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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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When you unsubscribe from islam you lose your head. Pretty hefty exit fee.

Usual gross exaggeration. I know more that a few people raised as Muslims who have walked away from their religion without any threats whatsoever. Sadly in some countries there are deaths threats and and actual killings for apostasy, but relatively a small number.

Any facts to support your "research"? Because it is not a "relatively small number" who gets killed because of this. There are plenty of people living in fear even in EU. Of course, they must be silly because islam is religion of pieces peace and harms nobody...whistling.gif

Relatively small number of countries have the death penalty for apostasy, believe seven & out of those tiny number of death sentences actually carried out. As you know in many cases accusations of apostasy / blasphemy are made because of personal disputes. Again overall based on a worldwide population of around 1.6 billion Muslims very few are executed by the judiciary or murdered by civilians for apostasy, though of course all such killing are to be condemned.

Getting back on topic so far as I'm aware there is zero justification in the Koran or Islamic jurisdiction for indiscriminate murderous attacks on peace biding civilians.

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I have never seen an entrance exam for any faith. In short, you are whichever religion you claim to be. These jihadis claim to be Muslims. By what measure can we claim that they are not Muslims?

Apparently, religion is not on the list of things people are allowed to self-identify as.

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When you unsubscribe from islam you lose your head. Pretty hefty exit fee.

Usual gross exaggeration. I know more that a few people raised as Muslims who have walked away from their religion without any threats whatsoever. Sadly in some countries there are deaths threats and and actual killings for apostasy, but relatively a small number.

Any facts to support your "research"? Because it is not a "relatively small number" who gets killed because of this. There are plenty of people living in fear even in EU. Of course, they must be silly because islam is religion of pieces peace and harms nobody...whistling.gif

Relatively small number of countries have the death penalty for apostasy, believe seven & out of those tiny number of death sentences actually carried out. As you know in many cases accusations of apostasy / blasphemy are made because of personal disputes. Again overall based on a worldwide population of around 1.6 billion Muslims very few are executed by the judiciary or murdered by civilians for apostasy, though of course all such killing are to be condemned.

Getting back on topic so far as I'm aware there is zero justification in the Koran or Islamic jurisdiction for indiscriminate murderous attacks on peace biding civilians.

So no research to back up? If you're a infidel you're a free meal in islam. Read your quran again. This is a good book for you: A God Who Hates

Interesting start in this book: : “MOST MUSLIMS, IF not all of them, will condemn me to death when they read this book. They may not even read it. The title alone may push them to condemn me. That’s how things are with them. They don’t read, or, if they do, they don’t take in what they read.”

Excerpt From: Sultan, Wafa. “A God Who Hates.”

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Could all the typical reactionary 'they're gonna get us(!!!)', 'throw em all out', anti-Muslim, pro-Trump, pro-Brexit, pro-gun, afraid of your own shadows, big girls blouse types, please, please, please: STOP directly assisting ISIS with their recruitment and their desired clash of civilisations by your constant castigation of an ENTIRE religious group same as a relatively tiny group of extremist, radical, terrorist, murderers and some associated disenfranchised, demented, suicidal, losers.

Please STOP helping ISIS (also please adopt a wee bit of mettle and rational thinking). Thanks, much appreciated.

Sure. Of course. It's easy.

Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel
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"Mohamed sent the family 240,000 Tunisian Dinars in the last few days. He used to send us small sums of money regularly like most Tunisians working abroad. But then he sent us all that money, it was fortune," Bouhlel's brother Jaber told The Daily Mail.


Sounds like it had more to do with money than ideology as often is the case.

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"Mohamed sent the family 240,000 Tunisian Dinars in the last few days. He used to send us small sums of money regularly like most Tunisians working abroad. But then he sent us all that money, it was fortune," Bouhlel's brother Jaber told The Daily Mail.


Sounds like it had more to do with money than ideology as often is the case.

the concept of craving riches after death one would have thought would be almost a definition of an ideology. Because logic it sure ain't.

Recent events inspire hope that change will be forthcoming. We need to tackle the epicenter of hate, ie strict secret monitoring of mosques, weeding out enemies of western culture and removing them, family, acquaintances. The danger of doing nothing is too great, once we have abandoned our heritage and culture in favor of islam we have lost. The era of fervent PC is soon to be over.

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"Mohamed sent the family 240,000 Tunisian Dinars in the last few days. He used to send us small sums of money regularly like most Tunisians working abroad. But then he sent us all that money, it was fortune," Bouhlel's brother Jaber told The Daily Mail.


Sounds like it had more to do with money than ideology as often is the case.

Or he screwed the others who missed the "kill the infidels" party and took all the money to himself?

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"Mohamed sent the family 240,000 Tunisian Dinars in the last few days. He used to send us small sums of money regularly like most Tunisians working abroad. But then he sent us all that money, it was fortune," Bouhlel's brother Jaber told The Daily Mail.


Sounds like it had more to do with money than ideology as often is the case.

If ISIS is now paying money to disenfranchised newly indoctrinated, newly radicalized suicide killers, then I guess that is one explanation. I'm sure investigators are chasing that money connection and there should be more on it soon. Another possible explanation is he pulled some kind of heist or something just prior to his suicide mission and sent that money. In any event, this was pre-planned and premeditated, not the act of sudden rage.

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"Mohamed sent the family 240,000 Tunisian Dinars in the last few days. He used to send us small sums of money regularly like most Tunisians working abroad. But then he sent us all that money, it was fortune," Bouhlel's brother Jaber told The Daily Mail.


Sounds like it had more to do with money than ideology as often is the case.

Or he screwed the others who missed the "kill the infidels" party and took all the money to himself?
his text messages show that he was indeed part of an islamic gang of jihadis, certainly not the lone wolf msm were desperate to portray him as. Again, blatant lies by msm is counterproductive and hateful.
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"Mohamed sent the family 240,000 Tunisian Dinars in the last few days. He used to send us small sums of money regularly like most Tunisians working abroad. But then he sent us all that money, it was fortune," Bouhlel's brother Jaber told The Daily Mail.


Sounds like it had more to do with money than ideology as often is the case.

the concept of craving riches after death one would have thought would be almost a definition of an ideology. Because logic it sure ain't.

Recent events inspire hope that change will be forthcoming. We need to tackle the epicenter of hate, ie strict secret monitoring of mosques, weeding out enemies of western culture and removing them, family, acquaintances. The danger of doing nothing is too great, once we have abandoned our heritage and culture in favor of islam we have lost. The era of fervent PC is soon to be over.

I am not convinced as to who actually the epicenter of hate includes.For example ISIS, if they were behind it, could have sent a Korean guy to do the work. Why sacrifice one of your own? It would be easy to make a different arrangement that did not include Arabs or Muslims. It appears that we need to make sure the majority of the world believe this was about Islam and/Arabs. I am not saying that it isn't, after all, about 30% of the world's population are either Muslim or Arabs so even a random effort has a 30% chance of being Muslim. There is nothing I have read about this guy that suggests it was about Islam. He was a drunken bum with nothing else to live for.

I wish I had that number for the ISIS hot line. ISIS could be behind any and all of this but it is pretty silly to believe that they purposely and knowingly admit responsibility in a way that will bring down the wrath of pretty much all of the nation's super power directly on their heads. Not that long ago, they were a parade of beige pick up trucks and now they are strong enough to preen in front of the big guys.

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Muslim background. Mass terrorist murder. Shouts Allah Akbar. Barks like a dog. Ipso facto. Jihadist. Also this method has been suggested on Jihadist inspirational website.

Also it's well known Jihadists actively work to recruit and inspire mentally unstable alienated people. There doesn't need to be any direct contact at all. They don't give a fig if the people they inspire are good practicing Muslims. Face reality.

Don't make excuses for the this Jihadist scum. Even trying does disservice to moderate Muslims.

You forgot to add attacking the host religion or culture on a day significant to it, yet another coincidence. The obtuse denial of the darn right obvious actually empowers the so called far right and as you state does active harm to any moderate Muslims. Edited by Steely Dan
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Nice attacker expressed support for Islamic State - prosecutor
Truck driver was quickly radicalised and had plotted out Bastille Day massacre, official says
The truck driver who killed 84 people in Nice had expressed support for Islamic State and searched online for information about the attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, the Paris prosecutor said. Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, who oversees terrorism investigations, said attacker Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel had clearly plotted out the Bastille Day attack, with reconnaissance visits to the beach-front area where he mowed down revellers. Mr Molins described a quick radicalisation of a man who in the past had not been religious. He said a review of Bouhlel’s computer and phone showed online searches relating to Isis, other jihadi groups and violent images.
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No-one interested in the general lack of security in France, then....Nor are the police. They never learn even though they have specialist divisions. As rarely pass political judgement as I work for a political opinion polling company, but French politicians WILL continue to sit on the fence until one of their sons, daughters or wives dies in a terrorist incident.

Noone will touch immigration policy in France and the security services don't talk to the local or national police unless they have to. There's no voluntary sharing of information according to BBC sources.

Edited by Seraphina
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When you unsubscribe from islam you lose your head. Pretty hefty exit fee.

Usual gross exaggeration. I know more that a few people raised as Muslims who have walked away from their religion without any threats whatsoever. Sadly in some countries there are deaths threats and and actual killings for apostasy, but relatively a small number.

Any facts to support your "research"? Because it is not a "relatively small number" who gets killed because of this. There are plenty of people living in fear even in EU. Of course, they must be silly because islam is religion of pieces peace and harms nobody...whistling.gif

Relatively small number of countries have the death penalty for apostasy, believe seven & out of those tiny number of death sentences actually carried out. As you know in many cases accusations of apostasy / blasphemy are made because of personal disputes. Again overall based on a worldwide population of around 1.6 billion Muslims very few are executed by the judiciary or murdered by civilians for apostasy, though of course all such killing are to be condemned.

Getting back on topic so far as I'm aware there is zero justification in the Koran or Islamic jurisdiction for indiscriminate murderous attacks on peace biding civilians.

Can I just correct you about your last comment: you don't have to LEAVE or disavow Islam to merit the death penalty under Shari'a Law. Indeed, this is why there are so many 'honour killings'. These take place not just in Muslim countries, but also in Europe/especially the UK which has a large Muslim Pakistani population.

You might note that "honour killings" tend to be reported abroad more so than we notice in Muslim countries - and there have been some real corkers including teenage girls as young as 13 who decided to dress the European way. Imagine being murdered for that!

If you want to leave Islam, you're unlikely to broadcast it unless you have a very, very specific political agenda! Most people just stop going to a mosque, stop praying individually or in a group - usually both. Some go abroad! One of the problems for young Muslims is they taste freedom and don't WANT to go home, but family ties are strong; esp for the eldest child (98% are sons as females are unable to travel abroad alone).

Many Muslims are not practising just like many Christians. I would go as far as to say, based on original research I've done, that Muslims are more likely to 'appear' to conform in their home country than outside it and also to deviate when they're on holiday from their home country/ Malaysia for example is a popular destination and also a Muslim country where many Arabs go on holiday. Going on holiday is considered out of sight of one's peers and that's why there is a plethora of single Arab males taking holidays in Thailand. At least that's what I told my client.

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Muslim background. Mass terrorist murder. Shouts Allah Akbar. Barks like a dog. Ipso facto. Jihadist. Also this method has been suggested on Jihadist inspirational website.

Also it's well known Jihadists actively work to recruit and inspire mentally unstable alienated people. There doesn't need to be any direct contact at all. They don't give a fig if the people they inspire are good practicing Muslims. Face reality.

Don't make excuses for the this Jihadist scum. Even trying does disservice to moderate Muslims.

You forgot to add attacking the host religion or culture on a day significant to it, yet another coincidence. The obtuse denial of the darn right obvious actually empowers the so called far right and as you state does active harm to any moderate Muslims.

It does not really matter which day or time you go on rampage shouting allahu akbar..

Several injured in attack on train near Würzburg, southern Germany
Multiple injuries have been reported on a train near Würzburg after a man went on a stabbing rampage. According to Bavaria's Interior Ministry, the suspect has been shot dead by police.
According to Bavaria's Interior Ministry, a 17-year-old Afghan shouted "Allahu Akbar" before launching the attack using a knife and axe. The suspect was shot dead by police as he attempted to flee the scene.
German train 'axe attack': Many reported hurt
A police spokesman at the scene said (in German) that the attacker was shot dead while fleeing.
A journalist with the national broadcaster ZDF tweeted that the attacker was a 17-year-old Afghan man.
One dead after Muslim mob attacks Christian priests in Egypt, officials say
Edited by FinChin67
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I watched an Interview with Muslim French people in Nice. They were horrified by what this man had done. Do not forget he mowed down Muslims too. And the majority of these suicide attacks are carried out in Muslim Countries Sunni vs Shiite.

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I watched an Interview with Muslim French people in Nice. They were horrified by what this man had done. Do not forget he mowed down Muslims too. And the majority of these suicide attacks are carried out in Muslim Countries Sunni vs Shiite.

I'm just sure his target was moslems. Sort of makes you ask why he didn't go back to his home in Tunisia where he could have hit a lot more moslems, instead of just the ones in France.

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Human's time on this planet is far overdue.

They are the most idiotic result of evolution, because they have a "developed" brain, my a*rse.

Please don't tar us all with the same brush. Some of us have evolved beyond our bronze age ancestors who, in their ignorance, sought to explain the world they lived in through some god of some type.

Unfortunately the majority have not progressed beyond this way of thinking.

Who besides humans lie, cheat, murder, commit genocide, goes to war, exterminated species?

JJ Rousseau got it wrong claiming society corrupts, it is in our brains.

No one has evolved beyond our Bronze Age ancestors unfortunately.

There is no hope for the human species.

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I would worry if I were a government anywhere. This terrorist showed that you don't need bombs to kill a lot of people. This could happen anywhere in the world for any reason. People need to wake up to this danger during parades and even on a small scale. The world is full of nuts.

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I watched an Interview with Muslim French people in Nice. They were horrified by what this man had done. Do not forget he mowed down Muslims too. And the majority of these suicide attacks are carried out in Muslim Countries Sunni vs Shiite.

I'm just sure his target was moslems. Sort of makes you ask why he didn't go back to his home in Tunisia where he could have hit a lot more moslems, instead of just the ones in France.

The Guy was just a Nut job Out to die with a name. Isil also a bunch of Maniacs glad to claim credit. That they killed both French People and Muslims as well as others seems not to matter to them. I am sure if some Government in the West announced a Holy Crusade to end Muslim terrorism that Self appointed right wing Nut jobs would take it upon themselves to do the same things in Muslim majority areas. And indeed in islamic Countries.

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I watched an Interview with Muslim French people in Nice. They were horrified by what this man had done. Do not forget he mowed down Muslims too. And the majority of these suicide attacks are carried out in Muslim Countries Sunni vs Shiite.

I'm just sure his target was moslems. Sort of makes you ask why he didn't go back to his home in Tunisia where he could have hit a lot more moslems, instead of just the ones in France.

The Guy was just a Nut job Out to die with a name. Isil also a bunch of Maniacs glad to claim credit. That they killed both French People and Muslims as well as others seems not to matter to them. I am sure if some Government in the West announced a Holy Crusade to end Muslim terrorism that Self appointed right wing Nut jobs would take it upon themselves to do the same things in Muslim majority areas. And indeed in islamic Countries.

But the west hasn't been in the holy crusade business for some centuries now have they?

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I watched an Interview with Muslim French people in Nice. They were horrified by what this man had done. Do not forget he mowed down Muslims too. And the majority of these suicide attacks are carried out in Muslim Countries Sunni vs Shiite.

I'm just sure his target was moslems. Sort of makes you ask why he didn't go back to his home in Tunisia where he could have hit a lot more moslems, instead of just the ones in France.

The Guy was just a Nut job Out to die with a name. Isil also a bunch of Maniacs glad to claim credit. That they killed both French People and Muslims as well as others seems not to matter to them. I am sure if some Government in the West announced a Holy Crusade to end Muslim terrorism that Self appointed right wing Nut jobs would take it upon themselves to do the same things in Muslim majority areas. And indeed in islamic Countries.

But the west hasn't been in the holy crusade business for some centuries now have they?

Take another look. What do you think Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya , Somalia, Syria are. You can dress it up and call it bringing freedom and eliminating Despots but in the end it is a Holy than Thou attitude which powers it.

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The Guy was just a Nut job Out to die with a name. Isil also a bunch of Maniacs glad to claim credit. That they killed both French People and Muslims as well as others seems not to matter to them. I am sure if some Government in the West announced a Holy Crusade to end Muslim terrorism that Self appointed right wing Nut jobs would take it upon themselves to do the same things in Muslim majority areas. And indeed in islamic Countries.

But the west hasn't been in the holy crusade business for some centuries now have they?

Take another look. What do you think Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya , Somalia, Syria are. You can dress it up and call it bringing freedom and eliminating Despots but in the end it is a Holy than Thou attitude which powers it.

There was nothing Holy about what was done to those places. That's the military industrial complex laying seeds for WW3. And no that is not a new HTTP protocol.

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I watched an Interview with Muslim French people in Nice. They were horrified by what this man had done. Do not forget he mowed down Muslims too. And the majority of these suicide attacks are carried out in Muslim Countries Sunni vs Shiite.

I'm just sure his target was moslems. Sort of makes you ask why he didn't go back to his home in Tunisia where he could have hit a lot more moslems, instead of just the ones in France.

The Guy was just a Nut job Out to die with a name. Isil also a bunch of Maniacs glad to claim credit. That they killed both French People and Muslims as well as others seems not to matter to them. I am sure if some Government in the West announced a Holy Crusade to end Muslim terrorism that Self appointed right wing Nut jobs would take it upon themselves to do the same things in Muslim majority areas. And indeed in islamic Countries.

France and many other European countries are still Dar al-Harb...

Here's a truck that maybe you can drive one day..?


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  • 4 months later...
57 minutes ago, katana said:

Looks like a similar attack just took place in Berlin:

Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills nine at Christmas market 19/12/16
A lorry has ploughed into a Christmas market in the heart of Berlin, killing nine people and injuring many more, police say.
ctd http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-38373867

This is heartbreaking news.

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