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Cameron to quit Wednesday; Theresa May to be new British PM


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Austria's finance minister urges British MPs to avoid Brexit

Hans Schelling says he hopes 'wisdom of parliamentarians' will lead them to overrule 'leave' vote


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Well done Britain, what a monumental co*ck-up​. All the Brexit boys conveniently run for cover leaving the rest to sort out the mess. Not one of them had the guts to pick up the chalice once they realised the consequences of what they had done. So we are left with a Prime Minister who wasn't elected or voted for who, like all the other main party leaders voted for remain. A wonderful break for Theresa May who now has the best of excuses when it all goes pear shaped. Just blame it all on Brexit. Hopefully she won't call an election any time soon, what the country desperately needs at the moment is stability and she is the best pair of hands for that out of the rabble out there.

But what if we do have a general election? Well you have the bitterly divided Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats limping along behind. If either (or both) of those contenders get into government then you may well get a U-turn on the referendum. With May I think she will sign the article and trigger Brexit. However she will almost certainly want the free trade agreement which means free movement of people. Without an FTA we would suffer higher prices and the loss of companies to EU countries.

For example look at the agriculture industry in this country. At the moment EU subsidies make up almost half of the farmers income and 65% of their exports go into the EU. They will lose the subsidy anyway but without the free trade agreement their exports will be subject to tax and they will no longer be competitive.

Fortunately as soon as Theresa May was confirmed as PM the markets strengthened and even the pound went a little higher.

Can we get this straight, are you for remaining or leaving the EU?

It won't be long before some of the bitter Brexiteers are spitting out the words traitor at Theresa May.

The real traitors were the "Leave" campaigners who now if left to run the country would have no idea what to do... there were no plans of what to do if the referendum voted to leave.

What has happened to Boris and Nigel? they have caused a right mess and have sneaked away.

Probably do What Thatcher did move to America.

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Doomsday with May becoming the next PM ..

Why ?

The Home Secretary or now Prime Minister tends to deny a problem exists, then lays the blame elsewhere or other people within the establishment's these days or over the years ... And before i forget there goes every bodies human rights

Yep.......... sounds perfectly qualified for the task.

'Doomsday' was somewhat over the top but then, the world is littered with sensationalist statements at the moment.


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One early test of May will be see how she controls the rabid Sturgeon and insists that the EU doesn't talk separately to regions within the UK, as they stated they wouldn't, doesn't offer Scotland a back door based on Scottish independence. and doesn't try and cherrypick parts of the UK. Sturgeon will do all she can to try and link staying in the EU as guaranteed by a successful new independence referendum, even though she knows this can't be automatic. She thinks if she can get independence she can promise to stay in. Even though the EU have made it clear that is not an option. May must silence this and stop the lies which will only confuse the negotiations and increase the mistrust and hostility in attitudes. Good luck with that one.

Why on earth would either the EU or Sturgeon listen to a woman who has no mandate to be PM? Sturgeon is doing tremendous work securing a bright and prosperous future for Scotland. May has neither the power nor the mandate to get in her way.

sturgeon is an evil witch.
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Well done Britain, what a monumental co*ck-up​. All the Brexit boys conveniently run for cover leaving the rest to sort out the mess. Not one of them had the guts to pick up the chalice once they realised the consequences of what they had done. So we are left with a Prime Minister who wasn't elected or voted for who, like all the other main party leaders voted for remain. A wonderful break for Theresa May who now has the best of excuses when it all goes pear shaped. Just blame it all on Brexit. Hopefully she won't call an election any time soon, what the country desperately needs at the moment is stability and she is the best pair of hands for that out of the rabble out there.

But what if we do have a general election? Well you have the bitterly divided Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats limping along behind. If either (or both) of those contenders get into government then you may well get a U-turn on the referendum. With May I think she will sign the article and trigger Brexit. However she will almost certainly want the free trade agreement which means free movement of people. Without an FTA we would suffer higher prices and the loss of companies to EU countries.

For example look at the agriculture industry in this country. At the moment EU subsidies make up almost half of the farmers income and 65% of their exports go into the EU. They will lose the subsidy anyway but without the free trade agreement their exports will be subject to tax and they will no longer be competitive.

Fortunately as soon as Theresa May was confirmed as PM the markets strengthened and even the pound went a little higher.

Can we get this straight, are you for remaining or leaving the EU?

It won't be long before some of the bitter Brexiteers are spitting out the words traitor at Theresa May.

Already happening - and that is before she has done anything.

But then the leave side itself is rather confused and split. You have those that voted leave as the referendum asked and would invoke article 50 to start the process (though they seem to be in the minority).

Then you have the majority of the leave side that seems to think that leave actually means getting a new deal and are against invoking article 50 until they figure out a deal before starting the process. They expect to negotiate a free trade agreement that gives them everything they have and want and accepting nothing of anything else -- basically turning every member of the EU into second class members.... a pipe-dream IMHO.

There are two likely outcome - one Norway where you never really leave you just lose your vote and think you are independent for some weird reason.

And 2nd a trade-agreement more akin to CETA where you are actually on the outside of the EU and only a trading agreement (while fairly deep and deeper than pretty most or maybe all trade agreements in existence)... this would still require a period of rather substantial economic restructuring - probably hurting London more than most parts of the country.

It just would not make sense for the EU to give Britain a more advantageous or even equal access that a member has.... it would be signing the death warrant for the EU itself.

Then you have this silly story popping out about creating a federal state which somehow would restructure the UK itself into more of a state along the lines of Canada.... but I fail to see how it solves the Scottish wish to stay in the EU because either the EU is in charge of international trade or the UK is .... but it cannot be both.... and they have never given anyone that exception that I know of.

My gut is saying a May leadership will likely lead a long negotiation with another referendum:

- a CETA style trade agreement with the EU

- or staying in the EU.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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One thing you can be certain of and that is you can be certain of nothing. Nobody knows which way May will jump and I doubt she does either. Quick answers are not the way, it needs proper deliberation and we need to know how the EU will react when we try to negotiate a deal. It's doesn't matter what you think of May up to now, it's what she does from now on.

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Personally i dont.think they will trigger art. 50 any time soon.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


She has split families to reduce the numbers coming by imposing the £18,600 rule, yet she has done very little about the Illegals already here.

Splitting families, as the daughter of a vicar her farther must be proud of her?

The £18,600 rule.

That would be about the same amount needed for a retirement extension in Thailand..

Based on the comparative cost of living I would say that makes England cheap. If you are going to set immigration rules for your own country then they should be realistic - that figure doesn't sound to too far off the mark.

You would be right in your thinking. It is very cheap, surviving on that with a family would be a more the difficult task in the UK. If someone is coming to the UK and earns less and wants to bring a family don't bother, they will starve.

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One thing you can be certain of and that is you can be certain of nothing. Nobody knows which way May will jump and I doubt she does either. Quick answers are not the way, it needs proper deliberation and we need to know how the EU will react when we try to negotiate a deal. It's doesn't matter what you think of May up to now, it's what she does from now on.

Very true, as a previous poster commented "a lot of sensational statements in the World right now".

Every time something happens the doomsayers pop up and remind us all about how we are heading for oblivion. She will go the Brexit route for sure, she has to. But despite everything everyone says this might not be as bad as people think, indeed it might be a real opportunity.

For sure a deal will have to be done with the EU and that will mean freedom of movements, however it is not entirely the EU that causes Britain's own immigration problems. I have seen people coming from all over the World and I also see the welfare state handing out cash to people who arrive. Think about it people come from a foreign country, they make a B LINE straight for the local Job centre to claim social security and on their way home go to the local doctors and register for their free health.

My mother spent the last 10 years of her working life in a GP's office as receptionist, I have been present when a man from an Asian country was shouting at her demanding his rights to free health, indeed in some countries they produce brochures instructing people how to get the most out of the British welfare system.

This was some years ago and it has improved and things are tighter but you can imagine what that did to the British peoples views on immigration. It was ripe, low hanging fruit for the far right to feed on and they did. I personally do not blame the people, they are came for a better and easier life, who wouldn't, and people lost sight that the vast majority of immigrants actually work, pay taxes and contribute to society thanks to all the scaremongerers.

All of these things were nothing to do with the EU at all. It was Britain's liberal welfare policies and lack of tight control.

So, Britain will have to accept freedom of movement, it's a given or they cannot access the free market. But all of their laws and all of their trade agreements outside of the this can be their own.

So, things can return to relative normality very quickly in my view, EU citizens can stop worrying about their future in the UK and vice versa, the EU trade will resume and continue as normal and the currency will stabilise along with the markets, banks will have access to the free trade market plus beyond as they do now. Yes, tough negotiations ahead maybe but compromises will have to be made. After which it looks pretty exciting and maybe it can work out for Britain.

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One thing you can be certain of and that is you can be certain of nothing. Nobody knows which way May will jump and I doubt she does either. Quick answers are not the way, it needs proper deliberation and we need to know how the EU will react when we try to negotiate a deal. It's doesn't matter what you think of May up to now, it's what she does from now on.

Very true, as a previous poster commented "a lot of sensational statements in the World right now".

Every time something happens the doomsayers pop up and remind us all about how we are heading for oblivion. She will go the Brexit route for sure, she has to. But despite everything everyone says this might not be as bad as people think, indeed it might be a real opportunity.

For sure a deal will have to be done with the EU and that will mean freedom of movements, however it is not entirely the EU that causes Britain's own immigration problems. I have seen people coming from all over the World and I also see the welfare state handing out cash to people who arrive. Think about it people come from a foreign country, they make a B LINE straight for the local Job centre to claim social security and on their way home go to the local doctors and register for their free health.

My mother spent the last 10 years of her working life in a GP's office as receptionist, I have been present when a man from an Asian country was shouting at her demanding his rights to free health, indeed in some countries they produce brochures instructing people how to get the most out of the British welfare system.

This was some years ago and it has improved and things are tighter but you can imagine what that did to the British peoples views on immigration. It was ripe, low hanging fruit for the far right to feed on and they did. I personally do not blame the people, they are came for a better and easier life, who wouldn't, and people lost sight that the vast majority of immigrants actually work, pay taxes and contribute to society thanks to all the scaremongerers.

All of these things were nothing to do with the EU at all. It was Britain's liberal welfare policies and lack of tight control.

So, Britain will have to accept freedom of movement, it's a given or they cannot access the free market. But all of their laws and all of their trade agreements outside of the this can be their own.

So, things can return to relative normality very quickly in my view, EU citizens can stop worrying about their future in the UK and vice versa, the EU trade will resume and continue as normal and the currency will stabilise along with the markets, banks will have access to the free trade market plus beyond as they do now. Yes, tough negotiations ahead maybe but compromises will have to be made. After which it looks pretty exciting and maybe it can work out for Britain.

You used to have to legally work for a full year to get any benefits and doctors. I think now its 2 years. So nkt true about arriving and goin on a dole....

And its not that great as you might think. You cant live off it.

Contribution-based JSA

You can receive contribution-based JSA if you’ve paid enough National Insurance contributions as an employee in the last 2 tax years.

Depending on your eligibility, personal circumstances and age, you can expect to be paid the following:

16 to 24: £57.35

25 or over: £72.40

You can only get this type of JSA for 6 months, although you may be able to get income-based JSA after this.

Single (under 25): £57.35

Single (25 or over): £72.40

Couples (both aged 18 or over): £113.70

Lone parent (18 or over): £72.40

Lone parent (under 18): £57.35

Aged over 18

Not claiming a pension

Not in full-time education

Living in England, Scotland or Wales

Be able and available to work

Working less than 16 hours a week

In special circumstances, 16-17 year olds may be eligible, so it might be worth discussing this at your local JobCentre Plus if this applies to you.

If you’re looking to claim income-based JSA and you have a partner, they must work less than 24 hours a week in order for you to be eligible and you both should have less than £16,000 in savings.


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Edited by PattayaBoy
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One early test of May will be see how she controls the rabid Sturgeon and insists that the EU doesn't talk separately to regions within the UK, as they stated they wouldn't, doesn't offer Scotland a back door based on Scottish independence. and doesn't try and cherrypick parts of the UK. Sturgeon will do all she can to try and link staying in the EU as guaranteed by a successful new independence referendum, even though she knows this can't be automatic. She thinks if she can get independence she can promise to stay in. Even though the EU have made it clear that is not an option. May must silence this and stop the lies which will only confuse the negotiations and increase the mistrust and hostility in attitudes. Good luck with that one.

Why on earth would either the EU or Sturgeon listen to a woman who has no mandate to be PM? Sturgeon is doing tremendous work securing a bright and prosperous future for Scotland. May has neither the power nor the mandate to get in her way.

sturgeon is an evil witch.

And there we have it - the depth of your political analysis in 5 words. I can hardly claim to be Paxman, but juvenile playground garbage like the above post explains so much about the poor state of UK politics.

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One early test of May will be see how she controls the rabid Sturgeon and insists that the EU doesn't talk separately to regions within the UK, as they stated they wouldn't, doesn't offer Scotland a back door based on Scottish independence. and doesn't try and cherrypick parts of the UK. Sturgeon will do all she can to try and link staying in the EU as guaranteed by a successful new independence referendum, even though she knows this can't be automatic. She thinks if she can get independence she can promise to stay in. Even though the EU have made it clear that is not an option. May must silence this and stop the lies which will only confuse the negotiations and increase the mistrust and hostility in attitudes. Good luck with that one.

Why on earth would either the EU or Sturgeon listen to a woman who has no mandate to be PM? Sturgeon is doing tremendous work securing a bright and prosperous future for Scotland. May has neither the power nor the mandate to get in her way.

sturgeon is an evil witch.
And there we have it - the depth of your political analysis in 5 words. I can hardly claim to be Paxman, but juvenile playground garbage like the above post explains so much about the poor state of UK politics.

I wouldn't have thought UK politics bothered you with your eyes focused on independence. Why worry so much about a throw-away remark, hopefully you can have her all to yourself very soon.

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One early test of May will be see how she controls the rabid Sturgeon and insists that the EU doesn't talk separately to regions within the UK, as they stated they wouldn't, doesn't offer Scotland a back door based on Scottish independence. and doesn't try and cherrypick parts of the UK. Sturgeon will do all she can to try and link staying in the EU as guaranteed by a successful new independence referendum, even though she knows this can't be automatic. She thinks if she can get independence she can promise to stay in. Even though the EU have made it clear that is not an option. May must silence this and stop the lies which will only confuse the negotiations and increase the mistrust and hostility in attitudes. Good luck with that one.

Why on earth would either the EU or Sturgeon listen to a woman who has no mandate to be PM? Sturgeon is doing tremendous work securing a bright and prosperous future for Scotland. May has neither the power nor the mandate to get in her way.

sturgeon is an evil witch.
And there we have it - the depth of your political analysis in 5 words. I can hardly claim to be Paxman, but juvenile playground garbage like the above post explains so much about the poor state of UK politics.

I wouldn't have thought UK politics bothered you with your eyes focused on independence. Why worry so much about a throw-away remark, hopefully you can have her all to yourself very soon.

Quite the opposite - we are still very much part of the UK so its political situation is critical to independence.

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I dont trust May.


And, I guess, somtam means somtam.

Vey shady use of words to mask what this shrewd woman may be planning.

Why didn't she just say "We will Brexit like the voters have instructed us to"…thats a lot clearer and definite.

Brext means Brexit doesn't mean anything.

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