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Why no Chromebooks in Thailand?

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Chromebook laptops are increasingly becoming more popular around the world. I bought mine last year while in the USA through Amazon and really enjoy the simplicity, price, and the light weight. The Chrome OS is fantastic! Most of the major companies now make them. I have a Toshiba Chromebook 2. I have checked everywhere here in Bangkok. No have. Anybody know why?


My guesses:

low margin

no demand

localization issues (Thai language, keyboard, applications)

phones/tablets predominant

lack of local apps.

lack of local market-specific demand (corp. SME, education)

Now that you can pretty much run any Android app. on a Chromebook, sales are taking off. This newer generation of Chromebooks are really taking off. I think they're surpassing MACs in many of the education segments.


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Can't blame the Thai's.Many things can't be done with them.I bought one about 2 years ago I never use

It.I'm thinking about giving it away.The operating system is ok.But can't do a lot of things with it.


Maybe your looking n the wrong place/shops ?

Half of those units on Lazada are unavailable.

No one said they weren't available here, just that supplies are very limited and prices are quite high.

More models, albeit older ones, are trickling in here, but still less than 1% of the laptop/notebook market.

In the U.S. they are relatively inexpensive, and becoming very popular. I saw quite a few corp/business folks using them during a recent trip.


Thanks for everyone's response. I imagine in a few years we will see more chromebooks here in Thailand, especially now that Chromebooks have outpaced Macs in total sales.


I always travel (to Thailand) with mine as it's lightweight, super fast and just perfect for surfing the net, emailing etc.

No real need for anti-virus either.

Hangouts allows you to make telephone calls at ridiculously low cost, including international from Thailand.

Certain things you cannot do, certain things I have not worked out (eg. "air" printing) and you cannot load some programmes, including Skype.

Mine's an HP and I the thought has recently crossed my mind that this machine is my best ever purchase from the field of IT.

Cost £250 and the things it does well, it does very, very well.

Much better than a tablet, IMO.

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Certain things you cannot do, certain things I have not worked out (eg. "air" printing) and you cannot load some programmes, including Skype.

Would you mind elaborating a little more on what things you find you can not do on a Chromebook vs. a Windows machine? I've been very tempted to purchase one the next time I visit the US. I'm attracted by the low price, low weight and long battery life most seem to have but I've never gotten a clear idea of what the trade off's are.


"Would you mind elaborating a little more on what things you find you can not do on a Chromebook vs. a Windows machine?"

Perhaps this link below will explain things better than I can.

I only use my Chromebook when on the road so to speak and have a PC (with 7) and Laptop (10) at my home.

My demands on my Chromebook are thus limited, but I believe I could get a lot more from it should I wish.

Light, very quick, virus-free, long battery life. The best there is for surfing, especially when out and about. Mine also has a sim card slot for internet on-the-go (although I mostly use an EE machine nowadays.)



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"Would you mind elaborating a little more on what things you find you can not do on a Chromebook vs. a Windows machine?"

Perhaps this link below will explain things better than I can.

I only use my Chromebook when on the road so to speak and have a PC (with 7) and Laptop (10) at my home.

My demands on my Chromebook are thus limited, but I believe I could get a lot more from it should I wish.

Light, very quick, virus-free, long battery life. The best there is for surfing, especially when out and about. Mine also has a sim card slot for internet on-the-go (although I mostly use an EE machine nowadays.)



Thanks for that article, interesting read. For whatever reason lately I have been wanting a Chromebook. I am looking to ditch using Macs in the future, mainly due to the price being relatively high for what I use my Macbook Pro for.

What I am finding though is for anything similar in design quality to my MBP the price is not that much different. $999 for a CB is just too much for me. I really do want one for some strange reason but at the moment the CB seems to be a solution looking for a problem for me.

I guess I have just been thinking about them lately because I have very fast internet and how I use my computer has changed. Everything is streamed now and I don't feel the need to ever hoard movies and music these days.

I am pretty ignorant regarding Chromebooks. One question I have is can I store a movie locally? I know storage is limited but one thing I do need my computer to do is be able to store a movie and access my apple TV through the VLC app. Which just requires dropping the file into a web browser pointed at http://apple-tv.local/

Would a CB be able to do this simple function?

If I can upload my music collection and access it and also be able to airplay to my Apple TV, I could see a CB perhaps being a future option. I just switched to an android phone is also part of the reason I have become curious about Chromebooks.

As far as the question of why they aren't more popular in Thailand? Could it be that the internet is pretty limited and slow in much of the country? I couldn't imagine considering one outside of central Bangkok. Also would the average Thai know about cloud storage and be willing to pay for it?


I buy my Chromebook Samsung (2500 kr - 350 dollar) last year in Sweden. Easy to open and start. That I like and that was my first reason why I wantet to test CB. Now I learn how to print when I am in Sweden. I will buy printer when Iĺl back in Chiangmai.

Banking buisness - very easy and never had any virusproblem. My Dell computer always talk to me about virus shit. I hated that..

So compered to a computer this is big different. In Sweden everyone use Microsoft system so you forced to have a computer when you work or want to work at home.

But as I stop working I am not depending om the Office teknik.

Compered to the tablett (have a Nexus 7 for book and for reserv if something happen to my CB) the best is that you can easyli write. Fast.


I tell you. This machine Chromebook makes life easy.

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Last year, my son brought one here from the USA and I sold it quickly for him...For the right type of user, they are very good.



Meanwhile, Chromebook users can now make voice calls by using Skype on the Web.

Microsoft also rolled out a new alpha Skype experience for Chromebook users and users of the Google Chrome browser on Linux. The Web-based software is similar to the Skype for Linux Alpha and is Available at on web.skype.com. Missing features, like video calling and the capability to dial landlines and mobile phones, are in the works for future updates, said Henrichs.

Using a VPN, you can also check out the Chromebook reference site on the U.S. Play Store.

I'm not certain a Chromebook is an ideal replacement for a tablet, unless you get a Pixel (nice, but expensive), re: media consumption, but it certainly can replace a notebook for some business folks (presentations, corp. apps, communications).

News re: Android apps on Chromebooks, announced in May, just rolling out, not 100%.



I was considering this unit: Asus C300

but decided to wait until Christmas sale-time.

You can read some reviews of this model to get a feel for pros/cons.


In my opinion they are not that popular here in Thailand because of the fact that WiFi is not as readily available as in other places in the world

Had a friend bring one to Thailand and had to change hotels since the thing was useless without a decent wifi connection

  • 1 year later...

I have been looking at the specs for some of the latest models and have my eye on the Asus Flip C302 and Samsung Chromebook Pro and Plus, but will probably have to source them from Hong Kong. One Samsung Plus listed on Lazada but out of the box without warranty. Other brands, models available on Lazada eg Acer Chromebook 15 with Celeron chip.

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