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Non Thai writing a photography book?

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It was mentioned on Thai Visa that a foreigner couldn't work as a photographer in Thailand.

I wonder if anyone knows whether a foreigner can write a book that include photographs of Thailand.

If one was to wander around the country taking photos of fruit markets, for instance, and then decide to write a book with photographs of the markets and find a publisher, could this be done from a legal standpoint? Obviously there are books by foreigners around, but regulations can change. Any ideas, thanks.

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You cannot legally do any work in Thailand without permission.

Section 37 : An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the following :

1. Shall not engage in the occupation or temporary or employment unless authorized by the Director General. or competent official deputized by the Director General . If , in any case , there is a law concerning alien employment provided hereafter , the granting of work privileges must comply with the law concerned.

Source: Immigration Act

Edited by elviajero
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The more appropriate question is whether anyone will recognize you're doing work if you shoot photos during the day and type like a madman in your room (or the local Starbucks) at night.

Do your best clueless tourist imitation, don't go on overstay and enjoy!

BTW: Trying to sell your book through personal appearances at bookstores in Thailand? Dead giveaway.

Edited by impulse
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Interesting question as many local authors (Dean Barrett, Jake Needham, John Burdette, Chris Moore) have written & published many books, about Thailand, set in Thailand, while living in Thailand. I have met and talked with all these individuals at some point and I have never heard any of them mention the need for a work permit...I don't ever recall the subject coming up.

I've known several other authors here who have written books here, self-published and marketed them...never heard any mention of work permit needed.

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Interesting question as many local authors (Dean Barrett, Jake Needham, John Burdette, Chris Moore) have written & published many books, about Thailand, set in Thailand, while living in Thailand. I have met and talked with all these individuals at some point and I have never heard any of them mention the need for a work permit...I don't ever recall the subject coming up.

I've known several other authors here who have written books here, self-published and marketed them...never heard any mention of work permit needed.

None of which means permission to work isn't required.

I doubt if anyone in authority would be concerned with a foreigner writing a book whilst in Thailand, but the fact remains that carrying out any occupation or employment whilst in Thailand requires permission, and working without permission can be prosecuted with imprisonment of up to 5 years (highly unlikely), and or a fine, and or deportation.

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I live in Thailand I have published 2 books that are on sale on major websites, no problem, books are about Thailand. Publishing and selling and making money are two different things. I can see no problems. Royalties are paid into my foreign accounts.

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