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Sanders to back Clinton. Will supporters follow?


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There she wrote.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.clap2.gif

This endorsement is a BIG DEAL!!!!!

Onward to victory to a President Clinton more progressive because of the power of Bernie and of course most importantly, the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump.

< snipped a link to a really distracting and disgusting video >

"... the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump. "

Your ingenioussarcasam post with the captivatingsarcasam animation got me thinking:

Are those coordinate or cumulative adjectives that should be separated by commas?

Should each word of "donald trump", as a proper noun name, be capitalized?

Is "DANGEROUS" actually a greater threat than the ordinary, garden-variety "dangerous"?

Are the majority of the US voters as ignorant of economics and math as they are of English grammar?

I would say that they know at least one thing:

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

Maybe that's all they need to know.

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

What rational people call taxation.

Which goes to fund evil income redistribution programs like social security system and medicare and education.

That's right, Forced Taxation* that goes to fund truly evil programs like incentive-killing "unjustified welfare" (aka The War on Poverty that has failed miserably), "illegal-migrant funding (direct and indirect)", government make-work jobs and waste and abuse, Federal and forced State funding of economic refugees, Sanders' "free college" tuition are just the off the top of my head, current and obvious ones.

Social Security is funded by the recipients, albeit poorly designed and I question the surge of "disability claims". Medicare was designed for the truly poor and not for economic opportunists. Paid-for-by-the-state education beyond high school is not a "right".

For the unbelievable government waste and abuse:

7 Unbelievable Ways the Government Wasted Your Money in 2015 - The Fiscal Times - Dec 22, 2015


Everybody Wins Something in the $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill - Fiscal Times - Dec 16, 2015


Two-thirds of Americans Can't Pass a Basic Financial Literacy Test - Time July 13, 2016

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention "Forced Debt", didn't I? That would be debt forced on the unborn without their consent.

* = If you don't believe it's forced, try not paying your Federal or State income taxes, property taxes

or sales taxes and see what happens. Ask Al Caponewiki why he spent 11 years in a Federal prison. Oops, I guess not.

PS: Shouldn't you be looking for your password or something?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Green Party candidate isn't happy...

Jill Stein shreds Sanders' Clinton endorsement

In another tweet, Stein wrote, "While Trump praises dictators, Hillary takes their money. Remind us again of Saudi Arabia's human rights record?"
As Sanders began speaking, Stein offered her own hashtags to disaffected Bernie backers. "The revolution continues with those who will fight for a government that represents all of us--not just the 1%. #HillNo #JillYes," Stein wrote.
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There she wrote.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.clap2.gif

This endorsement is a BIG DEAL!!!!!

Onward to victory to a President Clinton more progressive because of the power of Bernie and of course most importantly, the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump.

< snipped a link to a really distracting and disgusting video >

"... the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump. "

Your ingenioussarcasam post with the captivatingsarcasam animation got me thinking:

Are those coordinate or cumulative adjectives that should be separated by commas?

Should each word of "donald trump", as a proper noun name, be capitalized?

Is "DANGEROUS" actually a greater threat than the ordinary, garden-variety "dangerous"?

Are the majority of the US voters as ignorant of economics and math as they are of English grammar?

I would say that they know at least one thing:

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

Maybe that's all they need to know.

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

What rational people call taxation.

Which goes to fund evil income redistribution programs like social security system and medicare and education.

That's right, Forced Taxation* that goes to fund truly evil programs like incentive-killing "unjustified welfare" (aka The War on Poverty that has failed miserably), "illegal-migrant funding (direct and indirect)", government make-work jobs and waste and abuse, Federal and forced State funding of economic refugees, Sanders' "free college" tuition are just the off the top of my head, current and obvious ones.

Social Security is funded by the recipients, albeit poorly designed and I question the surge of "disability claims". Medicare was designed for the truly poor and not for economic opportunists. Paid-for-by-the-state education beyond high school is not a "right".

For the unbelievable government waste and abuse:

7 Unbelievable Ways the Government Wasted Your Money in 2015 - The Fiscal Times - Dec 22, 2015


Everybody Wins Something in the $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill - Fiscal Times - Dec 16, 2015


Two-thirds of Americans Can't Pass a Basic Financial Literacy Test - Time July 13, 2016

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention "Forced Debt", didn't I? That would be debt forced on the unborn without their consent.

* = If you don't believe it's forced, try not paying your Federal or State income taxes, property taxes

or sales taxes and see what happens. Ask Al Caponewiki why he spent 11 years in a Federal prison. Oops, I guess not.

PS: Shouldn't you be looking for your password or something?

That's right, Forced Taxation* ...

Really? You mean there is or has been a nation somewhere that has ever relied on Voluntary Taxation? Tell me, when you write this stuff, do you say it out loud first before you commit it to print? Maybe you should consider that.

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so much for the convictions of this communist/liberal/left wing idiot! for months he has been bad mouthing heavy hips and saying he would not be associated with her and now he shows his true colors! a politician!

Spotted elsewhere:

"If you check DNC rules he has to endorse her. It's required. Those are the rules. His whole goal is to get to the convention, to have a contested convention and to try and persuade the superdelegates to vote for him because he has the better chance of beating Donald Trump than Hillary does."

(IMO ... and maybe hoping for a "Hail Mary" option should more news break regarding Hillary's behavior while Sec. of State.)

If he didn't endorse her he would have to forfeit according to the DNC rules. His goal is to get to the convention to state this case while pushing Hillary and the DNC closer and closer towards his remaining key platform planks. Today's endorsement hurts his perceived viability, but by not conceding or suspending his campaign, he still gets to call for a roll call vote of delegates in Philadelphia. Sanders endorses Clinton but is apparently still running for president

He has NOT succeeded on the platform issues that matter most to the corporations. Hillary is still for fracking, weak on Wall St. reform, weak on healthcare ... And her team platform still hasn't opposed the trans-pacific partnership. No matter what she says if the trans-pacific partnership deal goes through nothing else will matter. The major corporations will finally own and control everything and they will be able to put as much money as they want into our politics and there's nothing anyone can do about it - according to the TPP contracts.

Edited by RPCVguy
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Funny reading the wingnut posts. They live in their Twilight Zone/Make Believe World of conspiracies and hate where HRC is a felon and the devil. They repeat the same bullshit over and over again. beatdeadhorse.gif

I wonder where they get that from? Anyway...

Democrats are united. The Republicans are...a dumpster fire.

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There she wrote.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.clap2.gif

This endorsement is a BIG DEAL!!!!!

Onward to victory to a President Clinton more progressive because of the power of Bernie and of course most importantly, the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump.

I knew I'd seen this speech before but Bernie showed more restraint than Hanover Fist. Striking similarities otherwise.


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I'm a life-long democrat but I will not vote for HRC. I will either abstain or vote for Jill Stein. Platforms will not mean anything to Clinton. She will be a 'business as usual' Wall Street democrat. I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore! (Network)

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Wouldn't endorse her for city dog catcher.

CLinton is 8000000000% better than trump.

as a techie, id trust my own servers. but shes not a techie.

or are you the type of person who would cut off your own leg to see sand in your enemies eyes?


Im going to ignore mainstream news since they all seem to "BLACK OUT" the real options.

nice opinion though bro.

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There she wrote.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.clap2.gif

This endorsement is a BIG DEAL!!!!!

Onward to victory to a President Clinton more progressive because of the power of Bernie and of course most importantly, the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump.

I knew I'd seen this speech before but Bernie showed more restraint than Hanover Fist. Striking similarities otherwise.


endorsement does not mean "out of the race."

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-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-13

Totally for Bernie forever. I think Hillary is a fitting name with that Hilarious face. We probably won't see as fake a face as the one in this picture if she gets in so that's good news. Well, not until she tries to get re-elected. America is disappointing to normal people.

Edited by Alive
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She just recited the entire Bernie Sander's platform. Wow... I guess Bernie did make a difference or at least he made a difference to the DNC platform. This will now basically guarantee a democratic win come November. The real test will be if Hillary is true to the Bernie platform or just saying whatever it takes to win. With her history of lies it is hard to tell.

Hillary and true?cheesy.gif

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Again, thank you Bernie.

What he did was for the best.

No, Bernie Sanders Did Not Sell Out by Endorsing Hillary Clinton — Just the Opposite


For those who believed a Sanders presidency was the only way forward, clearly his endorsement equals selling out. From that point of view, even if he wasn’t going to get the Democratic nomination, and even if running as a third party candidate was ultimately unrealistic, he should have stood his ground and not endorsed Clinton. For those, including myself, who have significant issues with a number of Clinton’s policies, this idea has emotional appeal and resonance. It’s understandable to want a hero who makes grand romantic gestures.

But viewed from a stance that takes the reality of our situation, whether or not it was the situation we wanted, into account, you can argue that Sanders’s endorsement ultimately is in service of the greater good, more so than the symbolic gesture of not endorsing Clinton would have been.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/344902/no-bernie-sanders-did-not-sell-out-by-endorsing-hillary-clinton-just-the-op/#ixzz4EGejLYnK

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It's come to this:

Bernie Sanders Endorses Security Risk and Known Felon Hillary Clinton

And not an ounce of integrity between the both of them...wink.png


Here is Donald Trump also endorsing Hillary Clinton in 2008 for president and Vice President.


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I'm a life-long democrat but I will not vote for HRC. I will either abstain or vote for Jill Stein. Platforms will not mean anything to Clinton. She will be a 'business as usual' Wall Street democrat. I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore! (Network)

It's so strange. Clinton is repeatedly accused of being an opportunist and someone without principles. Well, iff Hillary wants to get renominated for a second term in 2020., she will have to deliver to her constituency. Whether her support of programs they support is sincere or not. And you seem totally unaware of what massive damage a renewed right-wing Supreme court can do. You should consider what it has done already.

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Jingthing, on 12 Jul 2016 - 23:46, said:

There she wrote.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.clap2.gif

This endorsement is a BIG DEAL!!!!!

Onward to victory to a President Clinton more progressive because of the power of Bernie and of course most importantly, the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump.

< snipped a link to a really distracting and disgusting video >


"... the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump. "

Your ingenioussarcasam post with the captivatingsarcasam animation got me thinking:

Are those coordinate or cumulative adjectives that should be separated by commas?

Should each word of "donald trump", as a proper noun name, be capitalized?

Is "DANGEROUS" actually a greater threat than the ordinary, garden-variety "dangerous"?

Are the majority of the US voters as ignorant of economics and math as they are of English grammar?

I would say that they know at least one thing:

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

Maybe that's all they need to know.

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

What rational people call taxation.

Which goes to fund evil income redistribution programs like social security system and medicare and education.

That's right, Forced Taxation* that goes to fund truly evil programs like incentive-killing "unjustified welfare" (aka The War on Poverty that has failed miserably), "illegal-migrant funding (direct and indirect)", government make-work jobs and waste and abuse, Federal and forced State funding of economic refugees, Sanders' "free college" tuition are just the off the top of my head, current and obvious ones.

Social Security is funded by the recipients, albeit poorly designed and I question the surge of "disability claims". Medicare was designed for the truly poor and not for economic opportunists. Paid-for-by-the-state education beyond high school is not a "right".

For the unbelievable government waste and abuse:

7 Unbelievable Ways the Government Wasted Your Money in 2015 - The Fiscal Times - Dec 22, 2015


Everybody Wins Something in the $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill - Fiscal Times - Dec 16, 2015


Two-thirds of Americans Can't Pass a Basic Financial Literacy Test - Time July 13, 2016

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention "Forced Debt", didn't I? That would be debt forced on the unborn without their consent.

* = If you don't believe it's forced, try not paying your Federal or State income taxes, property taxes

or sales taxes and see what happens. Ask Al Caponewiki why he spent 11 years in a Federal prison. Oops, I guess not.

PS: Shouldn't you be looking for your password or something?

That's right, Forced Taxation* ...

Really? You mean there is or has been a nation somewhere that has ever relied on Voluntary Taxation? Tell me, when you write this stuff, do you say it out loud first before you commit it to print? Maybe you should consider that.

Yes, "Forced Taxation" can be considered to be a redundancy even though the IRS claims that tax payment is "voluntary", or used to. I used that term to emphasize my point of the "forced redistribution of wealth" to other citizens under duress. It's one thing to finance a government for legitimate purposes such as national defense and infrastructure and items that are best performed by a government.

It's quite another to use government power to take from one group of citizens and give it to another group under the guise of "welfare". The socialistic "welfare states" are what attracts the economic migrants in Europe to specific countries. This redistribution of wealth, we all know, can be used to effectively buy votes by an administration that desires to maintain power through any means possible.

It is a form of corruption, IMHO.

You did not deign to comment on my criticisms of government waste and abuse and so on and the failure of Americans to pass basis financial knowledge tests - which are much more important and embarrassing.

Edited by MaxYakov
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1. Sanders, Trump agree on Free Trade
2. Sanders, Trump agree: HRC’s Foreign Policy a disaster
3. Sanders, Trump agree: HRC “Not Qualified” for President
4. Sanders, Trump agree: Political process a “rigged system”
5. Third of Sanders voters will not support HRC (source)

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1. Sanders, Trump agree on Free Trade

2. Sanders, Trump agree: HRC’s Foreign Policy a disaster

3. Sanders, Trump agree: HRC “Not Qualified” for President

4. Sanders, Trump agree: Political process a “rigged system”

5. Third of Sanders voters will not support HRC (source)

6. Sanders is an immoral, hypocrite politician (another redundancy?) who is expecting something in this for him.

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Wow, he must have had to die a little to do this with a smile.

I think he's more hurt for his true believer supporters. I believe he sincerely believes Hillary Clinton is MUCH BETTER for his ISSUES than donald trump, and since he did lose, he's not insane and helping HRC is now the ONLY way forward for his ISSUES.

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I'm a life-long democrat but I will not vote for HRC. I will either abstain or vote for Jill Stein. Platforms will not mean anything to Clinton. She will be a 'business as usual' Wall Street democrat. I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore! (Network)

It's so strange. Clinton is repeatedly accused of being an opportunist and someone without principles. Well, iff Hillary wants to get renominated for a second term in 2020., she will have to deliver to her constituency. Whether her support of programs they support is sincere or not. And you seem totally unaware of what massive damage a renewed right-wing Supreme court can do. You should consider what it has done already.

The sad reality is that Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz hijacked the democratic primary voting process and caucuses. It turns my stomach. 'Democratic' party my ass - and that's not a pun! Clinton is a shill for Wall Street and will never receive my support. You're already talking about a 'second' term. How many times has a democratic convention rejected an incumbent? I will vote for Democrats who stand with the people and workers in the US. Hillary will support the TPP. Not only does the TPP mean a continued exodus or jobs from the US, it means a loss of sovereignty on significant issues of consumer affairs, the environment, etc. These issues are far more important to me than a conservative Supreme Court which will be powerless to address domestic issues that arise as a result of the the TPP.

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1. Sanders, Trump agree on Free Trade

2. Sanders, Trump agree: HRC’s Foreign Policy a disaster

3. Sanders, Trump agree: HRC “Not Qualified” for President

4. Sanders, Trump agree: Political process a “rigged system”

5. Third of Sanders voters will not support HRC (source)

6. Sanders is an immoral, hypocrite politician (another redundancy?) who is expecting something in this for him.

I'm sure you wouldn't say this without having evidence. Care to share it with the rest of the world?

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1. Sanders, Trump agree on Free Trade

2. Sanders, Trump agree: HRC’s Foreign Policy a disaster

3. Sanders, Trump agree: HRC “Not Qualified” for President

4. Sanders, Trump agree: Political process a “rigged system”

5. Third of Sanders voters will not support HRC

Wrong on all points, particularly #3; Sander's opinion of HRC.

Did you see the video of him endorsing her? He did it emphatically and wholeheartedly.

Remember: Trump is the unifier, when it comes to unifying all reasonable Americans to vote against him.

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so much for the convictions of this communist/liberal/left wing idiot! for months he has been bad mouthing heavy hips and saying he would not be associated with her and now he shows his true colors! a politician!

I would like to take this moment to bring something to the attention to the non-Americans here (and even some Americans who aren't overly partisan).

First, the Basics:

Hillary is the Democrat running for president, Trump is the Republican running for president. That much should be obvious.

Hillary and Trump are both deeply flawed candidates and it is shameful & embarrassing that one of them will be the next president.

The Difference:

Almost all other Republican candidates (out of 16) & former nominees are either refusing to endorse Trump or doing so, less than enthusiastically. They know he is deeply flawed.

Other Democrat candidates (ok, there was really only one) plus the Democrat President are enthusiastically backing Hillary. They know she is deeply flawed.

The Spin:

Some can spin it as the Republicans are in disarray while the Democrats are untied behind their candidate. Bad for Republicans! Good for Democrats!

Some can spin it as the Republicans have something resembling ethics and are not willing to "do anything to win" while the Democrats have no shame and will do anything to win.

Bernie Sanders' part in this...

Does deciding to endorse Hillary (let's be honest, she has broken federal law and got away with it because of her elite status) make Bernie Sanders look good? Or is he just another politician willing to sell out their values in exchange for something?

What about Jeb Bush and the other Republican candidates following their conscience and refusing to endorse Trump? They know that risks putting Hillary in the White House and handing over the Supreme Court to the Democrats for the next few decades. Are they stupid for following their conscience? Is there room in politics for such a thing?

Don't pay attention to the politicians say. Don't pay attention to what the media says. Look at how the Democrats and Republicans are behaving and decide for yourself which is a bigger sh*t sandwich.

Full disclosure, I'm voting for Gary Johnson because Hillary would be awful for our country and the odds are in favor of Trump being a disaster in a different kind of way.

Check out where Johnson stands on the issues, I think the majority of voters, even non-Americans, will find they agree with a lot of it. Unfortunately, the two major parties control just about everything and Johnson is mostly an unknown quantity... https://johnsonweld.com/issues/

Edited by mopar71
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Damn, any ideas about how I could have my new tattoo changed so that it looks like Hillary?

Any suggestions?


I would like something like this...


...but I'm afraid you would still see the black ink shine through...

I'm really desperate as I have absolutely no principles and just want to look like a winner. I don't want to be seen as the follower of a total sellout... Even if he, too, at least has obviously no principles.

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