise in these times. Look, for example, at the recent 'ignore the experts' attitude in the UK referendum campaign.

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A very TYPICAL reason why Thia degrees are nothing more than toilet paper in the rest of the world. Yes people there is a world outside of Thailand but Students and education departments here do not believe so.

A thia degree is equivalent to about grade 4 in any other country

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Done, now you can call me Dr. gigglem.gif

Do they have one proclaiming the owner Lord and Master of the known universe?

I promise not to use it.

Yes they do and there is ONE in Thailand called PRAYUTH DEGREE

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No need for degrees if you want to work as a teacher here, just apply and show them your white skin, the job is yours.

I've had the unwanted you speak Angrit you can teach approach lol. Solly visa say no work.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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This is an example of the mind set that separates generations...

Older generation were willing to work hard and study hard...doing menial tasks...while waiting their turn to legitimately enter the workforce and become a productive citizen...

New generation wants instant gratification...no hard work or education...just give me money for showing up for work so I can have a good time with no thought to the future...

Does not bode well for the human race...

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This is an example of the mind set that separates generations...

Older generation were willing to work hard and study hard...doing menial tasks...while waiting their turn to legitimately enter the workforce and become a productive citizen...

New generation wants instant gratification...no hard work or education...just give me money for showing up for work so I can have a good time with no thought to the future...

Does not bode well for the human race...

Sorry, but that's complete nonsense which does a grave disservice to the youngsters who are studying today. Previous generations enjoyed free tuition and supportive grants that allowed them to treat being a student as pretty much a three year piss up, often without concerning themselves unduly with study. By contrast, today's students are painfully aware that they're burying themselves in a mountain of debt to be where they are, and consequently tend to take their studies a whole lot more seriously.

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Not a story Im proud of.....I was young and busy with School and two jobs. I had a boring class with an even more boring teacher. He came across as not giving a SHI@ about teaching the course. For the lab he graded our lab books by format. He would flip through them like kids flip books to see if anything was a line to high or out of place. He would not read any content.

For the term paper I called an add in the back of Rolling Stone Magazine. I went and bought a term paper. The guy selling them asked where it was going, what school what class etc etc....I had the paper retyped and handed it in.....about a week later I was in the quad and the teacher came running after me. Thinking I was about to be caught. But no. He was estatic, wanted to publish it.I feigned delighg but I could hardly breathe. Then he said that page 13 was missing and to get it to him ASAP. I was pretty much out of my depth. It was a toxicology class and like I said boring.

I went home and wrote a quick couple of paragraphs. off course they didnt make any sense.

He smiled and was nice whenever we ran i to one another. But he knew. He knew he could have bounced me out of school in a second.

I could not imagine basing a career on a fake degree or even a lousy job on one. The stress would be horrible.

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" Those using the degrees can face the same penalties though just having one made does not actually constitute a crime."

Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it?


If you use it, such as getting a job, you are committing fraud. Having one hanging on your wall at home is just ego and no financial damages. smile.png

But having a fake degree hanging on your wall for ego sake, is technically still using it.

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This is an example of the mind set that separates generations...

Older generation were willing to work hard and study hard...doing menial tasks...while waiting their turn to legitimately enter the workforce and become a productive citizen...

New generation wants instant gratification...no hard work or education...just give me money for showing up for work so I can have a good time with no thought to the future...

Does not bode well for the human race...

Sorry, but that's complete nonsense which does a grave disservice to the youngsters who are studying today. Previous generations enjoyed free tuition and supportive grants that allowed them to treat being a student as pretty much a three year piss up, often without concerning themselves unduly with study. By contrast, today's students are painfully aware that they're burying themselves in a mountain of debt to be where they are, and consequently tend to take their studies a whole lot more seriously.

Academic standards have been lowered repeatedly over the last 50 years. There are multitudes of degree programs today which require no admissions tests, no prerequisite course work, no research and writing projects, and no examinations. There are many more loans, scholarships, and grants available today than ever before and they are easier to obtain.

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