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Obama says America is horrified over Dallas attack


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Texas Open-Carry Laws Blurred Lines Between Suspects and Marchers

Advocates have carried their rifles at the Alamo in San Antonio and outside mosques in the Dallas suburbs. But city and county leaders said the presence of armed protesters openly carrying rifles on Thursday through downtown Dallas had created confusion for the police as the attack unfolded, and in its immediate aftermath made it more difficult for officers to distinguish between suspects and marchers.

Two men who were armed and a woman who was with them were detained, fueling an early, errant theory by the police that there was more than one gunman.


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After the most divisive president America has ever had, we hear that he is horrified?

Jesus wept...facepalm.gif

Being black doesn't make him divisive. Being hated by white Republicans for being black is what makes him divisive, no matter what feeble excuses they come up with. Their excuses are like putting lipstick on a pig.

Putting lipstick on a pig is exactly what you are trying to do to deflect the fact that Obama has been perhaps the most racially devisive President in U.S. history. Obama had a perfect opportunity when he took office with a democrat majority in the House of representatives and a super majority in the Senate, to become a great unifier and pass meaningful immigration reform as well as initiate job training programs for inner city minorities, instead he told the Republicans that "they can come along for the ride but they will have sit in the back of the bus" and then proceeded to waste all of his political capital passing Obamacare (on the most partisan vote in congressional history), which is rapidly becoming an unmitigated disaster. So before all you left wing nutcases go on your canned diatribe about how the racist republicans blocked Obamas every move, try looking at the facts for ONCEwink.png

You genuinely believe your post contains facts? How amusing.

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After the most divisive president America has ever had, we hear that he is horrified?

Jesus wept...facepalm.gif

Being black doesn't make him divisive. Being hated by white Republicans for being black is what makes him divisive, no matter what feeble excuses they come up with. Their excuses are like putting lipstick on a pig.

Putting lipstick on a pig is exactly what you are trying to do to deflect the fact that Obama has been perhaps the most racially devisive President in U.S. history. Obama had a perfect opportunity when he took office with a democrat majority in the House of representatives and a super majority in the Senate, to become a great unifier and pass meaningful immigration reform as well as initiate job training programs for inner city minorities, instead he told the Republicans that "they can come along for the ride but they will have sit in the back of the bus" and then proceeded to waste all of his political capital passing Obamacare (on the most partisan vote in congressional history), which is rapidly becoming an unmitigated disaster. So before all you left wing nutcases go on your canned diatribe about how the racist republicans blocked Obamas every move, try looking at the facts for ONCEwink.png

You genuinely believe your post contains facts? How amusing.

My post here contains nothing but facts my friend and it barely scratches the surface of the reality of the Obama administration, of course I do understand with the rose colored glasses and blinders that you and your left wing brethren chose to wear it can be very difficult if not impossible to recognize the facts of any situation whistling.gif

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The black lives matter movement has a point. Black people in the USA do receive especially poor treatment in the U.S. justice system, including how treated during police stops. They are focusing on that.

Agreed. Blacks in America can make an argument.

But this is not that argument. BLM is an agitprop front for open society, RevCom Now and others with very different motives. It's clear there's enough currency going into the conventions to shift this horrible situation into platforms demanding urgent attention... Whatever that is. But this isn't happening. The rage is the goal.

Having studies and trained with and taught various 'packages' of color revolutions for two decades I know this is manufactured agitprop built on real grievances.

So, they have a point, but they're aim is not what one would imagine.

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"the big concern is the fact that the data shows black folks are more vulnerable to these kinds of incidents."

What is he going to say next? "Trayvon Martin Philando Castile could have been me 35 years ago"?
Blacks may well be more prone to police interactions. I think so.

However, it's disingenuous to stop the pursuit of truth here. On this point pivots the entire issue. The fact is, there's numerous data to support why- often- blacks have such experiences. Protest all one wants but they ate over reflected in crimes relative to population. This sets in motion a chain of after effects.

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