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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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WOW. This will never end. RIP to the deceased. sad.png

Do you ever RIP the thousands upon thousands of civilians including thousands of children murdered in Iraq,Afghanistan,Yemen,Palistine,Pakistan,Syria,Turkey and many others.Your right,it will never end while we have warmonger leaders on both sides profiting from death.War used to be for armies but not any more.Civilians are soft targets for cowards.

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Hey guys!

I just want to say thank you for bombing my country in the 90's to protect innocent Albanians.

This is the thanks you get from the religion of peace.


I maybe need a history lesson but, I seem to remember that it was in your Country that the whole Balkan thing kicked off. Milosovic went down there a committed Communist and returned a Nationalist hero.

Of course it was many years after that that "we" bombed your Country because of the Albanian problem. That all happened after "we" had to intervene to stop the Catholic Croats, Muslim Bosniaks and the Orthodox Serbs from killing each other for mainly nationalistic reasons but obviously religion played its part in forming those identities. I seem to remember atrocities committed by both sides but the Orthodox Serbs took things to a whole new level.

So when you say religion of peace, which one are you talking about? IMO they all have the ability to make good people do horrific things. Obviously the one presenting the biggest threat to the progress of civilization at the moment is Islam but there are plenty of other extremists of different religions out there just now who would like nothing better than to bring on Armageddon so that they can meet their maker.


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Truck slams into revelers in Nice, at least 80 dead
CIARAN FAHEY, Associated Press
RAPHAEL SATTER, Associated Press

NICE, France (AP) — A truck loaded with weapons and hand grenades drove onto a sidewalk for more than a mile, plowing through Bastille Day revelers who'd gathered to watch fireworks in the French resort city of Nice late Thursday. At least 80 people were killed before police killed the driver, authorities said.

Nice prosecutor Jean-Michel Pretre described a horrific scene, with bodies strewn along the roadway, and Sylvie Toffin, a press officer with the local prefecture, said the truck ran over people on a "long trip" down the sidewalk near Nice's Palais de la Mediterranee, a building that fronts the beach.

Wassim Bouhlel, a Nice native who spoke to the AP nearby, said that he saw a truck drive into the crowd. "There was carnage on the road," he said. "Bodies everywhere." He said the driver emerged with a gun and started shooting.

France's Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said 80 people were killed, including children, and 18 were in critical condition, and the Paris prosecutor's office announced an investigation for "murder, attempted murder in an organized group linked to a terrorist enterprise."

"We are in a war with terrorists who want to strike us at any price and in a very violent way," Cazeneuve said.

The ranking politician of the Alpes-Maritime department that includes Nice said the truck plowed into the crowd over a distance of 2 kilometers (1.2 miles). Many of those on the ground were in shorts and other summer clothing.

Eric Ciotti said on BFM TV that police killed the driver "apparently after an exchange of gunfire."

The president of the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur regional council, which includes Nice, said the truck was loaded with arms and grenades. Christian Estrosi told BFM TV that "the driver fired on the crowd, according to the police who killed him."

Images being broadcast across French media showed revelers running for their lives down Nice's palm tree-lined Promenade des Anglais, the famous seaside boulevard named for the English aristocrats who proposed its construction in the 19th century.

Video footage showed men and women — one or two pushing strollers — racing to get away from the scenes. And, in what appeared to be evidence of a gun battle, photos showed a truck with at least half a dozen bullet holes punched through its windshield.

It was not immediately clear who would have been behind an attack, but France has recently seen a spate of dramatic assaults by jihadist groups, including the Islamic State group which straddles Iraq and Syria.

President Francois Hollande said in a televised statement that all of France was under an "Islamist terrorist threat" and extended by three months a state of emergency that has been in place since the November attacks that killed 130 in Paris was to end July 26. The decision needs parliamentary approval.

"The terrorist character (of the attack) cannot be denied," he said.

Hollande said he was calling a defense council meeting Friday that brings together defense, interior and other key ministers, then heading to Nice. He listed several measures to bolster security in France after two waves of attacks last year that killed 147 people. Besides continuation of the state of emergency and the Sentinel operation with 10,000 soldiers on patrol, he said he was calling up "operational reserves," those who have served in the past and will be brought in to help police, particularly at French borders.

President Barack Obama condemned what he said "appears to be a horrific terrorist attack."

European Council president Donald Tusk said it was a "tragic paradox" that the victims of the attack in Nice were celebrating "liberty, equality and fraternity" — France's motto — on the country's national day.

Writing online, Nice Matin journalist Damien Allemand who was at the waterside said the fireworks display had finished and the crowd had got up to leave when they heard a noise and cries.

"A fraction of a second later, an enormous white truck came along at a crazy speed, turning the wheel to mow down the maximum number of people," he said.

"I saw bodies flying like bowling pins along its route. Heard noises, cries that I will never forget."

Graphic footage showed a scene of horror up and down the Promenade, with broken bodies splayed out on the asphalt, some of them piled near one another, others bleeding out onto the roadway or twisted into unnatural shapes.

"Help my mother, please!" one person yells out amid a cacophony of screaming and crying. A pink girl's bicycle is briefly seen overturned by the side of the road.

The origin and authenticity of the footage could not immediately be verified.

Kayla Repan, of Boca Raton, Florida, was among the hundreds gathered on the promenade to watch fireworks.

"The whole city was running. I got extremely frightened and ran away from the promenade," she said. "It was chaos."


Satter reported from Paris.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-15

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Extremely graphic video of aftermath of attack


The French government has asked everybody to NOT post pictures of movies of the scene online.

I don't understand why? Europeans have never seen the massacre after the shooting in the cinema in Paris, it was not broadcasted because too cruel for their weak hearts.

How much more cruel can this war get? They are just waiting for the next one, like sitting ducks.

Wouldn't be surprising to see European governments prosecute people who put these videos online with hate crimes.

Shame on you sir...You are not politically politically correct at all...Even thought you could be right in the end wink.png

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Nice, France, truck attack kills 77, official says

By Ralph Ellis and Steve Almasy, CNN

(CNN)At least 77 people were killed Thursday night when a large truck plowed through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, tweeted regional President Christian Estrosi.

The driver pointed his tractor-trailer into the crowd and accelerated, mowing bodies over, witnesses said. Police shot the driver to death, authorities said. Nobody has claimed responsibility.

Here are the latest developments in the tragedy:

• The attack in Nice, France, began when an occupant of the truck shot into the crowd and then drove for 2 kilometers along the pavement of the Boulevard des Anglais, the main street in Nice, Estrosi told CNN affiliate BFM-TV. He said police later found firearms, explosives and grenades in the truck.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/07/14/europe/nice-france-truck/index.html


-- CNN 2016-07-15

There is no "Boulevard des Anglais" in Nice but a Promenade des Anglais...

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WOW. This will never end. RIP to the deceased. sad.png

Yes RIP to the deceased, but no it won't end for a while yet, we let in millions of people just recently and I but money on some of them being terrorists. The sad think is the EU will not learn from all this and close its doors

But it is ok to bomb their original countries from upon high.Countries where their families and friends still live.

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Hey guys!

I just want to say thank you for bombing my country in the 90's to protect innocent Albanians.

This is the thanks you get from the religion of peace.


This has nothing to do with any religion.This is the fallacy used by terrorists and western govts to get the hate game going.Forget religion anyway,it is just a tool to control the masses and suck money out of them.

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And yet we still pander and bow down to islam out of fear of being labeled racists. Stop being so scared of name calling and wipe this evil barbaric cult off the face of the earth.

So you think "name calling" will solve the problem? Seriously?

Voltaire a French Philosopher called both Christianity and Islam the greatest curses to befall mankind . He dies in 1778 but how true his Philosophy . How both extremes of these too corrupt Religions justify the murder of Innocents by the use of Terror attack and sanctioned State murder.

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Just wait, from the tone of the BBC coverage, it will be don't worry it was a lone wolf attack. Ignore the logistic support required.

Terror attack


Change FB profile photo to flag overlay.

Life goes back to normal

Terror attack.


Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Before all you truck haters go getting off, remember: people kill people not trucks. Should we limit the size of trucks, reduce fuel capacity, more in depth background checks on truck drivers... just what is the solution? Will France allow truck ownership to carry on this way?

you are correct nothing to do with the truck unless it had no driver

The issue is complex and needs addressed on several fronts but lets start with the fact (correct me if I'm wrong) that so far most of these attacks have been carried out by people known to the police anti terror and inteligence agencies, unfortunately EU rules severely restrict what action can be taken against them. it is extremely difficult to deal with people that have no issue with self sacrifice in the name of whatever they think is the cause.

Unfortunately the middle east needs some serious sorting (the head of the snake) and I don't see any other way of doing it apart from a ground war involving western troops, that would possibly stop the refugee issue and therefore put an end to the inflow of these people to Europe some of whom are bound to be terrorist ellements with ill intent

Going forward (the next 30 years or so) the harsh relality is that Christian nations will turn against these people and want 100% christian population and all others expelled, something I find distasteful but in the long term if these attacks increase in severity and numbers I see no other conclusion, muslims will find it very difficult to remain in what are generally christian countries, they will be ostrasized magrinalised and become victims of severe racism and attack to a point they cannot remain there.

The world is becoming a very evil place and it is going to get much worse, if historical patterns and human behavior are anything to go by then we are headed for another serious world conflict and possibly WW3, something is going to kick it off - Iran - N Korea - China - Isreal - Russia hell even Germany might decide to invade brexit uk

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75 dead they say on french tv live

they say attack and not terrorist attack, strange

did this crazy person play too much GTA ?

the French media will report "terrorism" only if they have no other choice left and "islamist terrorism" only under torture...

aaah... blaming a video game for the attack, that would be a refreshing alternative to the usual "not religiously motivated lone mad man" lie.

That's how drone attacks are used,just watching a screen thousands of miles away.To kill 1 or two people,the rest are "collateral damage.'Don't you love that phrase to call innocent people including children.

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The dead toll rises to 8o people plus 18 people in a very critical state and dozen of other people wounded.

The driver was born in Nice, so a French man, Muslim of North African origin yes... but like only a few millions in the country.blink.png

Now to good luck sort the wheat from the chaff rolleyes.gif

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Poor France. It's like a bad dream for them. You know, the monster is after you and everything you do is ineffectual, you run but your legs are like lead, you fire your revolver but no bullet comes out. That's assuming it was another Jihadist attack, which isn't confirmed yet, as far as I'm aware.

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A UK paper the Daily Mail published an article yesterday from someone in the French military stating France may be one major incident away from civil war. If this turns out to be so I have thanks to give. Thank you to the champions of mass immigration from hostile third world cultures. Thanks for not tackling the no go zones and hate preachers. Thank you for lying and concealing the motives of terrorists. Thanks for two tier policing. Thanks for shaming and prosecuting all those who warn about this.

In other words thank you left wing globalists for the ruin you have knowingly caused, I hope there is a hell for you to rot in.

You forgot to thank the French for invading their countries in the first place,last century and leaving a mess behind.Colonization is where this all stems from.

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Why is Japan the only country smart enough to not let these people in ? Assuming the perpetrator is muslim, let,s wait and see, but my money would be on these odds sad.png

Australia also, human and very effective way we would do well to take as a model.
Note in this case the problem is not just migrants but a "French" of Tunisian origin. Legacy of former colonies ...
My second point is that the vast majority of these people wanted to live in peace. Unfortunately, the problem is getting worse day by day and Mohamed is no longer welcome either at the factory or the office. These attacks dig a community gap widens after each case and I humbly confess that I see no simple solution.
In contrast we read a lot of simplistic responses here, as usual ...
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Just wait, from the tone of the BBC coverage, it will be don't worry it was a lone wolf attack. Ignore the logistic support required.

Terror attack


Change FB profile photo to flag overlay.

Life goes back to normal

Terror attack.


Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

just a mentally unstable man. Its all of our faults for letting this poor victim fall through societies safety net, into a place where he felt trapped. No evidence whatsoever this is related to Islam and the white genocide Sarkozy threatened to use force to accelerate the end to Anglo-saxon blood in France.
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Off-topic posts have been removed along with replies.

Please don't copy the entire AP articles and respond. Members should have read those.

Also, continued remarks about US politics will result in suspensions. It is completely off-topic and there are numerous other threads to vent your views of Obama/Clinton/Trump etc..

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Nice, France, truck attack kills 77, official says

By Ralph Ellis and Steve Almasy, CNN

(CNN)At least 77 people were killed Thursday night when a large truck plowed through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, tweeted regional President Christian Estrosi.

The driver pointed his tractor-trailer into the crowd and accelerated, mowing bodies over, witnesses said. Police shot the driver to death, authorities said. Nobody has claimed responsibility.

Here are the latest developments in the tragedy:

The attack in Nice, France, began when an occupant of the truck shot into the crowd and then drove for 2 kilometers along the pavement of the Boulevard des Anglais, the main street in Nice, Estrosi told CNN affiliate BFM-TV. He said police later found firearms, explosives and grenades in the truck.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/07/14/europe/nice-france-truck/index.html


-- CNN 2016-07-15

But at least the French can take comfort knowing their President will be stylishy coiffed when he makes his inevitable excuses for Islamic terrorism on TV.

well he's having a bad hair day right now, what a pathetic excuse for a man 10k euro a month for a shampoo and set ? I don't think so, which one of them is the pillow biter.

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I just read it was a Moslem of North African origin. France has a big problem. Because of it's colonial past France has a huge population of North Africans. I really don't see what they can do. No doubt the right wing faction will get a massive boost from this.

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Time to take the gloves off and screw the EU rules. You have to be willing to Deport or arrest everyone on the terror watch list including family and friends. If they have anything in their history even slightly related to terror they are on the list and are subject for legal action. Families of these terrorists should be made to forfeit all their belongings You got to play hardball with this kind so no one will want to be associated with them.

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There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of first, second, and even third generation refugees from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar living in the US and Europe. I don't remember any of them committing a terrorist attack (maybe someone can find one!). And there are now first, second, and third generation refugees from Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Afghanistan, too. And they seem to commit a terrorist act every other week or so. Gee, I wonder why that is? What COULD the difference possibly be???

I will tell you what the difference is.The former countries are not getting the shit blown out of them every day.The latter are at war with the countries that have and are killing innocents,including children now and in recent history.The war doesn't stop just because some western pollie said it stops.Vietnamese people are still dealing with the effects of agent orange and Laotian and Cambodian children are still getting their limbs blown off with cluster bombs from 40 plus years ago.It was ok when the slaughter was happening "over there"but now it is on own soil,it is woe is me.These countries have been putting up with western terrorism for decades.There would be 15 year olds that know nothing but war and terror.You rekon they would be easy to recruit by some evil bastard to do his dirty work for him.You reap what you sow or a Thai might say som num na.

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Before all you truck haters go getting off, remember: people kill people not trucks. Should we limit the size of trucks, reduce fuel capacity, more in depth background checks on truck drivers... just what is the solution? Will France allow truck ownership to carry on this way?

I love this.

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And yet we still pander and bow down to islam out of fear of being labeled racists. Stop being so scared of name calling and wipe this evil barbaric cult off the face of the earth.


>>wipe this evil barbaric cult off the face of the earth.

..to do so would involve the slaughter of 1.5 billion people. I think that would give you some sort of immoral equivalence to the scum who committed the barabaric atrocity in the OP.

There are psychopathic fanatical murderers and terrorists in every religion..Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists. Stereotyping an entire people or religion because of the actions of some is exactly what creates the fanatics in the first place. You are acting as their recruiting sergeant.

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There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of first, second, and even third generation refugees from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar living in the US and Europe. I don't remember any of them committing a terrorist attack (maybe someone can find one!). And there are now first, second, and third generation refugees from Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Afghanistan, too. And they seem to commit a terrorist act every other week or so. Gee, I wonder why that is? What COULD the difference possibly be???

I will tell you what the difference is.The former countries are not getting the shit blown out of them every day.The latter are at war with the countries that have and are killing innocents,including children now and in recent history.The war doesn't stop just because some western pollie said it stops.Vietnamese people are still dealing with the effects of agent orange and Laotian and Cambodian children are still getting their limbs blown off with cluster bombs from 40 plus years ago.It was ok when the slaughter was happening "over there"but now it is on own soil,it is woe is me.These countries have been putting up with western terrorism for decades.There would be 15 year olds that know nothing but war and terror.You rekon they would be easy to recruit by some evil bastard to do his dirty work for him.You reap what you sow or a Thai might say som num na.

At first, you say "the former countries are not getting the shit blown out of them every day." Then, you go on to say that in effect they are still "getting the shit blown out of them every day." So, the point stands. Why aren't they committing acts of terror? Hmmmm?

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And yet we still pander and bow down to islam out of fear of being labeled racists. Stop being so scared of name calling and wipe this evil barbaric cult off the face of the earth.


>>wipe this evil barbaric cult off the face of the earth.

..to do so would involve the slaughter of 1.5 billion people. I think that would give you some sort of immoral equivalence to the scum who committed the barabaric atrocity in the OP.

There are psychopathic fanatical murderers and terrorists in every religion..Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists. Stereotyping an entire people or religion because of the actions of some is exactly what creates the fanatics in the first place. You are acting as their recruiting sergeant.

Has any terrorist in history ever blamed unfair stereotyping as their motivation? I'd love to see that link.

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I heard yesterday that French EU politicians want to 'punish' the UK for pulling out of Europe when the UK negotiates it's bail out.

I wonder if the French politicians ideology matches that of the French voters especially in view of what seems to be another terrorist attack.

Wonder if Hollande's tune may be about to change.

Vive la france!

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